Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 723: Mermaid?

When the Lushan totem flame swallowed the squid totem flame, Shao Xuancai withdrew the group of white fireballs into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Shao Xuan took back his fingers and swept around. The water moonstone in the room glows like a moon, and there is no light in the gap at the edge of the window.

"Night?" Shao Xuan was surprised.

"Yes, it is not too late." Guize handed a bottle of jade bottle containing pills to Shao Xuan.

Although Gui Ze does not know what happened, it will take a long time, but it is undoubtedly very laborious. These pills are also newly configured pills after the exchange with the people of Taihe, which can quickly add to the loss. The power of the totem, this can not be compared with the fire crystal, but it is better than nothing.

"The elders, how is the situation now?" Hebian gently walked over and lowered his voice and asked Shao Xuan.

The people in the stone jar closed their eyes, as if they were asleep, only the undulating breath told Hebian that the people in the stone jar were still alive. He didn't dare to bother with it, he could only come over and ask Shao Xuan.

"It's okay." Shao Xuan threw a pill into his mouth, although he was only a bystander, but maintained the fire and consumed a lot of strength.

"No...nothing? What do you mean?" Hebian asked dumbly.

"If it goes well, she should be able to recover health temporarily." Because I don't know what the fires of the Laoshan tribe and the squid will be, so I can only talk about the current situation. After all, it is only a change of oneself, even if she can Restoring health, but if the fire is lost in the battle, the end will not be good.

"Restoring health?! You mean that you will not die a little? Really good?!" Hebian did not control the sound for a while, and immediately pressed the voice down and asked again, "Really?"

"Well, you should pay attention to her situation tonight, and the medicine given to you can give her some drink." Shao Xuan also checked the situation in the sea of ​​consciousness now, no change, or just like that, after swallowing It takes time to adapt and integrate, just like the giant python that swallowed prey, it also takes time to digest the prey. This Shao Xuan does not need to shoot again, nor can it help.

Leaving the resettlement site, Shao Xuan will simply tell him about the situation.

While returning to Shao Xuan’s other strengths from other Yanjiao people, he also thought: “So, since the totem has changed, it should be fine. However, after all, only one person is changed, others Lushan people are still the same, the fusion of fire, they will continue?"

"It should be, otherwise it will not be solved."

Over there, after Shao Xuan and Gui Ze left, Hebian found two of the most trusted people, taking turns to look at the stone jar, and others were watching outside.

Indoors, the light of the water moonstone allows the side to see the situation in the stone tank.

At this point, the body is no longer bleeding outside, and the festered flesh is not separated, and the water in the stone tank not only changes color, but also turbid.

Lushan people like water, but they don't like turbid water. Therefore, Hebian carefully carefully smashes the water in the stone tank, and three dead fish are also fished out. Otherwise, it will rot and become stinky. Then break into the new water, try to put light action, do not make a sound, for fear of affecting the recovery of a little bit.

After changing the water, Hebian and another soldier carried the sewage out and waited farther away from the room. The soldier named Dudu was worried about the side. "The leader, can you really do it?"

"I don't know, the Yanjiao elders said so. Perhaps, the witch's solution is really true!"

"That would be great! We have saved the Lushan tribe!"

Looking at the excitement of the ferry, Hebian had some words and flustered, but he did not dare to talk about it. How can he wait until he woke up and decide again? After all, those things were too big.

Time is in the middle of the heart of the matter.

This night, He did not sleep, and other Lushan people did not sleep. They said that they were taking turns guarding. But at this time, no one can sleep.

The two rounds of the moon have disappeared, and the sun has begun to glory to the earth.

Gently pull open the window, the sun shines in through the window, and the waterstone in the house is not needed.

The water moonstone was put away, and Hebian looked at the stone tank.

Most of the body is in the water, only the part above the nostrils is exposed. The breathing is not heavy, but it is long and stable, and it is not sick. Moreover, Hebian can also feel a little bit of life, which is much better than when he came.

I don't know if it is the cause of the sun, or because of what I found, Hebian feels that it has always been a haze, and it is rare to be sunny.

Although the water in the stone tank has been changed, after a night, it has become turbid again, and the festering flesh is constantly peeling off. Hebane does not know how it is now, but from the perspective of the big half of the water, it should be much better, at least The ulceration on the little side is alleviated, although I still can't see the original look, but after all, I can see the improvement of the condition.

Hebian hit his elbow and hit the other side of the ferry, whispered: "Go to the water."

The water in the stone tank needs to be changed. Lushan people still love to be clean, but the conditions are not allowed when they come here along the way, so they are very embarrassed, but they can bear it, but they can't bear to see some suffering, but that is the next witch. Witch is the core of the tribe.

He Bianzheng is going to get up and move the water, listen to the sound of the water on the side of the stone tank, and quickly look at it.

Closed eyes like a sleeping person, finally opened his eyes, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

I know my own physical condition, and of course I can detect the severely relieved pain, and the body that becomes relaxed, the power of the weak totem, after a night of battle, it seems powerful.

After awakening, the power of the totem warrior is felt again.

This is of course worthy of pleasure, but soon I noticed that it seems that some places are wrong.

When He Bian and others went over and wanted to ask anything, they saw the look in their eyes, from the original joy, to doubts, and then to mistakes.

A young scream came from the room, and after a burst of water and flustered, Hebian rushed out of the place where he was placed and ran to find Shao Xuan. He didn’t know where Shao Xuan lived. He could only ask about the surrounding Yanjiao. People, when asked, the voice was still with an accent, and the Yanjiao Warrior who was questioned listened to it several times before he heard a "big elder."

When Shao Xuan saw He Bian, his foot just stepped out and listened to someone calling him, looking up at the past, and saw a shadow of the person rushing over, and then squatting in front of him.

"In the early morning, don't take this gift." Shao Xuandao.


Hebian is only a soft leg. He is really frightened. He has already fallen twice when he ran. One of them fell so far after he fell, so that Yan Yan people who saw this scene along the way began to think about Lushan. People are not walking inconvenient.

He was shocked and anxious, and Hebian’s explanation was unclear. After climbing up, he directly ran Shao Xuan to the resettlement site.

Shao Xuan sees such a side, and knows that it should be a little bit out of the situation, let people go and talk to Gui Ze and Gui Yi, he goes to the side with He Bian, listen to He Bian explained is not understand Only he can see it himself.

When he came to the resettlement site, Shao Xuan saw the soldiers of more than 20 Shaoshan tribes waiting outside. Everyone looked quite anxious, or they were so overwhelmed and overwhelmed. Look like.

There is a person who wants to drown from the water tank placed outside, and scoops up the water. After he has not sent it to the mouth, he shakes it off. The water in the scoop splashes with the shaking of the arm, but The portrait of Mount Lushan was undetected, and he still sent the scoop to his mouth.

Walking into the place where the resettlement was carried, on the way to the room where the stone was placed, Shao Xuan saw that a dozen people in the mountains were astonished and could not help but frown.

What happened in the end, can you scare people in Lushan like this?

Certainly it is not a little bit dangerous to live in. In that case, Hebian and others will not be like this. These people are only shocked and sad.

There was a sound of tapping in the room, which was louder than the slap that I heard when I came over yesterday. This is not like the movement that the child's hand can make. Moreover, there is no laughter today, and the atmosphere is very weird.

Probably perceived Shao Xuan, the slap inside also stopped.

Finally came to the front of the door, standing next to some people who were wet with splashed water, but Shao Xuan did not go to see more, stepping into the room and squatting.

"What happened... trough!"

Shao Xuan’s footsteps were stiff and stiff, and the whole face seemed to be solidified, keeping a shocked look.

What! What! ghost!

Raised his finger to the side of the stone tank, his mouth was opened several times, and Shao Xuan did not come up with a word.

Shortly after Shao Xuan, the guilty, returning, and two retired veterans who received the news also came over. Guizawa wanted to see how the illness was after the intervention of Shao Xuan yesterday. It is pure curiosity.

However, when the four of them came to the door of the room and saw the situation inside, even if they had been steadily blamed, they almost jumped up.

In the stone jar of the room, lying inside, the upper body is wearing the sea fish skin dress she wore yesterday, and the lower body... fish tail? !

In fact, I really want to ask: Are you a human or a beast? ! It was just because it was too shocking, and he didn't know much about the things in it, so he didn't make a sound, but his heart began to growl.

Originally thought that the half-orc slave of Yi Shi was considered a novelty, but I did not expect that even more surprises are still waiting for them here.

Shao Xuan returned to God at this time, took a deep breath, tried to calm down, "People... Mermaid? Fishman?"

The little bit in the stone jar can calmly face life and death. At this time, it is really like a child, scared to the eye, and almost burst into tears. She just devours the part of the body that belongs to the squid, how can it become this uninhibited look? ! Mobile phone users please visit

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