Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 662: Can't see anything

Shao Xuan walked at the bottom of the pool, the speed is not fast, the same speed as before the crystal witch at the bottom of the pool, the trajectory is the same. He did intend to, if he could not find the true eye, he would catch a gigantic eye, and he would not come to the bottom of the pool.

But when he walked around the bottom of the pool, suddenly there was a feeling of being stared at, it seemed to be in the dark, and someone was always watching his whereabouts. This attention is not embarrassing, nor is it a sorcerer. The two people’s sights, Shao Xuan, are drawn. Even, he can perceive that he and the sorcerer are watching him, but this third sight is not cast from above. But at the bottom of the pool!

Shao Xuan looked through his eyelids and looked at his body.

There are more and more light spots, and there are no fewer than twenty eyes in this area near him!

However, most of these brightnesses do not meet Shao Xuan's requirements. Those who are at the top of the earth are only the top quality stone of the quality, and there is no such thing as Wanxiang.

Shao Xuan could not see the whole situation of the entire central quagmire. The central quagmire said that it was not big, and that the small is not too small. It is not big, it is compared with some large natural lakes, it is not small, it is compared with the artificial excavation, which is nearly twice as large as the artificial lake at the foot of the Yanjiao headquarters!

This is also the reason why the Jing tribe is large but the land is small, and the proportion of the quagmire is too heavy.

The farther away from Shao Xuan's position, the more blurred the spot. In short, even if there is a brighter spot, if it is too far away from Shao Xuan, Shao Xuan can't tell which kind of eye it is. Just like watching stars at night, dark stars don't mean it. It doesn't light itself, the reason for the distance.

The speed of the eyes swimming in the quagmire is not slow, the higher the level of the eye, the faster the speed can be achieved.

The earth's eye is a special kind of animal. They can also sense the existence of human beings. Even when Shao Xuan walks, many people have noticed Shao Xuan, some will rush to avoid, and some will turn a blind eye, but those sights will give Shao Xuan’s feeling is not strong. Far less than the secret one.

No murderous, no sloppy, not even with any emotions. In the mud of the Crystal tribe, in addition to the ground. There are no other dangerous dangerous beasts.

Shao Xuan is now guessing, if the sight in the quagmire comes from a ground eye, what level has it reached?

He has already felt the eye of the earth, and he has a stronger line of sight than the eye-catching eyes...

Is it the real eye?

If it is the real eye, why is the outside witch not showing?

The location of the Mo Amorphic Witch is not clear?

Thinking about this. Shao Xuan will go in the direction of the sight.

The source of the line of sight changed with the movement of Shao Xuan. Every time Shao Xuan was approaching, it ran away quickly, and the distance from Shao Xuan remained within a certain range. This range, Shao Xuanxiang It is not easy to see its true face. After several tracking, Shao Xuan only locked a point, but because of the distance, Shao Xuan did not know how bright it was. Can only judge the other eyes on the other side, that is at least the brightness of the universal level. Just because there are more and more light spots in the quagmire, that point is easy to be ignored.

Shao Xuan continues to chase the light spot. If it is chased, it will rely on perception to judge the source of the sight.

Walking along the quagmire, Shao Xuan stepped on the steps at the bottom of the pool and breathed his head.

After the sullen feeling of the chest disappeared, Shao Xuan waited for the person who had been walking along the quagmire to wait for humanity: "I may run a little longer later, you loosen the rope."

Although I don't understand Shao Xuan's words, the so-called running is bigger, how big is this "big". But they still loosened the rope.

Generally, the tribes of the crystal tribes are under the mud, and one end of the rope is tied to the person in the lower mire, and the other end is tied to a wooden stake. The wooden pile is deep and the side of the mud pool, and the exposed part of the ground is nearly six meters. The other end of the rope is about one-third of the top of the stake, and there is a basket on the stake, and a large roll of straw is placed in the basket.

There are ten such piles, which are distributed in the ten positions of the quagmire. If someone goes on in the past, they will only be active in that position. Exceeding the scope, it is easy for a person to pull the rope at the end of the pond. After all, the entire crystal tribe, except for the person with the third eye, must rely on the rope to pull. If the rope is knotted, they also There will be no small trouble.

But now, only Shao Xuan is a man in the lower quagmire. The reason why he can walk around Tan Tan is because the ropes on his body are not fixed, but they are held by Wei, and Shao Xuan walks at the bottom of Tan. At the time, they followed.

Now, Shao Xuan let Wei they no longer hold the rope, he himself untied the rope tied to his body, and if he runs around the quagmire, maybe the rope will tie himself. At the center of the central quagmire, it is a solid ground. Like a small island in the lake, the position in the quagmire is piled up by stones. There is a fire pit in the tribe of the crystal tribe. The refuge of the crystal tribes who are in danger of being force majestic will also go there. . Therefore, if the rope is tied, Shao Xuan will be obstructed if he wants to track the target.

Now that it has been determined that Shao Xuan will not have problems walking around the bottom of the pool, the people in Yanjiao will not worry if they let go of the rope. They are even guessing that Shao Xuan can catch a universal eye.

Sitting in the original place to watch the lively Crystal Witch, this time finally stood up. Just because he was only sitting in the original place, he did not see all the movements of Shao Xuan, but he felt that Shao Xuan was definitely discovering something, or saying that Shao Xuan has already determined the goal.

Is that the universal eye? No, no, Shao Xuan has just chased the position of the walk. On several occasions, it is far from the fast-moving, universal-looking eyes. The orientation is not right. It cannot be the universal eye.

So, Shao Xuan is discovering another universal eye?

Not right, according to what he just saw, Shao Xuan also missed the other giants.

What is Shao Xuan chasing?

Just because I don't understand, the crystal witch can't sit still, he plans to follow it.

Seeing the sorcerer stand up, I heard that the Yanjiao people in the next mud pool are going to start to catch their eyes. The people of the Crystal tribe came to the mood all of a sudden, and they all followed the sorcerer’s body. They planned to take a look at the Yanjiao people. Can you catch it successfully?

After Shao Xuan took a few breaths, he sank to the bottom of the pool.

This time, without the pulling of the rope, he didn't have to worry about going to the center of the pool, so the speed was faster.

The night is getting deeper, outside the quagmire, because the moon is like a day, everything on the ground is clearly seen.

The earth's eye in the quagmire is more and more, the moon is high, and they are also excited. The people standing on the edge of the quagmire often see some of the earth's eyes rushing out of the water. Because of the high-speed rotating body, the mud is drowned. Along the shore, many people have splashed some mud stars.

"If you have a long-handled net, you can do it." Dori said.

"There is something in the net, but there is no permission from the sorcerer. No one in the tribe of the crystal tribe dares to do it." The crystal tribe behind the Tuo dynasty gave a sigh.

Many people look at the past, and sure enough, many crystal tribes are eager to try, but unfortunately they did not dare to move before they were allowed.

"Even if you have a long-handled net, you can't get it. They are too fast." Those who rushed out of the quagmire, the height of the jump was not high, the speed was fast, almost all of them flashed away, leaving only the muddy water that was thrown out.

What they are still preparing to say, and Wei suddenly said: "Don't say it, follow it!"

Over there, the crystal witch has already started running. Obviously, the people at the bottom of the pool have already moved. They couldn't detect the situation under the quagmire. Even after Shao Xuan went down, they couldn't even perceive Shao Xuan's breath. On the shore, they could only judge Shao Xuan's position according to the movement of the witch.

Therefore, a group of people who could not see the bottom of the pool could only follow the witch around the quagmire. Soon, there were obvious fluctuations in the quagmire, because the people at the bottom of the pool were driving the mud in the fast movement.

Running in a quagmire is far less convenient than being on the ground, and sometimes there is a sense of powerlessness that is far from the tracking effect on the ground. However, after chasing around the quagmire, Shao Xuan also touched the door and began to accelerate from the second lap.

Outside the quagmire, the people of Yanjiao, and the people of the Crystal tribe, ran a circle with the crystal witch, then the second circle, the third circle...

The eyes of the crystal witch's eyebrows are wide open, like what is hard to do, the blue veins on the forehead are rooted and raised because they are too hard, and the expression on the face is more and more complicated and more and more entangled.

After running the fourth lap around the mud, some people couldn’t help it, especially the people in Yanjiao, looking at the eyes of Crystal Witch.

Three eyes, you can explain it!

You can't use your third eye to see the sight under the mire? Can't say more? Why do you wrinkle your face and play deep!

If the crystal witch knows what everyone thinks at this time, he will shout loudly, because he can't understand what Shao Xuan is chasing!

He can only see that Shao Xuan is constantly chasing something, but he is not sure what the thing is. The direction that Shao Xuan pursues, there are indeed a lot of eyes on the other side, but most of them are just the eyes of the earth-eye stone. After several times, the crystal witch thought that Shao Xuan would be close to him. Shao Xuan ran in the other direction, completely ignoring the universal eyes that made the sound.

What is it? What are you chasing?

Is there anything else that my third eye can't see? Crystal witches are puzzled.

It shouldn't be!

When the sorcerer was entangled, in the room of Crystal Witch, the third eye looked at the movement under the quagmire. He could not go out and run. What he saw was not complete.

At the beginning, like the same witch, I didn’t understand what Shao Xuan was chasing. Until the second lap, after the third lap, the strangeness on his face became more and more intense. He saw the goal that Shao Xuan had to pursue. Only, he is not sure what it is. (~^~) Mobile users please visit

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