Cicada Moving

Chapter 1063: Telephone office

Chapter 1063 Telephone Exchange

“Check, number 956.”

“Record, No. 956, Commander Wang’s Mansion, address: No. 24 Yinglie Street.”

“Check, number 1761.”

“Record, number 1761, XX Nanhuo Store, address No. 7, Lailong Lane.”

 “Check, number 787.”

“Record, there is no record in the yellow pages, please refer to the telephone exchange receipt.”

In the large office of the Second Military Reunification Division, Song Minghao reported the dial record of Xing Hanliang's private public phone while he was away. A group of spies below quickly rummaged through the yellow pages and answered loudly from time to time.

No matter how lazy the Police Department is, it is still a police system. It is a disciplinary force that enforces police rules. The agency's unique appearance skills are still in place, and the personnel's attendance records are complete.

So it only took less than half a day to lock Xing Hanliang's time trajectory in the past two months, and thousands of call records were quickly reduced to less than 300.

 This is undoubtedly good news for the Second Bureau. By comparing the telephone yellow pages and telephone exchange records, they can quickly find out the owners and addresses of these numbers.

 Gu Qi walked around the office with his hands behind his back, listening to the reports of the little spies, occasionally stopping to look down at the record book to ensure that the records were accurate.

He is actually a little unaccustomed to and unfamiliar with the increasingly professional military, which pays more and more attention to technology and writing work.

· During the Secret Service period a few years ago, they focused more on action when investigating cases, but now they focus more on analysis and judgment, even in intelligence work against Japan.

 If you want to catch the enemy's tail, you need to work **** the enemy's funding and personnel appointments, and study and judge the enemy's magazines, newspapers and other public information.

These seemingly inconspicuous information often hide crucial clues. Only by effectively integrating countless small clues can a complete puzzle be pieced together.

On the contrary, Zhongtong’s guiding ideology seems to still be stuck in the six-door era. It believes that only what can be obtained by breaking into safes can be called intelligence. It overly underestimates the value of open and low-confidence information. No wonder there are few major gains.

Looking at the "gentle and gentle" little spy, Gu Qi even wondered whether the intelligence agency in a few decades would have no operational part and rely entirely on open information collection for intelligence activities.

 After thinking for a while, he shook his head slightly to drive the messy thoughts out of his head, and continued to supervise the screening work until nightfall.

The lights in the second place were on all night. The next morning, Gu Qi, who had stayed up all night, took Song Minghao to the Shancheng telephone office to review the installation receipt.

 On the road.

The car was much slower than usual. It walked for a while and stopped for a while. This made Gucci, who was checking the records in the back row, frown and asked the driver in a deep voice what happened.

“Report, there’s a traffic jam on the road, MD, and those gangsters have gone somewhere.” The driver quickly replied, and cursed the police officers from the Shancheng Police Station.


Hearing the sound, Gu Qi and Song Minghao looked outside and saw that the narrow cement road was full of mountain people carrying baskets on their backs, donkey carts, horse-drawn carriages, and mountain sedans, blocking the road ahead.

The police officer who was supposed to be managing traffic at the intersection was nowhere to be seen. The roads in the mountain city are complex and chaotic without control. No wonder the driver cursed.

Looking at the scene outside the car, Gu Qi and Song Minghao glanced at each other quietly, knowing that Lao Bai's place had probably been activated, and the police officers were "making trouble".

At this moment, a group of police officers in the distance walked through the streets noisily holding banners and shouting slogans. The contents of the slogans shocked the onlookers.

“The Central Commander excludes dissidents, while the top police officers sit back and watch!”

 “The secret agents framed the police officers, we want justice!”

“Unjustly accused! The Central Government abused lynching and surrendered to beatings!”

Heipi, who used to be domineering, bully men and women, and do all kinds of evil, actually wants to seek justice. It is really a rare thing in a century.

The people were shocked and snickered secretly. They were no longer in a hurry. They got out of the way and watched the excitement. How could they miss the dog-eat-dog show?

The muscles on Gu Qi's face twitched slightly, and Bai Wenzhi didn't know how to think of a better slogan. However, the police officer shouted injustice on the street, and now Xu Enzeng should have a headache.

 “Reverse the car and take another path.”

He was not interested in watching the performance of Lao Bai's men and asked the driver to change the route. They had to find out Xing Hanliang's contact person as soon as possible. This was the top priority.

Upon hearing the order, the driver made a gesture to the **** vehicles behind him. The convoy turned around uniformly and drove into a small street.

Half an hour later, the car that made a large circle slowly stopped in the courtyard of the telephone office. Gu Qi and his team aggressively approached the senior management of the telegraph office and asked them to cooperate.

The senior management of the telephone office had had many dealings with military commanders, and they knew that it was not a good thing to get too close to these spies, so they got wet after asking someone to bring them the receipt.

  Gu Qi was not here to socialize, and he didn’t care whether he was accompanied or not. He immediately asked the accompanying little agent to compare the receipts and check the owners and addresses of telephone households that were not registered in the yellow pages.

At the same time, he and Song Minghao conducted a secondary check on the identified dialing records and receipts to avoid errors in the Yellow Pages, which would affect the results of the investigation. The little agents were very agile and quickly found the remaining numbers among the many orders, and quickly took pictures and recorded them.

 After completing the work in this area, Gu Qi asked people to mess up all the orders to prevent others from leaking the details of the investigation, and then led people into the wiring room.

At this time, it was the peak call period, and the police officers were "making trouble". The operators were so busy that they didn't even have time to drink water.

The person in charge of the wiring room saw Gu Qi and others coming in. He was just about to curse when he saw the ID card with the words "Military Command Bureau" printed on it. He immediately became polite and politely asked Gu Qi and others about the purpose of their visit.

Gucci didn’t waste any time and asked the other party to arrange a quiet office, a connected switchboard and the best operator.

 Any communication or industrial facility is designed with redundancy in order to maintain operation in extreme environments, and telephone exchanges are no exception, so the person in charge agreed immediately without hesitation.

 It didn’t take long for the equipment and room to be ready. A frightened operator sat on the stool, at a loss as to what to do.

Gucci did not intimidate or threaten ordinary people. He took out a thick book of records and handed it to the operator, and patiently stated his request.

“Call all the numbers above and ask for the name and address of the householder. The reason is that you are using your telephone company to verify the information.

Don't be nervous, just work as usual in Pingshi. Don't worry, if this thing is done well, we will let the telephone company reward you. Let's get started. "

Gu Qi was aware of the operator's worries, so he comforted her with a few words of comfort, and used inducements to reduce the other party's resistance and minimize the chance of making mistakes.

Finding that the agent's tone was gentle, the operator relaxed a little, glanced at the records on the table, took a deep breath and started working.

Since the first number was not within the jurisdiction of the manual switchboard in front of him, he connected a plug to the AC circuit, used the microphone to inform another operator of the phone number, and made a transfer call.

Ten seconds later, a voice appeared on the phone, asking for the identity of the caller. The operator followed Gu Qi's instructions and asked for the head of the household and address.

I heard that it was the telephone company who came to check, but the other party didn't care and answered all the questions happily. What they said was no different from the receipt.

Gucci, who was wearing headphones next to him, nodded to Song Minghao. Song Minghao drew a checkmark in front of the number with a pen, and a piece of information was verified.

The second number happened to be within the jurisdiction of the switch. The operator skillfully established the link, pressed the ring button of the number, and successfully made contact.

In this way, the numbers were connected one by one. During this period, there were some information errors and some no one answered. Song Minghao made detailed notes on them.

Time passed by, and a little spy went out to buy some food. Everyone and the operator had a casual meal in the room, checking the phone numbers all the time.

When the clock on the wall reached 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the operator, who had completely relaxed, answered a call again. When he was about to speak, Gucci stopped him with his hand.

When most people receive a call, they will take the initiative to ask who is calling or say hello. The previous call is an example, but this call is different. The other party said nothing after the call was connected.

After listening for a while with his earphones covered, Gu Qi seemed to hear someone breathing softly. He thought for a moment and signaled the operator to speak. The operator cheered up and revealed his identity. The person on the other end did not speak and hung up the phone directly.

The electric current in the microphone buzzed, and the operator, fearing that the agents would be angry, quickly shook his head at Gucci, indicating that it was not his fault.

 Gu Qi had no time to pay attention to the operator's mood. He looked at the string of numbers and addresses on the record and fell into deep thought, and then called Song Minghao to the door.

The two found a secluded spot, each took out a cigarette and lit it, and discussed the phone call just now in a low voice.

 “Old Song, what do you think of this matter?”

“Director, there is something strange. Do you want to send someone to check it out? Anyway, we have an address here.”

"I'm afraid this is a trap. Once our people leave, the other party will know that they have been exposed."

 “What should we do?”

Facing Song Minghao's question, Gu Qi took two puffs of cigarette. Under the stimulation of nicotine, his brain that had become sluggish due to staying up late regained its sharpness and helped him make up his mind.

“Ignore it for now and continue checking the remaining numbers to see how many big fish there are in this pond.” After saying that, he put out the cigarette **** with his hand.

In this case, it is easy to alert the snake by acting rashly. If the suspicious person who is in contact with Xing Hanliang is alerted, it will be difficult to continue the investigation.

However, he couldn't do nothing. While Gu Qi continued to monitor the phone calls, he asked Song Minghao to get the car away and clear their tracks.

 In particular, the staff of the telephone exchange must be warned not to disclose today's events to others at will to prevent the other party from conducting counter-investigations.

At the same time, for confidentiality reasons, he also sent reliable personnel back to the headquarters to report the matter to Zuo Zhong.

When the moon rose in the night sky again, Gu Qi and others left the telephone exchange among the crowd after get off work, and then quickly dispersed and walked in all directions.

 In the hotel opposite the telephone exchange, a guest sitting by the window was drinking and observing the activities outside with his peripheral vision.

It wasn’t until most of the staff had left that the mysterious man dropped his meal money, put on his hat and calmly walked out of the hotel, and quickly disappeared.

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