Cicada Moving

Chapter 980: Zhukov

Chapter 980 Zhukov

 Mountain city.

There was a lively scene in the air-raid shelter of the secret camp. The staff members were either lowering their heads to record on paper or marking something on the blackboard.

The telegraph operators were also under the supervision of spies who were familiar with telecommunications, writing fake messages one after another, and using unpowered radio stations to simulate power generation.

The most diligent among them are the local traitors, who work in groups of three and two, racking their brains to fabricate fictitious intelligence activities.

Wu Jingzhong and Gu Qi walked back and forth on their respective sides, receiving the latest information from outside from time to time, stopping to read loudly.

“The average temperature in Nomenkan yesterday was 10℃~18℃, and the northwest wind was from level 4-5 to southerly level 4-5.”

“In the past three days, there has been no sign of rain. Please add it to the combat plan and intelligence.”

“A plane landed in Tamtsag-Bragak yesterday morning. The plane was a Russian-made ANT-6 and the crew was unknown.”

“The Red Russian army on the Nomenkan front line made unusual movements one day ago, and the alert level increased. The Mongolian army also made unknown movements.”

“Electronic reconnaissance shows that the communication frequency of the Red Russian Far East Military has increased, and radio interference has occurred in nearby towns.”

“Early this morning, the first unit of the 57th Red Russian Army went out to the east bank of the Harha River to build field fortifications.”

“At noon today, multiple Red Russian aircraft appeared above the Red Russian position in Nomenkan. The model and number are yet to be verified.”

“According to rumors, at about 9 o’clock in the morning, the Japanese Air Force and the Red Russian Air Force exchanged fire in Mengdi, and one of the Japanese Air Force crashed.”

“It is also reported that the military trains on the Red-Russian-Beijing Railway are becoming more and more intensive, with as many as 30 trains as of one hour ago.”

“The Kwantung Army and the Pseudo-Mite Border Force are stepping up combat preparations, and the Japanese 7th Division and 1st Tank Division are also collecting supplies.”

Following the briefings from the two of them, the personnel involved in Operation Mirage began to revise the "Red Russian" and "Japanese" combat plans, messages, and intelligence.

The war game of the two armies on the blackboard also added this information and started a new round of simulation in order to update the battlefield situation in real time.

Zuo Zhong, Chief Zhang and Guo Yizhi sat behind a table, listening to the latest situation and began to discuss in a low voice.

“Shen Zhi, the Russian troops on the front line are very active. Combined with the increase in air force and the actions on the railway, it seems that our guess has come true.”

 Chief Zhang relaxed his brows slightly and said in a relaxed tone: "Fekelenko's position should be revoked, but I don't know if it is Zhukov who came.

However, judging from the fact that the Red Russian troops established a landing site on the east bank of the Harha River, the opposing commander was very aggressive and moved very quickly.

This is very similar to Zhukov's command style, soft yet hard, good at joint command of multiple arms, and accustomed to taking the initiative. "

After speculating on the changes in the Red Russian military, he patted the document filled with notes and silently recalled Zhukov's military experience.

“Zhukov was born in 1896 to a poor family. He graduated from middle school. In 1915, he was drafted into the Russian army and participated in the last European War.

 During his service, he fought bravely and took the lead. He fought on the front line for two years, was promoted to corporal, and received two Georgi Crosses.

After the fall of Tsarist Russia, he joined the Red Russian Army in August 1918 and served as a soldier in the 4th Regiment of the 1st Cavalry Division. The following year he joined the Red Russian underground party.

In 1920, he served as the platoon leader of the 1st Cavalry Regiment. During the Civil War, he fought in the north and south. After the Civil War, he was already the commander of the 39th Cavalry Regiment.

 Later, this regiment was transformed into the first tank regiment of Red Russia. Zhukov served as the regiment commander for 7 years, thereby establishing his tank combat theory.

In 1930, Zhukov served as the commander of the 2nd Cavalry Brigade, commanding two tank regiments, and received further training in armored command courses at the military academy.

In 1933, he served as the commander of the 4th Division, in 1937 as the commander of the 3rd Cavalry Corps, and later as the commander of the 6th Cavalry Corps. His career was smooth.

In 1937, as a senior observer, he went to the front line of the Spanish Civil War to inspect the performance and role of the new Russian tanks supporting the government forces. "

 Chief Zhang quickly introduced Zhukov's resume, took another sip of water, and then began to evaluate the opponent's combat philosophy and military thinking.

“The other party has gradually grown from a poor man to a high-ranking commander of the Red Russia. He is extremely determined and has extremely rich combat experience. He can make plans before taking action when encountering problems.

 When he was in the advanced training class at the Frunze Military Academy in Moscow, Zhukov published a paper suggesting the large-scale use of tanks for independent combat.

 He advocated combining tanks, artillery, infantry, and air force to fight together, boldly implementing roundabout encirclement, and annihilating the enemy's main force by surprise.

If I guess correctly, the Red Russian troops will soon launch an active attack on the Japanese army, and it will be a rapid attack by the mechanized corps and the air force. "


Zuo Zhong listened to Chief Zhang's reasoning and clapped his hands gently. As expected of the Huangpu Education Chief, he summed up Zhukov's commanding style very well.

Zhukov may not be the smartest person in the Red Russian army, but he is indeed the most determined general and the best at joint operations with large corps.

 Slowly putting down his hand, Zuo Zhong smiled, complimented and asked a question: "Sir Zhang has become so familiar with the target in such a short period of time, I admire him.

Then what preparations do you think Zhukov will make to ensure the victory of his active attack on Japan? Will he mobilize supplies and troops from the rear? "


 Chief Zhang smiled at Zuo Zhong's flattery and made a prediction with certainty: "War is all about logistics, and Zhukov will understand.

 The war potential of the Red Russia is obviously higher than that of the Japanese army, but the Japanese army has an advantage in terms of transportation distance. To win, rear support is the key.

The increase in military trains on the Xiberian Railway in the intelligence report just now is evidence. This is just the beginning. More materials and equipment will be transported to the Far East.

In addition, looking at Zhukov's battles in the first half of his life, this man's military use was similar to that of Wang Jian of the Qin Dynasty. He was a general who pursued stability rather than surprises and was good at using regular soldiers. From ancient times to the present, many people have despised this kind of generals, thinking that the opponent cannot fight without a force several times that of the enemy, which is really ridiculous.

 The scholar talked lightly about the people in the tomb, and the scholar in the tomb laughed. I am afraid that these scholars have never seen the battlefield and do not understand the cruelty of war at all. "

 He read a line from "Ye Zhong Ge" by Ming Dynasty poet Zhong Xing with a little disdain, then his expression became serious, he waved his hands vigorously and emphasized the tone.

“Since we have a numerical advantage, why don’t we use it? Do we have to defeat more with less to be considered a famous general? That’s a joke with the lives of soldiers.

Besides, being able to control more troops is an ability in itself, unlike some senior officers in our army who cannot manage even a few hundred people.

The other party can rise from soldiers to deputy commander, and obviously does not lack this ability, so it will definitely mobilize troops from the rear, to be precise, from Europe.

 For the sake of stability, we used upright troops to completely defeat the Japanese and quickly end the war in the Far East to avoid falling into a protracted war.

 That would be very dangerous for Red Russia, and it would easily fall into the dilemma of a two-sided war. Zhukov knew very well that Mosk would not allow this to happen.

 Secondly, it is to increase actual combat experience for the European troops of Red Russia, especially large-scale mechanized combat experience, which is very critical.

  No matter how many exercises there are, it is better to fight a real battle. In actual combat, problems will be discovered that could not be discovered during the peace period. The Red Russians will not miss the opportunity to train troops. "

Zuo Zhong and Guo Yizhi nodded after hearing this. Zhukov would indeed not take the risk of defeat and use his own honor and the country's future to win with a surprise attack.

Only small and weak countries can hope to use trickery to win. Big and powerful countries do not need to use this method to gain an advantage.

After thinking about it, Zuo Zhong asked another key question: "Sir Zhang, based on your experience, how many reinforcements will Zhukov ask for from Mosk?"

 “This cannot be determined.”

 Chief Zhang shook his head at first, and then changed the subject: "But if they want to defeat the Japanese and the Pseudo-mites, the Red Russians need at least one army group.

Based on the Red Russian military system, the group army has approximately 3 infantry corps, 3 armored brigades, 3 tank brigades, 1 artillery brigade and other supporting units.

Combining the existing strength of the 57th Army, this means that Zhukov also needs 3 elite infantry divisions, 2 armored and tank brigades, and 2 heavy artillery regiments.

At the same time, the intelligence from the front said that the Japanese and the Red Russian air force were engaged in an air battle, and it was imperative for the Red Russian to strengthen the air force in Nomenkan.

 Previous data shows that there is only one 100th Flying Brigade in Monte. In my opinion, at least one more Flying Brigade is enough to be safe.

I suggest that based on these troop mobilization data, a plan for the Red Russians to attack the Northeast should be developed, which should be able to deceive the Japanese. "

Guo Yizhi on the side nodded slightly. The above speculation was well-founded and highly credible. If it were him who had predicted it, he would have given this answer.

Zuo Zhong thought carefully for a long time, but also found no problems. He finally decided to refer to Chief Zhang's speculation and send false information to the Japanese.

The truest lie is always the truth within the lie. Such a large-scale move by Red Russia to mobilize troops from Europe will definitely not be able to hide it from the lurking Japanese intelligence personnel.

 In this way, part of the real troop mobilization can be used to cover up false strategic purposes. This kind of false information is very difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Even if there are discrepancies in details, such as the number of reinforcements, the Japanese will only suspect that the investigation is wrong, but not that there is a problem with the intelligence itself.

Zuo Zhong made up his mind and immediately called Wu Jingzhong, repeating the conversation just now and asking the other party to fabricate relevant information based on it.

 After Wu Jingzhong left, he turned to chat with Guo Yizhi. Compared with the Red Russians, the Japanese's deployment in conflict areas was basically clear.

 Previous intelligence said that the 7th Division of the Kwantung Army and the 1st Tank Division were collecting grain and grass, apparently making preparations for the war.

The 7th Division is the most elite mobile force of the Kwantung Army. It was established in 18-97. It is directly under the jurisdiction of the Kwantung Army Headquarters and is stationed in Qiqihar.

It has two brigades, four infantry regiments, and a total of 25,000 troops. It is the most important combat and ruling force of the Japanese in Northeast China.

During the Sino-Japanese War, he belonged to the 1st Army to attack the Liaodong Peninsula. During the Russo-Japanese War, he belonged to the 3rd Army to participate in the Battle of Liaoyang. It can be said that he had "outstanding military achievements."

 Since its establishment, the 7th Division has always served as the strategic reserve of the Japanese base camp, carrying out the mission of mobile operations, which is the pride of the Japanese military.

 Especially the 26th and 28th regiments under it are famous in the Japanese Army. Most of the graduates of the Army are interning in these two regiments.

The 7th Division is recognized as the most powerful unit in the Japanese army. It once occupied Hailanpao and became the main force of the Japanese army's northward march into Red Russia.

 It is also considered to be the main force most suitable for fighting against the Red Russia. It is well-equipped and has high-quality soldiers. It is always ready to launch an attack against the Red Russia.

As the only tank division in Japan, the 1st Tank Division is regarded as a treasure by the Japanese Army, which is so poor that it is so poor that it is known as a "national treasure."

  It has 3 tank regiments, stationed near Xinjing, with 282 tanks and 37 armored vehicles. It is Japan's most elite tank unit.

The Type 8┴9 medium-sized tanks and the Type 95 light tanks equipped by Japan are the trump cards that Japan has devoted great efforts to research. As for the combat effectiveness, that's about it.

In short, relying on the intelligence of these two forces, the military commander can perfectly fabricate the "Japanese army's" combat plan against Russia, and it is very real.

Zuo Zhong called Song Minghao as usual and assigned the task. In this way, the strategic deception operation against Red Russia and Japan entered the specific implementation stage.

 After handling this most important link, the atmosphere suddenly became much more relaxed. Officer Zhang poured himself a glass of water and asked a question.

“Shen Zhong, as far as I know, your military commander should have some informants in the Japanese military, and it would not be difficult to reveal Red Russia’s combat plan to the other party.

 But the Red Russian intelligence is different and difficult to penetrate. How to hand over the Japanese combat plan to the Red Russians? Do you have a plan? "

In response, Zuo Zhong just smiled faintly and did not answer. He turned his gaze to the east, seeming to see something through the thick concrete.

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