Cicada Moving

Chapter 996: 1939 (revised version)

Chapter 996 1939 (revised version)

 1939 was a year full of turmoil and unrest. The war between the Republic of China and Japan continued. The conflict between the Red Russians and the Japanese intensified. The Germans were also sharpening their knives against their surrounding neighbors.

Two of these three major wars were directly related to Red Russia. Mosk was deeply worried about this. Finally, with the kindness of the Germans, Red Russia fought with Red Russia on August 23, when the fierce battle at Nomenkan was in full swing. Germany signed a non-aggression pact.

The treaty divided the spheres of influence of Russia and Germany in Eastern Europe, designated Poland as a buffer area for both sides, and guaranteed not to actively launch attacks on each other and to provide assistance to their respective hostile third countries.

 In fact, the top leaders of Russia and Germany know that this kind of agreement has no effect, but at least the possibility of a war between the two sides has become very small in a short period of time, and the two countries can finally deal with their own little "trouble" with peace of mind.

In the Far East, the Bearded Man issued an order regardless of casualties, trying to end the Nomonkan War as soon as possible, and then turn around to carve up Poland with the Germans, and even obtain more benefits.

In Europe, a military operation called the "Goose Canned Plan" is slowly being completed on the map of German staff, and the roar of tanks and fighter planes resounds across the sky.

On the night of August 31, the German army took some death row prisoners out of their cells, asked them to put on Polish army uniforms, and took them to a small town on the German side of the border between Germany and Poland.

The prisoners on death row were armed with weapons without ammunition. After being knocked unconscious, they were imprisoned in important places such as the town's parliament and radio station. Then Polish songs rang out on the radio and a raging fire broke out in the town.

 German soldiers who had been prepared immediately rushed into the town from outside the town and shot at the prisoners, creating the illusion that the Polish army attacked the German town and was wiped out by the German army.

I have to say that the Germans are much more professional than the Japanese in catching thieves. At least they did not use missing soldiers as an excuse, showing superb "German technology".

Afterwards, the German army also called several reporters overnight to publicize the news of Poland's sneak attack on Germany, protested to the Polish government, and demanded an apology and compensation for losses.

Of course, the Polish government did not acknowledge this unreasonable accusation and refused to apologize or compensate. So in the early morning of September 1, the most tragic and large-scale war in human history began.

As the order to start the war was issued, the black Luftwaffe bombers immediately flew towards Poland and launched large-scale bombings on Polish army stations, arsenals, airports, bridges and other targets located on the border. The Polish army suffered a devastating blow. blow.

At the same time, the German armored forces easily broke through the Polish defense line and advanced into the hinterland of Poland at a speed of 50 to 60 kilometers per day. 1.5 million troops advanced in two directions.

With the cooperation of the air force, thousands of German tanks destroyed all obstacles like rolling iron. Poland, which knew nothing about modern warfare, even used cavalry to attack German tanks.

The result can be imagined. In just two or three days, the Polish army, although heroic but useless, almost lost most of its ability to resist, and the German army was like no one.

But the Poles did not despair, because Poland was in an important position between Germany and Red Russia, so it had signed military alliances with many countries. If Poland was attacked, the allies would send troops to protect Poland.

As long as we persist for a while and wait until the allies' support arrives, everything will change, including the current corrupt war situation, and maybe we can break into Germany to wash away the shame.

 So what did the British, who had just signed a mutual assistance agreement with Poland a few months ago, do? Before the war, the British Prime Minister said that the United Kingdom would pledge to support Poland militarily to prevent threats to its territorial integrity.

London also issued a public statement, announcing that if the independence of the Polish government is threatened and force must be used to resist certain countries, Britain and France will stand with Poland.

But after the war really broke out, Britain seemed to have no such thing, pretending to be deaf, blind and mute. In short, it was willing to provide Poland with all support except help.

This is also the consistent style of the shit-troublemaker. He will do his best to benefit from it, and his "friends" will go first when in danger. Relying on this unique skill of deceiving his teammates, the British Empire is invincible and dominates the world.

Until September 3, seeing that Poland was not far away from defeat, Britain and France shyly declared war on Germany, but still did not take any actual actions, let alone attack Germany.

The French Army drank red wine, ate steak and watched a show on the Maginot Line of Defense built at a cost of 5 billion francs. They did not dare to take a step beyond the boundaries and "respected each other as guests" with the Germans a few hundred meters away.

The Air Force only dropped pieces of paper on the German positions to promote peace. French newspapers even called "All Quiet on the Western Front". I don't know if it was a mockery or because they really thought that the war was still far away.

Under such circumstances, the sales of luxury goods in Paris hit new highs, and the bells of the London Stock Exchange kept ringing. As for the Poles who are struggling to support themselves, what does that have to do with the British Empire and France.

Britain and France both expected the Germans to target the Red Russia after defeating the Poles. The ideology of the underground party, which broke the shackles of capitalism, made the people the masters, and had no boundaries such as geography and race, was deeply loved by the proletarians, but it was This is what the British and French authorities fear most.

In many countries, there are even voices saying “I would rather see a mustache in London than an underground party” and “I would rather see a mustache than a big beard”. It can be imagined how much Britain and France hate the Red Russia. Now that they have the opportunity to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers, they are naturally unwilling to participate in it. You must know that the war has only been 20 years ago, and many people still have lingering fears.

The war situation between Japan and Russia has also become more and more anxious. The Red Russia has invested a large amount of troops, equipment and supplies in Nomenkan, and the trains on the Xiberian Railway are transporting day and night.

 Many Red Russian troops were transferred to the Far East and lost these elites. If Red Russia wanted to take action in Europe, it must either speed up its recruitment or stop the war with the Japanese.

It is definitely too late to recruit troops now. The Red Russia has only one way to go, and that is peace talks. In fact, when Zuo Zhong heard the news about the German-Polish war, he knew that the war at Nomenkan would not last long.

Sure enough, in early September, Red Russia signed an armistice agreement with Japan. At the same time, in accordance with the Japanese's request, it cut off military aid to China, withdrew its aviation volunteer team to aid China, and made full preparations for the war against Poland.

In this battle, although the Red Russia did not completely defeat the Japanese, Zhukov first showed his talents and showed superb command and organizational skills. As soon as the armistice agreement was signed, he was transferred to Mosk and awaited reuse.

On the other side, the Japanese suffered their biggest loss since the establishment of the army. Among the many divisions that participated in the war, the 23rd Division almost lost its number. Michutaro Komatsubara committed suicide with his beloved command knife.

 Other divisions also suffered heavy casualties, with very few technical weapons such as tanks and artillery remaining. They lost their combat effectiveness in a short period of time, and many troops were directly transferred back to Japan for rest and recuperation.

In the small war zone of Nomenkan, both Red Russia and Japan paid a huge price, but the result was to maintain the pre-war status quo, and the Mirage Project was a great success.

 All temporary staff in the secret camp were disbanded on the spot after signing confidentiality agreements. This past will be completely sealed in the archives of the military command, and may never be declassified.

Zuo Zhongyi bid farewell to Chief Zhang and Chief Guo, and returned to the bureau headquarters with Song Minghao and others. Before his **** got hot, an intelligence briefing from Shanghai was placed on his desk by He Yijun.

Just two days before the German-Polish War, in order to fight for the "orthodox" status of the Fruit Party, Ji recruited a group of frustrated literati and rogues, and arrested some celebrities to convene the Sixth National Congress of the Fruit Party.

The meeting passed bills and declarations such as the "Proposal on Sorting out Party Affairs", "The Proposal on Revising the Party's Programme", "The Proposal on Deciding to Take Anti-Underground Party as the Basic Policy", and "The Proposal on Fundamentally Adjusting Sino-Japanese Relations and Restoring Diplomatic Relations as soon as possible".

He also put forward the program of "peace, anti-underground party, and founding the country", elected the executive committee of the Puppet Fruit Party, and appointed Mr. Ji as its president. This unprecedented meeting prepared the establishment of the Puppet Government.

After the meeting, someone in Ji shamelessly told reporters that from now on, Heping has established a solid foundation. In the future, he will work hard to overcome difficulties, shoulder the responsibility of saving the country and the nation, and achieve permanent peace in East Asia.

He also claimed that the new government would return the capital to Jinling after a period of time, and said that this matter had received support from the Japanese. He would visit Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum as soon as possible after returning to Jinling to "comfort" his spirit in heaven.

However, these things have nothing to do with Juntong and Zuo Zhong. It is someone who should be worried. After all, Ji expelled him from the Kuomintang Party in the meeting. What is related to Juntong is the establishment of the "Pseudo Agent Headquarters".

In order to deal with Shancheng's intelligence agents lurking in Shanghai, especially Chen Gongshu's military-controlled Shanghai District, and to protect the safety of important personnel, Ji's Guo Party Executive Committee set up a special committee.

 The planned No. 2 official of the puppet government and one of the founders of the underground party of the Republic of China, Zhou Fushui, was appointed as the chairman of the special committee, Ding Mocun, a traitor to the Central Unification Committee, was appointed as the deputy chairman, and Li Shiqun was appointed as the chief secretary.

This committee is in charge of all the spy intelligence agencies under Ji, and coordinates the actions of each intelligence unit and related budgets, logistics support and other work. It has a directly affiliated armed spy brigade, which is responsible for protecting the committee agencies, the residences of Ji and Zhou Fushui, and other puppets. Important officials of the government.

The Special Committee has set up a special agent headquarters to carry out specific work. The director is Ding Mocun and the deputy director is Li Shiqun. It has multiple departments under it, and its business operations are completely imitated by the special agent headquarters and the secret service office in the Jinling period.

It can be said that this is a hodgepodge of military and central unification. Most of the staff are traitors to the central unification. Perhaps out of sentiment, it was given such an unlucky name as "Secret Service Headquarters".

At this point, the pseudo-agent headquarters, a den of evil that has killed countless people with lofty ideals, is about to enter the stage of history. After Zuo Zhong learned the news, he took it very seriously and immediately called his subordinates to convene an emergency meeting.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the organizational division of labor and personnel composition of the secret service headquarters, and to study it as the biggest opponent of military unification in the future, so as to avoid the spread of the idea of ​​underestimating the enemy and nip it in the bud.

I was warned and some paragraphs were changed.



 (End of this chapter)

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