Cicada Moving

Chapter 1104: Money is not wasted

Chapter 1104 Money is not wasted

 “Meng Ting, everyone is here.”

"Yes, Deputy Director, there are 20 people in the special operations team. They have all been assembled. Please give me instructions."

Outside the Zibei County on the north bank of the mountain city, Xu Enzeng and Meng Ting stood in front of two rows of deer-headed, rat-like, wretched Zhongtong agents, communicating in a low voice. Mark, with an ugly face, stood not far away.

These people were operational personnel selected from the Central Unification investigators based on Meng Ting's advice. Their mission was to go to the island city to guide the air force and bomb the Japanese-Puppet Conference venue.

 After chatting for a while, Xu Enzeng looked up at the members of the special operations team who were trying hard to hold their heads high and chest out, showing a satisfied smile, and nodded in praise.

"Well, yes, there is such a momentum, but the details of these people must be found out. Don't let any moles appear again. The chairman of the task force is very concerned about this time. If something goes wrong, I must remove it before I lose my head. your."

While he was overjoyed, he did not forget to warn Meng Ting that the other party came from the underground party after all. Although he personally supervised the execution of dissidents, he still did not make people feel reassured.

Moreover, the other party has been calling deputy director and deputy director all day long. Doesn’t he know that he is the deputy? He has no eyesight at all. Xu Enzeng smiled on his face and kept cursing in his heart.

Meng Ting didn’t know what he was thinking. He pointed at the crowd and said confidently: “Don’t worry, these warriors are all natives of Shandong Province. There are no flaws in their accents, habits, and diet. They have never failed in their previous missions, and their backgrounds are absolutely reliable.

There is no problem with mobile skills. You see, this one has been engaged in red goods trading in Shanghai, and more than one of his subordinates died. That one is the famous Yang Yang thief in North China, a veteran who has been specially trained a few days ago. .

The humble duties were arranged. They set off in the secret of the truck in a while, and then sneaked into the daily occupation district in batches. We used us to go to the task location at the secret transportation station. Based on the situation, we used lights or flags to guide the Air Force bombing.

 There is just something that requires your approval. When I recruited people, I promised that I would give them a settlement fee and a reward after departure. You also know that this task is very dangerous, and it is impossible to gather so many people without any benefits. "

In order to find enough manpower, Meng Ting tried his best to get the Zhongtong gang, who were smarter than ghosts, to risk their lives to assassinate the traitors. That was simply impossible. In the end, they could only use money as bait. , finally attracted a group of "elites" who were not afraid of death and only wanted money.

What? Settlement allowance and reward money?

 Xu Enzeng immediately frowned when he heard the word "money". The government's economy is now in dire straits, legal currency can be used as papyrus, and the funds allocated are getting less and less. The settlement allowance and reward money for 20 people are not a small amount.

After pondering for a long time, he said with a serious face: "Huh, can't we serve the party and the country without money? When the military commander performs his tasks, there is never any reward. Could it be that if they can do it, we can't?"

Meng Ting almost laughed out loud when he heard this guy didn't want to pay and the reasons he gave. The Central Commander was worthy of being compared with the military commander. The military commander raised his own funds and received full military pay. This alone was far behind the Central Commander. I don’t know where the person named Xu got the nerve to say this.

However, how the military commander made money was not only curious within the national government, but also other forces. He had also investigated it before, but unfortunately there was no result. The clue finally disappeared in a paper factory. Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong could not be themselves. Print money.

Meng Ting shook his head when he thought of this. Printing French currency was a loss-making business, and the military commander was not that stupid. He immediately put this ridiculous idea aside, and then looked at Xu Enzeng with a bitter look on his face.

“Deputy Director, this operation is extraordinary. We went deep into enemy-occupied areas to carry out assassinations and narrowly escaped death. Without a big reward, there would be no brave man. The operators went there with the determination to die, so we cannot save the money.

 out out out out and surrendering to the Japanese and delaying the Chairman's important mission is something that can't be solved with money. If the bureau doesn't have money, you can borrow money from Minister Chen. "

Xu Enzeng had nothing to say. What Meng Ting said was correct. Doing business requires capital, and asking someone to die requires enough money to buy a life. Realizing that this money must be given, he asked with a heartbroken face if the meeting location was confirmed.


Speaking of this, Meng Ting gave a solemn answer: "According to the survey, there have been no abnormalities in the hotels and venues in Daocheng that can accommodate a large number of people for large-scale meetings recently, except for the International Club and Daocheng Hotel.

 First of all, the Japanese dismissed the Chinese in these two places for various reasons, leaving only Japanese staff. The surrounding gendarmerie increased their strength, and the mixed 5th Brigade also set up a number of anti-aircraft artillery nearby.

Based on the above clues, I think it can be determined that the location of the Japan-Puppet Conference was held at the International Club or Daocheng Hotel. The distance between the two places is not too far, and it is also very close to the Japanese Navy and Army headquarters in Daocheng. "

Xu Enzeng had a look of reminiscence on his face. Before the war between China and Japan, Daocheng was a favorite summer vacation spot for government officials. Of course he had been there too. The International Club and Daocheng Hotel were even more familiar, and they were indeed very suitable for holding meetings.

The next second, he waved his right hand down to indicate departure. The agents immediately jumped on the car and slowly drove away amidst the roar of the engine. Looking at the drifting smoke and dust, he waved to Mark and got into his car. After the car started, Asked a question.

“Has Action Team No. 2 set off?”

 “Let’s go, take a flight to the port city this morning, and you should be on the passenger ferry to Shanghai by now.”

“Well, the No. 1 Action Team attracts attention, and the No. 2 Action Team will be safer. Mark, your method is good.”

"Thank you, Deputy Director, for the compliment. This is what you should do in a humble position." After chatting for a few words, Xu Enzeng smiled lightly and wiped his hair, feeling very proud. To defeat the military commander, he must first learn from the military commander. He also learned to be prepared with both hands and not to put the eggs away. In a basket.

Just now, this action team was in the light, and the No. 2 action team was in the dark. With the cooperation of the two, he didn't believe that the mission could not be completed. As for whether the No. 1 action team would be discovered by the Japanese, this matter was not important. How could a war be possible? If people don't die, compassion can't control soldiers.

 “Let’s go back to the headquarters and keep an eye on Meng Ting.”


After giving Mark a warning, Xu Enzeng leaned on the car seat and cast his gaze into the distance, imagining the scene where he would be promoted to a higher rank after the operation was successful, and he was so happy that he could not open his mouth from ear to ear.

In another car dozens of meters away, Meng Ting closed his eyes and seemed to know nothing. The two cars wound their way up the mountain road and disappeared completely after a while.

 At the same time, the conference room of the Shanghai Special Committee on China.

Like two fighting cocks, Ryosuke Hase and Tosada Osako looked at each other while leaning on the table, with fire in their eyes and loud greetings to each other.

“Osako, you bastard, I am the adjutant of the committee and have the authority to know the intelligence of the new government. Please give me the documents from the Shima City meeting, otherwise I will report the matter to Tokyo.”

“Baga! Hase Ryosuke, is this the attitude that people from your Ministry of Foreign Affairs use towards your superiors? They are indeed a group of non-nationals!”

 “Malu Yelang!”

 “How can it be repaired?”

Other Japanese agents in the room said nothing, looking at their noses and hearts, pretending not to hear the sweet words of their two superiors. This was a battle between the Military Ministry and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and they could not afford to interfere.

I saw Ryosuke Hase breathing heavily, pointing at Osako and saying: "I have shed blood for the empire, and I have made meritorious service for the empire. Are you doubting my loyalty to His Majesty Tenchu? This is too chilling. ”

Osako Tsusada sneered when he heard this. Since he had broken his skin, there was nothing bad to say, and he readily admitted his distrust of Hase Ryosuke.

"My duty is to be suspicious. Everyone is suspicious in my eyes, including you of course. The Island City Meeting is the top secret of the empire. I want to ensure that the information will not be leaked."

As soon as these words came out, some of the agents frowned covertly, and some looked at Osako Tosada with unkind eyes. According to the other party, this room is full of moles, and you, Osako Tosada, are the only good person.

Hase Ryosuke even laughed out loud: "Make sure the news is not leaked? Not long ago, you did the same thing when the empire was negotiating with Yan Baichuan. I and everyone here were kept in the dark. It's up to you and General Doihara personally directed the implementation.

  But the result is there! All the imperial envoys and agents involved in the negotiations were killed, and the contents of the negotiations were posted everywhere. Lord Doihara is His Majesty Tenchu's most loyal general, so naturally he will not leak the news. As for you, Lord Osako, haha. "

  With a sneer, Hase Ryosuke stopped talking and sat back. He opened the cigarette case and spread cigarettes for the people next to him, seeming to have forgotten the argument just now.

Osako Tosada was so angry at these words that his eyes darkened. It took him a long time to regain his composure. He glanced at everyone coldly and solemnly announced an order.

“Jinling has sent two people who are familiar with the situation of the Central Command and the Military Command. They have arrived at the island city, but you must not relax your vigilance. You must pay close attention to various docks and stations in Shanghai to prevent assassins from transiting through Shanghai.

 The surveillance work of the new government's important officials in Shanghai must be adjusted to half protection and half surveillance. Our old rival, the military commander, is very good at attacking in the east and attacking in the west. It is likely that he will use the island city meeting to assassinate the new government personnel staying in Shanghai.

Suspicious persons discovered during the inspection operation will be detained for investigation first. No one has the right to release without my personal order. I need to remind you that money is indeed a good thing, but it can also make people lose their lives in vain. "

He stared at Ryosuke Hase who was smoking, and reminded everyone in a nonchalant manner, then raised the corners of his mouth slightly, straightened his collar and said proudly.

“I am also honored to participate in the Daocheng meeting. During my time away from Shanghai, please stick to your responsibilities. If there are urgent documents, they can be transported to the island city by air. When encountering important matters, please do not make decisions without authorization.”

The Japs present understood clearly that they wanted to oust Adjutant Hase, but they ignored the matter and everyone responded with "Hai" in unison, and prepared to break up the meeting and leave.

Unexpectedly, a staff member of Changgu’s agency walked into the conference room and handed a telegram to Changgu. Perhaps to show off, the person loudly reported the contents of the telegram.

“Your Excellency, Tokyo has ordered that you represent the Special Committee on China at the island city meeting. The special plane is on standby at the airport and can take off at any time.”

There was an uproar at the scene. Mr. Hase was asked to attend the meeting on behalf of the committee. It was obvious that the headquarters was dissatisfied with Osako Tosada, so everyone stopped and gathered around Hase Ryousuke, and all kinds of flattery was heard.

Amid the commotion, Hase Ryosuke slowly stood up, looked at the furious Osako Tsusada and laughed, one hundred thousand yen was indeed not wasted, the son of Prime Minister Fumiya Konoe's family was really doing something when he took the money, so after thinking about it, he walked out with his head held high. into the conference room.

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