Cicada Moving

Chapter 1042: cooperate

 Chapter 1042 Cooperation

Zuo Zhong asked a question into the air behind him. After a moment, a man slowly walked out from the corner. It was Kuang Fu'an, the captain of the red team.

I saw that the other party had shaved off his trademark mustache and was wearing a bun commonly worn by Hong Kong citizens. He stood there and started chatting with a calm expression.

“Your Excellency is dressed as a Japanese and didn’t speak a word of Cantonese throughout the whole process, but he showed that he is so familiar with Cantonese opera. Don’t you want to meet me?”

Looking at the familiar figure, Zuo Zhong laughed without revealing Kuang Fuan's identity. He slightly arched his hands and explained.

“Haha, it’s because my husband’s identity is so sensitive that I can’t come to visit him in person, so I just came up with this bad idea. Please forgive me.”

Even if Yan Baichuan defected to the enemy, the party and the underground party had common interests, and it was not suitable for him to openly meet a northwest agent.

Otherwise, once Shancheng learns about this matter, even Dai Chunfeng will not be able to protect him, and his position cannot be shaken at all.

Even if he had saved someone, even if he had made an outstanding performance in the Chang'an incident, it was still useless. This was a life-and-death struggle, not a play-off.

Regarding Zuo Zhong's hypocritical apology without any sincerity, Kuang Fuan secretly cursed Agent Gou and asked with a sneer.

 “From a mountain city?”


 “For whom are you here?”

 “Of course it’s Yan Baichuan.”

 “Looking for a place to chat?


Zuo Zhong exchanged questions and answers with the other party, informed each other of their identity and purpose, and then walked out of the alley one after another without saying a word nonsense.

 In fact, both parties have already guessed about their respective identities, otherwise they would not show up easily.

After walking for a while, the two of them randomly found a small teahouse and sat down, holding teacups quietly without anyone saying the first word.

Cars are coming and going on the highway, and pedestrians are constantly walking past the door. The bustling streets and the quiet teahouses seem to be two separate worlds.

 In the end, it was Kuang Fuan who spoke first. He recalled the past two days, glanced at Zuo Zhong and suddenly asked.

 “Is Dongqiang yours?”

Zuo Zhong raised his brows when he heard this, neither admitting nor denying it. He knew that his behavior today made the other party doubt Dong Qiang's identity.

 In fact, he had guessed this outcome before planning to contact Kuang Fuan.

  After all, the other party is the most elite agent in the northwest, not No. 76 and the bunch of losers from the agent headquarters. There is no way he was exposed for some reason.

However, this is exactly his purpose, to make Dongqiang's identity semi-public, so as to prevent the Gangcheng underground party from conflicting with him and delaying the important tasks of both parties.

As for the safety of Dongqiang, the underground party will not target a public servant of the British Hong Kong government for no reason. On the territory of the British, it is the best choice for everyone to live in peace.

 But there are some things that can only be done but not said. Zuo Zhong smiled slightly and raised his cup and took a sip of tea. He remained silent and did not express an opinion on the matter.

But what Kuang Fuan said next made him frown and made things develop in another direction.

“We all have the same goal. I’m afraid it’s a bit inappropriate for you to send someone to monitor me.”

Kuang Fuan thought of the Hong Kong gangsters who were watching him at the door, and asked with a hint of ridicule. He had put a lot of effort into getting rid of those three people today.


Zuo Zhong┴'s heart sank. Without his own orders, Dong Qiang could not have sent people to monitor Kuang Fu'an on his own initiative. The information in the dead mailbox did not mention this matter.

 What is going on?

After thinking quickly for a while, Zuo Zhong was suddenly stunned as if he thought of something. He immediately straightened up and looked at Kuang Fuan, and replied seriously.

"We did not send anyone to monitor your side. To be honest, Dongqiang was also followed. I thought he was one of yours at first, but now it seems we were all wrong!"

Hearing this, Kuang Fuan also sat up straight. If the fruity agent did not lie, it meant that a third party had joined the game.



 Or a puppet government?

 The expressions of the two people became serious. No matter who the force suddenly appeared, this was not good news for the fruit party and the underground party.

Perhaps it was a tacit understanding between the intelligence personnel. Almost at the same moment, Zuo Zhong and Kuang Fuan raised their heads and reported the name of the ship each.

 “Kyushu number?”


Two completely different ship names were spoken by the two of them. Zuo Zhong's face was gloomy. The information that Yan Yiting was sailing to Hong Kong on the "Queen" came from Chang Gu's latest secret message.

Originally, he thought he would just wait for the cruise ship to arrive at the port according to the schedule and keep an eye on people. Unexpectedly, something like this happened. He patted the table lightly and gritted his teeth.

 “MD! We were fooled.”

All day of playing geese, but it was called goose to peck. In the past, the military uniformly released fake information to the Japanese. I did not expect that the other party had a different way this time, and they almost hit the trap.

The Japanese used Yan Yiting as bait, threw out two pieces of false whereabouts information, and then monitored suspicious persons appearing at Sheung Wan Pier to identify and determine the leakage channel.

 Furthermore, there were only 10 days from the time the news was released to the target's departure to the port city. This time must have been carefully calculated in order not to give the national government and the northwest a chance to react.

If the time is too long, this trap will be easy to escape due to the characteristics of the two parties: you are part of me, and you are part of me. I have to say that the Japanese are really careful this time. Zuo Zhong broke out in a cold sweat. If he hadn't met Kuang Fuan on a whim and informed each other of part of the situation, the problem would have been serious.

First of all, Ryosuke Hase will be exposed with a high probability. Using information of different contents to identify people is the most commonly used counter-espionage method by intelligence agencies in various countries.

Once the Japanese find out that the military commander has focused his attention on the "Queen", then Mr. Hua, the imperial intelligence officer, will definitely be liquidated to ashes, and there will be no second ending.

Furthermore, if there is no evidence of Yan Baichuan's negotiations with the Japanese, the national government will be very passive and can only wait for the Jin army to attack, but cannot respond in advance.

Fortunately, the Japanese never dreamed that the intelligence system of the underground party and the fruit party, who were fighting for life and death, would join forces, let alone that he, the deputy director of the military command, was blue-skinned and red-boned.

They are all old intelligence. What Zuo Zhong can think of, Kuang Fuan on the other side can naturally think of it. If nothing else happens, the day the "Kyushu" docked, the dock must be full of Japanese intelligence personnel.

Kuang Fuan, who was sweating with cold sweat, was also very happy when he thought that the comrades who organized the comrades lurking in the puppet government or Japan were almost exposed.

The two were silent for a long time, then they raised their glasses and clinked them together, drank tea instead of wine, and then talked together.


 “Join forces?”

 After saying that, Zuo Zhong and Kuang Fu'an looked at each other and smiled. No matter what their apparent beliefs were, they had only one purpose at this moment - to prevent Yan Baichuan and the Jin army from surrendering to the enemy.

Since they have a common goal, cooperation is not a bad idea. The two reached a consensus as quickly as possible and combined their forces in Hong Kong to complete their respective tasks as soon as possible.

This decision may seem frivolous, but in fact it is not. In addition to the determination to defend the country, there are other reasons and reasons for the cooperation between the two parties.

The northwest side has always advocated that at this time when the country is in danger, the two parties should temporarily suspend their disputes over beliefs and doctrines and work together to deal with the Japanese. This is the pattern.

What’s more, through this operation, the combat effectiveness of the national intelligence system can be assessed in detail. When encountering such a good thing, the underground party will certainly not object.

The reason why Zuo Zhong dared to "collaborate with the bandits" was that unlike visiting Kuang Fuan in public, he would not be suspected by Lao Dai or others.

Being able to use the northwest to deal with the Jin army and destroy the relationship between the two, it is too late for a certain person and the big guys in the mountain city to be happy, so how can they embarrass Zuo Zhong.

 The cooperative relationship was confirmed, and the originally tense atmosphere became relaxed. However, there was an issue that needed to be resolved urgently, which was which ship Yan Yiting took to come to Hong Kong City.

  There is no clear name of the ship. It is not easy to find the target among so many ships. Don't forget that while looking for people, they also have to avoid the eyes of the Japanese.

 So even if Shancheng and Northwest cooperate and have sufficient manpower, it will still be difficult to find and locate Yan Yiting's whereabouts.

Kuang Fuan looked out the window at the busy highway, frowned and thought for a few minutes, and finally came up with a solution based on the current situation.

“The target will definitely not live in the Japanese consulate in Hong Kong. In that case, the significance of third-place negotiations will be lost. The other party is likely to live in a place that has nothing to do with the Japanese.

  Negotiation is a long process. Can we think of a way at hotels and hotels in the city to check if anyone has booked a private room for a long time recently? "

 Investigating a person's whereabouts is nothing more than starting from the four directions of clothing, food, housing, and transportation. Kuang Fuan's idea was right, but Zuo Zhong soon shook his head.

“There are many British businessmen in Hong Kong City, some of whom returned to Europe after the outbreak of the war. These people’s houses are being rented out, and their locations are all over Hong Kong and Kowloon.

 If the target lives in these places, we can't find it at all. Moreover, I suspect that there is someone else responsible for the negotiations, and Yan Yiting is just a smokescreen. "

Zuo Zhong squinted his eyes and directly came up with a new point of view, suspecting that the current investigation direction was deviated.

Kuang Fuan was not surprised when he heard this. Even Yan Yiting's whereabouts were false, so it was not impossible that the negotiator had problems.

 But he was a little curious about the reasons why the Guo Party agents made this judgment. Thinking that there might be other intelligence channels in Shancheng, he simply asked directly.

 “What’s the reason?”

 “The reason? It’s very simple.”

Zuo Zhong took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, without any intention of handing it to Kuang Fuan. He took out one, lit it, put it in his mouth, and said slowly.

“Yan Yiting is said to be Yan Baichuan’s distant cousin, but he has never had any contact with her before. Even when Yan Baichuan was in Taiyuan, the two never met in private.

At most, we met a few times at the ancestral hall during the Chinese New Year, and we didn't even talk to each other. Our people have verified this and can confirm it.

It doesn’t make sense that as soon as the Japanese arrived, Yan Yiting suddenly became Yan Baichuan’s representative, negotiating with the Japanese on behalf of hundreds of thousands of Jin troops and their families.

 Not to mention that the other party does not have the professional skills required for negotiators, even if they do, is it reasonable for Yan Baichuan to leave his close confidant and use a distant relative? "

 In fact, he had doubts as soon as he received Yan Yiting's information, but it was just doubt because there was no evidence. Now that he knew that the other party's whereabouts were false, Yan Yiting's identity inevitably had to be questioned.

 The reason is simple, no one would use such an important person as bait.

 So their first task is to find the real negotiator, and then follow and monitor them. If they cannot find the person, it is impossible to obtain the negotiation content.

Kuang Fu'an felt a tremble in his heart. The other party was right. There is a limit to nepotism. If the future of the Jin army was handed over to a businessman, Yan Baichuan's subordinates would not agree to it.

  After pondering again and again, he solemnly bid farewell to Zuo Zhong and left the time and place of the next meeting. It was a matter of great importance, and he must report the relevant situation and ask for instructions to his superiors.

Zuo Zhong smiled and nodded, stood up and saw the other person off. He looked at the captain of the red team disappearing into the sea of ​​people, turned around and quickly left the teahouse with Gui Youguang who was hiding in the corner.

Not only do the other parties need to ask for instructions, they also need to contact Shancheng. First, cooperation with underground parties must be approved, and second, they need to seek help and find the real negotiator.

 (End of this chapter)

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