Cicada Moving

Chapter 992: Current status of Nomenkan

Chapter 992: Current Situation at Nomenkan

  1939, end of June.

Monte grassland turned into a sea of ​​green, dotted with wild flowers of various colors blooming, and the low hills and blue sky in the distance gradually merged into one.

The breeze blew through the red Russian field fortifications on the west bank of the Harha River, and the green grass swayed slightly. Behind the observation hole, Zhukov held a telescope to observe the landing point on the east bank, with a serious expression.

Since the beachhead was established, the Japanese on the other side seem to have disappeared. This is not a good thing. The other side has withdrawn its fist.

Compared with the long logistics line of the 57th Army, the Japanese army can obtain supplies from nearby cities such as Harar. The longer the delay, the more unfavorable the situation will be for itself.

On the contrary, the longer the time goes by, the greater the strength accumulated by the Japanese. When it reaches a critical point, it will destroy all obstacles in front of it like an avalanche.

Zhukov frowned when he thought that the reinforcements that were supposed to arrive at Nomenkan a few days ago had not yet arrived. If the Kwantung Army launched an attack first, the 57th Army would not be able to resist it with its current strength.

He slowly turned his head and said seriously: "Comrades, can any of you tell me how long it will take for the soldiers and equipment I need to reach the front line?"

Standing in front of Zhukov was the newly formed command team of the 57th Army. Some of the reinforcement leaders and some staff officers from the Far East had just been transferred from Europe.

 Hearing his words, everyone present was silent. No one dared to answer the questions of Comrade Commander. The army is different from other places. If you cannot complete what you say, you will be punished by military regulations.

The fortification became extremely quiet, and the guards were so frightened that they dared not speak out. Finally, Nikishev, the former political commissar of the 57th Army, stood up and smoothed things over for everyone.

“Comrade Commander, according to Mosk’s previous plan, 57,000 soldiers, 542 artillery pieces, 498 tanks, 385 armored vehicles and 515 aircraft will be sent to Nomenkan before the battle begins.

Now the Sibber Railway is fighting for the rampant personnel, equipment, and materials. Many driver comrades have not rest for a few days and nights. I think that it won't take long for more reinforcements to reach.

Although the patriotic enthusiasm of local comrades deserves admiration and praise, if the transportation volume is increased, accidents will easily occur. Once the railway is paralyzed, it will be more difficult for us to obtain reinforcements and support. "

Nikishev is a qualified political worker. He first explained Mosk’s emphasis on the war and the support of the Red Russian masses for the front line. He also showed the objective difficulties and tried to calm Zhukov down.

 Because there is really no way around it. Montenegro is not Europe. It does not have a complete road, railway, or waterway transportation network. It is thousands of miles away from Europe to the Far East. It is normal for reinforcements to be slow.

 “Comrade Political Commissar is right.”

“Trains have limited transport capacity.”

Before Nikishev finished speaking, others all agreed. It was not that they were slacking off, but that the conditions did not allow it. If Nomenkan was in Europe, not to mention 50,000 people, even the transportation of 500,000 people would be nothing.

But it was better if no one explained, but it was worse when they did. Hearing the "quibbles" of his men, Zhukov's already suppressed anger was ignited again. He patted the table with the map hard and looked around.

“Comrades, I need to remind everyone, don’t forget that we are in the Mongolian grassland. July is the rainy season here, and those temporarily paved field roads will become very muddy.

By then, the transportation of soldiers and supplies from Tamuzag Prague to Nomenkan will be more difficult. The cunning Japanese will not miss this good opportunity. Do you understand? "

Zhukov expressed one of the things that worried him the most. He liked the Republic of China’s summary of war. If you want to defeat the enemy, you must pay attention to the three points of time, location, and people.

 Now Red Russia does not have the advantage in terms of people and geography. If it is also at a disadvantage in terms of weather and timing, even if it can win this war, it will have to pay a huge price.

The people present were all professional soldiers. No matter how capable they were, they had at least received a complete formal military education. They knew very well what traffic on the grasslands was like during the rainy season, so they lowered their heads and pretended to be quails again.

Seeing that they were silent, Zhukov didn't waste any time. He pointed on the map to the locations of Tamuzag, Prague, Nomenkan and other places, and directly issued a death order.

“Before July, the 11th Tank Brigade, the 7th, 8th, and 9th Armored Motor Brigades, the 36th Infantry Division, the Heavy Artillery Battalion, and the 8th Montenegrin Cavalry Division, which is resting in Ulaanbaatar, must be in place.

 After other combat units arrived at Tamtsag Prague and got off the train, the elite troops took armored vehicles and drove to Nomenka at full speed. The military stations along the way must be well supplied with supplies and fuel.

I don’t care about the hours of the motorcycle or the road conditions. Even if they sleep on the bus and eat on the bus, the journey from getting off to the assembly point should not exceed three days.

All the remaining soldiers rushed to the front line in cars. All the heavy-duty trucks and artillery tractors in the Far East were working without stopping, and they must transport support as quickly as possible. "

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. The use time of the chariot engine is fixed. This time is the motorcycle hour. When it is used up, it needs to be replaced with a new engine or overhauled. It is an important indicator of the tank. Under normal circumstances, in order to ensure combat effectiveness, the tank's motorcycle hours need to be reserved. The reserve should not be less than 50% of the motorcycle hours.

 At the same time, the greater the power, the greater the loss of motorcycle hours. Therefore, during non-war times, chariots are generally transported by train to the station closest to the front line, and then slowly drive to the front line.

Taking the B2 engine currently equipped on the main fighting vehicles of the Red Russia as an example, the motorcycle hours were only 100 hours at the beginning. After several years of improvement, the hours were increased to 250 hours.

If Zhukov's order is followed, even if these tanks have new engines and drive at full speed from Muchague Prague to Nomenkan, it will take 72 motorcycle hours just to travel.

In other words, less than half of the 125 reserves are left at most. This time is only enough for a small-scale battle. If the reserve is exceeded, the chariot unit may be paralyzed at any time.

Moreover, the supporting tanks have a long journey from the station to the train station, and the motorcycle hours cannot be zero. For example, the armored force camp in the Belarusian Military District is seven or eight hours away from the station.

The Red Russian officers wanted Zhukov to give up this crazy idea, but looking at the other man's cold expression and murderous eyes, they swallowed back the words that came to their lips.

Political Commissar Nikishev saw that the atmosphere was too solemn and felt that the war had not yet begun and he could not cause conflicts within himself, so he reported the good news to Zhukov with a smile.

 At the beginning of June, the Red Russian and Japanese aviation forces fought several fierce air battles over Nomenkan. Within a few days, a total of nearly 60 fighter jets from both sides crashed onto the grassland.

 Among them, there are fewer Japanese fighters and more Red Russian fighters. This is because the performance of the single-wing Type 97 fighter equipped by the Kwantung Army is more advanced than the double-wing Il-15 equipped by the Red Russian fighter jets, and the pilot level is also better.

However, as Zhukov persistently requested reinforcements from the direction of Mosk, the Red Russian Air Force’s most advanced I-16 aircraft and elite pilots appeared in the air battle, and the advantage of air superiority began to tilt towards the Red Russia.

Now the air force part of the 57th Army is strong. The air force was transferred from the Transbaikal Military District to expel the 22nd Regiment plus the former 100th Flying Brigade, a total of 123 combat aircraft.

In addition, numerous field airports have also been opened in Tamtsag Prague, Sambes, Tanhe Ayla, Nomenkan and other places to facilitate the air force to support the front line.

  The old Il-15 and Il-16 fighter jets cooperated with each other, and under the control of the Red Russian pilots, they fought back and forth with the Japanese Type 97 fighter jets, and the losses were much smaller.

Zhukov was a little disappointed when he heard this. The Great Qing Dynasty caused the Red Russian army to lose too many talents, otherwise the results should have been better. After being silent for a while, he turned to ask about the movements of the Japanese army.

 Hearing the question from Comrade Commander, the well-trained Red Russian intelligence staff immediately gave an answer based on memory without checking any information.

Five days ago, the main force of the Japanese Second Flying Group, a total of 78 aircraft, was deployed in Hailar, and the remaining forces, a total of 41 aircraft, were deployed in the direction from Baicheng to Aershan Town, southeast of Nomenkan.

 Four days ago, the 23rd Division and an infantry regiment of the 7th Division completed their assembly at the General Temple in the northeast of Nomenkan. At the same time, a main tank regiment of the 1st Tank Division drove into the vicinity of Aershan Town.

The total strength of the Japanese army is estimated to be more than 20,000 people, 84 tanks, 180 aircraft and 400 vehicles. There are also an unknown number of cavalry and logistics troops from the Miya Prefecture Border Force to coordinate.

But what is strange is that the Japanese ground forces suddenly entered a dormant state three days ago. In addition to regular security missions, they stopped offensive activities and did not conduct further combat formations.

 For this reason, NK┴VD and GRU intelligence personnel in the Northeast have done their best to investigate, but still have not discovered the reason. This is all the movements of the Japanese army that Red Russia currently has.

Zhukov frowned even more. What did the Japanese want to do? Why did they stop fighting formation? This is the most important preparation before the war. Is it because the other side is not ready to fight?

 No, it’s impossible.

The number of Japanese troops currently assembled around Nomenkan has far exceeded the defensive needs, and the daily consumption of so many troops and equipment is an astronomical figure. If the combat plan is suspended, the losses will be very heavy.

Based on his understanding of the Japanese, this kind of thing should not happen to the Japanese army. Due to the repeated wars with the Republic of China, the opponent's economy is on the verge of collapse and they will never mobilize troops at will.

 All this proves that the Japanese are definitely going to fight a war. The Japanese army is not organized now and is probably doing the same as the 57th Army. It is also waiting for more supporting troops.

Zhukov had an ominous premonition. Marshal Voroshilov said when he met him that the war should be controlled within a reasonable range and the invading Japanese army should be defeated in the shortest possible time. I am afraid that it will not be possible.

At this moment, the officer in charge of the 57th Army's telegraph service broke into the fortification directly. Under everyone's gaze, he held up a telegram and saluted, and said a few words: "Urgent telegram from the Koremlin! "

 (End of this chapter)

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