Cicada Moving

Chapter 1006: Infinite View (1)

Chapter 1006 Infinite View (1)

Yihe Road, Jinling, the original sixth district management office.

This building was built before the war. The courtyard covers an area of ​​600 square meters. It has a European and American-style building with a brick and wood structure, an auxiliary building, and two additional buildings. After the Japanese occupied Jinling, it became the Japanese Military Police Headquarters.

 According to the division of labor, the Japanese military police in Jinling had three main departments. They were the commanding military section, which was responsible for clearing the countryside, inspecting transportation vehicles, patrolling the streets, and declaring martial law.

 Command the activities of the secret reconnaissance team, collect intelligence, plainclothes reconnaissance, arrest and kill anti-Japanese people, and command the investigation section of the new national government's secret service.

 As well as the security section that controls supplies, handles and issues entry and exit permits, and manages public places.

Every day, many "resistance elements" were captured here and disappeared. People from the nearby Republic of China and foreigners passed by this magical cave and lowered their heads to avoid being noticed by the Japanese soldiers at the door.

An hour before the arrest of Zheng Shisong, deputy district chief of Juntong Shanghai District on the 76th, in the compound of the Japanese Military Police Headquarters, Masaho Yajima, the head of the investigation section, stood with a stern face in front of hundreds of secret reconnaissance team members and a row of cars. Deploying the final action.

“Today’s operation location is Wuliang Temple in Qixia Mountain. The mission is to capture and control all the people in the Taoist temple. You have photos of important targets in your hands. You must not let anyone go.

I would like to remind you that our opponents this time are members of the Shancheng Military Command, who are professional intelligence officers. Anyone who resists will be killed without mercy, except for the district chief of Jinling District, who is also a Taoist from Xuancheng.

We need to pry open his mouth and find out the identities of other people in Jinling District. This is related to the stability of the empire in central China and the progress of the frontline operations. Do you hear me clearly? "


"Set off."

Following Masajo Yajima’s order, the members of the secret reconnaissance team boarded the car one by one, and soon cars and trucks drove out of the military police headquarters and headed straight for Qixia Mountain.

Masajo Yajima was sitting in the first car, his eyes sharp, recalling in his mind the urgent message sent from Shanghai last night from the Special Committee on China.

The telegram described in detail the appearance and characteristics of the person in charge of Jinling District of Juntong and some personnel. One article in particular pointed out that someone had seen the person in charge of Jinling District of Juntong wearing Shifang shoes.

  This is a kind of Taoist clothing, which helped them target Taoist temples. There were not many Taoist temples in Jinling. The Military Police Headquarters used this to successfully find Xuancheng Taoist and Wuliang Temple.

Although Shanghai did not disclose the source of this information, Yajima Masako guessed that the Special Committee on China must have captured important personnel of the military command, otherwise the intelligence would not be so accurate.

Think about it carefully, the Taoist temple is indeed a good hiding place, and the Taoist priest is also a good cover identity. You have free time and can enter and exit most public places and private houses.

Compared with monks, Taoist priests do not need to take ordination on their heads or leave scars, which is very important for intelligence personnel. The presence of scars means that there are clues for tracing.

Masajo Yajima looked at his watch and urged the driver to continue to speed up. If he wanted to catch all the Wuliangguan, he had to be prepared in advance. If the target ran into Qixia Mountain, it would be troublesome.

The convoy with plaster flags rampaged through the streets of Jinling, knocking over countless roadside stalls, and the people ran away in fear. The black men on the roadside not only ignored them, but also bowed to the convoy. .

Half an hour later, Yajima Masajo and his party parked their car at the foot of the mountain, disguised as believers who came to offer incense, and divided their troops into four groups to move quickly towards Wuliang Temple, and a large invisible net slowly unfolded.

At the same time, the right eye of Taoist Xuancheng who was doing morning lessons in Wuliang Guan suddenly twitched slightly. Feeling uneasy, he put down the bell, picked up a small wooden stick and knocked on the chime at hand.


The crisp sound of chimes echoed continuously in the Sanqing Hall, and the burning incense candles raised bursts of green smoke, blocking the face of the statue of the founder of Sanqing, making it difficult for people to see clearly.

Taoist Xuancheng raised his head, looked at the legendary "gods" who rescued people in distress, and murmured in his heart: If you are really useful, why don't you lower the mysterious fire to clean up the evil in the world.

Thinking of this, he smiled to himself. As a spy, he had pretended to be a Taoist priest for so long that sometimes he really couldn't tell his identity. How could these clay and wooden statues save the Republic of China?

Putting down the chime, Taoist Xuancheng stood up and walked to the main hall and stood there for a while, then prepared to go back to his room. But as soon as he raised his feet, he immediately took them back and frowned as he looked at the empty Taoist temple.

 At this time in the past, the Taoist temple was full of believers. Even if the gate of Wuliang Temple is only open for half a day now, the number of people should not be so small. The situation seems a bit wrong.

He called his second apprentice loudly and asked if there had been any telegrams sent from Shancheng in the past two days. With the intelligence network of the military command, if anything happened in Jinling, Shancheng should know.

The second apprentice shook his head after hearing this: "Master, after the tube was replaced last time, the condition of the radio station was not ideal and the signal was very noisy. I tried several times during the contact time but did not receive a signal from the headquarters.

It is definitely not possible to continue like this. I checked it yesterday and found that it is still a problem with the electronic tube. Should I store the radio and spare electrical materials in another place? If it continues like this, the loss will be too great and it will easily cause trouble. ” ˆ ˆ Taoist Xuancheng was a little helpless. The radio was their only communication tool with the mountain city. In order to ensure that important information could be sent to the headquarters as soon as possible, the radio was placed in a secret room in Wuliangguan and could be used at any time.

Since there is no sunshine all year round, the secret room is very humid. As for changing places, there are so many pilgrims in Wuliang Temple every day and there are people everywhere. There are few hidden places to store the radio. We can't dig a hole in the ground and bury it. That way the tube will be more Easily affected by moisture.

He thought for a while and finally decided to send the radio station outside the Taoist Temple and find someone to guard it 24 hours a day. The information from the headquarters could not be missed. At this stage, the effective transmission of information is the lifeline of Jinling District.

Taoist Xuancheng made a prompt decision and told his second apprentice: "Without further delay, I will give you all the spare electrical materials in a moment. After dark, you will transport the radio and electrical materials to the south **** and find a place to hide them."

The southern **** faces the sun, and the environment is much drier than in the temple. I will ask your senior brother to build a thatched cottage nearby. From now on, you will live there and wait for my orders, and tell others that you want to practice. "

He quickly made arrangements, then looked around: "By the way, where is your senior brother? Then you will act together and try to hide the radio station as concealed as possible to avoid being discovered."

"Okay, master, senior brother went down the mountain early in the morning and should come back soon..."


Before the second disciple could finish speaking, a gunshot was heard outside the Taoist temple, breaking the tranquility of Qixia Mountain. The few pilgrims were frightened and fled in all directions, and soon they disappeared without a trace.

Taoist Xuancheng's expression changed drastically. As an experienced old intelligence officer, he immediately recognized that it was the sound of a Japanese-made Nanbu pistol. Wuliang Guan was exposed!

He also knew that the gunshot was from the name of the Great Disciple, but in fact it was an early warning sent by the captain of the Jinling District Action Team with his life. The other party was an elite member of the old intelligence department. If he really wanted to leave, the Japanese would definitely not be able to stop him.

Without time to grieve, he grabbed the second apprentice by the collar and shouted: "Go to the mountain city to generate electricity. When you are done, destroy the code book and destroy the radio station. I will lead others to buy time for you."

After saying that, Taoist Xuancheng in Taoist robes flicked his sleeves and returned to the main hall. He bent down and made a gesture with both hands to the statue of the Patriarch of the Sanqing Dynasty, then nimbly jumped onto the altar table and pushed the statue down with all his strength.

The statue was torn apart in the flying dust, revealing a pile of tightly packed guns and ammunition tied with straw and oilcloth. It was indeed easy to break the weapons by doing so, but I couldn't care too much now.

After hearing the gunshots, other Taoist priests and servants in Wuliangguan also rushed into the hall according to the contingency plan. They consciously picked up their weapons, tore off the straw, unfolded the oilcloth, and began to assemble the guns and load bullets without saying a word.

In a short time, four Czechs and more Thompsons were assembled, and the waists of everyone present were filled with spare ammunition and grenades.

“Everyone is divided into four groups and relies on the wall to fight back. They must hold on for five minutes.”

Taoist Xuancheng held a submachine gun in one hand, said something expressionless and ran out. He had no encouragement or comfort. Everyone knew that they could not leave today.

If the Japanese knew that Wuliangguan was where the Jinling District of the Military Command was stationed, they would have made complete preparations before taking action. Retreating at this time would be tantamount to throwing yourself into a trap. Rather than risking death, it would be better to fight hard.

The agents in Jinling District had indifferent expressions when they heard the order. They pulled the bolts of their guns one after another, followed him out of the hall without looking back, and then climbed up the wall with various tools prepared.

Outside the wall, Yajima Masako looked at the seriously injured Taoist priest and gave the person who had fired the shot a vicious slap in the face. Just to catch one person, he ended up alerting all the remaining targets. It was really stupid.

The members of the secret reconnaissance team who were beaten were also aggrieved. The other party did not use any weapons and killed five or six of them with bare hands. Such dangerous people could not be caught without guns.

Masajo Yajima didn't care about this. After venting his anger, he waved his hand and signaled to start the attack. The intelligence showed that there were less than ten people in the Taoist temple, but there were hundreds of people on his own side. It wouldn't take long for the battle to be over.

 But things did not develop as he imagined. As soon as the Japanese operators approached Wuliang Temple head-on, they were beaten back by a burst of ferocious firepower, leaving several corpses behind and retreated in panic.

 The situation on the other three sides was similar. The secret reconnaissance team that had been domineering in the past was beaten to death. They were well-trained, but no matter how well-trained they were, they were just mortal and couldn't stop bullets.

 “Baga! Czech style!”

Masaki Yajima gritted his teeth and said word by word, these Republic of China agents are so rampant. They even hid such heavy firepower in Jinling. Aren't you afraid that they will call in the field troops?

Of course, he just thought about it. After all, asking for tactical guidance was not an honorable thing. For the sake of military success and future, he ignored the objections of his men and ordered a forced assault again.

The Japanese spies rushed over in a dark mass, looking very powerful. Unfortunately, there were no bunkers outside the four walls of Wuliang Temple, and the only trees had been cleared long ago.

Xuancheng Taoist and others stood on the wall and fired from a high position, with a clear view of the shooting range. Just like hunting, they shot one Japanese at a time and easily defeated the enemy again.

Masajo Yajima was so angry that he was almost dead. Facing the corpses on the ground, he dragged the captured captain of the Jinling District Action Team to stand at a safe distance, pulled out a pistol and put it against the opponent's head.

 (End of this chapter)

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