Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 735: Big big bug

The stretch of sand dunes obscured the view and only saw the sand on the sand dunes with the gust of wind.

There was a yellow sand around, no other green plants, and even no plants, and even those plants with strong vigor in the desert did not see one.

A ragged man climbed up the sand dunes step by step. It was a tall young man with a wide shoulder and a strong muscle on his exposed shirt. He dragged a simple stone hammer with one hand and saw it at a glance. The ground material is made temporarily, the stone hammer is not modified, and there is no hole, but a stone and a stone rod are directly tied together with a strong tough vine in the desert, and a cloth strip is added. .

On the outer arm, the criss-crossed wounds have been condensed, and it is clear that the solidified blood is mixed with dust. Every step can feel the sting of the wounds around the body, but after getting used to it, it becomes numb and gradually ignores the pain.

Not far behind him, there are a few unkempt people, the clothes on the body can not see what color, the lips that are chapped due to lack of water are slightly white, eyes are blank, just mechanically follow the people in front. If there is a choice, they don't even want to breathe, the air is too hot and too dry, and the wind is full of death and despair.

"Great toughness, what did you see before?" asked a younger person with a dry and dull feeling in the voice. Every word was difficult and slowly squeezed out.

The person who has climbed the sand ridge has supported the ground with a stone hammer. Most of the weight of the body is pressed against the stone hammer to relieve the load and the sight is far away. He had a sword in his hand. The sword was the most successful weapon he had built so far. The craftsmen always like to bring their outstanding achievements in their hands. This is also a demonstration of ability. . But here, those excellent results have become something that attracts danger, and until now, he can take it. There is only a simple stone hammer that I can't look at in the past.

After hearing the inquiries from the people behind him, the armor of the armor shook his head and dragged the stone hammer down.

Those who originally had a little hope, heard such a reply. In the eyes, I am dead again.

They have been in this desert for 17 days, and have lived for so many years. When were they so embarrassed? This kind of suffering was the first time I encountered it. When I was in Wangcheng, they said that they were the people of the armored family. Naturally, there will be people who come over and give gifts. There are slaves in life. What they want to do every day is just casting. The rest don't bother, but now they regret it.

I regret not learning more survival skills, regret not following the right person, regretting this step, if you stay in Wangcheng, choose another way. Will it be better?

Ten people came together, and when they crossed the sea, they were shot and killed. I don’t know where the arrows were released. Fortunately, the armor is tough enough to guard against it, and everyone will avoid it, otherwise people will die more.

But after stepping into the desert, they discovered that the back was even harder. They are avoiding the people who chase and kill, and they have avoided the people of Yanling, but there are many dangers in the desert. The remaining nine people, two were towed away by the desert beasts as food, one betrayed them, and also snatched the sword of the armor. Probably it is necessary to use the armor to keep the sword and go to the sand thief.

Yes. In the desert, in addition to the people of Yanling, there are some small scattered forces, some of which were former slaves, and some were controlled by the escaping slave owners. The people in Yanling have now shifted their targets and have not paid attention to them. Let these small forces have a chance to breathe. And those people who dare not go to the Yanlings, but kill the other people who passed through the desert and **** the property.

After the two lands approached, there were also many people coming over there, thinking of going through the desert from the core away from the core of the rock, but it was also convenient for those sand thieves, and the sand thieves did not want to be too close to the rock.

During these seventeen days in the desert, they saw a lot of bones buried in the sand. No one knows who they are and which continent they came from. I saw a team of sand thieves on the way. They buried themselves in the sand and hid behind the sand dunes to avoid danger.

Now they have only six people left.

"If you can find the water source now, then it is good." A person who was younger than the armor of the armor licked the cracked lips. Seeing that everyone was depressed, they took a deep breath, pulled a smile, and comforted. There will be a turn, at least we are still alive."

"Ah," one of them gave a helpless toothache, and threw the stone in his hand as a weapon. Because of hunger, thirst, and the difficulties along the way, even if he was irritated, he wanted to vent his anger and shout. It’s just a voice that is as weak as a sigh. “If you want to continue in such a place, let me die! Let’s die!”

When the voice just fell, he felt that his feet were not right, and the roots of his hair behind his neck stood up. Although they have not enough experience in such an environment, but after so many days, there is a sense of vigilance against the crisis.

"Be careful!"

A sand lizard suddenly smashed out from the sand and dragged the legs of the person who was just standing there to retreat.

Others can't care about sighs and emotions now, and hurry to hug the man's upper body. The two of their former companions who were eaten by the sand beasts, one of them was dragged into the ground, so they couldn’t get too late.

The sand lizard has no teeth, but the mouth that bites the legs is very powerful. The person wants to kick his legs. The more he struggles, the tighter the sand lizard bites, and the more it pulls backwards, as if to The prey grabbed the opponent's companion.


The person who was bitten by the legs screamed, this is not just a sigh of weakness, and it is even more miserable. He has no doubt that he will be cut off directly by continuing this way!


A stone hammer slammed on the head of the sand lizard on the outside of the sand, making a sound of hard objects hitting.

The head of the sand lizard covered with scales was smashed off a scale of a large area of ​​the palm, blood was flowing out, and the mouth was loosened under this shack.

The person who left the animal's mouth, regardless of the pain in his leg, quickly stepped back and looked for the stone that had just been thrown by himself. They have no weapons in their hands, they can only use some stones to serve as weapons, or some animal bones, human bones, etc. seen in the middle.

Others also slammed the sand lizard with the stone on the hand, or slashed the sand lizard with sharpened bones. Unfortunately, the sand lizard saw the situation is not good, want to run down, it is a hammer down. The airflow driven by the hammer body makes a sound of the call, and it is directly on its eyes.

The sound of the gravel grinding sounded from the mouth of the sand lizard, and the head that was retracted was smashed to the side. Others also quickly followed, smashing and stabbing against the vulnerable places on the head of the sand lizard.

After they got out of danger, they have already reacted. This is food, a rare food.

Everyone stared at the sand lizard's eyes and made a fierce green light.

Finally, after the sand lizard was forced to pull out a small half from the sand underground, under the siege of the six people, the gas was broken.

The sturdy buttocks fell on the sand and gasped. Just after he smashed the three hammers, he almost exhausted his strength to pull the sand lizard out of the sand.

Not only the workmanship is tough, but other people are also sitting on the sand, and the strength of the station is gone.

However, this newly-dead sand lizard will attract other sand beasts if it is not handled quickly, so the six people have no time to rest slowly.

The workmanship climbed over and took a sip of the blood from the sand lizard. He didn't know if the blood was poisonous, but he had no choice.

The blood is thick and smelly, and there are a lot of sand grains. They don't even care about it. They all climb to the sand lizard that has been deflated, and eat blood and meat, like other beasts in the desert. It’s all forced to survive.


The sound of sand sliding sounds.

The six people looked around with vigilance. Under this squat, the pupils shrunk and their faces were scared.

One, two, three, four... five! A total of five sand lizards were drilled from under the sand and surrounded them.

The one just made them almost exhausted. Although they drank some blood, they couldn’t recover in such a short time, let alone deal with five sand lizards at the same time!


This is the only thing they can think of at this time.

"How do you... what to do?" One of them groaned. The blood of the beast was bloody, the wind blew, and a lot of sand was stuck. It was already invisible and only the eyes of the horror could be seen. .

What else can I do? Either wait for death, or die, only these two choices.

run? Their current physical strength, can they run through the sand lizard?

The work armor closed its eyes and grasped the hand of the stone hammer. They have no way to retreat. Also, when they were in Wangcheng, they had no retreat. It was the work of the company that allowed them to flee. I have lived for so long. I wasted a lot of effort in the armor, and eventually they still could not get out of here.

Since you can't avoid a death, you can only fight!

Sharply open his eyes, the workmanship toughness looks at the sand lizard approaching the front, dragging the stone hammer to stand up, wipe the blood around the eyes, so as not to interfere with the line of sight.

"Great tough..."

Also squatting at the man next to the dead sand lizard, seeing the armor of the armor, and also wiping the face, picking up the stone bones at hand, although they know this thing in their hands, they will not deal with these sand lizards. What role, but now they have no other weapons in their hands, and things are better than empty hands, if they can't pass, they can self-tie.

Looking at the approaching sand lizard, the workmanship was always in front, the eyes were full of decency, and the throat burst into a big bang.

The sand lizard, which is getting closer and closer to the armor, turned and ran.

The workmanship of the stone hammer has been picked up: "..."

other people:"……"

Look at the sand lizards that surround them in other directions. They all ran, and the one that ran was fast and escaped.


Somewhere on the ground, the sand exploded, and a sand lizard was smashed and rolled several times in the air.

A figure rushed out of the sand, under the scorching sun, with a blue light.

"Good... big bug!" (To be continued.)


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