Cicada Moving

Chapter 1068: The time has come

Chapter 1068 The time has come

 Mountain City Garrison Headquarters.

 Gu Qi and Song Minghao accompanied Zuo Zhong out of the building with angry expressions. After getting in the car, Song Minghao spat outside and cursed.

“MD, Liu’s surname is P’s commander. He knew that there were saboteurs in Geleshan, but he didn’t send troops to encircle and suppress them. He waited until things got serious. Let’s see how he explains to the committee.”

“Yes, Commander Liu went too far.”

After hearing this, Gu Qi also shook his head. They came to ask for help for official duties, but the other party pushed him back and refused to send troops to cooperate.

Garrison, garrison, means guarding and guarding. It assists the intelligence department in protecting the stability of the mountain city. This is originally the responsibility of the garrison headquarters.

Now it's like the military commander is begging for each other. Just like Song Minghao said, if those people make a big move in Geleshan, the man named Liu will be blamed.

I have long heard that Commander Liu only cares about making money and is indifferent to military training and defense. When I saw him today, it turned out to be true.

Compared with the anger of Gu Qi and Song Minghao, Zuo Zhong's reaction to Commander Liu was not surprising at all. Pig general, how much integrity can you expect from this guy.

Chatting about the other party in his heart, he ordered the driver to return to Luojiawan, and then turned to look at his men.

“Okay, Liu is right about one thing. Declaration is required to mobilize troops, so let’s just wait. Anyway, it’s not more than a day or two.

 Let brothers pay attention to confidentiality. No one, including you and me, is allowed to use external communication tools. The second office must do a good job of internal monitoring. "

 Gu Qi and Song Minghao stopped talking.

Yes, in the capital of Gyeonggi, there is no insensitivity to matters related to the military. Who knows whether you are going to arrest saboteurs or have a mutiny? It is not that easy to mobilize troops.

Moreover, the man surnamed Liu supported the dispatch of troops in the Chang'an incident and betrayed the commission for this. Now he is like a frightened bird and naturally cannot take risks for the sake of military control.

As he spoke, the motorcade slowly drove through the streets.

The three of them realized that order had been restored. The police officers were no longer making trouble. They were standing at the intersection directing traffic with smiles on their faces, as if they had picked up money.

Song Minghao smacked his lips and said insincerely: "Xu Enzeng's reaction was not slow. He suppressed the matter so quickly. I don't know what means he used. It is indeed a bit virtuous."

Zuo Zhong looked out the window for a while, and soon lost interest. He casually closed the curtains of the car window. It was enough that Xu Enzeng's purpose was achieved. There was no need to waste energy on such a trivial matter.

Besides, the matter has almost reached this stage. If the trouble continues, Lao Bai may be sacrificed to heaven by someone, and Zhu Liuxian may also be reprimanded, so it's better to just let it go.

Not long after, the car drove into the yard of No. 29 Luojiawan. Before the car stopped, Wu Chunyang and Wu Jingzhong quickly ran to the car door from the office building.

 “Vice-in-Charge, there’s something going on.”

Wu Chunyang opened the car door and covered the roof of the car with his hand while reporting the latest information related to Xu Enzeng to Zuo Zhong who was getting out of the car.

“That Mou Zhiye just went to Renxin Hospital to meet Officer Ning and gave him a large amount of money and asked him not to talk too much.

Before that, he also went to see the group of police officers who made the trouble, also gave money, and at the same time spread the word that the matter was related to the underground party.

The gang of gangsters took the money and were worried about being accused of being dissidents, so they quickly gave up the protest. I think this matter should be over. "

“Well, come with me to the office.”

Zuo Zhong walked in front and whispered something. Gu Qi and others followed behind, and a group of 5 people walked toward the deputy director's office in a mighty manner.

During the period, Gu Qi revealed to Wu Chunyang and Wu Jingzhong what they had experienced at the garrison headquarters, so there were two more people who greeted the old lady Zhu Jiang politely.

Looking at the serious expressions of the officers, the little spies began to speculate about what had happened. Various gossips spread like wildfire. It was not just talk that the security agency did not keep secrets.

As the chief secretary, Li Qiwu gathered a group of people in the bureau. He found out about it within a few minutes, and his heart suddenly became excited.

He colluded with the Central Committee and betrayed Dai Chunfeng's information. No matter which of these two things got out, he would have only one end, and that would be death.

Li Qiwu, who had frightened himself, was very nervous and quickly recalled the two days' itinerary. Suspicious, no matter what he thought of, he felt a little suspicious.

 “Wang Ba Dan!”

He walked around the house a few times, like a trapped beast, and cursed fiercely. As for who he was scolding, of course it was Xu Enzeng and Zuo Chong.

 As the saying goes, only when you lose it do you know how to cherish it. His chief secretary did a good job. Although he had no real power, he had a lot of money.

If the **** Xu Enzeng hadn't threatened him with unreasonable things, how could he be in such a mess? All this must be blamed on Zuo Zhong.

 There was no other person, the position of deputy director was his, and maybe the position of director in the future would also be his. As soon as they met, he should have persuaded Dai Chunfeng to send the other person to the front line.

 “Dingling bell~~~”

Just when Li Qiwu was thinking wildly, the phone on the table suddenly rang, startling him. He picked up the phone with a cold face, put it to his ear and asked who it was.

“Director Li, my name is He Yijun. Deputy Director Zuo wants to see you in half an hour at the Deputy Director’s office.”

The voice on the phone was polite but cold in tone. After finishing speaking, the other party hung up the phone without waiting for Li Qiwu to reply.

Li Qiwu was stunned on the spot while holding the phone. After a long time, he slowly put the phone back. His unfavorable face suddenly turned pale, and he sat down on the chair.

 Who among the military commanders doesn’t know that the man named Zuo is not willing to deal with him, so he will definitely do something bad when he sees him this time, maybe.

  Unknown what he thought of, Li Qiwu silently took out a gun from the drawer, took it apart with an expressionless face, and silently wiped the gun with oil. Half an hour passed in a blink of an eye. He tucked his gun into his waist, stood up and walked towards Zuo Zhong's office with heavy steps, as if he was a prisoner about to be executed.

Having just taken two steps, Li Qiwu bumped into He Yijun. Looking at Zuo Zhong's mistress, he put on the air of a chief secretary and tried to test her.

“Secretary He, if Deputy Director Zuo has any urgent business and wants to see me, just make a phone call.”

“Reporting to Director Li, it’s a confidential matter. I don’t dare to ask more questions due to my humble position. Please hand over your gun and follow me.”

He Yijun didn't say much. He smiled and stretched out his hand to signal the other party to give her the gun. This was the security regulation of the military commander, although it was rarely enforced in Pingshi.

Li Qiwu glanced at the guard not far away, frowned and handed over the gun. Just as he was about to leave, he was stopped again.

“Sorry, Director Li, I meant all weapons.”

Standing in front of Li Qiwu, He Yijun said something neither humble nor overbearing, looking at the other person's waist with a gentle smile on his face.

With no choice but to take out the spare gun from his waist, Li Qiwu followed He Yijun towards the end of the corridor, turning a blind eye to the greetings of the spies along the way.

The two of them walked to the door of the deputy director's office. Just as He Yijun was about to knock on the door, a man came out of the next room and whispered to her.

“Secretary He, I have your phone number.”


He Yijun nodded and apologized to Li Qiwu: "Director Li, the deputy is waiting for you inside. I won't accompany you in if I have something to do because of my humble duty."

With that said, she turned around and walked to the next door, not paying attention to the so-called chief secretary at all.

Being treated like this by a woman, Li Qiwu's eyes burst into flames, and his head became hot and he stretched out his hand to stop the woman, letting this woman know what the difference between superiority and inferiority is.

But before he could speak, he heard Zuo Zhong laughing a few times and saying something in the office. It sounded like he was talking to someone on the phone.

"Yes, Commander Liu, this matter concerns the underground party, please help me."

 “Hahaha, Zuo understands that troops and horses should go ahead before food and grass are used.”

“Well, if we follow the phone line and search the mountains, we will definitely reach the target.”

"Okay, I'll see you at Gele Mountain then. I'll be waiting for you. When the operation is over, Zuo will host a banquet for the brothers at the garrison headquarters."


 Gele Mountain?

Li Qiwu slowly put down his hand, and his heart jumped suddenly. Could it be that Zuo Zhong came back with his men not for him, but for the underground party?

Thinking of this, he suppressed his doubts, took a deep breath, and knocked lightly on the office door, and the sound inside disappeared immediately.

After a while, when he heard Zuo Zhong say "Enter" in a deep voice, Li Qiwu adjusted his expression, opened the door and walked in with a smile.

 “Hello, Deputy Director Zuo.”

As soon as he entered the door, he greeted him warmly, and then sat down on the stool opposite Zuo Zhong in a swaggering manner, without being polite at all.

Zuo Zhong stared at the other party coldly and was silent for a few minutes. It was not until Li Qiwu started to feel restless that he slowly spoke.

“Director Li, how is the anti-corruption in the military going? Group 6 of the Second Division of the Attendant’s Office has urged me several times. Don’t you have any objections to the committee’s decision?”

“Of course not, it’s really a matter of great importance. Li needs some time to prepare, so as not to delay the leader’s important events.”

Li Qiwu shook his head repeatedly, and the reason came out of his mouth. After he figured out Zuo Zhong's purpose of looking for him, the big stone that was weighing on his heart finally fell to the ground.

Facing this obvious prevarication, Zuo Zhong sneered and waved his hand to tell this guy to get lost, as if he was too lazy to talk nonsense to him.

Li Qiwu didn't care when he saw this, and walked out lazily. His eyes were full of ridicule, and he unconsciously quickened his pace.

 In the office.

Zuo Zhong, who was originally full of anger, suddenly smiled. He tilted his head and looked at the clock on the wall, closed his eyes and waited for something.

The military compound outside was as busy as usual, with vehicles and people constantly coming in and out, but there was a pair of bright eyes in the dark.

That afternoon, Li Qiwu said hello to the office, left Luojiawan an hour earlier than Pingchang, and drove towards the city by car.

As the wooden lifting pole of the gate post was slowly lowered, He Yijun's figure flashed past behind a window facing the gate.

 The time soon came the next morning, Zuo Zhong smiled and nodded to the saluting little agent, and returned to his office.

After finishing some official duties, he put down his pen and rubbed his head. He looked up at the wall clock again and muttered to himself.

 “It should be almost done.”

Immediately, he stood in front of the mirror, straightened his collar, picked up a document and walked out of the room quickly, preparing to meet his dear mentor.

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