Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 738: Are you Shao Xuan?

PS. Presenting today's update, by the way, pull the ticket to the "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 tickets, and the voting also sends the starting currency. I beg you to support it!

When the workmanship woke up, it happened to be midnight.

Originally thought that I would become the feces of the desert beast, I did not expect to be alive. When I woke up, I was still awkward. After a while, I realized that I was not dreaming, nor came to another world after death that I didn’t know.

He is still alive!

He clearly remembered that before the loss of consciousness, the big worm had come to him and raised the claws, but why is he still alive? And wasn't it crucified by the big bug?

Moreover, this place, someone's breathing.

Was it saved?

The surrounding view is very dark, and you can hear the squeaking sound of the wind blowing the cloth.

This is the smell of sand in the shed, which has been flying in the desert for so long, and is very familiar.

He is still in the desert.

There are four people around, the sound of breathing, gentle and regular, should have fallen asleep.

The workmanship was tough and sat up. The pain in the broken bones of the body made him almost suffocate, but he was suppressed. He did not dare to make a sound before he could figure out the situation.

Someone has given him medicine, and the trauma has been dealt with. The workmanship can clearly feel that the body is much better. Although the pain is still there, it is better than when he fled in the desert. A lot.

Carefully roll over and move your feet gently on the sand.

The surroundings are very dark, but there is a light, it is the door of the cloth shed, the wind outside will blow the door, and the flash of the gap can see the light outside.

That is the light of the moon at night.

The workmanship was moved over there and the door was picked up and looked out. The moon at this time, although not yet full moon, has already made people see the situation nearby.

The workmanship is to see how many people are outside, what kind of people are there, in order to figure out the current situation, but just open the door, his movements will froze.

Outside, not far from the shed door, a big beetle that is twice as tall as a person stays there, heads towards the shed, and looks at the past when the armor is tough, the big one The beetle also looked up and looked over here.

Workmanship: "..." Suddenly, I don't understand the situation at this time.

There were people around, but there was a big beetle at the door. Looking at the big beetle, the blue-glossed carapace under the moonlight, he knows that this is the same as that seen before losing consciousness. This guy’s situation of the slaughtering lizard is tough and the picture in his mind is still clear. .

Just when the workmanship did not know how to react, there was a voice behind him.

"Just return to a life, where do you want to go?"

The workman was frightened and put down the door in his hand and turned to look at the place where the sound came.

The shed was lit up, and Shao Xuan took the water moon stone from the animal skin bag.

With the light, the workmanship toughness also saw the situation inside. In addition to the young man who just made a sound, there were three people, but the three did not fall asleep, lying on the ground watching him.

"Is you saving me?" asked the workers.

"Otherwise, do you think?" Shao Xuan placed the water moon stone on the ground next to it.

"Thank you." The workmanship said, but looking at Shao Xuan's eyes, he was still vigilant. He was saved by these people, but he didn't know the purpose of these people. The big beetle outside was obviously a group with these people. This has to make him think more, and, he is talking about the language of the sea, but they are the same language. Those who can speak this language are either people on the sea or It is the forces of all sizes in the desert, no matter what, he does not want to see.

Shao Xuan saw that the toughness of the workmanship did not lay down the vigilance, and did not rush to distinguish, but the elliptical ball was pulled out and twisted.

When I saw the elliptical ball, the workmanship was very strange. He certainly recognized what it was, because that was his own! To see the flying insect inside, the workman looked fiercely at Shao Xuan. "Who are you?"

"Yanjiao." Shao Xuan threw the scroll written by Gong Jiaheng to the armor, "see for yourself."

Yanjiao? !

The suggestion of Gong Jiaheng is to let the workers toughen them to find Yanjiao people. They also said that they would write a letter to the Yanjiao tribe to let them meet. I did not expect that it really came.

After reading the reel, the workmanship resilience finally put away the alert, this is the word of the armor, and they have a slogan of the work, can not do the fake.

"You are... Shao Xuan?" The workmanship looked to the person who threw it to his scroll.

"I am. Are you a workmanship? Your other companions?" Shao Xuan took over the reel of the workmanship, and rolled it up.

Speaking of this...

The workmanship looked at the door and briefly explained his own experience.

Although I have already guessed that it would be an accident caused by sapphire, when Shaolin said it was hard, Shao Xuan couldn’t help but think: Fortunately, sapphire has not recalled its younger brothers because of sleeping for too long, or else They don't want to live alive.

Shao Xuan thought that the people in the armored family were similar to the ones in the armor, but after listening to the narrative of the armor, he realized that not everyone in the armored family had the skills of wild life, and most of the workers’ People have been learning to cast since childhood, follow a specific master, and then continue to grow up. They may continue to do so in the future, follow Master’s old path, accept the disciples, continue to cast, many people will not look for Gongjiashan, because they dare not take that One step, once you leave, don't know when you can come back.

The workmanship resilience was very small and was accepted as an apprentice by a famous craftsman of the armored family. He originally planned to look for the armored mountain, and asked his master to ask about the work of the mountain, but unfortunately no one could find anyone. So I went to find the armor, so that after being known by his master, he was trained and took back some of the casting materials originally given to him. However, the workmanship did not give up, but he went to find the workman to continue to ask. The work of Gongjiashan, and when he planned to leave for Gongjiashan, the Wangcheng coup, the master of the armored team was wrong, was killed, and the brothers and sisters who had the toughness of the work were all unable to escape.

It was the work of the squadron, and the new king changed the death penalty to exile. Some of their brothers and sisters chose some other forces to rely on them. Some of them left, and the workers were not sure where they went, and the workers were tough. I went to ask about the work of the company, and it is the best place to go.

Unlike the workmanship, they have more experience and more clearly. For his suggestion, the workmanship is still believed. So, they follow the advice of the workman, and after being exiled, follow the planned route. Crossing the sea, I did not expect that there was a ambush, there were deaths and injuries in the team, and it was hard to cross the sea, but found that the desert is more dangerous, and they did not have the experience of living in such a difficult place.

For Yanjiao people, the workmanship is a bunch of life waste, but the surgery has a specialization, perhaps their advantages are all cast, so that other aspects of experience are seriously lacking, and even slaughter beasts do not know Where to start is the fastest and most effective.

Gong Jia Heng Na is a special case, all the experience of survival and the skills of fighting with the beasts are also forced out in the mountains. The difference is that the workmanship can also use the various materials in the forest to create traps to capture the beasts. In the desert, the materials that can be used are too few and too few, and sometimes no stones can be seen.

I know that there are five companions in the workmanship, and the workmanship is reluctant to give up. Shaoxuan also intends to find someone in the past. They are all talents of the workers' class. When they come, they take it away.

Shao Xuan saw the work of the toughness and said that he would start to gasp at this moment. He said: "You are too hurt, take a rest, and let's go again tomorrow."

[Immediately 515, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list, until May 15th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers plus promotional works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】


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