Cicada Moving

Chapter 1072: dog eat dog (2)

Chapter 1072 Dog bites dog (2)

 “For those outside, we are the military commander, the military commander!”

Li Ya held the gun against the wall with both hands and shouted outside. He was shocked and confused. Could it be that other government agencies really regarded them as underground party members?

 In order for the students to get into the state as quickly as possible and become familiar with the ideologies and communication habits of the dissidents, their daily speech and behavior are all learned from the Northwest staff.

Maybe someone sensed something was wrong and reported them to the government, which led to today's sudden refutation. Li Ya couldn't help but think of a ridiculous possibility.

 Think again, this possibility is very high.

From the beginning, he was a little confused as to why the underground party dared to carry out large-scale intelligence operations in Paidu, and why they mobilized troops to target a group of students who were not even senior intelligence personnel.

If the people outside are our own people, then everything will be explained. MD, who is this idiot? He attacks indiscriminately without investigating clearly.

While Li Ya was cursing secretly in his heart, the Central Unification agents hiding behind the armored car heard his shouting and couldn't help but glance at each other with a little hesitation in their eyes.

 In fact, frontline agents are the ones who know the underground party best.

They have also never seen such a bold dissident occupying a school as a stronghold in a heavily guarded capital.

  It is the military commander who often sets up training classes, such as Hangcheng class, Qingpu class, Linli class, etc. Is the other party really a member of the military commander?

If this was the case, the Central Government would be in big trouble, so the gunfire gradually disappeared, and some people broke away from the team and ran outside the school to ask Xu Enzeng for instructions.

 The veterans of the 34th Group Army in the school took this opportunity to quickly close their defense line and set up the last line of defense around the classroom.

To be honest, they did not escape even after fighting to this extent. Among the Guo army who suffered repeated defeats, they can indeed be called "elite".

 On the hillside opposite.

The smug Xu Enzeng was about to get angry when he saw the fighting suddenly stopped, when the little spy came and reported the situation.

“Director, the people inside say they are military commanders. Do you want to send someone to verify?”

Xu Enzeng laughed angrily when he heard this. He didn't give the little agent a chance to retreat. He quickly stepped forward and raised his hand like a big bidou, with his hands on his hips and cursed.

 "Military command? Ridiculous! The dissidents are full of tricks, keep attacking!"

He didn't believe what his subordinates said at all. Not to mention that this information was sent by Li Qiwu. It was absolutely reliable and the other party could not be from the military commander.

Even if it is really a military commander, they can't stop now. They must eliminate all the people inside, otherwise the result will be worse.

The little agent hurriedly returned to the school with his face covered and conveyed Xu Enzeng's order. Gunshots rang out again, and the intensity of the exchange of fire continued unabated.

What's even more terrible is that some Central Unification agents discovered underground party flags and propaganda materials in other rooms. Now it's completely unclear.

 “md, how dare you lie to me!”

Xu Enzeng’s men felt that they had been deceived. In anger, they doubled their combat effectiveness and relied on the advantages of armored vehicles to squeeze the “enemy’s” defense space bit by bit.

Li Ya in the room was anxious. When the fire ceased on the other side, he knew that he was right. The attacker outside was really one of his own.

Among the many departments of the government, there is only one who is responsible for dealing with the underground party and has such strength - the military commander's old enemy, the Central Commander.

But before he could react, the other party opened fire again. Apparently he didn't believe what he said or wanted to kill someone and take credit for it. This was more troublesome than an underground party attack.

Di┴The lower party will retreat on its own if it cannot attack for a long time, but the Central Unification will not.

Even if the military and police hear the news and come over, they will take the initiative to provide help to each other. These people have no courage to fight against the Japanese, but they still have the courage to fight against the wind, and they are very bold.

 Can't delay any longer, must break through!

People can die, but those who die are valuable. Death at the hands of Zhongtong is nothing. They have received so much rigorous training, and they should not die in such an absurd way.

Li Ya called a dozen students together, expressed his guess with a sad expression, and said that he would cover everyone to leave, but left one person behind.

“Chuan Wu, you have the best marksmanship among them, stay and cooperate with me. After the others escape, immediately find the phone number and report to Secretary Li Wei and Li at the Military Command Headquarters. The contact code is: Shennong.”

As soon as these words came out, the people present had different thoughts. Some were extremely excited, and some were gloating about the misfortune. They thought that if you show off your love, you would end up being cannon fodder.

At the critical moment of life and death, there was no time for greetings and farewells. Li Ya saw the opportunity and shouted for cover. The unified army opened fire together, successfully opening a gap in the encirclement.

 Seeing the opportunity to survive, the students tried their best to break out of the encirclement, quickly climbed over the wall and ran into the mountains and forests, and scattered to the surrounding market towns.

Xu Enzeng, who was in the distance, sneered when he saw this. He wanted to run away, but it was not that easy. He immediately waved his hand, and more than a dozen police dogs and numerous searchers surrounded him.

 For this operation, the Central Military Commission has prepared a lot of "good things", and armored vehicles are just one of them. No one can escape today.

This scene fell in Li Ya's eyes. He seemed to have foreseen this result. His mood did not fluctuate at all, and he calmly led Xing Hanliang to the podium.


He said lightly, and then he and Xing Hanliang pushed the podium hard. After a rattling sound, a dark hole appeared on the ground. Any intelligence stronghold must establish a secret evacuation channel. This is a stipulation of the military command, even if it is a temporary training class.

 No matter when it comes, it is always right to leave a way out. Just like in this case, the two of them can easily leave and jump out of the enemy's encirclement.

As for those veterans and students, there is nothing they can do. The reason why the secret path is a secret path lies in the word "secret". If there are many people who know it, then it can't be called a secret.

 Besides, the width of the secret passage is very narrow for concealment. If everyone comes in, no one will be able to walk by then.

Li Ya walked into the cave entrance without hesitation, and Xing Hanliang followed silently. After a few seconds, the podium automatically returned to its original position, and the classroom became empty.


Machine guns in front of and on the left and right of the armored vehicle fired continuously. The veterans were hit and fell one by one. Even if they did not die on the spot, they were quickly controlled by the Central Unification agents.

Even on the battlefield, this "chariot" converted from a truck is extremely fragile, but without heavy machine guns or even anti-tank cannons, it cannot be stopped by individual weapons alone.

Xu Enzeng looked at his overwhelming men and showed a proud smile, feeling lucky for his decision to get rid of Mou Zhiye.

 The previous failures of the Central Unification were entirely due to Wang Aofu, Liu Gui and their ilk. Now that he led the team by himself, didn't he successfully break through the underground party's bandit nest?

 “Let’s go down and have a look.”

Hearing the gunfire stop, Xu Enzeng waved his hand and led his men towards the hillside. Under heavy guard, he walked into the industrial school and inspected the prisoners and collected items.

 The little spies placed the found party flags, party chapters, red publications, weapons, and radio stations all over the floor, which looked spectacular.

 Coupled with a dozen hideous-looking corpses and a few wounded who were breathing but not breathing, Xu Enzeng's face glowed with such a big harvest.

 It’s not easy~ It’s not easy!

The Secret Service Headquarters and even the Central Government had not experienced such a glorious victory in many years. Xu Enzeng was filled with emotions for a while, and tears slowly overflowed from the corners of his eyes.

 The scolding from the committee members, the dislike of Minister Chen, the ridicule of others, scenes from the past flashed through his mind. He raised his head and sniffed to prevent himself from crying in front of his men.

The little secret agents of the Central Government on the side were also very happy. It didn't matter whether they were promoted or not, nor did their face matter. What they cared about was the reward given by the superior.

However, the work was not completely over yet. Everyone smiled and searched the items on the body, firstly to look for physical evidence, and secondly to take the opportunity to look for cash, watches and other property.

The underground party is indeed poor, but even though flies are small, they are still meat. Just by searching, the agents discovered something was wrong.

Not only were there an unusually large amount of property on the corpses and wounded, but they also all had certificates from the 34th Group Army. They were either non-commissioned officers or lieutenants, and all of them had served in the 1st Division.

The 1st Division is the direct line of the Guo Army. In the 16th year of the Republic of China, it suppressed the underground party in Shanghai and then fought many battles with the opponent in the southwest. It can be said that it has outstanding military exploits.

  Will the people from this army be underground parties?

 The smiles of the agents slowly disappeared, and an ominous premonition arose in their hearts. This group of people couldn't really be one of their own, and that would be bad.

  Just kill others, and it’s not like Zhongtong has never accidentally injured friendly troops.

The problem is that the commander of the 34th Group Army is Chief Hu, who is known to be a protector and the most trusted student of the committee. If they kill the people of the 34th Group Army, will they get anything good out of it?

Someone quickly handed the certificate to Xu Enzeng, reported the bad news in a low voice, and then ran away as if running away, for fear of being angered by the director.

 “It’s impossible, it’s impossible.”

 Xu Enzeng, who was already confused, quickly looked through the documents and murmured to himself, with shock written on his face. How could the underground party become the subordinates of Chief Hu?

But the certificates are not deceptive, and the looks of the captives and corpses match the photos. Even if you don’t want to believe it, it seems, maybe, probably that the Central Government has really found the wrong person.

 He swallowed, and there was only one thought in his mind. This matter must not be leaked. Thinking of this, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he made a gesture to the prisoner.

 “Destroy the documents and refill the gun!”

Without witnesses and documents, it can be said that it was a misunderstanding. After all, those underground party items and weapons were real, and the worst they could do was to get scolded again.

Unfortunately, before the agents could take action, a dozen trucks filled with armed personnel broke through the blockade and drove directly towards Xu Enzeng at high speed without any intention of slowing down.

 “Protect the Director~”


When everyone in the Central Government saw this, they were so frightened that they peed. As they hurriedly ran for their lives, they did not forget to turn around and shout to show their loyalty. Anyway, there is no money for good words, so forget it about saving people.

Xu Enzeng was stunned and stood there, looking at the approaching convoy. His legs were weak and he could not move. He was about to become a trapeze artist.

Fortunately, just when the two sides were about to collide, the truck turned and stopped suddenly, bringing up a puff of smoke and dust, and the sound of the door opening and closing could be vaguely heard.

When the cold wind blew and the dust dispersed, a gloomy-looking Dai Chunfeng appeared in front of Xu Enzeng and squeezed out three words fiercely through his teeth.

 “Wang Badan!!!”

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