Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 687: Ready to harvest

Close to the busiest time of the harvest, Shao Xuan did not go to the Yanhe trading area, but stayed at the Yanjiao headquarters, eating and sleeping every day in the farmland.

For those sneakers in the sky, Shao Xuan knows that Yanjiao has never relaxed the surveillance in the air, but for Yanjiao, the airpower is still too weak, and now Yanjiao can only serve as a surveillance air mission. Birds, one is the ferrets, and the other is the cockroaches. Because the head bats stay nearby, they are not in the headquarters, but go to the trading area. On the side of the headquarters, the ferrets are mainly left in the core. The strip, which is the mountain where everyone lives.

Yan Yan headquarters, in addition to those two, there are also a group of green ducks can fly, let alone whether they will obey to fight, their fighting power ... they have been fattened by the insects in the arable land, There is no weakness at the time of the migration, and the action is not very flexible.

There are not so many mountain giant eagle back to the tribe, and there are not as many domesticated birds as the feather tribe. Of course, it is impossible to let the birds attack in the past when they see suspicious people.

Shao Xuan let the people on the tower use telescopes to monitor those people. Once those people have changed, they will fly directly to the Yanjiao side.

If the purpose is bright and upright, you can come to the Yanjiao headquarters to go directly to the Yanhe Bridge, so you can fly in sneakly. At first glance, it is not a good person, and "stealing" a virtue.

Inside the Yanjiao tribe, there is a feeling of tension everywhere, and there is no expectation of a bumper harvest.

"How?" Shao Xuan looked at the cockroach that came over with sweat and asked.

"The arrangements are almost the same. The tourists have already told them to stay at home for two days and don't come out. They will not come here to take care of the habitats of the fields. The arable land is completely martial." The kettle that hangs on the waist. I took it out and slammed a few mouthfuls of water. I was busy for a morning, and my throat was smoking.

As the maturity of the 1000-grain gold is approaching, the Yanjiao tribe, who had originally placed the main target on this cultivated land, suddenly discovered. The crops in the other few plots around the world have also matured in these two days.

Those crops that were brought back from the sea were also planted for the first time. They didn't know if they were not harvested in time. Will there be other changes, because some crops have an optimal harvest time, and after that time, the quality of the fruit will be seriously degraded.

The manpower of Yanjiao is still not enough, and people in the trading area need it. There is also a need for people here, especially when the harvest peak is coming, it is even more busy.

This year, the situation is special. They dare not let the young soldiers who are not strong enough come here to cultivate the land, but arrange them on the edge of the cultivated land.

They found hundreds of people from the tribe to come and help with the harvest. Although the tribe's people are very fierce, but the character is still trustworthy, they will not take the opportunity to steal when they are busy.

Many people in the tribe have nothing to do during the day. Since Yanjiao needs manpower and there are rewards, they are certainly happy. However, Shao Xuan also told them in advance. There are certain risks when harvesting, you may encounter some difficulties and crises, you need to be prepared, and don't panic when you are.

People in the tribes of the crisis are not afraid. They used to encounter crises every year when they harvested the moonstone. Therefore, those who are led by the tribe leaders of the tribe don’t care. They feel that they can calmly deal with anything. .

Of course, the main goal of Yanjiao is still the farmland of thousands of gold. That is what they value most.

"Is it coming?" He asked Shao Xuan with a low voice. The things of the head-necked bats were not made public, and the privately-informed people who guarded the thousands of arable land were able to be trusted to pay attention to thousands of people. No more words.

Shao Xuan understands who the "it" refers to, "come, already in the range of the Yanjiao, just in the mountains over there." Said Shao Xuan raised his fingers.

Look at the past, there are stone mountains used by the soldiers in the past, there are no plants. Looking at the bare, but there are some caves that are naturally eroded, and the head bat should be in the cave on the hill. Now the soldiers have many tasks every day. There is no time to go to the mountains to practice stone. The smell of people has long been almost the same. Sometimes you can see some birds running to build nests. Now, the head bat is also on the hill over there.

As the 1000-grain gold matures, the head-necked bat does not run far, and stays in the mountain, and every night it will turn to the ground on time.

"No wonder I listened to the patrolling people saying that there were fewer stone squirrels over there, it was because of it." sighed.

Not only those stone squirrels, but also the number of beasts in the area of ​​Yanjiao’s headquarters. Although there are certainly not many beasts in people’s lives, there are a lot of flaming corners here, including several mountains, and there are no hills where tourists live. Less stone squirrels or other small beasts exist, stealing things from time to time, fighting with the tourists. But those who have appeared recently have been reduced.

Even if it is not a natural enemy, the pressure of high-level beasts will still affect them. Even the beasts carved in the tribe are only on the mountain where they live, not close to the arable land.

The tourists were told to stay at home for two days, guessing whether Yanjiao was against them, preventing them from stealing the millet, and some people grumbled dissatisfied, but soon they found that they were not just the tourists who lived in Yanjiao. The people of the Yanyanjiao tribe who took care of the cultivated land every day were also taken away. Apart from those savage Yanyan warriors, it is hard to see other people.

"I just saw the patrol team of Yanjiao passing by. Those people looked serious like they were preparing to go to the battlefield." A person who just went out to go back to the cave and talked with several others. "What is definitely happening?" It is."

"Not for the millet in the ground?" An old man is puzzled.

"Definitely not, which tribe receives the face like this? One is like a stone," the young man said.

Think about it, those people in Yanjiao are really too serious recently, and even laughter is less.

"Is it the king beast?!" The woman sitting inside the beast skin scared her hand.

"No... no... right?" Everyone in this heart has no bottom.

After all, it is similar to the side of the beastly mountain forest, even more dangerous than the beastly mountain, at least in the beastly mountain, they have not encountered the king beast. And the king beast, such a thing, have come one, can't come one more?

"Should not, if it is, the people in Yanjiao will definitely let the children in the tribe hide first. But as far as I know, the people in Yanjiao are not like this, just the martial law." I thought it looked quite A steady middle-aged man tapped his finger. Said.

Just talking, suddenly heard the sound of footsteps outside. The people inside the cave snorted.

"Two heads, what an urgent matter?" The middle-aged man who seemed to be steady in the text quickly got up and greeted him.

The coming person is and the second, and the relationship between Yanzi and other people in Yanjiao is good. After people were placed here, three people were assigned, and the second position was also ranked second. Now everyone calls him "two heads."

And the second is no nonsense, there is no point on the face. Ruan said: "The news just got, the Yanjiao side let us listen to the movement, if you hear two whistling wooden whistle, then close the door."

The middle-aged man handed over a bowl of warm broth to the second, and the low-pressure voice asked: "Two heads, but what happened? We are not practical, you know that the king's things have just passed... ”

And the second is not sensible, took over the pottery bowl and finished drinking it, and went door-to-door. He is also tired. After the drink, the complexion was alleviated. I thought about it and said, "I don't know what happened, but it is definitely not a king beast. As for the notice just mentioned, it is said by Shao Xuan, the great elder of Yanjiao."

One listens to Shao Xuan’s meaning. The people in the cave have changed in color. Who is Shao Xuan? The only big elder in Yanjiao, the position is higher than the Yanjiao leader and witch, the founder of Yanhe Trading Area. The Lianyan River Bridge was created by his "drive" king beast. Can his words be fake?

The person who still complained, at this time, what is lost, and it is OK to do it. The words of the great elders are definitely right.

"Right, the window will be sealed at the time, leaving a little hole for ventilation. Don't open the door if you hear anything, unless you hear the whistle again."

"Oh, good!" The middle-aged man rushed to the channel.

And after leaving. I went on to the next notice. There were many holes in the mountain and there were many tourists living in it. He had to inform the notice.

The people in the cave, although still do not understand what happened, but still prepared according to the notice received.

The hills where the Yanjiao people lived were also prepared everywhere. Lao Ke also arranged a lot of traps in front of the house. "I heard that when there are many birds, let them come back!"

Caesar was there to help, but from time to time I still looked at the range of the head bat, with a look of vigilance.

Soon, it was two days passed.

Early in the morning, Shao Xuan informed them, "Prepare, thousands of gold will mature today. Probably at noon."

The atmosphere inside the Yanjiao tribe was even more dignified.

Shao Xuan stood next to a thousand gold fields and looked at the thousand gold that had become golden. This time, thousands of gold plants were even taller than the sea, and there were many ears on each tree. The valley was heavy. The spikes swayed slightly in the wind, with golden light.

A wooden stick standing on the ground, the shadow is getting shorter and shorter.

In the distance, some birds have already flown from the mountains.

Near the maturity of thousands of gold, but fewer insects, because their natural enemies come a lot. Some birds are omnivores, eat cereals and eat worms. They come here, certainly not those flying insects.

If it’s just three or two birds, there’s no need to panic, but what if it’s a big group?

Shao Xuan whistled, and two whistling whispers spread.

The person who heard the signal reacted instantly.

The tourists who were told to stay in the house quietly heard the sound of the flapping wings outside. Someone looked out from the closed wooden door, and a big, small bird rested outside their door. There are more around listening to the sound.

Some people want to go out and take a chance to catch one, but after hearing the whistle, they quickly blocked the door, and the cut out window was closed. Looking out from the gap left, more and more birds were landing. There are birds fighting outside.

At high altitude, Wuhe and other seven people also looked down from the back of the long-winged bird.

"What happened?"

"How could this be?"

"Good... a lot!"

Just because they are flying high, they can see a wider field of vision.

In the field of vision, from the side of the mountain forest, groups of birds come to the Yanjiao side, specifically, the direction of the cultivated land towards Yanjiao, perhaps the target is the golden land where the Yanjiao is strictly guarded!

The long-winged birds they enslaved are purely eaten, not vegetarian, and never eat grain, so they are not very interested in the things in the Yanjiao, and may also notice that the crops in the Yanjiao are special. It’s not as crazy as the birds that fly to the front.

"The best, definitely what is the best!" one excitedly said, the eyes were hot.

"I heard that Yanjiao people once appeared in Jingu Tianzhuang outside Wangcheng, and Jingu Yiju gave them some gifts." Wuhe said.

Wuhe had deliberately inquired about it and learned something that surprised him. Otherwise, he would not set the first goal after the crossing of the sea.

When I heard this, the sight of the other people’s eyes was getting hotter.

"Is it in the ground below that was planted from the seeds that came from the valley?"

"Maybe, is the secret of the secrets of Jingu Tianzhuang?"

"Good! Don't let us come!"

The seven people of Changle couldn’t help but scream, and they couldn’t wait to wipe out the past.

What is Jingu Tianzhuang? It is the land of the famous residence. The grain produced is related to the entire royal city. The guards are carefully selected, not the ordinary guards in the city. Those who are outside the Wangcheng, the most difficult to enter is the Jingu Tianzhuang. If you sneak in or sneak into it, you will probably not come in and you will not even have a complete body. All of them will be made into fertilizer.

The flaming angle is different here, and it is definitely less guarded than the Jingu Tianzhuang.


"Ha ha ha did not expect this kind of harvest this time!"

"Is there any bird group?" Wuhe pointed to the birds that were approaching the Yanjiao tribe. They said to other people, "Let's take a look at the birds that make trouble for Yanjiao!"

"Do you want to say this?"

With those birds in the group, they can also reduce their sense of existence, and they can also find more in the gap.

However, unlike the excitement of the Changle people, the seven long-winged birds are all nervous, even when they look at the birds that fly to Yanjiao.

Thousands of gold arable land, Shao Xuan whole heart stared at the golden land in front of him, in the various areas of arable land, there are soldiers with sickles and other harvesting tools, waiting for Shao Xuan to start to start. (To be continued.) Mobile users please visit

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