Cicada Moving

Chapter 1065: Hang up the phone

Chapter 1065 Hang up the phone

 Zhongtong’s secret office, bamboo processing factory.

Xu Enzeng stood bent over in the office, holding the phone to his ear with one hand and wiping the cold sweat on his head with a handkerchief in the other. He kept nodding and bending as if he could see the other end of the phone.

After a long time, without knowing what the other person said, he straightened up suddenly, a smile appeared on his face and he immediately made a promise.

"Yes, yes, Minister Chen. I understand my humble position. I will give an explanation to the superiors and the innocent police officers as soon as possible. Don't worry."

 After saying this, Xu Enzeng gently put the microphone back on the compression spring, then slumped down on the chair, lying there breathing heavily.


At this time, Mou Zhiye knocked on the door and walked in and asked in a low voice. Seeing that there was no response from the other party, he tiptoed to the desk and stuck his head over.

“It has been found out that since yesterday, police officers from various police stations in the mountain city have taken to the streets to protest on the grounds that we have abused lynching and beaten into submission.

  It was just a small-scale parade at first, but today most of the police officers are participating in it. I heard that some people went to the national government headquarters and clashed with the guards.

I contacted Director Bai of the Yamashiro Police Department, but he said that this was a spontaneous action by low-level staff, and even he couldn't stop it~~Ouch~"

Before Mou Zhiye could finish his words, he was slapped in the mouth by Xu Enzeng who suddenly stood up and spun around in circles several times.

  The swelling in his cheeks that Zhu Liuxian had beaten him a few days ago had just subsided, and now they were swollen again. He covered his face and felt extremely aggrieved and a little angry.

He was running around here and there about Xu Enzeng's affairs, inquiring around for information, but he got this result. How could it not make people feel chilling.

But Xu Enzeng didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did. After beating the person, he put his hands on his hips and puffed out his cheeks, and his chest heaved violently, like a big toad.

This is really a dragon swimming in shallow water and being played by a shrimp, a tiger falling on the ground and being bullied by a dog, a successful cat being more powerful than a tiger, and a phoenix losing its feathers not as good as another bird~

Think about the majesty you had when you were in Jinling, and now look at it. Even a small police chief dares to refute the face of the Central Government. Sad, sad!

After being sulky for a while, Xu Enzeng picked up the phone again with a groan, reported Bai Wenzhi's number to the operator, and waited in silence for more than ten seconds.

 “Hey, who is it?”

Soon, Bai Wenzhi's voice with a Lu provincial accent came over the phone, and his tone was very majestic.

Xu Enzeng sneered and immediately announced his home, thinking that if the other party couldn't give him a reasonable explanation today, the matter would never be over.

But the next second he moved the phone away from his ear, stared at the phone for a moment, then looked at Mou Zhiye and said with a look of disbelief.

“Hang up my phone? This **** dares to hang up my phone!”


In a fit of rage, Xu Enzeng slammed the phone to the ground. Parts flew everywhere, and some even hit Mou Zhiye's face.

Mou Zhiye lowered his head deeply, not daring to make any movement, but there was a fleeting look of joy in his eyes.

Those who humiliate others will always be humiliated. Xu Enzeng humiliated him and was humiliated by others in the blink of an eye. It seems that the law of nature is clear, and good and evil will be repaid.

This is just the beginning. If the external affairs are not handled well, the deputy director named Xu will be in bad luck. Should he try another way...

In an instant, Mou Zhiye thought of a lot. He secretly glanced at his immediate boss, who was furious and incompetent, and gradually came up with a bold idea.

On the other side, Xu Enzeng’s mind was racing. The police commotion must be quelled as soon as possible. Even with the help of Minister Chen, the matter cannot be delayed for too long.

The police station is the cornerstone of maintaining public security and order in the mountain city. If chaos continues for a long time, I, the "chief culprit", will be fully responsible.

In addition, although there is no evidence, Bai Wenzhi's adamant response made Xu Enzeng feel that there must be someone instigating the other party, or at least supporting him.

 Otherwise, the police would not have been so bold as to hold such a large-scale protest in Paidu. As he was thinking about it, a name suddenly appeared in his mind.

 “Zuo Zhong!”

That’s right, there is no one else but the little **** named Zuo who dares to risk the disapproval of the world, incites the police to cause trouble, and uses such despicable methods.

Xu Enzeng suddenly had an idea and thought he had discovered a blind spot. He clenched his right hand into a fist and pounded it **** the table, making a muffled sound.

If he was really the one who killed the snake but suffered the consequences, he should have firmly pinned the charge of colluding with dissidents on the other party's head when he was in the interrogation room.

Rather than considering the impact and looking forward and backward, you hide behind one-way glass and watch the show. As a result, you not only lose face, but also get angry.

 Xu Enzeng, Xu Enzeng, can't you be more courageous?

Thinking of this, his intestines almost turned green with regret, and he wished he could give himself a slap in the face, but despite being annoyed, he also came up with a solution.

“Mou Zhiye, immediately go to the General Affairs Bureau to pay a sum of money, and part of it will be given to the young police officer named Ning, so that he can stop talking nonsense.

 The other part was given to those **** who made trouble, telling them that the matter had something to do with the underground party, and that the Central Committee was just doing official business.

By the way, let’s spread the word to the outside world and say that this incident was instigated by dissidents, and no newspapers or individuals are allowed to discuss it indiscriminately. "

After all, having been a division chief for many years, Xu Enzeng knew very well the moral character of those black men. They were all greedy for money, lustful, and as timid as rats. As long as there is money to take, and the matter is related to the underground party, the situation will be controlled quickly by using both carrot and stick.

Even if Bai Wenzhi had the support of the military commander, he would not dare to force his subordinates to continue making trouble. Once this kind of thing is leaked, he will be shot.

The expressionless Mou Zhiye nodded, turned around and prepared to go out to execute the order, but Xu Enzeng added in a deep voice.

“Contact Li Qiwu again and tell him to meet tonight. Mother, Xipi, agreed to cooperate, but there is no news yet. I don’t have the patience to wait any longer.”


Having seen Xu Enzeng’s face clearly, Mou Zhiye was not prepared to say anything more to him, so he responded and left the office without looking back.

As he walked, his steps became firm and his eyes became sharp. Since your surname is Xu, you are unkind, so don’t blame Mou for being unjust.

Secretly making up some kind of determination, Mou Zhiye made two phone calls and went to the general affairs department to get the money with a relaxed look, as if a heavy burden had been lifted off his whole body.

 That evening.

A dark shadow appeared outside a courtyard in the urban area. The visitor looked around furtively, then raised his hand and knocked gently on the courtyard door.

The courtyard door was opened immediately, and the black shadow ducked in, taking off the hat on his head and the scarf wrapped around his face, revealing his face.

“Deputy Director Xu, tell your people not to call my office phone number in the future. All calls there will be monitored. Do you want to kill me?”

The dark shadow was none other than Li Qiwu, secretary to the director of military command. He gritted his teeth and looked at Xu Enzeng who opened the door for him, clenching his fists eager to try.

This **** guy dared to threaten him with Zuo Zhong's matter. Considering Dai Chunfeng's suspicion, he could only pretend to agree to cooperate first, and then look for opportunities to counterattack.

I never expected that the other party would go so far. He didn't care whether he would be exposed or not. He called the office directly and asked to meet. This was courting death.

Facing Li Qiwu’s questioning, Xu Enzeng smiled. The next moment, he suddenly turned around and slapped Mou Zhiye in the face as an apology.

Mou Zhiye seemed to have foreseen this outcome. He calmly wiped the blood flowing from his nostrils and stood respectfully, his attitude still respectful.

Seeing this scene, Li Qiwu's anger suddenly disappeared. He took a deep look at Mou Zhiye and followed Xu Enzeng into the room.

After the door closed, he pointed out something: "Deputy Director Xu, you are not a simple subordinate. You can endure what others cannot tolerate, and what others cannot tolerate, so you have to be careful."

Li Qiwu's way of dealing with the world is just three words: tolerance, waiting, and ruthlessness. He saw his own shadow in the Zhongtong agent just now.

It is very dangerous to use this kind of person as a subordinate. He may be stabbed at some point. As a "partner", he must remind the other party.

Xu Enzeng didn’t take these words seriously at all. He had beaten many people, but Mou Zhiye, a small acting intelligence chief, could still make a huge difference.

He asked Li Qiwu to sit down, and went straight to the point and asked if he had any latest information about Zuo Zhong or Dai Chunfeng. This was also the purpose of his request to meet.


Hearing this question, Li Qiwu looked embarrassed and did not want to answer, but found that Xu Enzeng's face became increasingly gloomy, and finally chose to speak.

“Dai Chunfeng has been very low-key recently. It is said that he has studied Chinese medicine, holding a copy of "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" all day long, and leaving all the affairs in the office to that **** Zuo Zhong.

As for the man named Zuo, he started processing official documents and talking to people as soon as he came back. Those who didn't know better thought he was the director of the Military Command Bureau. He was a villain, bah. "

Li Qiwu spat when he said this, his tone full of envy, jealousy and hatred. In his opinion, due to his relationship with Dai Chunfeng, the position of deputy director was originally his.

 “Shen Nong’s Materia Medica”?

Xu Enzeng sneered after hearing this. He didn't believe that a person named Dai could learn Chinese medicine. It was a big joke that a spy did not kill people, but treated diseases and saved people.

There must be something wrong here. Is this a code book for Dai Chunfeng to communicate with his informants, or is it a secret list?

After guessing for a long time, he asked Li Qiwu to get the name and version of the publishing organization of the "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" and prepared to find a similar book and give it to the intelligence analysts to take a look.

As for Zuo Zhong, let the other party be proud for a while, and then wait until he gets the handle to deal with this shameless villain.

Li Qiwu readily agreed to Xu Enzeng's request. Dai Chunfeng did not keep any secrets about what he was reading, so the matter was not difficult to handle.

At the same time, Li Qiwu also put forward his own conditions, that is, the Central Commander should assist him in completing the anti-corruption task in the military, such as telling him who can and who cannot be arrested.

No one knows these political or military groups better than Zhongtong. Xu Enzeng happily accepted it. It was just a matter of checking some information, and it was not a big deal.

Then, the two of them muttered and discussed for more than an hour before ending their meeting, walking out of the house, and leaving the courtyard in separate cars.

 When the taillights of the cars on both sides slowly disappeared, a head popped up above the roadside fence. Wu Chunyang, who was responsible for tracking Xu Enzeng, looked into the distance with cold eyes.

Li Qiwu, Li Qiwu, there is a way to heaven but you don’t take it, and there is no door to **** but you go to it yourself.

If the bureau chief knew about colluding with the Central Committee and betraying his brothers, even a hundred heads would not be enough to cut him off.

It was a pity that it was too dark to take pictures, otherwise today would be the death anniversary of Li. Wu Chunyang nimbly jumped off the wall and disappeared into the dark night.

 (End of this chapter)

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