Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 75: Arrival tribe

"Pterosaur?" Du Kang's face was awkward. Obviously, he was the first to hear about this name.

"What is the pterosaur, bird?" Dokang curiously looked at the skeleton that was not meticulously sculpted. The more the brow wrinkled, the more tight it was. "This is not like a normal bird. If it is bigger, It can be dangerous."

This is just a rough skeleton. As for the bones, what is the hardness, how the muscles are distributed, will affect their judgment on a beast, so Dokang can only give a vague guess.

"They are different from birds. The time of existence is likely to be earlier than that of the tribe." Shao Xuan did not know when the tribe was formed in this world. These are still only speculations.

Once Shao Xuan also thought about it, in the more distant past, before the formation of the tribe, when humans did not occupy the main body, is there any other creatures here?

Because there has never been any record, Shao Xuan will not go deeper. After all, the present and the future are the most important.

Now, what they found from the ice floes on the sea, all reminded Shao Xuan that a long time ago, there may be things that people did not know, and some unknown creatures existed. It may also be because the civilization at that time was limited, and human beings at that time could not record those.

The ice floes on the sea may not only be the ones they found, but also the situation this year. It may be there often. However, no one has ever picked them up, let the ice floes melt, and then enter the belly of the fish and beasts in the sea. .

And this batch was taken up by the fleet that passed by.

The insects and beasts in other ice cubes are also in the same period as the guy who is suspected of being a pterosaur.

Then, in the extremely cold place, especially, is there any more frozen animals that existed in ancient times?

If there is a chance, Shao Xuan also wants to see.

There may be dinosaurs!

Of course, now is not the time to think so much.

Now that he has guessed out from the skeleton that it is just the ice, Shao Xuan thinks about the plan behind him. After he returns, he will definitely try it on this body.

"What's the matter?" Shao Xuan asked Du Kang.

Dokang took his eyes off the skeleton that was spliced ​​with wood and returned to God. He said: "It is the people of the Taihe River. I showed them the topographic map of the tribe headquarters and the Yanhe trading area. They want to choose where they mean, similar to Yanjiao, finding a place on the mountainside as the main place of residence will also allow some people to enter the trading area. After all, they have a lot of things to trade all year round."

The people of Taihe are good at discovering and growing herbs. The two or three trips in the previous year were because they were too far away from the city. Only in the city, they could get more supplies, so the herbs would be processed every year. After hoarding, and then waiting for a specific time, all the accumulated ones will be sold together.

But now it is not necessary, Yanjiao has its own trading area, and the people of Taihe, when have the harvest, when can take the past transactions, very convenient.

"Well, is this?" Shao Xuan did not think that this unexpected thing would make Dokang look for it.

Originally, when I decided to convince the Taihe tribe to move over, when the tribe held a high-level meeting, it once speculated that the choice of the Taihe tribe was all expected.

"Hey! There is still something." Dokang smiled and looked forward to picking up his hand. "You said, will our Yanjiao trading area expand?"

"This is true." Shao Xuan nodded.

“After the people of the Taihe tribe joined, can we expand it?” Dokang looked forward.

"That depends on whether the trading area is really stable. The expansion is certain, but it is not in a hurry. At the place where the worms have passed, we have already inserted the stone tablets of Yanjiao, and we have circled the ground and the foundations. After you have done it, don't waste it."

Where the stone worms climbed, a large piece of the ground has turned into a stone, and the building on it is quite stable, and it is also possible to directly use those stone roads.

Of course, the plan is very good, but it must be stabilized step by step. After the expansion, it will be picked up by other people.

Shao Xuan’s concern, Dokang, also understands that he is only going to determine how long it will take to implement the plan.

After the fleet arrived at the Changzhou tribe, they rested for a few days in the Changzhou tribe. Because the boats of the Changzhou tribe are also needed, these ships will continue to sail along the river.

Because of the return of the wood, they also brought a lot of plants and beasts growing on the other continent. Even if the fruits of the plants don’t like them, even if the body and flesh of the beasts do not meet their preferences, it is because of the fleet. Those who brought back from another land across the sea were treated as rare treasures by the people of the Changzhou tribe.

The long boaters who returned from sailing, and the long boaters who stayed in the tribe, looked a lot different, more arrogant, more fierce, and more dangerous. When you are laughing, your eyes are filled with unabashed ambitions, that is, changes after sailing. In the near future, as more and more long-boaters leave the tribe to sail, this change will spread to the entire tribe, and the long boat is no longer the long-known boat.

Wood fell, they did not continue to follow the fleet, but another group of people changed. Before the fleet started again, the wood fell and the team’s long boat people, let them not forget more from the Yanjiao side. Bring some wood back.

"Don't worry about the leader, we will never forget this!" The team leader promised. They also want to sail and sail, the ship is sure to continue to build, and the wood for shipbuilding will certainly not be ignored.

Starting from the Changzhou tribe, the fleet continued to follow the river to the direction of the Yanhe River. During this time, several medium-sized tribes in the middle of the country merged with the fire, but there was also a failure. Failure means annihilation. ,

Why did it fail? Shao Xuan didn’t know, but the people who listened to the boat said that it was an accident when the fusion happened. The witch of the tribe was killed, and at a crucial moment, it was too late to choose a successor. Take over the fusion of fire.

"Our witch said that it might be done by people in the desert." The long boat tribe warrior led by the trip said.

The first reaction to hearing this will guess the people on the other side of the sea, but if you think about it carefully, the possibility of desert rock is not small. After all, they need slaves, and a tribe who loses fire will become a tourist. Traveling talent is the best slave.

What is the truth, Shao Xuan has no way of knowing that when he does not understand the specific situation, he feels that there are great possibilities for people coming from Yanling and the sea. The speculation of Chang Zhouwu naturally has his reasons, but what Changzhou Wu does not know is that even if it is a totem warrior, after death, it can also be made into a weirdo. Visitors are not absolutely necessary.

When I finally returned to Yanjiao, the weather was already warmer.

In order to express his welcome to old friends, Yanjiao had another banquet in the trading district, but this time there was no intention to invite those big tribes, mainly those from Yanjiao and Taihe.

The five and five people who were locked in Yanjiao were finally released. The Taihe tribe came over and they were able to regain their freedom according to the agreement.

Finally regained freedom, and the five people are crazy. Although they have tried to negotiate conditions with Yanjiao in exchange for a more comfortable environment, it is only compared to the beginning.

In the past winter, although they still feel very cold, but the skin of the horns is really good, the warmth is very good, but even so, can not alleviate their lonely and boring heart.

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