Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 666: Right eye rebirth

Caesar was originally an ordinary wolf. It was brought back to Shao Xuan as a ration by Lang Lang. It was only after Shao Xuan did not eat it and raised it.

To put it bluntly, Caesar did not have such a strong blood, and it was completely transformed into a fierce beast by Shao Xuan.

Now, Caesar has no eyes. Shao Xuan tries to install one for him. Success or not, it is still not fixed. I can only try it.

Shao Xuan brought Caesar to a relatively remote mountain on the edge of the tribal site. The soil there is not suitable for planting. The stone is not good. It is not suitable for weapons, and there are no tourists. Only some patrolling soldiers go there to rest. .

When Shao Xuan used to, there was a group of patrolling people resting there. When he saw Shao Xuan, those people quickly greeted him and listened to Shao Xuan saying that there was something going on here. They did not say anything, they quickly went down the mountain, but they did not go far. But guarding in the distance, in case someone else is bothered.

Caesar also had doubts in his eyes. Although it can understand a lot of words, before Shao Xuan did not say much, it was still confused. Today the hunting team went out and it didn't follow.

Take out the animal skin roll that recorded the precautions. Shao Xuan once again read it from beginning to end. Although this animal skin roll has been seen several times while returning to the air, he will still be above before starting. The words were swept over and the brain simulated the next steps.

"Well, come over and squat." Shao Xuan greeted Caesar.

Because Caesar's current size is already very large, when he is on the ground, his back is almost the same as that of a person. Not to mention standing up, now Shao Xuan wants to put an eye on it, and of course he has to kneel down.

Do not understand what Shao Xuan is going to do, Caesar is still obediently kneeling down, his head resting on the ground between the two front paws.

Shao Xuan took Caesar's right eye mask away, without eyes. There was a slight depression in the eyelids, and the upper and lower eyelids were always closed. The wounds of the year were already good. What you can see now is a new injury, caused by hunting. However, the right eye has protection from the eye mask and has not been scratched.

"Caesar, this is the real eye from the crystal tribe, the crystal tribe can use this to grow one more eye." Shao Xuan pointed to the bamboo tube on the finger.

As soon as I heard the eyes, Caesar’s ears moved and looked forward to the bamboo tube.

"But, I don't know if I can succeed. People from different tribes can't use it. You are a beast. Not a person, not in this range. However, you have been engraved and have a flaming temperament. This is more risky, but 咱Still try it, if it doesn't work, then."

At that time, Caesar was hand-printed by Shao Xuan, printed with the power of the Yan Totem, Caesar in the tribe for so many years. Every time the sacrifices are also involved, the power of the fire is naturally there. This is what Shao Xuan is worried about now. The more firepower you have, the more certain the rejection will be, and the lower the success rate.

Always have a try.

With a sigh, Shao Xuan opened the bamboo tube and took out the earth eye sealed with mud.

As the crystal witch said, with the mud sealed, the meat of the ground is not easy to deteriorate, Shao Xuan washes away the mud, untie the rope tied to it. When the outer shell of the eye is opened, the flesh of the ground inside is still as seen by Shao Xuan at that time. Nothing changed.

Take out the ground meat and pry it open. Take out the real eyes inside.

After the meat was washed, Shao Xuan first cut it and handed it to Caesar. "First eat this."

Caesar curiously smelled it and then ate it.

Shao Xuan observed for a while, did not see any difference in Caesar, only to give it to the rest.

After Caesar had eaten the whole flesh of the eye, Shao Xuan opened the eyelids of Caesar's right eye with no eyes. There is no eyeballs, only some red meat in the eyes.

Because it is not the third eye in the eyebrows of the witch, Caesar does not have to break open here. Shao Xuan fixed the eyelids opened by Caesar's right eye with one hand, and the black eye was held by the other hand. Carefully put it there and push it slightly.

Shao Xuan did not dare to push Taili. If the rejection of the true eye is too serious, as the Crystal Witch said, the true eye can only be re-extracted.

In Shao Xuan, the real eye was placed in Caesar's right eye. After about two breaths, the black real eye began to change around.

Caesar's right eye, the surrounding meat is moving toward the black real eye, the thin blood vessels will be wrapped in most of the real eye, except for the part that is facing outward, the other parts of the real eye are all blood vessels, and then, a layer of white The membrane appeared in the place where the blood vessels covered, and it began to bulge in less than a few weeks.


Caesar waved his head uncomfortably. Shao Xuan let go and asked, "How?"

The real eye has begun to change, should it be effective?

Caesar is just a little discomfort. From time to time, she wants to use her forelimbs to dial her eyes and is held down by Shao Xuan.

Shao Xuan found that Caesar closed the right eye there and began to bulge.

Caesar wanted to use his head to smash the ground and was stopped by Shao Xuan.

If it’s just these, then it’s okay, Shao Xuan listened to the sorcerer’s violent reaction to the failure of fusion. Caesar is not like the rejection of the strong eye.

This is a good thing.

Caesar probably also knows that there may be changes in his right eye. Although he is not comfortable, he tries to endure it. He just struggles when he can't help but is held down by Shao Xuan.

Some mud-like liquids flowed out of Caesar's right eye. Shao Xuan frowned, but looking at Caesar, there was no violent reaction, and it did not move for a while. If Caesar suddenly struggles fiercely, he must consider forcing the real eye inside.

This scene of muddy water is said by the crystal witch. Some crystal tribes will have such a situation when they merge, so it is not abnormal.

Liquids such as muddy water drip onto the ground and gradually infiltrated into the ground. The grass that originally grew there became wilting at a speed visible to the naked eye. The erect grass stems bent and the whole grass fell down.

Shao Xuan saw this scene, the brow wrinkled deeper, this is obviously not ordinary tears, the crystal witch did not say this, there are not a few grasses in the crystal tribe, the crystal witch did not mention this can understand.

The muddy liquid flows from Caesar's right eye, but the color is gradually lighter until it is as transparent as the ordinary tears, and the transparent liquid that drops to the ground behind it no longer has the grass on the ground. That effect. Shao Xuan heart also breathed a sigh of relief.

Seems to be developing in a good trend?

Even so. Shao Xuan did not dare to care about it. After all, as the witch said, I have never heard anyone give a fierce beast. Still a beast that has been engraved before, before it ends. I can't care.

Caesar's right eye, as the tear-like liquid gradually stopped, no longer shed, the original raised eyelids, and gradually retracted downward, not so obvious.

Look at Caesar's intact left eye, then look at the right eye, both sides seem to be almost the same. Not concave, not raised.

Shao Xuan wants to open Caesar's right eye and see how the true eye inside is changing, but the fusion is not over yet. Shao Xuan does not dare to move. If it interferes with the integration, it will be a waste, and it is wasted until now. Good trend.

After another half an hour, Caesar suddenly shocked and struggled fiercely.

“Beginning to exclude?” Shao Xuan stared at Caesar’s reaction if the exclusion increased. He will shoot out the real eye. Although it will hurt Kaiser, but under the strong rejection of the real eye, the more dragging. The greater the damage that Caesar receives, and even the life crisis. This is what Crystal Witch once reminded Shao Xuan.

Just as Shao Xuan was planning to shoot, Caesar’s struggling action stopped, and in the right eye there, the closed eyelids moved and seemed to be trying to wink.

After losing his right eye, Caesar couldn't even move his eyelids, let alone blink, and now he can try to wink. It has been a big step forward.

After opening a small slit several times, the eyelids finally opened slowly.

Shao Xuan saw. Caesar opened his right eye with white eyes. And the blackness in the middle of the eye, the size of the black, just like the real eye. But the black spots in the middle are too small compared to the whole eye.

However, soon, Shao Xuan saw the black spot, and the surrounding area radiated a number of closely arranged silk fibers, and the taupe extended outward from the black spots.

The black dots in the center, like the stretching of these closely arranged wires, the frequency of synchronization with the heart, expands a bit.

Shao Xuan once thought, so a small real eye, much smaller than Caesar's eyes, how to change?

Crystal Witch told him at the time that the real eye would change according to the fusion. Now it seems that this is indeed the case.

Caesar's right eye is gradually becoming complete, becoming similar to the left eye, and the middle black coix is ​​also in the expansion of the next, synchronized with the left eye.


Looking at Caesar's right eye, which is almost like the left eye, Shao Xuan has been holding down his heart and throwing a punch. This is smoother than he thought. Although there was a suspected repelling phenomenon in the fusion, it was not strong and it succeeded in the end.

Caesar seems to have not got used to the right eye suddenly suddenly. After all, the one-eyed eyes have been so long, and now the horizon suddenly becomes bigger and a little embarrassing, but then I am happy, got up and squatted in the same place, then screamed excitedly. One sound.


Under the mountain, the patrolling group of the guards heard the cry and looked at the mountain with a puzzled look.

“Caesar’s voice sounds like it’s exciting,” said one of the team.

"Caesar is a good wolf, but unfortunately has one eye." Another person regrets the tone.

"What is there in one eye? Caesar can still hunt, it is quite powerful," said a young soldier.

"It was even worse when both eyes were intact. It was a pity."

Some people want to say something, see Shao Xuan come with Caesar, and immediately stop talking.

Caesar seems to be particularly excited today. When she walked away from the patrolling soldiers, she slammed into the past, but it didn't work hard. For the Warrior Warrior, it was the intensity of play.

Several patrol fighters clashed with Caesar for a while, only to watch Caesar and Shao Xuan leave.

"What's the matter?" asked the man who had just played a game with Caesar.

He saw the guy standing next to him, staring at the distant wolf.

"Don't you pay attention?" The team leader stared straight at the wolf.

"What are you paying attention to?"

"Caesar's eyes!"

"Pay attention to what to do, always staring at someone else's eyes that are lost, even if it is a wolf, it will be unhappy, look at Caesar's two eyes..."

The person who talked suddenly stopped.

Everyone else in the team is like being caught in the neck, and half a word can't be found.

Lying in the trough! (To be continued.) Mobile users please visit

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