Cicada Moving

Chapter 105: Pass(10 more)

Chapter 105 Pass (10 updates)

Zhang Anren suddenly fell down on his chair. Qiu Chan's information was very clear. A traitor recognized the committee member, and then what happened today left him at a loss what to say.

As a staunch materialist, Zhang Anren couldn't help lamenting that God is blind, but if he thinks about it, this is not because there are loopholes in their confidentiality measures. From now on, comrades in charge of important work should go out as little as possible.

Fortunately, it was just an accident, and the enemy was too impatient, otherwise the losses to the organization would be unimaginable. Zhang Anren knew very well that the committee member knew the new municipal party committee location. If the secret service headquarters chose to follow it, it would very likely find the municipal party committee location. This is truly a blessing in misfortune.

There is also Qiu Chan, who is so powerful. He has obtained specific information only a short time after the incident happened, and there is also a radio station that can communicate at any time. Zhang Anren feels that Qiu Chan's confidentiality level needs to be raised one level.

Just as he was thinking about it, Jinling underground party secretary Shi Ning arrived. He now had to decide whether to withdraw or stay in the municipal committee, so he urgently needed information from Zhang Anren. He knew that Zhang Anren had a very senior intelligence officer.

But Shi Ning knew the discipline and after meeting, he politely said: "Lao Zhang, what are your opinions on the future work of the municipal party committee?"

Zhang Anren looked grave: "It was the traitors who recognized the comrades of the municipal party committee. There are still loopholes in our work. I suggest that the municipal party committee stay dormant for the time being and wait for the right time."

Shi Ning understood what he meant. He was waiting for that person's notification. He had no objection to hibernating him, but now there was a difficult task that the Jinling Municipal Committee must complete.

 After thinking for a while, Shi Ning smiled bitterly: "Old Zhang, there is a special situation now, and we must get your help. Can you let your intelligence agent do it?"

"No!" Zhang Anren looked serious and refused flatly: "Lao Shi, you are my leader in the municipal party committee. According to discipline, I should not refuse you, but on certain issues, I have free decision-making power."

The importance of Qiu Chan exceeds everything else. This has been proven several times. Without Qiu Chan, the Jinling Party Committee would have been wiped out by the enemy, as well as the important material information.

If one day he is caught by the enemy, Zhang Anren will commit suicide without hesitation, because with Qiu Chan, the organization has a precious channel to understand the high-level intelligence of the Fruit Party.

Shi Ning had no choice but to explain: "Several reporters were invited by the organization to go to the southwest. They want to expose the various crimes committed by the Kuomintang Party in the southwest. This matter is very important."

 Zhang Anren was silent. It was not that he did not understand the importance of propaganda work. Only by allowing the people of the country to fully understand the corruption and cruelty of the government could they force the government to stop its wrong policies and jointly resist Japan.

Shi Ningchen Chen said: "I'm not asking your intelligence agent to come forward in person. As long as he can help get a few passes issued by the City Defense Headquarters, other comrades will be responsible for the rest."

If the situation was not urgent, Shi Ning would not have said this. Of course he knew the importance of intelligence channels, but the municipal party committee had no connections in the city defense headquarters, so he could not send people out of the city.

Zhang Anren thought over and over again that Qiu Chan would definitely be able to get a pass if he came forward, but whether it would involve him or not, he had better tell Qiu Chan about this and leave it to him to decide.

Thinking of this picture, Anren stood up and said, "You wait here. According to the rules, only I can contact the other party."

Shi Ning nodded: "Okay, I know the discipline."

Zhang Anren wrote the message in a dark room, encrypted it and handed it to the operator, asking him to contact Qiu Chan immediately. He was indeed the only one in the Jinling underground party who could contact Qiu Chan.

After Zuo Zhong reported the intelligence before, he felt that the previous contact on time was not flexible enough. Anyway, he was not afraid of searches, so he asked the underground party to contact him at any time, but he did not expect that the other party would contact him again so quickly.

Zuo Zhong was surprised and translated the message. Then he was stunned for a moment. How many passes did the underground party need? Although he doesn't know the other party's plan, it is not difficult because he has many such passes in his drawer.

This kind of pass is used in many places, such as important government agencies, such as roads and bridges with relatively high security levels, so the Secret Service has a lot of them in stock to facilitate movement.

After thinking about it for a while, Zuo Zhong felt that he could agree to it, but he couldn't go to other departments to "borrow" a few. Anyway, there was no number on it, so if something happened, there would be a scapegoat.

 “I need a few, Qiu Chan.”

Zhang Anren was stunned after he translated the call back. See what Qiu Chan meant? A thought occurred to him. If this was the case, he could prepare more. It would definitely be needed in the future.

For example, if the area is blocked, you can leave freely with this pass, and comrades operating outside can also have an extra talisman. What an unexpected surprise, Zhang Anren smiled.

 “The more, the merrier.”

Zuo Zhong looked at the call back and scratched his head. It seems that he needs to chat with a few more colleagues tomorrow, such as the Deputy Chief of Operations, the Chief of General Affairs and the Chief of Telecommunications. There are so many of these people that they have passes. If you take a few more, you should not be able to find them. Bar.

If it weren't for the quarrel with one place, he would rather go to another place to borrow some passes. Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong held his chin, and it seemed that it was not impossible. It just depended on how he operated.

 “Waiting for notification, dead mailbox delivery, autumn cicada.”

Zhang Anren felt relieved after reading the telegram. It seemed that Qiu Chan was still very cautious and only delivered it through a dead mailbox. Although he wanted to see Qiu Chan, it seemed that he could only wait until later.

Zhang Anren walked back to the living room, and Shi Ning quickly asked him: "How is it? Can you get it?"

He didn't have 100% hope in his heart. Except for the city defense headquarters, all the other key departments had such passes. It was not certain whether Lao Zhang's intelligence channels could obtain them.

Zhang Anren nodded: "How many do you need? I'll send them to you after I receive them." He didn't say Qiu Chan could get a lot, he just asked Shi Ning how many he wanted. Shi Ning trusted him, but he was used to information. When it comes to work, I habitually leave it alone.

Shi Ning was overjoyed: "If you need six, I'll leave first. See you at the same place."

Zhang Anren advised: "Lao Shi, the agents are like mad dogs now. You can rest here for one night and go back tomorrow morning."

Thinking about the current situation in Jinling, Shi Ning felt that Zhang Anren was right. When he came here just now, he saw a lot of military police. In extraordinary times, safety comes first.

Early the next morning, Zuo Chong returned to the Secret Service and immediately asked people to secretly investigate Du Qiaizi. Once the target was determined, there was no need to keep it secret. As for how he determined the target, there were many possibilities, and those specific characteristics would not be involved. .

For the safety of Hase Ryosuke, Zuo Zhong was so worried that he sent people to set up a reliable dead mailbox in Shanghai and send this guy's reward, making it look like Zuo Zhong was working for him.

 After arranging work, Zuo Zhong sneaked into Dai Chunfeng's office: "Teacher, would you like to go and have a look?"

Dai Chunfeng put down the gold pen that Zuo Zhong gave him: "Shen Zhong, do you have another evil idea? I don't want to praise Xu Enzeng's bad feet. I can only imagine how proud he is now."

Zuo Zhong smiled and said: "Teacher, since the first branch has achieved such a great victory, our second branch should go and take a look, so that others will only say that you, the prime minister, can support a boat."

Dai Chunfeng thought about it carefully and thought that what Zuo Zhong said was right. After all, it was a game. If he didn't go to see him, others wouldn't say that he had no sense. They would also feel that he was afraid of Xu.

“Okay, then Shen Zhi, you can accompany me to have a look. I’m also curious about what kind of people the underground party committee is like.”

Zuo Zhong quickly asked Li Wei to arrange vehicles and escorts. Since the throats of the four agents were cut, Dai Chunfeng's security force has been significantly strengthened. It seems that he is not as fearless as he said.

Arrived at a door, Zuo Zhong happened to see the unlucky Wang Aofu. This guy's vitality was really strong. He deceived Xu Enzeng several times and he was not dead yet, and he seemed to be living a good life.

At this time, Wang Aofu wanted to raise his head to the sky. This time, the Secret Service Headquarters was able to catch the underground party all thanks to his arrangement. With this credit, Director Xu once again became amiable to him.

 “Deputy Section Chief Wang!”

Just when Wang Aofu was dreaming about being promoted, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ears, which seemed to be that **** Zuo Zhong. He turned his head stiffly and saw Zuo Zhong sticking his head out of a car and saying hello cheerfully. .

Wang Aofu wanted to turn around and leave, but when he saw Dai Chunfeng in the car, he had to force a smile: "It turns out that Director Dai and Chief Zuo are here. I'll inform the Director."

Zuo Zhong knew that this guy didn't want to see him, but the more he behaved like this, the more excited Zuo Zhong became: "Deputy Section Chief Wang, you're welcome, we can just go in, we are all brothers."

Deputy section chief, deputy section chief, bah, Wang Aofu was filled with anger when he heard Zuo Zhong's emphasis on the word "deputy". He thought to himself, just wait, he will also be the section chief before long.

Under the leadership of Wang Aofu, Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong walked into the compound of No. 1. The agents who were coming and going saw people from the No. 2 coming, and they all hid aside to watch the excitement, thinking that there was something good to watch today.

Xu Enzeng also received the notice from the guard at the door at this time. He touched his big belly and walked downstairs with his head held high. He was finally feeling proud today and must give Dai Chunfeng a good look.


Zuo Zhong was accompanying Dai Chunfeng, waiting to be greeted by the second office, when he heard a burst of high-pitched laughter coming from the building. Xu Enzeng appeared with his little tongue wagging, completely different from the previous one who was aggrieved.

Dai Chunfeng was also a person in the scene, laughing the same way: "Hahahahaha, Director Xu is in high spirits during happy events. It seems that I came at the right time today. In the past, I saw Director Xu depressed, and I was also anxious, brother."


 Xu Enzeng's voice froze, and after a while it returned to normal, but the smile on his face became perfunctory. Zuo Zhong looked at it and was amazed. A person can have such rich expressions, and he is worthy of Director Xu.

Although he was very unhappy, Xu Enzeng could only ask Dai Chunfeng to go to his office. Zuo Zhong followed him silently. It was not until he saw the things on Secretary Xu Enzeng's desk that a smile appeared on his face.

 “Shen Zhi, just wait for me here.”

“Secretary Wang, give Section Chief Zuo a cup of tea.”

The big guys went in for a private chat. Director Xu’s secretary was busy preparing tea. Zuo Zhong extended his sinful hand. There was a big stack of passes missing from Secretary Wang’s desk.

This kind of certificates issued on a large scale by the secret service are just like letter paper. No one cares about their quantity and purpose. The pass with half a sesame seed cake wrapped in the wastebasket is particularly conspicuous.

 (End of this chapter)

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