Cicada Moving

: Extra (My students are in danger)

Extra chapter (My students are in danger)


A sharp pain hit his head. Dai Chunfeng, who had just woken up from the car accident, took a deep breath. When he opened his heavy eyelids with force, a concerned man's face appeared in front of him.

 “Teacher? Are you okay?”

The man is young but has a majestic bearing. He is wearing a black tunic suit. There is a trace of worry in his tone of questioning.


Who is the other person, why are they wearing such ancient clothes, and where am I?

Dai Chunfeng raised his hand to rub his swollen head, but he quickly stopped and slowly put his hand in front of his eyes. These were the hands of a middle-aged man, well-maintained, but the traces of time left on the skin could not be deceived. .

A strong sense of dizziness kept hitting his brain. After a long time, Dai Chunfeng raised his head, looked at the young man and opened his lips, not knowing what to ask.

At the same time, he found himself sitting in the back seat of an ancient car. In the front seat was a driver with blood on his head. The windshield was also full of holes and he was pumping air into the car.

At this time, the young man slammed the car seat and said murderously: "They are all those **** dissidents who dare to openly attack you in the mountain city. How audacious!

Don't worry, the students will immediately organize an arrest operation when they return, and all those involved will be captured and handed over to you for disposal. This time, Northwest must give our military unified an explanation. "


 Mountain city, military command, dissidents!

Dai Chunfeng swallowed. He worked in a Qingshui yamen and had nothing to do. He read a lot of novels and various literature.

  Military commander, bureau seat, these two key words together can and can only refer to the spy king of the Republic of China who made countless people fearful and whose name was only one word different from his own - Dai Chunfeng! Coupled with the young man in outdated clothes and the ancient car, all the clues prove one thing. He was reborn in that sudden car accident! And he was reborn as Dai Chunfeng.

The thief is really good at joking. He made a veteran party member with 20 years of party experience become a notorious spy. Dai Chunfeng found it ridiculous and couldn't laugh or cry in his heart.

As for why he could accept the fact of rebirth so quickly, as a standard post-80s generation, online novels have accompanied him for the first half of his life. Who hasn’t imagined encountering such an adventure?

 After hesitating for a long time, Dai Chunfeng didn't say anything. He just waved his hand gently to indicate that he was fine. The more he talked about this situation, the more mistakes he made. He didn't know anything about the situation, so it was better not to speak.

The young man breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and then helped him out of the car. Under the dim street lights, there were old cars with shining reflections and dozens of sharp-eyed and strong men in black. When they saw him get out of the car, These people puffed out their chests and shouted hello.

 “Have a good seat!”

Huge sound echoed back and forth in the streets and alleys, and a strange feeling surged in Dai Chunfeng's heart. Isn't this how a man can live without power?

 In a daze, he nodded subconsciously and reservedly, got into a car, and quickly left the scene under the protection of many "underlings".

That night, Luojiawan No. 29 was busy. Prison vans drove in and out, bringing back many suspects. The sounds of torture and gunshots were heard from time to time.

Dai Chunfeng, who had regained his composure, watched for a while. Although he felt that the accents of these underground party members were a bit strange and seemed to have a Japanese flavor, he was not a professional intelligence officer after all. Maybe this was the disguise of comrades.

Looking at the "comrades" who died heroically, he suppressed his anger and quietly moved his eyes to the young man standing aside to supervise the execution, feeling a murderous intention.

At this time, he had already figured out that the other party was Zuo Zhong, the deputy director of the Military Command Bureau, who was also someone's fellow countryman, a student of Dai Chunfeng, a wealthy family in Zhejiang Province, and brothers with many high-ranking members of the Fruit Party, and they were very strong-willed.

This person is a famous intelligence expert in the government. Hundreds of spies from all walks of life may have died under his command. It is said that he is very murderous and violent. He cannot sleep or eat unless he kills several people every night. There is absolutely no room for such a dangerous person in the kitchen!

Dai Chunfeng secretly made a decision. He must get rid of Zuo Zhong as soon as possible, completely control the generals, and then establish contact with the organization. He is a member of the party when he is alive, and a dead member of the party when he dies. He must not betray his beliefs!

(I feel better. Thanks to my friends in the book club group and everyone for being with me. I have been packing up my things recently and dealing with the follow-up. I will send her off to another city in two days. I will reply with an update when I get back. I will write an extra story for everyone to enjoy. :))

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