Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 712: Rest assured, we don’t mess

"Is that a domesticated bird from the Yanjiao tribe?" Someone wondered.

"It should be, I have never seen a bird like that, maybe, is that the flaming horn caught from the forest?" Another young girl with bright feathers on her head guessed.

"No, it's not a domesticated bird." Hongxi looked at the strange bird resting on the branch, affirmatively.

"Not bad," said a younger man on the side of Hongxi, who was slightly older. "The wildness of the bird is too strong, completely different from the domesticated bird."

"That bird... looks dangerous." Hongxi stared at the bird not far away, his brows were close.

The only one of the Yu tribes can judge the general information of the birds. Although they have never seen such a bird before, they can make a preliminary judgment from the shape, outline and subtle movements of the bird. .

"Not as good, let me try?" A young man is eager to try.

They followed the team to the Yanjiao side, which is to enter more dangerous mountain forests, to capture more birds, to supplement the bird species that the tribe has not changed for a long time, and the tribe’s bird species are still too few, cultivated. Some new varieties are also unsatisfactory, and they have not changed for a long time, which is not a good phenomenon for the Yu tribe.

It was just this fusion of fires that unleashed the time limit, and the leader began to look for new birds. For the Yu tribe, such a supplement is very necessary. It will be supplemented in the past, but it may be added in a few years, but this time, the leader personally led the team, intending to do a big one, and catch more new ones. The birds are going back.

This time, a group of young people with great potential in the tribe brought out to train them. After all, the future of the tribe is still in these young people. The new Yu tribes began to change from them.

It must be said that the leaders of the Yu tribe have great expectations for these young people, and these people are also somewhat capable, or they cannot be selected from so many people in the tribe.

The young man who said that he wants to try is more talented in domestication. When he has not yet awakened the power of totem, he began to domesticate the bird. Looking at the feathers on his head, he can know the type of bird he is raising. .

The colorful feathers of different lengths at that end are all proof of his ability. Therefore, he believes that even the first bird to meet, even a wild and untamed bird, will become awkward in front of him. After all, this is not a special kind of bird of the mountain giant eagle. It is only strange to look at it, he is still sure.

Therefore, after he made a sound, other people are also very much looking forward to it. Hongxi looked at the strange bird in the tree and did not stop it. He actually wanted to try it out, but it was not safe to see him. It was proposed that other people would stand up. However, Hongxi always felt that the bird was very strange, not only looks, but the overall feeling of giving him a strange meaning.

I used to eat a loss in the hands of Yanjiao. When I was cautious, when the young man lifted his foot and walked there, Hongxi still reminded him, "Be careful, don't care."

"Well, I know." said the young man named Ming Lu. I can do this on my mouth, but my heart is not really in my heart. There are dozens of domesticated birds, and there are dozens of them, big and small, so that they can’t even get such small things. Besides, he is not going to be domesticated directly, just contact and play with something new.

This is the site of the Yanjiao. It may only be a bird raised by the Yanjiao people. They are not in conflict with the Yanjiao people in order to domesticate the bird.

The young man stepped over to the tree step by step. The trees were planted here after the flaming horns migrated. One was to prevent the soil on the shore from escaping quickly, and the second was to keep the shore. A corner of the Yanjiao Warrior. After all, sometimes the sun is too strong, they have no place to rest, although there are rooms, but they prefer to be in the shade of trees under the trees, but also pay attention to the movement around.

At this point, the pterosaur rested on one of the trees. It will be here from time to time in the past two days. Shao Xuan will not let it go up the mountain, so it comes here and can only be in this area on the bank of the mountain river. Activities, people who are on the bank of the river have already recognized this "weird bird". Shao Xuan called it pterosaur. Everyone thought that Shao Xuan gave the "weird bird" the name "Pterosaur". I also shouted with the pterosaurs.

At this time, the people who were on the bank of the river, seeing the Yu tribes going over there, quickly went forward and asked, "What are you doing?"

One of the Yanjiao warriors wanted to stop the man who was heading for the tree, but was stopped by Hongxi. "You can rest assured that we will not mess around. We are only curious about the strange bird on the tree. There is no such thing as robbing. Our little brother, the tribe, just went to say hello to the bird. You know, our feather tribes and birds can communicate."


What does a Yanjiao warrior want to say, and the other few Yu tribes are impatient, isn't it a bird? There is no beautiful feather on the bird. Even if you don’t look carefully, you still think that it doesn’t have long hair, and you look at it strangely. If you have never seen this kind of bird, they are curious at first, too lazy to look at it. A glance.

"Nothing, Hongxi said, we just want to say hello to it, this is also your defense corner? Hey! As long as the birds, our feather tribes have the confidence to communicate with them!" Young people look proud, they may not have confidence than others, but on this, who doubts their ability, is to look down on their feathers!

The several Yanjiao warriors who came over face each other. Of course, they know that these few Yu tribes are afraid to make anything to offend the Yanjiao. After all, the Yu tribes need Yanjiao to take them into the forest to catch the birds, but they are not worried now. The people of the Yu tribe did what the pterosaurs did. Instead, they were worried about what the pterosaur would do for the feather tribe.

"Yes..." A Yanjiao warrior opened his mouth and saw the more dissatisfied look of a group of people in the Yu tribe. It seemed to prevent them from communicating with the "bird" in the past or to look down on their feathers. He still stuck the words behind him. .

At the back of the Yanjiao people will always pull the companion who wants to talk, indicating that he still does not say.

The Yanjiao warrior sighed: "If you don't say it, don't say it." It was just uncomfortable if you didn't finish it.

The people who saw Yanjiao finally stopped talking nonsense. The feathers of the tribes were satisfied, indicating that the people who had already stopped halfway continued. "Fast, Minglu, don't let it fly, I saw it moving wings!"

"Reassured, I can definitely take it!" Ming Lu did not carelessly swing his hand, and continued to go over there. The closer he was, the slower his pace was, the calmness of his body became calm, and the power of totem appeared. Not suddenly, it seems that everything happens naturally.

The people of the Yu tribe, as long as they think, they can show the breath of the birds, so when the young people of the feather tribe reveal the totem pattern, there is not only the competitive feeling of the Yanjiao people, but instead It seems like a silent communication started.

The seemingly fancy totem patterns on them are also a kind of communication with birds. It is like the birds in nature, the mutual communication, not just the use of sound, but also the use of feathers or other behavior. Courtship, defense, demonstrations, or some ordinary communication all involve this silent communication.

Several Yanjiao people looked at this scene curiously. They first saw the appearance of the Yu tribe in a non-combat state, and used the power of the totem to this point, but it was not for fighting, it was really novel.

The totems on the surface of the Ming Lu are not as motionless as other tribes, but they are always active, like moving with certain rules, like waves. This is because the song is too young and not strong enough. After the fusion of the fire, the body does not integrate the power of the fire in the body, so it is impossible to apply this ability to the peak. If you let Hongxi come, the body may still be A flame will appear.

However, including Hongxi, I feel that the sound of Lu is already enough. Didn’t you see that the strange bird has been attracted attention? This is also the first step to successfully complete. As long as the bird's attention is attracted, the latter is more sure. If the bird's attention can't be attracted, don't talk about the following series of things.

Ten steps, eight steps, six steps...

Ming Lu is getting closer and closer to the tree. When he walks over, in addition to his changes, his throat is still agitating quickly. People in the Yanjiao can hear a little fuzzy voice, but they can’t know what it is. However, look at it like this, should you communicate with the bird?

A few people in Yanjiao looked at each other with surprise. Is this already said? Could it be that, as the people of the Yu tribe said, can they really communicate with the "freakish bird"? Can the elders not say that it is not a bird, let everyone treat it as other beasts in the forest?

When several people in Yanjiao thought about it, Minglu had already been three steps away from the tree. At this time, every step of Minglu was very slow. Although he was arrogant and proud, at this time, However, it will not be negligent. It should be done after all. When it is slowing down, it must not be anxious. Moreover, at this time, other people who have Yanjiao look at him. He can't fail.

However, the closer to the strange bird, the more weird the feeling of the song, although the strange bird on the tree kept his attention on him and was not scared away, but he found that the strange bird It seems that he did not follow the reaction he had expected. Although he did not fly, he did not show close curiosity and kept his previous posture.

The two vertical pupils have been staring at him with the same kind of eyes. There is no slight change. It seems that all his previous actions are useless.

how can that be possible?

It shouldn't be.

Ming Lu is puzzled. To be strong and confident, he did not doubt the other, just thinking, is this bird mentally retarded?

As long as it is a bird, he has done so much, has to have a little other reaction? Don't say that closeness is not close. Even if you refuse to communicate, there will always be an expression. However, this strange bird has always maintained its initial posture, and the eyes are stunned.

Do you still have to dance? Ming Lu thought.

In the Yu tribe, dancing with birds is a common thing and a way to improve communication. Of course, it seems that dancing is actually a behavioral language of a bird-like state.

Just as Ming Lu thought about whether or not to skip a paragraph, Hongxi, who had been staring at the strange bird on the tree, suddenly shouted: "Ming Lu is careful!"


A scream came from the mountain where Yan Yan lived.

Many people on the mountain looked down the hill, and the voice did not sound like their tribe.

The other people in the Yu tribe in the Yanjiao tribe heard the screams, and thought that the Yanjiao people had shot, and even the feather tribe leader who was talking with the lord also stood up from the wooden chair. With his hearing, even in the mountains, you can hear the sound of the mountain. The screams of the songs are too big, the resolution is too high, and everyone from the sound of the Yu tribe can hear that the song is definitely subject to The injury can't help but scream.

In the site of the Yanjiao, it is only the Yanjiao who can hurt the Yu tribe.

For a time, the feathers of the tribes all changed, and they quickly went down the mountain.

Guigui and others don't know what happened, but if they are people of the Yu tribe who are injured by Yanjiao, they are naturally protecting their own people!

What if I am doing something wrong? If you want to reprimand and wait for no one else, in front of outsiders, as long as it is not something very big, Yan Yan will stand up for them. This is the usual practice of the tribe.

When Shao Xuan went back, he just caught up with a group of people running there. He also heard the screams over there, but he was more aware of what had happened than other people, so he was not in a hurry.

At the foot of the mountain, next to the Yanhe River.

A group of people gathered there, and the feathered tribes with feathers on their heads were all around. Wow wow asked about the ins and outs of things. If you prove that it’s done by Yanjiao, you have to do it. It is.

However, Hongxi’s faces are very embarrassing, they are all red, but they are not snoring. It is still the number of Yanjiao warriors who are guarding the river and blaming them for the cause of this incident, and the results of the present.

After listening to the explanation, the blame was like not seeing the reactions of the feathers who seemed to be caught in the neck, but asked the several Yanjiao warriors: "You didn't remind me?"

"Remind, they don't listen, and, if I haven't finished talking about it, I will be interrupted by them." The Yanjiao warrior who had not been able to finish the words before, was aggrieved.

He really feels wronged, obsessive-compulsive disorder, is it easy to get it now?

"The feathers of the tribe said that they only said hello to the strange bird, and we would not let us stop. However, the elders did not say that the strange bird is not a bird?"

Feathers of the feathers: "..."

The bite of the hand on the land: "..." Isn't the bird you Tamar not to say? !

Shao Xuan came over and pulled his mouth.

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