Cicada Moving

Chapter 1132: attack

 The next day, Taiyuan, headquarters of the 1st Army of the Japanese invaders.

The commander of the 1st Army, Yoshio Shinozuka, and the military commander’s old friend Doihara sat on their knees in front of the chessboard. Neither of them wore military uniforms, but dressed in kimonos, playing chess and chatting.

They are acquaintances, so they have a good relationship.

 Slowly putting down a black chess piece, Yoshio Shinozuka turned his head and glanced at the clock on the wall, and said something incoherently.

“Doihara-kun, according to the intelligence, the operation is about to begin.”

"Yoshi, Shinozuka-kun, let us wait for the good news about your athlete."

Doihara smiled, but he was not polite with his hands. He decisively ate one of the opponent's chess pieces, bent down slightly and said calmly.

 “The dragon has been slain.”

Yoshio Shinozuka looked down at the chess board and realized that he had lost. He immediately clapped his hands lightly and let out a cry of admiration.

“Doihara-kun’s plan is still so unpredictable. You will never know what the purpose is until the last moment, and Shinozuka feels ashamed.

I lost the game of chess today. I just hope that the action can be as smooth as Doihara-kun's chess game, and that I can control Mr. Chen silently. "

He paused and continued: "The situation in the empire is very critical now. Although the locust army has won one victory after another, the army of the government is fighting more and more, and the guerrillas in the northwest are so rampant.

 If the people of the Republic of China are allowed to receive large amounts of financial support from the Nanyang Chinese, the war on the front line will be more difficult, His Majesty's great achievements will be postponed indefinitely, and Your Excellency the Prime Minister's Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Plan will also be shelved. "

As the commander of the 1st Army and a high-ranking member of the Japanese invading army, Yoshio Shinozuka was naturally different from the foolish local citizens who were optimistic and deeply worried about the prospect of the war.

Japan is a small country, while the Republic of China is a big country. If you want to become big with a small amount of food, speed is the key. However, the war against China has reached a stalemate again.

We must not allow Nanyang Chinese money to flow into the national treasury. As long as the funding channels are cut off, the war machine of the Guojun will shut down and Japan's winning rate will greatly increase.

“Xingxi, Shinozuka-kun is right.”

Doihara nodded, and his expression returned to seriousness: "According to statistics from the Imperial Intelligence Department, after the war, Chinese people from all over Nanyang remitted as much as 25 million U.S. dollars per month to the Republic of China. So far, the total remittance is nearly 1 billion U.S. dollars.

 The key figure among them was Mr. Chen. Without this person, the national government would not be able to organize such a large-scale war fundraising operation because the Chinese in Nanyang did not trust the Shancheng government.

In addition, there is reliable information that the other party raised more than 3 million US dollars before returning to China this time, all of which were deposited in European and American banks, and can be withdrawn as long as the account number and password are provided.

At present, the latest Imperial fighter jet costs only US$50,000. Calculated in this way, this money alone can purchase more than 60 cutting-edge fighters, which is enough to affect the overall war situation.

If you can control the opponent this time and help the empire obtain this huge wealth, the military can immediately launch a large-scale campaign or manufacture more technical weapons. "

 At this point, Doihara's eyes were full of greed. Three million US dollars, no matter where it was placed, was an astronomical figure.

 The current economic situation in the country is very bad. Once the operation is successful, he will become an imperial hero, and the rank of general or even marshal will no longer be a fantasy.

In addition, Doihara also has an unrealistic delusion in his heart - to instigate Mr. Chen to be used by Japan.

The other party is a leader of overseas Chinese. If he succeeds in instigating rebellion, he will not only deal a heavy blow to the government economically, but also embarrass the people of the Republic of China politically.

Yoshio Shinozuka didn’t know Doihara’s plan. When he heard the figure of 3 million US dollars, Muha Furui’s face moved slightly and he said confidently.

“These advancing teams are composed of imperial warriors who are familiar with the national conditions of the Republic of China. Together with reliable translators and guides, they can definitely invite Mr. Chen to Taiyuan.

Whether it is the national army or the rebels in the northwest, their fighting will and weapons and equipment cannot compare with the advancing team.

This is also an experimental force. After the operation is successful, I will promote it within the jurisdiction of the 1st Army and use special warfare to conduct public security warfare. "

  When mentioning the advance team, Yoshio Shinozuka's expression changed significantly, and he seemed to be very proud of the team he had formed.

 The advance team is actually a group of quasi-armed agents who have received professional operational training. They have stronger combat effectiveness and faster responses than the average Japanese army.

 Its members can speak fluent Chinese and are familiar with the passwords and command patterns of the Republic of China army. During wartime, they can be deployed behind the positions to perform special tasks such as attacks, assassinations, and reconnaissance.

And when acting, he wore military uniforms or civilian clothes of the Republic of China, and used weapons commonly used by the Guo Army or the Northwest, making it difficult to distinguish the authenticity from the fake.

Doihara nodded slightly after hearing this. It was indeed a good choice to use a small group of elite troops to deal with enemies everywhere.

 In the past, when encountering attacks by the Kuomintang or underground parties, the garrison always had to dispatch squadrons or even squadrons of imperial troops. Not only was the operation difficult to keep secret, but the cost was also staggering.

 The war funds raised locally were consumed in this meaningless passive defense. The cabinet was very dissatisfied with this.

More importantly, when the imperial warriors finally arrived at the scheduled combat location, the Republic of China people had already dispersed.

To use a Chinese saying, this is like using a cannon to kill mosquitoes, and the gain outweighs the loss.

With the advance team, the garrison can respond to attacks more flexibly, and even initiate attacks proactively, using a highly mobile marching method to prevent the enemy from escaping. This tactic is not only suitable for Shanxi Province, but also for North China and Northeast China. It can greatly improve the security situation in the occupied areas.

However, if you want to implement the advance team within the entire Japanese army stationed in China, the premise is that this operation is successful, otherwise you will not be able to convince those senior military officials with old-fashioned ideas.

 The two of them immediately started a chess game again, and with the ticking sound of the clock on the wall, they began to wait in silence.

North of Hancheng, Gaowan Town.

 This town is the only way to go from Hancheng to Yubian District, so there are constant business trips and it is very lively.

Outside a restaurant in the middle of the town, a dozen men in northwest military uniforms looked eagerly at the mountain road, as if waiting for something, their expressions looking a little anxious.

“According to the planned itinerary, Mr. Chen set off from Hancheng this morning. The convoy should have arrived long ago. Why hasn’t it come yet?” One of the men looked at his watch and turned to ask his comrades beside him.

The other party thought for a while and replied softly: "Perhaps something delayed us on the road. The mountain road is difficult to travel. Let's wait a little longer."

These ten people are the members of the border area social department who came to meet the Nanyang condolences group. Compared with the well-dressed Fruit Party officials at Shancheng Airport, these northwest workers are full of energy despite their rustic clothes.

Before the two of them finished speaking, a middle-aged man wearing glasses walked out of the restaurant and spoke in a Huizhou dialect with a hint of worry.

“No, it’s been two hours. Even if there is something wrong on the road, the convoy should send someone to report it.

 And have you noticed that half an hour ago, there were obviously fewer pedestrians and vehicles on the road. "

After speaking, the three of them looked at each other with solemn expressions in their eyes.

The superiors finally invited Mr. Chen to the border area. If something happened to the other party in the middle, the consequences would be disastrous, and the Guo Party would definitely take the opportunity to cause trouble.

Just when the middle-aged man was about to ask the accompanying security forces to search along the road, a group of people suddenly appeared outside the town, looking extremely frightened, and some of them were covered in blood.

 “It’s not good! The underground party has killed people!”

Someone in the crowd shouted loudly. This sentence made the members of the Ministry of Social Affairs change their expressions. Someone immediately stopped the caller and sternly questioned him.

 “Who committed the murder and where?”

The caller saw an "associate of murderers" blocking him and was so frightened that he took two steps back. Seeing the sharp gaze of the other person, he had to stammer.

"On the road more than ten miles away from the town, some of you killed everyone in the car. There were many cars and many corpses."


The northwest staff present exclaimed that the convoy that appeared on the road at this time was probably a special car for the condolences group.

Things have developed in the worst direction. Mr. Chen was really attacked, and it was his own people who carried out the attack. How is this possible?

 In order to avoid friction, teams operating near the Kuomintang-controlled areas in the border area were never allowed to fire the first shot unless they encountered an enemy who fired first, let alone actively attack Pingping people.

 Someone must be posing as a border force!

 Those who have reason to do this are either the Kuomintang army or the Japanese.

But if the party also needs donations from overseas Chinese in Nanyang, it will definitely not attack Mr. Chen, so the imposter can only be Japanese.

“Report to my hometown, there may be suspicious people near the border area.” The middle-aged man ordered in a deep voice, and then added after thinking: “Notify the Guo Party and ask them to immediately send troops to block the surrounding traffic.”

After giving the order, he drew his gun without hesitation, took the others in the car and drove towards the scene of the incident, preparing to see the situation for himself.

No matter what happens to the condolences group or the people in the government, we must see the person alive and the corpse after death. The border area cannot take the blame.

 Half an hour later, the Ministry of Social Affairs’ convoy slowly stopped on the roadside. Several strong guards jumped out of the car and moved quickly along the roadside ditch.

Not far away, a number of cars were lying crookedly in the middle of the road. The car bodies and glass were covered with bullet holes, and several bodies were lying on the ground near the vehicles.

 After a careful search, the guard eliminated possible risks at the scene. The middle-aged man slowly came to the car and leaned over to look inside the car.

At this sight, his expression changed again and again, from seriousness to confusion, and from confusion to surprise.

“Leave a few people to guard the scene. Go to Yanchang County immediately. When you arrive, organize local personnel to search along the bank of the Yellow River. If you find any abnormality, report it immediately.” The middle-aged man raised his head and gave an order to one person.

 “Yes, Deputy Minister.”

The other party responded first, and then asked doubtfully: "Although Yanchang is close to the Japanese-occupied area, the Japanese have been quiet recently, so there shouldn't be anything unusual."

The middle-aged man called the deputy minister did not answer. He waved to leave first. As he walked towards the car, he looked at the rolling mountains and said quietly.

“The people sent by the government this time are not simple.”

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