Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Vol 8 Chapter 350: Battle of Mirror Lake (3)

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

Ryan paused a little bit, let everyone think about his own words for a while, and then continued: "Actually, as long as you think a little, you will understand that our popular shooter legion itself is formed by imitating the combat method of the Clay light cavalry, It's just that we have the best warriors, the most sophisticated configuration and the best training, so our expedition to the prairie is also a good opportunity for our popular shooter to prove his strength, and also a good opportunity for our Cassano to build his reputation. Only With strong military deterrence, only the ambitious ambitions who are eyeing on will be worried, and our families will live a stable life. "

"Now we are standing here. This is a battle between two camps. It is a battle between two peoples. Unless one of them falls down completely, the battle will never stop. We only have 5ooo people, and we The people who are about to face are more than 4 million Clay people. Maybe they are defenseless, maybe they are just old and weak women and children, but I want to remind everyone that it is just to the east of us, in a fierce battle with our allies. Among the main Lai people, men over the age of 16 and over 5o still occupy a large number, which is the best evidence that the Clay people are all soldiers. "

"On the opposite side of Jinghu, those old, weak women and children may be innocent, but their father, husband, and son are our enemies. They will cheer for their loved ones by cutting off the heads of our companions, and they will also be for themselves. Relatives ravage our family and get excited! Being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself, how do you choose? "

"I believe you all have heard of my past, and I know that my hands are covered with the blood of the enemy. When I first killed, I was only 16 years old. Those were thieves who had been wanted for a long time, They madly blocked roads before and killed many innocent civilians. But even so, I still feel very uneasy in my heart, because I cannot accept the fact of using my own power to deprive others of the right to survive! "

"Later, under the guidance of my friend Flanner, I finally unlocked this knot. Because I was fighting to protect my friends and help the kind people around me to fight against our enemies. Say, my mercy will not belong to them! As I said before, kindness to enemies is cruelty to myself! So I can kill hundreds of thousands of enemies in Thor ’s fortress, imperial capital, and Cassano without change, but I But they never bully my people, and they will never abandon their comrades! "

"When General Jonas and I and many civilians who were lucky enough to escape from the Thor Thor returned to the capital four years ago, it was this group of Clay butchers who made a sneak attack. Many of my comrades and many civilians were there. He was killed in a sneak attack. These innocent people did not fall under the iron clan of aliens, but fell under the murder of their compatriots. "

"So, today is the day when I avenge them. The blood can only be repaid with more blood. Forgiveness is the mercy of the strong to the weak, not the enemy! This is not my murderous nature, but because I know today Each of my killings will allow more of my people to live a happier life in the future, because I know that everything I do today is for my family, friends, and people! So I definitely do n’t I will regret my choice today. "

"Now, it's your turn to choose! My comrades." Ryan said fervently: "We are about to attack the enemy's camp. The next thing we will face is probably the old and weak women and children of the enemy, but here Before this kind of war is over, I will continue to fight, and all the enemies that stand in front of us will be killed without hesitation. If you ca n’t accept my order in your heart, you can leave immediately, and I will guarantee not to Will be punished for this matter ... "

"May you die for Lord Lord!" Waiting for Ryan's words, the 45oo famous shooters on the scene yelled out together, among which Roger and hundreds of people were even more excited to pull out their long swords. Cut your fingers to show Ryan his faith in loyalty.

Ryan nodded in satisfaction. None of the 45oo famous shooters flinched, which also shows that they have a very important position in their minds. Although it is inevitable that some people have different opinions, but it does not affect the overall situation, not to mention when the battle really starts. At that time, even if you have other thoughts in your heart, you can't hesitate for a moment unless he intends to commit suicide on the battlefield.

"Very good! Very good!" Ryan nodded once again, and issued a command that made everyone quite confused: "Take off your clothes and wrap up the horseshoes of the war horse. You only have 5 minutes ,fast!"

Although Ryan ’s orders were a little difficult to understand, celebrities like Roger did not hesitate to do so. Soon, all the popular shooters quickly took their horses and started to wrap them in their clothes. Horseshoe, Roger's hands and feet move quickly, he not only wrapped his horse, but even wrapped Ryan's horse.

After all his preparations were made, Ryan slowly walked towards Jinghu. He came to a place only 3 steps away from the lake and stood, chanting some obscure magic spells in his mouth. Hearing the sound of Ryan's spellcasting, Roger's eyes suddenly light up, and he has vaguely guessed Ryan's intentions.

Ryan slowly recited large sections of magic spells, and his body slowly moved, splitting into two under the watchful eyes of thousands of eyes, and becoming two identical Ryan. These two identical Lanes continue to release this huge magic, and become the same as four Lanes.

In the end, the 6 images of Ryan with exactly the same motion waved their arms together, and began to draw a magic array out of front of themselves. This magic circle is completely different from the magic circle used by Lane in the past, because it is not a circle, but a symmetrical hexagon.

The 6 Lions each draw an ice cone-shaped magic array, and the six identical magic arrays are cleverly combined in the middle to form this symmetrical hexagonal magic array, and the 6 Lions are fully perfected. The entire magic array gradually enriched the six ice cone-shaped magic arrays, and finally formed a complete hexagonal star shape.

Roger, who was watching Ryan's spell, suddenly felt a cold forehead. He couldn't help but shudder, and then reached out to touch his forehead, but only a little water stains. Roger thought it was just because of the hot weather, so he sweated a little and didn't care about it.

"Ah!" A popular shooter standing beside Roger couldn't help but sneeze. Roger turned his head annoyedly and glared at his subordinates, beckoning him not to make a noise to interfere with the Lord Lord's spell, but he saw a piece The crystal clear snowflakes slowly fell from the eyes. Roger stayed for a while, and he unconsciously reached out to catch the snowflake from the air. Snow felt the heat in Roger's palm and immediately melted, and Roger's palm had a little more water stains, exactly the same as the water stains on his forehead.

A breeze blew, but Roger felt the bitter cold. He raised his head and looked up at the sky, but now he was still on the top of the sky, and now it became gloomy and depressed, and the sky around his head was still infinitely hot. The sun swayed on the earth to the fullest.

This weird weather change made Roger's war horse feel uneasy. Roger Qiang resisted the ecstasy in his heart and gently stroked his war horse, but his eyes looked at his lord Lord with a fanatical look. . Not only Roger, but almost all the popular shooters on the scene now understood what Ryan had just done, and the command that puzzled them naturally got the most perfect answer.

"It's snowing!" Letoz stammered. He couldn't believe that the snow fluttering in front of him was real, so he pinched his thigh hard, but unexpectedly felt a strong pain, and The pain also made him understand that everything he saw was not an illusion.

Ryan didn't pay attention to the confusion that appeared among the popular shooters. He just slowly walked towards his horse, and the five mirrors around him slowly disappeared into the air while walking. When Ryan mounted his own After the warhorse, he gently pronounced the name of the magic that he had just prepared for 5 minutes: "Polar ice!"

At this moment, the hexagonal magic array was suddenly broken, and a large number of water magic elements that were forcibly compressed by Ryan were immediately released. They sang joyously in the air and flew under the guidance of Ryan. Their target, the calm Jinghu water surface, also began to freeze slowly in the gaze of the 45oo popular shooter.

Just 1 minute later, Ryan appeared on their front a road with a frost of at least 3 meters wide. The popular archers looked at the sunlight reflected from the crystal ice surface I believe this is true until I heard a clear voice from the horseshoe trampled on the ice.

Ryan did not give any orders. The only thing he did was that one horse was currently on the road of frost created by his magic. The second one on this frosty road was Captain Roger, a popular shooter. His loyalty to Ryan made him never think about whether this road can really be used for fast horse racing, but it is subconscious Behind the lord.

"Stomping! Stomping!" More popular shooters ran on the water of Jinghu, and the horses under their crotch would not slip because they were wrapped in clothing, and they suffered The training made them quickly regain their neat formation during the Mercedes-Benz process, and their goal was the Clay camp on the north bank of Jinghu.

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