Cicada Moving

Chapter 1106: The Japs and traitors are all showing off, only the President is being beaten

Chapter 1106: All the Japanese and traitors are showing off, only the Central Commander is being beaten

 Early April 1940.

Mr. Ji sent an invitation message to the reform governments of Mongolia, North China and Jinling. The message stated that talks were scheduled to be held in the island city later that month to discuss national plans. Fortunately, Mr. Ji was the protagonist. A farce is about to begin in the island city.

This meeting included almost all the famous traitors, such as Wang Kemin, Chairman of the Puppet North China Political Affairs Committee, Liang Hongzhi, Executive Director of the Puppet Reform Government, Li Shouxin, Representative of the Puppet Mongolian Xinjiang, etc. Soon the island city became rampant with monsters and monsters, and the whole group of ugliness was over. .

The day before the meeting, Ji took Zhou Fushui and other high-level officials of the puppet government and arrived on the Japanese ship "Fengtian Maru". The Japanese and puppet military and political officials in the island city came to the pier to greet them. The people who were forced to come were shot and killed at gunpoint. They held flowers and colorful banners under their bayonets and weakly shouted slogans.

When the ship stopped, Mr. Ji and his wife took the lead to walk to the gangway, took off their hats and waved to the crowd below. Many reporters immediately pressed the shutter, and the powder formed by the mixture of magnesium powder and potassium chlorate instantly exploded and emitted a strong light. The scene was recorded on photographic paper.

Later, under the **** of the Japanese military police, Ji and others took a car to the International Club and the nearby Daocheng Hotel. The intelligence information Meng Ting obtained was very accurate. The venue and accommodation of the meeting were indeed in these two places.

The first floor of the International Club is the meeting place, the second floor is the residence of Ji and his party, the third floor is the residence of Liang Hongzhi and his party, and the Daocheng Hotel is where Wang Kemin and Li Shouxin live.

Ji took a break at the International Club and immediately drove to the Japanese Army Headquarters in Daocheng City to pay a visit. Then he went non-stop to the Japanese North China Naval Headquarters. His humility was palpable and his traitorous face was obvious.

After meeting his master, he returned to his residence to meet with Chinese and foreign reporters to defend his treason and surrender to the enemy. He shamelessly stated that he held the following views on the "Peace Movement".

 First of all, the "Peace Movement" was based on the overall situation of East Asia. It was indeed the reason why China and Japan could not coexist and prosper without peace. It was not a refuge for peace after defeat.

 Second, the "Peace Movement" is a century-old plan for China and Japan. It should be based on coexistence and common prosperity, rather than seeking temporary peace.

Thirdly, the "Heping Movement" is based on an doctrine and a belief. It is based on the reality that both China and Japan suffered losses in the war, while Heping coexisted and prospered. Therefore, it did not hesitate to endure hardships and sacrifices. It was not out of The concept of Machiavellian conspiracy.

These remarks received a flood of applause from the traitors and Japanese present. He was indeed the number two figure in the Kuomintang who once wrote about how to achieve success quickly and lived up to his youth. He could even find such a way to surrender and negotiate peace. Fresh and refined reasons.

At the same time, Zhou Fushui and other minions were not idle. They rushed to the puppet city office, the Japanese secret service, the Japanese Consulate General, and the Japanese Military Police to express their "respect" and "gratitude" with various gifts and souvenirs. .

This was a hardship for the Japanese and puppet military police Xiante who was responsible for protecting them. In order to ensure the safety of the traitors, they could only follow them around the city. Even if Zhou Fushui and others returned to their place of residence, they would not be able to live in peace and they would have to continue to roam the streets. On patrol.

Although Daocheng was under Japanese occupation at this time, under the threat of assassination from the military and central commanders, the Japanese still carried out rigorous preparations and defense work. The entire urban area of ​​Daocheng was under martial law, with one post for every three steps and one post for every five steps. Sentries, heavily guarded.

Police officers from the Pseudo Island City Police Department who are familiar with the local situation are out in force. Any passers-by or vehicles within a 2-kilometer radius of the International Club and Island City Hotel will be subject to interrogation and search, and even sniffing by military dogs, to prevent Someone carried a bomb, and the Japanese even blocked the sewers extending in all directions under the island city, cutting off all secret sneak channels.

Faced with such strict security measures, the Zhongtong Special Operations Team that has entered the island city has difficulty even getting close to the target, let alone conducting bombing guidance. Long-distance guidance is possible, but that cannot guarantee accuracy.

The guidance technology of the National Air Force cannot compare with that of the Japanese. If you want to bomb the traitors by surprise, night and early morning are the best times. This requires that the guidance point be as close to the target as possible.

The Central Unification agent responsible for inquiring about the information circled around the security area for several times before reluctantly returning to the safe house, preparing to use the agent radio he carried with him to contact Shancheng for instructions on the next step of action.

But he forgot one thing. This is not a Kuomintang-controlled area, but an enemy-occupied area with informants everywhere. Such an obvious intelligence reconnaissance operation is equivalent to holding a sign saying "I am a mountain city agent" and swaggering through the city. It is no different from seeking death.

And the gathering of 20 adult men is very eye-catching, especially since this group of people completely ignored the confidentiality rules and frequently entered and exited the safe house to have fun outside. Unless the Japanese and puppets were blind or deaf, they would not have been able to detect it.

Relevant information was soon sent to Mou Zhiye. Looking at the secretly taken close-up photos of the suspect's face, Mou Zhiye became happy on the spot. He pointed to one of the photos and told the Japanese that he had seen the suspect.

As the director of the Intelligence Department of the Central Unification Bureau, even though he has not been in office for a long time, he has come into contact with a large number of Central Unification Headquarters and local spies. This is why the Japanese sent him to the island city.

Xing Hanliang, who was watching on the sidelines, said nothing, and was not prepared to risk warning. The life and death of the Zhongtong people had nothing to do with the military command. His most important task now was to gain the trust of the enemy, so he just had to watch the show.

On the other side, the Japanese and puppets determined the whereabouts of the Zhongtong assassins, and the intelligence was reported at all levels. The door of the weapons room of the Special High School Section of the Japanese Consulate in Daocheng was opened, and expressionless Japanese agents entered one after another to collect weapons. A big battle began. A large-scale raid and arrest operation is about to begin.

 Hours later. On Flag Mountain not far from the Zhongtong Safe House, Ryosuke Hase, dressed in plain clothes, and the person in charge of the Daocheng Special High School Course stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the buildings at the bottom of the mountain, talking intermittently.

“Have the number of people been determined?”

“Hai, Your Excellency Changgu, through observation and analysis of domestic garbage, there are at least 15 rebels inside the target.”

"Try to capture them alive, but be careful of the enemy's use of automatic fire. The intelligence personnel of the Republic of China have a low training level and like to use firepower to make up for the lack of accuracy. This is very deadly in a small space. We cannot use the Imperial Warriors' Lives and blood are risked.”

“Understood, the military has been very helpful and provided a large amount of military equipment for this operation. The team members responsible for the operation are equipped with grenades and submachine guns. If necessary, mortars can be called for tactical support.”

 Hase Ryosuke was very satisfied with this answer. He said something in his mouth, then looked at his watch and waited quietly for the operation to begin. He did not overstep his authority or interfere with the command too much.

Time passed minute by minute, and when the clock jumped to the scheduled operation time, the lights in the Zhongtong safe house suddenly went out, and several teams of heavily armed Japanese agent teams attacked the target from multiple entrances.

In many battles with the military commanders, the operational skills of the Japanese intelligence agencies have been greatly improved, and indoor close-range firefighting tactics have gradually matured. These people are very methodical and professional in their actions.

The intelligence personnel of the Central Unification Committee who were resting and on duty were suddenly attacked. In panic, they quickly organized a counterattack. After all, they were elites selected by tens of thousands of agents of the Central Unification Committee. They used bunkers to draw guns and shoot at each other with the Japanese. Unfortunately, they could not defeat them with their bravery alone. enemy.

Bullets kept coming from all directions, and the Zhongtong agents fell one by one. The gunshots and shouts became less and less. Looking at the muzzle flashes with an increasingly low frequency, Hase Ryosuke covered his mouth in boredom and yawned. I looked at my watch again.

3 minutes.

 It only took 3 minutes for the Daocheng Super High School to complete the cleanup.

If the national government's agents were all using this kind of tactics, there would be no need for him to cooperate with Fat Tiger, and he should quickly find a way to escape to South America. Fortunately, the professional quality of the military commander is trustworthy.

“Rescue the wounded, bring all the prisoners back for immediate interrogation, and remove the enemy’s intelligence stronghold in the island city as soon as possible.” Hase Ryosuke turned around and left, and said lightly.


The person in charge of the Daocheng Super High School bowed, not daring to show any slights. As one of the many senior intelligence officers stationed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in East China and even the entire Republic of China, he had the right to guide the work of the Daocheng Super High School.

At the same time as the gunshots rang out in the island city, the lights were brightly lit in the courtyard of No. 76 Jisi Feier Road, Shanghai. Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun waved their hands, and trucks filled with spies slowly drove out of the gate and headed towards Drive towards the Bund Pier.

Behind the two of them, Ji Dawei or Tongsuo, the director of No. 76 Inspection Office, looked at this scene with a trace of worry in his eyes. According to the latest order issued by the Special Committee on China, No. 76 discovered several suspicious persons during the inspection operation. , according to analysis, it is likely that he was an assassin sent to the island city by Shancheng to target important officials of the new government.

 In the spirit of preferring to kill the wrong person rather than miss it, Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun organized operatives in the shortest possible time and prepared to arrest the target staying on a freighter. Tongsuo didn't know if the target was a brother of the military commander.

But he can't do anything now. Except for the agents involved in the operation, no one can leave the station, and external communications have been cut off. If there is any abnormal behavior at this time, his identity will be exposed.

  Back to the office silently, Tongsuo spread out a document and sat behind the desk. He raised his ears and listened attentively to what was going on outside. The pen in his hand kept spinning between his index and middle fingers, and the wall clock on the wall was ticking.

I don’t know how long it took, but a burst of noise and cheers came from the corridor. I could vaguely hear the words "Zhongtong". Tongsuo leaned back on his chair and let out a long sigh of relief. Then he stood up, put on his coat, and picked up the The briefcase walked out with a natural expression.

Not surprisingly, the two action teams carefully prepared by Xu Enzeng failed to achieve any results, and some even collapsed before arriving at the mission location. To describe it in one sentence, all the Japanese and traitors were showing off, and only the Central Commander was being beaten. .

 (End of this chapter)

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