Cicada Moving

Chapter 101: Three Lis (6 updates)

Chapter 101 The Three Lis (6 updates)

Of course Dai Chunfeng didn't want to investigate the case. If the killer didn't take action, he would send these four people to the North China front line. Just as Zuo Zhong judged, he would only feel at ease if they were dead.

After Zuo Zhong learned the news, he went to the scene. The news soon reached Dai Chunfeng's ears. Dai Chunfeng was not angry. It was Zuo Zhong's responsibility as the head of the intelligence section to go to the scene. As for whether to investigate and how to investigate, it was up to him. Yes.

Calling Zuo Zhong over, Dai Chunfeng said a little tiredly: "Shen Zhong, you have seen the scene, what do you think? This is the underground party or someone else who is warning me. It is really unreasonable."

Although he was furious, Dai Chunfeng also felt a slight chill. The other party identified the secret agent so quickly and carried out assassinations in the city unscrupulously. He did not take the Secret Service seriously at all.

Zuo Zhong looked serious: "The person who did it was definitely an expert. He left no trace except for footprints. The four victims were divided into several rooms after entertainment. Their throats were cut on the bed, and they did not make any sound."

Of course there is no movement. If you meet your boss, there is a secret mission to be assigned to you, and there is even a handful of US dollars in your hand, you will not be too vigilant.

Dai Chunfeng said on his forehead: "I won't hide it from you now. The Yang case was personally ordered by the Chairman of the Standing Committee. I led the team and worked with the Shanghai Station to implement it. What are your thoughts?"

Dai Chunfeng wanted to hear Zuo Zhong's opinion on this matter. He was not afraid of being assassinated, but the outpouring of condemnation made him tremble with fear, fearing that he would be thrown out by the Chairman as a scapegoat.

Zuo Zhong thought briefly and said, "Teacher, we are soldiers, so of course we must obey military orders."

Zuo Zhong didn't want to say too much. Nothing he said about this matter was right. To oppose Dai Chunfeng would be disloyal, and to agree with Dai Chunfeng would be flattering. He could only deal with this situation with words, and an executioner like Dai Chunfeng did not need comfort from others.

Dai Chunfeng took a deep look at Zuo Zhong: "The public opinion has gone too far, I'm afraid of the chairman of the committee."

Zuo Zhong understood and quickly said: "Those foreigners are really causing trouble. The chairman of the committee asked them to deal with it strictly, but they actually let people go. I think the Shanghai Station should clean up the door and set the record straight."

The garbage in Shanghai is beyond the reach of Zuo Heavy Whip, so let Dai Chunfeng deal with it. Although the culprit cannot be moved, these blood-stained tools can be dealt with first and serve as a warning to those who will follow.

Dai Chunfeng thought about it and felt that Zuo Zhong was right. As long as there were no witnesses, the matter would become an unofficial case and he would not have to worry about the Chairman killing the donkey. This was a good idea.

The huge stone in his heart fell to the ground, and Dai Chunfeng's face looked much better: "Shen Zhong, have you thought about the arrangements for the Li brothers? Brother Qi is a little anxious. Since they want to serve the party and the country, let's allocate them as soon as possible. ”

Zuo Zhong leaned forward and said, "I initially plan to send Li Qiwu to Peking Station, Li Wanli to Shanghai Station, and Li Shansen to America Station. These places are prosperous places, and the teacher can take care of old friends."

These days, Zuo Zhong also got to know through Yu Xingle. Dai Chunfeng said that these three people are all outstanding people, which really flatters them. Except for Li Shansen, who can be regarded as an intelligence talent, the other two are just gangsters. If Dai Chunfeng hadn't appreciated them, they would have been dismissed.

Li Qiwu has a tolerable character and is sinister enough, so let him fight the Japanese and keep an eye on the underground party in other districts and stations. His younger brother Li Wanli is just a child who has not grown up, a man with great ambition and talent, and is sent to Shiliyangchang is just right.

Li Cansen's ability is very good. Yu Xingle said that this person has a bit of his shadow, which made Zuo Zhong increase his vigilance. He knew how strong Yu Xingle's intelligence ability was, so he simply sent Li Cansen to the United States to eat bread and drink milk.

After hearing Zuo Zhong's arrangement, Dai Chunfeng couldn't help but nod. Li Qiwu and Li Wanli went to the same type of stations, and they were both in big cities. Although the arrangements were different from the ones mentioned before, they must not have any complaints. It was just that Li Cansen went to U.S?

Dai Chunfeng asked: "Shen Zhong, do you have any ideas about letting Li Cansen go to the United States?"

Zuo Zhong said respectfully: "Teacher Mingshi Wanli, students do have some ideas. Now the Japanese basically rely on Americans for resource imports. We must master this information and take action when necessary."

Dai Chunfeng and the entire national government know that the United States is Japan's largest trading partner. Three-quarters of Japan's imports come from the United States. Japan imports large amounts of scrap iron and oil from the United States, which is very beneficial to the recovery of the U.S. economy that was hit hard by the Great Depression.

Dai Chunfeng was very satisfied that Zuo Zhong could be prepared for danger in times of peace: "Then let's do it this way. It's better that you think carefully. You can talk to them later. Li Cansen's actions in the United States must be kept secret and must not anger the Americans."

Zo Yao nodded: "Teacher, don't worry, I will let Li Cansen conduct public intelligence collection work, such as obtaining information from publicly published newspapers and articles, and will not obtain illegal intelligence."

Zuo Zhong knew very well that although the Americans and the Japanese were fighting fiercely now, it would be better to wear a pair of pants. In fact, both parties had their own plans. The Americans wanted to encourage the Japanese to attack the Red Bear, and the Japanese wanted to use American resources to invade China.

 But what benefits will the Japanese gain from occupying Siberia? Frozen soil or mud? In the end, the devil's claws will still extend to China and Southeast Asia. The "sneak attack" in Hawaii is also inevitable. The Americans are destined to suffer this disaster.

So the Americans cannot be angered. The future war between China and Japan will require American talents, whether it is materials or funds. Besides, he asked Li Cansen to go to the United States more to get people away from the headquarters, not to let him perform meritorious services. After chatting, Zuo Zhong went to the temporary residence of the Li brothers, a hotel not far from the secret service. It seemed that Dai Chunfeng still valued these three people. More than 20 other Jiangshan spies lived in the dormitory.

At this time, the three people in the hotel were also chatting. The content of the chat was about their future positions. Li Wanli was full of confidence in this. After all, Dai Chunfeng and his brother were good friends and would never send them away casually.

Li Wanli said happily: "Brother, you said Dai Chunfeng would not give you a section chief job. Zuo Zhong can be the section chief at such a young age."

Li Qiwu quickly scolded him when he heard this: "Speaking of Virgo, Chunfeng is my superior now. As for how to arrange us, it depends on Section Chief Zuo."

After Li Qiwu came back, he regretted that he should not have shown off in front of Zuo Zhong. He knew Dai Chunfeng, an old classmate. If Zuo Zhong was not particularly important, he would not have introduced him so solemnly. He blamed himself for being carried away. mind.

Li Wanli said with disdain: "Zuo Zhong is just a small section chief, Dai Chuzuo is his boss, why should we let him decide how to arrange it? Brother, I think you are too careful."

Listening to the conversation between the two Li brothers, Li Cansen felt a little helpless. He was admitted to the special training class under a false name. If Dai Chunfeng hadn't appreciated his ability, he would have been engaged in military law. Now he is implicated by the five brothers Li Qi. What a hell. .

These two stupid pigs didn't even think about why Zuo Zhong could serve as the chief of the intelligence section. It was just because of his strong connections and strong abilities. The three of them were just new arrivals, so you just showed off in front of others. It would be strange if others didn't get in the way.

Zuo Zhong was listening to the conversation between the two outside the door. A cold glint flashed in his eyes. It seemed that he would pay more attention to the two of them in the future. Then he opened the door with a smile on his face.

“Oh, brothers are busy with official duties and there is a case, so I neglected three of them.” Zuo Zhong apologized profusely as soon as he entered.

They said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao were about to arrive. The three of them did not expect Zuo Zhong to come, so they quickly stood up to greet him. Li Wanli was afraid that Zuo Zhong would overhear what they just said, so his flushed face turned pale.

Zuo Zhong glanced at it and asked with concern: "Brother Wan Li, are you feeling uncomfortable? Do you want me to find a doctor to take a look? Director Ling of the medical clinic was originally a famous doctor from the Central Hospital and has very good medical skills."

Li Qiwu glanced at his brother and said in his heart that he was really a waste. He declined: "We are just not used to the soil and water of Jinling. We will be fine after a while. Thank you Chief Zuo for your concern."

It's too late to pretend to be cowardly now. The smile on Zuo Zhong's face became brighter: "We are all brothers, so you don't have to be polite. I am here today to discuss future arrangements with you."

Li Qiwu's eyes darkened. Damn it, what are you afraid of? I guess the headquarters arrangement that Dai Chunfeng mentioned before is gone. I don't know how Section Chief Zuo will arrange it. He won't go to the Northeast to lurk. It's better to stay here. Jiangshan is staying home.

 Li Wanli didn't know the seriousness of the matter yet, so he was just giggling there. Li Cansen smiled bitterly in his heart. The future of the three of them was in Zuo Zhong's hands, and he was in an unforeseen disaster.

Zuo Zhong pretended to be confused: "Aren't you happy? Virgo and I discussed it for a long time before we came up with three best places for you."

Three people have three places to go. The three Lis understand that the other party is trying to break them up. If a hero has three gangs, and he goes to a local district to stand alone, it will take several years to establish a firm foothold, let alone other things. .

Compared with the loss of Li Qiwu and Li Wanli, Li Cansen was refreshed. It was not a bad thing to fight alone. Without the involvement of these two stupid pigs, maybe he could really make a name for himself in the world.

Li Cansen stood up straight and said respectfully: "Thank you, Section Chief Zuo, for thinking about us. I am grateful for my humble position."

Zuo Zhong laughed loudly: "Okay, very good. Brother Qi Wu and Brother Wan Li, you go out first. I want to assign a task to Cansen. You are not allowed to inquire about each other. This is the rule of the Secret Service."

Li Qiwu and Li Wanli almost died of anger. In the blink of an eye, their younger brother Li Cansen jumped into the trap. Zuo wanted to kick them out, which was really bullying.

The next second, Li Qiwu held back his anger and pulled Li Wanli out. Now people have to bow their heads under the eaves. You will not always have the upper hand. Thirty years to Hedong, thirty years to Hexi, we will see. .

Zuo Zhong saw his expression and thought to himself that he wanted to introduce his best brother, Li Qiwu, to Deputy Director Zheng. He thought that Deputy Director Zheng would definitely "take care" of him.

 (End of this chapter)

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