Cicada Moving

Chapter 978: The loyalty of an Imperial warrior should not be doubted

Chapter 978 The loyalty of an Imperial warrior should not be doubted


In the Japanese Consulate in Shanghai, Ryosuke Hase sat at his desk with a serious face and looked down at something. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

 He put the "Shanghai Fengyue Recommendation" into the drawer unhurriedly, straightened his meticulous hairstyle, raised his head and said in a deep voice to the outside.

 “Come in~”

The door was opened immediately, and a consulate staff strode up to Changgu, bowed deeply, and handed over a telegram with both hands.

"Reporting to your Excellency, Minister, "Songzi" lurking in the mountain city has sent a special secret message."

Last month, Iwai, the former head of the Intelligence Department of the Japanese Consulate, returned to Tokyo to report on his work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The post of head of the Intelligence Department was naturally taken over by Ryosuke Hase.

In just a few years, he has been promoted from the director of the special higher education course to the deputy minister and minister of the Ministry of Intelligence, which really shocked many people's jaws.

But if you think about it, it’s normal. Those who can bring benefits to the consulate, navy, military police, and army officials stationed in Shanghai will not have bad luck.

As soon as the post of Minister of Intelligence became vacant, the people who spoke for it were lined up from Tokyo to Shanghai. Even Iwai said that his successor must be Hase.

 Hanggu successfully took over from his old classmate and became the third person in charge of the consulate. His agency also became an important agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Republic of China.

At the same time, he also serves as the assistant officer of the Special Committee on China, responsible for guiding and supervising the "new" government intelligence agency being planned, and holds great power.

The originally calm Hase Ryosuke heard his subordinate say "pine nuts", and his heart moved. He immediately reached out to take the secret message and looked at the other person seriously.

“Songzi is the most important intelligence officer in the empire. Anyone who has access to the telegram file must sign for confirmation, even me is no exception.”


The consulate staff who had not yet straightened up lowered their heads again. They couldn't help being impressed by the minister's noble integrity, and immediately turned around and left.

Seeing the door being closed, the sullen Chang Gu was suddenly discouraged. He quickly found a code book from the bookshelf behind him and quickly translated the message.

“It’s extremely secret. The commander of the Red Russian Far East is about to change. Zhukov will take over as commander of the 57th Army. There may be big changes in the Northeast, Song Zi.”

 Hase Ryosuke looked at the contents on the paper with a gloomy expression. After thinking for a long time, he put away the code book, got up and walked into the consul's office.

More than half an hour later, Hase appeared again and got into a car and drove all the way to Shigekodo, the residence of the Japan Special Committee on China.

"Hurry, take me to see the director of the agency. I have urgent information to report."

As soon as he entered the room, he couldn't wait to shout to the staff on the opposite side and wiped the sweat from his forehead, looking very nervous.

The other party saw Ryosuke Hase's reaction and knew that something big had happened. He didn't dare to ask any more questions and ran upstairs quickly, with Ryosuke Hase following closely behind.

 The two came outside the office of the head of the Special Committee on China, Saki Tosada. The staff gently knocked on the door and ducked in.

One minute.

 Two minutes.

five minutes.

The office fell into a deathly silence. Hase Ryosuke was pacing back and forth outside the door, constantly looking down at his watch, his face full of anxiety.

When the agents who were coming and going saw what Mr. Zuo Guan was doing, they all avoided or hid in the room to avoid being hurt by the other party's anger.

Chang Gu noticed this scene out of the corner of his eye, smiled coldly in his heart, and continued to pretend to be anxious, performing outside Osako's door.

 He knew that Osako was trying to give him a blow, and the reason was very simple. The huge benefits brought by smuggling were so exciting.

Ever since Osako Tosada came to Shanghai, he has been trying to find trouble with him and get involved in the "unofficial material transportation" business.

 But the other party doesn’t think about it. The cake is so big. The more people participate, the less profit. Who is willing to share his cake with others?

As a result, due to strong protests from the military and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Osako Tsusada's plan came to an end, and the opportunity to annex the Hase Agency was lost.

 In fact, after offending so many forces, Osako Tsusada has not yet "committed suicide" or drowned, which can be regarded as His Majesty's blessing.

 So it is understandable that the other party gave him a rejection. After all, he is a dignified agency chief, and he must vent his grievances.

The second hand on the watch jumped one by one. Hase Ryosuke estimated that the time was almost up, so he walked to the door and raised his hand to slam the door panel.

 “Dong dong dong!”

 “Your Excellency Osako, I have important matters to report.”

  “Say something.”

 “I know you are in the house.”

 “Then the long valley comes in.”

Hasega Ryousuke raised his voice a few times so that everyone could hear him, then he opened the door directly and barged in without hesitation.

 In the office, Osako Tsusada, wearing a traditional kimono, sits cross-legged on the tatami, and the staff who came in earlier are pouring tea for him.

Seeing Hase Ryosuke entering uninvited, Osako was stunned for a moment. When he came to his senses, he immediately became furious, slammed the table hard, and shouted loudly.

“Baga! Mr. Hase, don’t you know what politeness is?”

"Your Majesty Osako, please take a look at this information before you get angry again." Hase Ryosuke was too lazy to talk nonsense and interrupted the other party's reprimand. He threw out the message from "Matsuko" and picked up the tea on the table. Drink it all in one gulp.


Osotō was trembling with anger, and was about to spit out the fragrance, but when he glanced at the message and saw the content clearly, he stood up directly.

As one of the people in charge of Japanese intelligence in China, he certainly knew about the Battle of Nomenkan, as well as the meaning and sensitivity behind it.

 Several battles in Shanghai, Jinling, Changcheng, Changcheng, and Shacheng were over, and the army was no longer able to fight again unless the Kwantung Army, a new force, entered the pass.

 But there is a prerequisite for the Kwantung Army to enter the customs, that is, Pseudomonas and Korea are safe enough. These two places are the most important resource areas of the empire and cannot be lost.

The Battle of Nomenkan was not so much a provocation by the Kwantung Army as it was a test to test the Red Russia's combat effectiveness in Montenegro and Mosk's attitude.

It is precisely because of this that the Kwantung Army Chief of Staff Tsuji Masanobu, who mobilized troops without authorization, was not punished by Tokyo. Now all parties are paying attention to the subsequent development of the incident.

Before the war, the General Staff Headquarters predicted that Red Russia’s strategic focus would be in Europe, its main enemy would be Germany, and it would not really break out into a large-scale war with the Kwantung Army.

As long as we can get on an equal footing with the Red Russians and keep the situation in Northeast China balanced, the well-trained Kwantung Army can enter the border to support the war against China.

Even if the Red Russia is really as vulnerable as the army imagined, it is not impossible for the Kwantung Army to divide its forces and occupy the Xibo region and the Far East.

 But now, the Red Russians actually changed their generals before the battle. Under normal circumstances, the Red Russians would not change their frontline commanders unless the one in Mosk had other plans.

 Once Red Russia launches an attack on Manchukuo and Goryeo, Japan will fall into a two-front war. Unlike the Republic of China, Red Russia is a standard powerful country.

Thinking of this possibility, Osako Tsusada was a little panicked. He walked around the tatami twice with the telegram, then raised his head and stared at Hase Ryosuke and started to blame.

"Baga, why don't you report such important information to me immediately? I will hold Tokyo accountable for your dereliction of duty."

After staying in the Republic of China for so many years, Daxu also learned how to find scapegoats. He understood that sending this information would definitely cause violent turmoil in the upper echelons.

 In addition, such important news should have been sent to Tokyo as soon as it was received. Now that it has been delayed for such a long time, who knows whether Tokyo will pursue it.

In order to be safe, we must find someone with enough weight to take the blame. Hase Ryosuke, who is good at dancing and has long sleeves, is the most suitable candidate. Who makes the other party rich?

Facing the blame thrown by the other party, Hase Ryosuke sneered, sat down slowly, and said to Osako Tsusada in a mocking tone.

“Your Excellency, Director of the Agency, I have been waiting outside your door for so long, and the entire committee has seen it. Ha, there are no secrets in the intelligence agency.

 Besides, I reported to the consul before departure, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should have received the message. It makes no sense for you to say this again. "

Hanggu had long been on guard against the other party's move, otherwise why would he stand at the outer gate? It was Osako who wasted time, what does it have to do with him, a loyal official.

Osako Tsusada blushed at Hase's words. He held it in for a long time and didn't know how to answer, so he had to look for questions from the intelligence itself.

“Mr. Hase, you have misunderstood. Now that you have reported it to Tokyo, I am relieved. But how true is this information?

One thing is also about: who is "Songzi" and whether he is reliable? Could this be a conspiracy by the people of the Republic of China to stir up trouble and undermine the imperial strategy?

We all know that latent work is full of dangers, and the military commander is very difficult to deal with. If "Songzi" is captured... you and I have to guard against this. "

 “Your Majesty Osako!”

Hase Ryosuke called out Osako Tsusada's name angrily, stood up slowly, stared at him closely, and spoke every word through gritted teeth.

“Songzi” has been lurking in Jinling since the 22nd year of the Republic of China. He has sent back a lot of important information and made great contributions to His Majesty Tianlu and the empire.

A year ago, his mother became seriously ill and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs allowed him to return to China to visit relatives. However, in order to better complete the task, he flatly refused the order.

His intelligence played a huge role in the Battle of Qicheng, but he also lost the chance to see his mother for the last time. What you say is very unfair to him.

If you don't believe "Pine Nuts", you can order your people to verify the matter instead of doubting the loyalty of an Imperial warrior without any reason. "

 The staff of the Special Committee on China on the side heard this, their expressions changed slightly, and their eyes towards Osako Tosada gradually became unkind.

What you fear most when working in intelligence is not the enemy, but the knife from behind. Especially when you encounter a suspicious and irresponsible boss, it will be very painful.

Osako Tosada seemed to be aware of it, bowed solemnly, and decisively changed his words: "Simi Masai, please forgive me for what I just said, "Matsuko"-kun is indeed a meritorious official of the empire.

Mr. Hase, please rest assured that I will immediately report his findings to the General Staff Headquarters and take credit for him. His Majesty Tianlu and the Empire will never treat such a loyal person badly. "

It was a matter of military morale and his own reputation, so Osako chose to bow his head without hesitation. Otherwise, if the conversation spread today, he would not expect anyone to serve him.

 Hase Ryosuke sternly avoided the opponent's bow, took a deep breath and said: "Your Majesty, you don't have to be so polite. In fact, what you just said makes sense.

I suggest that the intelligence personnel of the Special Committee on China in the mountain city conduct a secret screening of "Songzi", firstly to determine the safety of the other party, and secondly to prove the authenticity of the intelligence.

This matter is related to the dispute over the northward and southward routes of the imperial navy and army, the safety of Michou and Goryeo, and even the great achievements of His Majesty Tianchu and the empire, so it has to be handled with caution.

 Later, I will hand over the files and information of "Songzi" to you. You must send the most elite personnel to carry out this task. I think "Songzi" will understand our difficulties. "

He has said this, what else can Osako Tosada do, of course he can only agree: "Yoshi, just do as Hase-kun said, I will let the mole hidden at the top of the government come forward."

 “Thank you, Your Excellency, the Director of the Agency.”

 Hase Ryosuke put his hands together on the seam of his trousers, bent his waist at a 90-degree angle, and expressed his gratitude to Osako. He has always been very polite to people who can create wealth for him.

 A mole in a high position must be very valuable. He raised his body and licked his lips subconsciously, looking at Osako Tsusada as if he were looking at a shiny gold bar.

 (End of this chapter)

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