Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 721: Dominant flame

When Shao Xuan said this, the congratulatory side of what is being seen there is like watching the silly X.

Anti-swallowing, this of course I thought about it, but the squid swallowed the fire of the Lushan tribe. Now, how many years have passed, how many generations have passed, and have not been swallowed up. Now let the people of the Lushan tribe directly swallow the squid. What time is it?

"I didn't say what you thought." Shao Xuan explained, "I certainly know that it takes a long time to devour and integrate. Just, I mean, you can first get the part of the fire that belongs to you first. Body, then slowly go to fight with the squid."

"Fishing yourself?" Hebian did not understand what Shao Xuan meant.

Even the little fish playing with the head is curious to see Shao Xuan.

On the side of Guize, he heard Shao Xuan’s words and understood Shao Xuan’s approach. “Yes, this method, although not absolutely safe, is much better than what you just said.”

"According to what you said, there are actually two kinds of fires in the fire pits of the Laoshan tribe. Only the two kinds of fires are mixed together. You can't tell the difference between the two people. After all, the fire of the squid can grow to the present. The scale is also the result of the devour of the Lushan fire, which has been mixed with the smell of Lushan, you can not understand it. However, even if it is difficult to detect, but after all, it is two different types of fire, the part that has not yet been swallowed up. You can use it to prevent the squid from continuing to devour."

Shao Xuan sees Hebian and a little bit of listening carefully, and continues. "The two types of fire are mixed in the fire pond and want to migrate. It is not that you can decide if the two people agree. Unless the two sides agree, the squid will definitely not agree. That is to say, at least in the short term, it is impossible to remove the fire. Instead of fighting directly now, it is better to integrate the part of the fire that still belongs to your mountain, and integrate it into your own body. As a result, the squid cannot And then robbed. Moreover, the totem warriors who have been integrated into the fire, although the fire is considered to be incomplete, but also stronger than those who do not."

"Fire, blend into our own body?"

For Hebian and a little bit, this statement is quite novel, and I don't think about it.

"In fact, you should be able to detect that there is no original fire in our horns." Shao Xuan said.

After he was aware of it, he was not worried because of a worry about the tribe and a little bit of things. Moreover, they did not communicate with the outside world on weekdays, and even came up along the Yanhe River. Try to avoid other people and forget what it feels like the fire rejection of different tribes.

Even if it was cultivated as the next witch, but after all, experience is limited, and it has not experienced the strong rejection of the fire. The knowledge is limited to the theoretical knowledge of witchcraft. Now that Shao Xuan proposed it, she really remembered This kind of thing.

"Original fire?" Just grabbed the first word that I heard.

"Yes, just like the fire of your Lushan people in the fire pit, that is the original fire, and now, the fire pit in our Yanjiao, there is no original fire."

"How is this possible?!" Hebian was once again refreshed three times. It’s been a while today, he has been brushed a few times.

"There is nothing impossible, blood and fire are homologous. Now there are many tribes on this continent that have merged with the original fire. The big tribes are all integrated, and the small and medium-sized tribes follow closely. You don't communicate with the outside world. It’s far away, so I don’t know about it. This is no longer news. I don’t believe you can go to the Yanhe trading area to ask. On the other side of the stone bridge, there is a large trading area established by our Yanjiao. The long-distance team of various local tribes." Shao Xuan said.

Hebian Zhang mouth, do not know how to react. But he knows that the words of the Yanjiao elders should be true.

The Lushan tribe does not like to communicate with other people. The place of residence is also a remote area. Perhaps the tribes there do not know about the fusion of fire, and Lushan is even less aware.

The little bit in the stone jar is a rare excitement. "Can it really blend?"

Can't pull away the mixed fires, then, directly merge the part that belongs to you? It is not impossible to think like this.

The solution to the witch's theory, perhaps, does it really exist?

At this point, the little bit in the stone jar supported the edge of the stone cylinder and wanted to climb out. He was pressed down by the congratulatory side, asking for such a thing, or he came.

So, Shao Xuan, who hasn’t had a speech, said that he would bow down and ask, "Let the elders save me!"

Before that, He Bian had already said in front of the blame, as long as he could help them with the mountain and what they wanted, they would do their best, even if it was the rare treasures on the seabed, they also Will do everything possible to find.

"You get up first, I haven't finished talking yet." Shao Xuan reluctantly said.

"Oh." He Bian climbed up and leaned against the stone cylinder, looking straight to Shao Xuan, waiting for Shao Xuan's next words, and waiting for Shao Xuan to finish his request, as long as he could help Yan Yan, ask for what What is lost, it is a small matter.

"What I want to add is that your situation in Mount Lushan is special. What happens when you integrate, it is unpredictable, and even if there is no such complicated situation, the integration is very risky." Shao Xuan will those The situation of the tribes that failed the fusion was said.

Hearing such a big risk, Hebian hesitated, but the little bit in the stone jar was very excited, and the eyes were shining. "Use it! Use this method! I believe it will be the best solution!" ”

Hebian opened his mouth and continued to remain silent. He couldn’t change things with a little bit of decision.

“Can you teach us how to fuse fire?” I asked a little bit.

"I can only tell you the problems that need to be paid attention to under the normal circumstances of the original fire. The rest will have to explore according to the situation of Lushan." Shaoxuan.

The little bit in the stone jar stood up hard and bowed to Shao Xuan, and solemnly said: "Thank you!"

Hebian will hurry up and hold it. At this time, it takes a lot of effort to stand up. It is only lying in the stone jar almost all day, only the hand is slightly better.

Shao Xuan looked at the point where he was hard to lie back in the stone jar and asked: "Can I see the force of your totem?"

When talking, Shao Xuan pointed to the finger, meaning the totem in the sea.

"How is this going!" Hebian hurriedly opposed. It’s not that men and women have something different, mainly because the tribes of the two sides are different, the fires are different, the power of totems is different, and the rushing into the sea of ​​consciousness will cause strong rejection. The current physical condition is critical, and again, that’s not Directly fatal?

"Good." The little bit in the stone tank did not refuse. In her opinion, Shao Xuan is willing to help, and is willing to teach the Lushan people how to integrate the fire. This request is only to facilitate the understanding of the situation. Some important opinions and opinions are conducive to the integration of fire in Lushan. As for herself, I did not think about living back, and could create more value for the tribe before he died.

He Bianyi was excited and began to swear by Fang Fangshan, but was pressed down by a word, and could only continue to squat with a face, looking nervously at Shao Xuan.

Shao Xuan walked over and asked: "Ready?"

"Okay." It was very calm.

Guize consciously stepped back a few steps, trying to stay farther away from the other side. She had the smell of a flaming horn, and it would affect the side when it was close.

At the sight of the move, Hebian thought that it must be like this, and he followed back, and retreated to the door and stood guard.

Guize sees it and wants to say to Hebian. Shao Xuan is a special case of Yanjiao. There is no rejection. She has to be far from the other side because of the fire, but you don’t have to leave this mountain. Far, but I don’t know if I’m nervously watching them.

Hebian leaned against the door, his fists were tight, his eyes stared at the other side, and he saw that the elder of the Yanjiao raised a finger and reached the eyebrows.

Little bit is also concerned about the situation in the sea of ​​consciousness. There, the totem of Lushan presents the second picture of her painting. On the other side of the human face of the fish face, something new is added, but it has not yet Forming a clear fish mouth, the fish swallowing face has not been completed.

The flame around the totem does not look the same, it is blue, but only she knows that there are two kinds of flames mixed together, and the squid flame is mostly, even surrounded by the situation, otherwise her condition Not so serious.

However, the flame of Lushan has been resisting, but it is only inside the flame, not obvious.

At this time, a white flame appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, and when the white flame appeared, the totem flame of fierce battle suddenly calmed down.

Just like the two sides who beat, suddenly saw an outsider and was scared to stop.

The deterioration of the disease is caused by two kinds of flame battles in the totem flame. Therefore, now that the battle stops, it feels relaxed all at once, and the pain of ulceration is still there, but it is much lighter.

Did not show a painful look, the heart hanging on the side of the side is only a little down.

Shao Xuan “sees” to the point of consciousness of the totem in the sea. The totem flame of Lushan is blue, and it is like sea water when it is rolled up.

The totem is very clear, and you can see the fish mouth that has not yet formed, which means that it was not alarmist before. The totem flame looks like only one color, but Shao Xuan can clearly distinguish the difference, know which one is squid, which one is Lushan people, obviously similar blue, but in Shao Xuan’s eyes It is the difference between black and white.

The situation is really not very good. The flame belonging to the squid has been surrounded. The flame of the Lushan people is wrapped inside, and only a few flames of the Lushan Mountain are struggling to survive.

At this time, Shao Xuan has a feeling, he seems to be able to help?

The white fire group passed toward the totem flame, but there was no feeling of rejection. This made her very surprised and completely different from what she had taught her!

A white fire group near the human face totem, into the flame, such as a bright lightsaber, opened the chaotic darkness.

The totem flame of the Lushan tribe, which has been surrounded by it, rushed out of this opportunity. Mobile phone users please visit

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