Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 664: Sincerity

Suddenly, a loud noise not only scared the people who stared at the quagmire, but the two brothers who were crawling on the ground and the ground were listening to the ground. They were scared and jumped up. The chunky body rolled back several times. They stopped, and after stopping, their first reaction was to dig holes and bury themselves underground.



They just want to see a lot of fun, how come you encounter such a terrible thing!

The two brothers of the sub-tribe were completely scared by the vibrations and sounds of the earth and the air. Although they did not know what happened, the movement was to make them afraid, or to dig a hole to bury themselves and hide in The underground is safer than the ground.

At the edge of the quagmire, the black mud waves rising high were pressed against the already stagnant people on the shore, pouring them a spirit, and the mud water rushed into their mouths.

The people of the Crystal tribe looked at a big hole in the mud pool, like the whole mire was suddenly dug by a big spoon.


Too violent!

Although the mud around the pit continued to expand after the hole was stopped, it quickly filled the pit, but the onlookers of the crystal tribe had a deep psychological shadow. Since then, the impression of the Jing tribes on the Yanjiao people is likely to stay in the picture of a Yanjiao who will shoot their central mud pool out of a big pit.

The earthy eyes that were active in the quagmire were thrown high into the air, and then they fell into the quagmire.

One of these eyes suddenly fell out of the pool before falling into the quagmire, grabbing the falling ground.

At the moment of grasping, the ground eye is still spinning, and the straw rope **** on the hand is squeezed out of the muddy water in the spin, even being polished out of Mars, as if it were burning, just the next moment. The hand that grabbed the hand and entered the quagmire, and the sparked Mars went out in the mud.

The sound of the muddy water that was blown up gradually subsided, and the eyes that should have been active tonight. Suddenly calmed down, I don’t know if I was scared, or I was fainted by the one I just said.

Under the silver plate hanging high in the sky, the light of the moon shines everything on the ground very clearly. After all the stops, the mud in the mud pool no longer violently surged.

"what happened?"

The stunned people looked at the sorcerer, seeing the sorcerer in a position, where Shao Xuanyi began to go down to the quagmire, where there is a gentle **** extending downward from the shore. Before Shao Xuan went from there.


There was a sound of water in the quagmire, and the surface of the pool that had just precipitated a little muddy water rippled, apparently someone was approaching below.

A man with mud is exposed from the water.

"The Yanjiao people are out!"

"What did he just do?"

"Look at his hand!"

As Shao Xuan gradually emerged from the gentle slope, most of his body was also exposed from the mire. One of the hanging hands caught a fusiform on one of his hands.

"It's the eye!"

"What kind of eye is that?"

"It's still big, but I don't see what it is."

The experienced crystal tribes did not have a definitive conclusion at this time. They just stared at the eyes of Shao Xuan, and then looked at the witch and waited for the evaluation of the witch.

Crystal Witch now has a whole face that is stiff.

Just now Shao Xuan will make a big pit in the quagmire. The heart of his violent beating has not slowed down until now. Just took it. He almost thought that Shao Xuan would annihilate their fire. The sentence "Stop" did not have time to shout, and the quagmire restored calm.

Seeing that Shao Xuan did not follow up, it was like trying to end the trip to the quagmire. Jingwu just breathed a sigh of relief, but this tone was blocked in the eyes of Shaoxuan when he came out.

The three eyes of Jingwu are staring at the eye that Shao Xuan is holding. To tell the truth, this kind of eye-catching look is actually nothing special. He has been a special eye for the witch’s appearance in these years. But the reason why he only made him react so much was because his third eye didn't even see it until he exposed the pot!

Crystal Witch saw Shao Xuan walking. But I couldn't see Shao Xuan holding something in his hand until the eye was exposed as Shao Xuan went up.

Shocked, unbelievable, Crystal Witch even suspected that it was a problem with his third eye.

How can you not see it?

When I think of what Shao Xuan said before, I must say that the eye that is faster than Wan Xiang’s is the only one.

Is it true that you are really blind? It must have been infected by sub-tribes.

Crystal witch fell into self-doubt. Because he has not seen the difference in the ground.

However, the cockroaches that were originally in the house were helped to come out at this time. He also wanted to see if Shao Xuan’s grasp was just the real eye.

"Great elders, what is the eye you caught?" Quenta they surrounded.

"I think at least it must be Wanxiang!" Tuo said.

"Xuange quickly cut open!" Ah Guang and Dori rushed next to him.

Shao Xuan did not have that experience and walked to the front of the crystal witch. "Trouble to cut it out and see if it is."

"Ah? Oh!"

Crystal Witch returned to God from self-doubt, letting people take tools in the house, and let people make a basin of water.

Carefully took over the eye that Shao Xuan handed, and the moment the hand was turned, the eye suddenly suddenly turned again. Fortunately, there was experience in the witch, and the hand tied with the straw rope firmly grasped it, did not let it It has a chance to drive.

This kind of spinning power is stronger than Wanxiang.

Witch feels the power of his hand, and his heart has begun to shift toward Shao Xuan’s guess.

The knives that cut the ground are polished by the corners of the animals. The sharpness is definitely not comparable to that of Shao Xuan’s weapons. However, the Jing tribes used their own tools for a long time, and they used them well, not to mention the special section. The knife of the eye itself is also curved, and it can slash down the thread on the outer shell of the eye, so the sorcerer does not have the dagger that Shao Xuan handed over.

The ground eye is washed in the clear water, and after washing, there is no mud-wrapped ground eye, and the spinning motion is slow.

Crystal Witch grabbed the ground with one hand and a knife in one hand, compared to the ground, and then cut the knife in the middle of the eye.

The strength of the knives under the knife is great, the movement is fast, and the knife goes down. The thread near the middle of the thread is broken by a slit, and the second knife is cut again, and the white tender meat is seen.

Compared to the muddy gray shell, the meat inside the ground is incredibly white. Under the shine of the moonlight, with a crystal luster.

After the second knife, the crystal witch took a deep breath and the people around him became nervous. This third knife will see the real chapter. It is the earth's eye stone or the universal direction, or the true eye of Shao Xuan's heart and mind. There will be an answer.

Shao Xuan’s eyes stared at the knife in the hands of Crystal Witch, and went down with the third knife. The white tender meat is cut open to reveal the center of the center of the eye.


Crystal witch handed a meal.

Shao Xuan looked at the past. In the cut meat, he did not see the round beads. No matter what kind of earth stone, it is definitely not the color of the ground meat.

However, I did not see the eye stone, but I saw a small ball wrapped in white earth's eye.

The goblin meat wrapped there was hardened, so it was not cut open when the third knife of the sorcerer went down.

"what is this?"

Crystal Witch has never seen such a situation, he frowned. Looking at Shao Xuan, "Continue?"

"Continue, take a break and see what is inside?" Shao Xuandao. At the end of Tan, the bright light is the wrapped ball.

Crystal Witch was more careful this time, breaking the hard meat wrapped around the ball little by little until it showed a hint of black.

"The real eye!" Crystal witch almost yelled out. He can only see it at this time! It seems that the layer of meat wrapped around the stone of the earth's eye blocked the sight of his third eye, so that he could not find the true face of this eye.

When the words of the crystal witch came out, the onlookers blasted and blasted.

"It's the real eye!"

"Witch is the real eye!"

"I actually caught it!

The person who is grabbing the eye on the outer ring of the mud pool hears the shouts and throws the work in his hand to run over here. It’s hard to hear someone catching the eye in the end of the year, and sometimes even in a few years, of course, take a good look.

Seeing more and more people around, the crystal witch waved impatiently. I thought of something and said ten names. "You are here this year. You can enter the central quagmire tonight."

The ten people who were named to the name were ecstatic, and they were not in a hurry to watch the real eye. They rushed back to prepare the equipment for the central quagmire. Maybe you can catch good things?

Crystal Witch let Shao Xuan go to the house to talk, this is too noisy.

In the past, Crystal Witch was still thinking about how this would happen. However, with the previous examples, the Crystal Wand was quickly calmed down. It shouldn't be a problem with his eyes, but there are too many kinds of real eyes, maybe he can only see a part.

After entering the house, the crystal witch continued to cut the eye that had not been cut, and the real eye that was cut out was a pure black ball, and there was no such thing as a pupil-like light of the earth-eye stone. Indication, it looks like a black stone.

"This is the real eye?" Shao Xuan asked. It looks too ordinary and too small. The Wanxiang and the stone of the earth have at least a quail egg size, and this one is less than one-third of the two.

"Yes, how, I don't think it is like? When you really blend, you know." Crystal witch will check the real eye after cutting it, put it into the meat of the goblin again, and then close the shell of the eye. The rope is tied so that the meat inside is not revealed from the slit. After the tie, the wizard put it in a large bamboo tube with mud.

"Put it here for a long time, but I still advise you to use it as much as possible. Too long time will have an impact on the fusion." Crystal Witch said.

Shao Xuan thinks that there is still a chance after the downstream travel, but after Caesar’s eyes are missed this time, I don’t know when I have the opportunity to try again next time. After all, the wizard also said that it is rare to find a true eye. If the eyes are not active on weekdays, even a universal scorpion is hard to find.

The ground eye that has been cut open is preserved by the method given by the crystal tribe, but now the temperature is too high, I don't know how long it will last, or it is better to go back as soon as possible.

Shao Xuan also asked the Crystal Witch some things to pay attention to, such as how to put this real eye on the person or the animal who lost the eye, without the need for drugs.

"Others don't need it. You can give it to the meat of the eye. It may help the fusion. Speaking of it, I just opened a small mouth in my eyebrows, and I put it in the real eye. "Speaking of this crystal witch is quite contentious, he is one of the few people who have successfully merged. It is a gift of talent."

"However, some people reacted violently. When you look at it, if it is that person... The wolf reacts too much, even if the blood is severe, stop the fusion. If you put it in, you will have to come out." Seriously looking at Shao Xuan, once again, "some things, can't be forced."

"I understand." Shao Xuan said seriously. (To be continued.)

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