Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 740: Sand thief

PS. Presenting today's update, by the way, pull the ticket to the "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 tickets, and the voting also sends the starting currency. I beg you to support it!

The sand thieves in the desert are many, large and small, scattered in the area near the desert border. They dare not be too close to the center of the desert. They are afraid of the people in the rock and fear the legendary monsters.

Shao Xuan and his entourage followed the sapphire in one direction. They have left so far, and they are still in the area where the sand thieves have more influence. Now they have determined that the five people have gone to the sand thief, but they do not know whether they volunteered. Still forced.

In that direction, there are indeed sand thieves, but if you continue to go there, you will leave the desert, there will be lakes and high mountains, but the sand thieves will not have a force to go there, because, there, There will be many beasts that they can't fight. The beasts in the desert often go there to drink water. The fighting in the breeding season is more intense. Only the strongest of the food chain can survive. There is no such ability to pass.

The reason why Shao Xuan knows the situation there is because the mountain over there is very close to the grassland, and it is close to the Hui tribe. When the tribe can catch a strange person, it is because they are closer to the desert. However, if the situation is not special, they generally do not go directly to the mountains there. Although the distance is short, it is particularly troublesome. In the past, they went to the desert to go around the road, which took a little longer, but it was safer.

Thinking about Shao Xuan has already recalled the general situation there. The sand thieves were forced to bring them to the border, and they are already retreating. They can only compete with the beasts, but they can be in Yanling. The forces that survived the Qing Dynasty should not be underestimated.

Although many people say that the forces of the sand thieves are mostly established by the slave owners, the more dangerous momentum is the forces composed of the slaves.

A slave who can really build a power organization and survive and stand firm under the desert chaos, the leadership is most likely those who have left the shackles!

Those who can break through the slavery's slavery and break free, each has a strong talent and heart. They are more terrible than the slave owners. Shao Xuan even dares to assert that in a few decades, the scattered forces in the desert will disappear. The disappearance, the gathering of the gathering, and the remaining forces left, the slaves must have more power than the slave owners.

However, the current situation, whether it is the forces established by the slaves or the forces established by the slave owners, is not a good speaker.

At this time, on the edge of the desert, there is a small city composed of sandstone, which is a small town. It is really not big. Compared with the big cities in the desert, even one tenth is not there. It can only be regarded as the construction of a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

The people in this small town have painted some dark brown lines on their bodies, such as snakes wrapped around their bodies. They are called "sand snakes."

The sand snake is quite famous among many sand thieves. The leader of the organization is a man named Black Sand. The black sand used to be a slave. However, when the desert was in chaos, he took some of the slaves to escape and broke free. A “sand snake” was established on the edge of the desert.

Outside the small town, a team of nearly 100 people approached. After coming to the front of the small city, the team left the camel on the outside, leaving a few people to take care of the camel, and the lead person took the others into the small town.

These people do not belong to this small town, they do not belong to the "sand snake", they belong to another sand thief - "blue worm".

"Blue bug" is a special one among many sand thieves. It is also one of the earliest forces established by the sand thief. When many people fled everywhere, they found a place with water wells. When they took the stone as a weapon, they had already held gold, rumored that there was a slave owner who supported them behind the "blue worm", but in the past few years, everyone who knows "blue worm" knows, "blue There is no slave owner in the "worm", and the leader is also a slave who breaks off the "clothing".

Probably it was too early to rise and took advantage of it. When the sand thieves developed, the "blue worm" had already stood firm and attracted many people. Now "blue worm" is also a sand thief. One of the more famous ones is not like the "sand snake."

However, compared with other forces, the name of "blue bug" is not so domineering. Other names such as "snake", "skull" and "skull" can be used as names for "blue bugs" and even Even the logo looks ridiculous.

They are no longer tribes, but they want to re-establish their own "tribes". A symbolic symbol is a must. The symbol means faith, a spiritual sustenance under a dilemma, and it also means the beginning of a new life. Therefore, they use as many powerful species as possible to act as a symbol of the power group. For example, the "Sand Snake" logo is a desert viper, and the snake that can kill people in a little bit is daunting.

And "blue bug"? The sign is a blue bug.

The thieves who use the insects as signs are probably only one of them, "blue worms". Although many people laugh at them privately, they don't understand why they use such a sign. The leader of "blue worm" must have a brain to enter this way. A sign.

Among them, in addition to the leaders, others have not broken away. After all, no one can do that step. People with strength and strength are only a few, but nowadays, very few These people have already established their own power.

When slaves have been for a long time, once they see a glimmer of hope, they have a rebellious mind. They no longer want to be slaves, and they don’t want to be called to drink and let others trample on them. They must master them.

This time, among the "blue worm" people, the person who walked in the front is the leader of the "blue worm". He came to negotiate with Hesha.

The robes are very dark, and most of the slaves in the desert are like this. He doesn't look very strong, his body is lean, and the leader of the sand snake, who is standing opposite him, is a full-bodied muscle. Under the tanned skin, like the iron tower, surrounded by the black upper body of the poisonous snake, the whole person exudes a dangerous oppressive momentum.

"Long time no see, clothes." Black sand strode over here, although with a smile on his face, his eyes are full of haze, and his mood is not very good.

The plaque seems to have not seen his expression, maintaining the same pace, with a tone of calmness: "Long time no see, black sand."

The palms lifted by the two men slap in the air, and they are full of defenses.

On the plaque, an inverted beetle is painted, and above the beetle is a ball.

[Immediately 515, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list, until May 15th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers plus promotional works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】

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