Cicada Moving

Chapter 1108: Metamorphosis of elbow and armpit

 The time goes back to two nights ago.

At the entrance of a villa in the Shanghai Public Concession, Gao Chongwu and his family either looked excited or frightened and got into several cars and drove quickly towards Qibian. After driving for a while, the convoy automatically dispersed and merged into the streets. among.

The same situation also happened in Tao Xisheng's home. As the Japanese's search operations against passing passengers became increasingly large, the Japanese spies who were originally responsible for surveillance and protection were transferred away, so no one noticed the abnormalities in the two families.

As for No. 76, without orders from the Japanese, Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun were given eight senior officials who dared not spy on the new government. After all, these people are likely to be their immediate bosses in the future.

After driving for a while, the two convoys stopped in a remote place. The drivers got out of the car and put on new license plates, and then continued towards the planned evacuation point. Everything seemed to be moving in a good direction.

According to the plan, the special service personnel of the Shanghai Military District will **** the target to the pier, where a passenger ship flying the American flag is waiting. After receiving the person, the passenger ship will immediately depart for the port city without making any stops in the middle. The entire journey will be at 44 About hours ①.

 Most of the top officials of the puppet government are meeting in the island city. It will not be discovered that Gao Chongwu and Tao Xisheng have lost contact in a short time. By the time the Japanese and the puppet government notice, the two people and their families are probably already in the port city.

 There is only one difficulty in the whole plan, and that is how to hide the people in the public concession and the Japanese patrols and intelligence personnel at the dock, and safely send the people to the ship.

After the fall of Shanghai, Western countries such as Britain and the United States retreated from the Japanese. The public concessions almost became Japanese concessions. Except for a few places, the Japanese military and police were allowed to enter and exit any place at will and arrest anyone they felt was suspicious. personnel.

The Western newspapers in the concession, which have always flaunted freedom of public opinion, have become deaf and mute at this time. They have turned a blind eye to the fact that the Japanese are arresting people indiscriminately, and even aided them. They openly applauded this behavior and said that it was a great "improvement". The security situation in the concession.

The Japanese not only set up checkpoints at key traffic points such as the Waibaidu Bridge, but also set up checkpoints at docks controlled by Western capital. Even Westerners entering and exiting were subject to interrogation.

However, the military-controlled Shanghai District was well prepared for this. Due to the language barrier, the Japanese on the dock and the public concession patrolmen were each responsible for an area. This gave the Shanghai District an opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

—As long as there is money to take, the concession patrol will not care who wants to stow away, they will let them all go.

For this purpose, the military command headquarters specially allocated a large amount of Japanese yen funds. As the output and product quality of the secret "printing factory" are getting higher and higher, this kind of problem that can be solved with Japanese yen is not a problem at all. The tasks of Shanghai District Not too difficult.

Speaking of which, since the last time they were destroyed by No. 76, the Shanghai District has reorganized into independent intelligence teams according to Zuo Zhong's orders, and their actions have become more cautious. The senior leaders of the Shanghai District, headed by Chen Gongshu, no longer directly participate in intelligence activities, and covertly Sexuality increased significantly.

But today, Chen Gongshu, who had not been on the front line for a long time, came outside the pier in person. He lowered his head and looked at his watch, and looked anxiously towards the intersection in the distance. Several British patrolmen stood beside him. The leader was a man with hair. A grizzled, middle-aged white man.

“Jiang, when will your friend arrive? I don’t want to wait here until dawn.”

The middle-aged white man saw that the person he wanted to pick up had not arrived yet, so he was a little impatient and called out Chen Gongshu's pseudonym and muttered a few words in Chinese.

Chen Gongshu, who was already irritable, squinted his eyes, turned his head and said calmly: "Inspector Allison, don't forget that you received money. If you break the rules, no one will give you or your men money anymore. Don’t forget about your dream of buying a ranch in Scotland.”

"Hey, relax my old friend, I just hope I can get back to a warm bed as soon as possible." Hearing what he said, the middle-aged white man named Allison quickly spread his hands and explained with a smile, his eyes purring. It kept spinning.

 “Humph, that’s the best.”

Chen Gongshu snorted coldly and turned back to look into the distance. He knew that the British would not be honest, but he was not someone to be trifled with. Out of sight, the sharpshooters in the Shanghai District were aiming at each other. At most, they would be scattered. He used other methods to send the two targets and their families away from Shanghai.

The wind beside the river is getting stronger and stronger, and the busy pier gradually becomes quiet. The remaining light of the street lamp casts little ripples on the surface of the river. In the darkness, a group of people hurried towards the pier. The anxious Chen Gongshu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this and stepped forward. Ask one of them after a few steps.

 “Everyone is here, is there any problem on the road?”

 “It’s all together, everything goes well.”

The stone in Chen Gongshu's heart finally fell to the ground. He raised his hand and waved to the British guard inside the dock gate, signaling him to open the gate and send the target away without further delay. If the target stayed in Shanghai for one more minute, it meant that One more minute of risk.

But the British man inside the door did not make any move. The barbed wire gate did not move at all, and the Inspector Allison he was talking about slowly walked over. His blue eyes glanced at Gao Chongwu and Tao Xisheng, who had their heads lowered in the crowd, revealing He spoke slowly with white teeth.

“Please wait a minute, Jiang, I have to know the identities of these people before I can let them go. If there are red saboteurs hidden inside, I will be in big trouble.”


 Chen Gongshu pointed at the other party and was so angry that he couldn't speak. He was so angry that he was in such big trouble. This **** **** must have guessed something and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to give himself a blow. He was really reaching into the coffin and asking for money at the risk of his life.

If the headquarters hadn't asked the Shanghai District to keep a low profile, given the quality of the patrol room's personnel, he would have been able to kill all these losers by sending just a few operatives. Thinking of this, he began to feel murderous, and the hands hidden behind his back prepared for action.

"Jiang, don't move. I know your people are nearby, but once the gunshots are fired, the patrol room will immediately block the nearby streets. You don't want your guests to be harassed by the Japanese."

Allison put his hand on the revolver on his waist and said with a calm smile: "You know, I have a lot of men. They are about to return to the homeland to prepare for possible attacks by the Germans, so I want to spend more time before leaving." Earn some money so that you can find a good position after returning to your country.

As a boss, I must respect their ideas. Do you understand? For only 50,000 yen, I will personally **** these friends to board the ferry. This is a good deal, isn't it? Please consider it carefully. You have 5 minutes. Time starts counting now. ” ˆ ˆ ˆ After saying that, Allison admired the noodles with his hands behind his back, looking confident and sure that the other party would not dare to make the matter a big deal. The other patrol officers also looked at the trembling crowd with smiles.

 Chen Gongshu's face was gloomy and the streets were blocked. He was not afraid. The problem was that once he was detained by the police station, the Japanese would appear at any time. Even if they could escape in the end, the news of Gao Chongwu and Tao Xisheng's defection would not be hidden for long.

The Japanese and No. 76 are not fools. A secret **** mission of this level must involve important people. A simple screening of sensitive personnel in Shanghai can identify specific targets.

The headquarters finally gave him a task, and he couldn't make any mistakes. Isn't it just money? Just give it to him and get it back when you find an opportunity. He must make this **** look good when the time comes. He gritted his teeth and decided to agree to the other party's asking price. .

 “Who are you doing?”

 Suddenly, someone shouted from inside the dock door.

The people present heard the sound and looked around, only to see a dozen Chinese policemen opening the door and walking quickly with their hats on the brim. The British policeman who originally guarded the door was nowhere to be seen, and the one who shouted was a young man. Chen Gongshu secretly thought something was wrong and quietly retreated. Whispering orders to the escorting agents to prepare for action.

Allison was ruined by someone, and he immediately frowned and scolded the person: "FUXK, you bastards, this is my jurisdiction. I want to tell the chief inspector who you are and why I haven't seen you before."

While talking, he quickly reached for his gun. Most of the British patrolmen in the patrol room had military backgrounds. The British army in this era still had some combat effectiveness and basically had actual combat experience, so as soon as they discovered something was wrong, Allison and his men reacted immediately. He came over and tried to resist with a gun.

But it was too late. The young man who had already reached the distance suddenly raised his head, kicked off the ground with his right foot and jumped out. In an instant, he rushed in front of Allison. His left hand held down the pistol that the other party was about to take out, and he raised his right hand high. With a half-grip, he hit Allison's throat hard.

With a teeth-piercing snap, Allison let go of the gun and covered his neck with both hands. His eyes widened and he let out a hissing breath. The blood clot formed by bleeding Adam's apple blocked his respiratory tract. The strong feeling of suffocation caused him to quickly lose his strength, and he stopped breathing completely after a moment.

At the same time, other Chinese patrols also neatly dealt with the British patrols. One side was prepared, the other was caught off guard. Coupled with the disparity in numbers, in the blink of an eye, the British who were showing off their power just now fell to the ground.

Gao Chongwu and Tao Xisheng stared at each other's "cannibalism" with their mouths open. Chen Gongshu and other military agents raised their guns vigilantly. It was not clear whether the people coming were enemies or friends. If the other party killed all the British, they might attack them. .

The young man didn't care about this. He bent down and broke Allison's neck and looked at everyone. Then he silently moved out of the way and pointed in the direction of the door. The other arresters stood in the shadows with guns in both hands to guard and cooperate. They have a very tacit understanding and are by no means a temporary grass-stage team.


 Chen Gongshu couldn't help but test it out. In Shanghai, apart from the military command, the only organization with such operational power was the underground party. But the other party said nothing, obviously not wanting to answer this question.

Knowing that now was not the time to talk, he smiled awkwardly and led Gao Chongwu and others slowly back to the passenger ship. During this period, he still maintained a high degree of alert. It takes half a mile to travel a hundred miles. At this time, he could not relax more.

After more than ten minutes, several whistles sounded, and the passenger ship slowly left the pier. Chen Gongshu and his agents returned to the gate, only to see corpses on the ground and a few Japanese Seven Star cigarette butts. The mysterious visitor had disappeared. .


 Chen Gongshu decisively ordered a retreat. On the way back, a question lingered in his mind. If that team of people were underground parties, how did the other party know about this operation? Could it be that there were dissidents in the Shanghai District and the headquarters?

 Realizing that something might be wrong on his side, his expression suddenly changed. He kept the young man's appearance firmly in his mind. He wanted to find out the traitor. He was the only clue.

Just when Chen Gongshu was suspicious, the young man who had changed his appearance got into a police car. Sitting in the driver's seat was the military commander's old friend, Inspector Kuang Fuan of the Public Concession Patrol Room.

 “Is the target sent away?”

“Sent away, there are also traces of Japanese activities on the scene, let the British and the Japanese bite the dogs.”

"Okay, you have appeared in front of the military commander's agents. If you stay in Shanghai, there is a risk of exposure. You should go to Jinling immediately to cooperate with Comrade Migratory Bird."


Before he finished speaking, a drop of rain fell from the dark sky, and finally landed on the roof and ground of the car parked in the dark alley. The quickly formed puddles reflected the colorful neon lights, plus the white steam ejected from the heating pipe. , seems extremely magical.

 Time goes backwards again.

"Cousin, last time I went to Tycoon Nightclub, I still had some accounts to settle. Now I have to go out of town for something urgent. If you are free after school tomorrow, you can help me pay the money. If you tell Mr. Xing, the other party will knew."

 Xing Hanliang's voice came from the Du House on Yihe Road in Jinling. Du Ziteng, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Interior appointed by the puppet government, stood outside the door with a complicated expression, and cautiously stepped back after a few seconds...

Regardless of belief or doctrine, countless people are protecting this country in their own way. They are the unknown heroes walking on the edge of the knife and on the cliff, hiding in the darkness!

① Through Qiu Peter’s “From Shanghai to Haiphong” [2], Changfeng’s “From Shanghai to Kunming” [3], Liang’s “From Shanghai to Kunming” [4] and Chinese-English “From Shanghai to Pingyuan” [ 5] From these four travel notes of the Republic of China, we can see that: from Shanghai to Hong Kong, the fastest voyage takes 44 hours, and the slowest takes about 3 days, with a stop in Xiamen;

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