Cicada Moving

Chapter 1138: battles and decisions

Chapter 1138 Battle and Decision

“Brothers from the Eighth Route Army outside, we are the government inspection team, don’t shoot! Don’t shoot!”

Zuo Zhong put his hands to his mouth and shouted in the direction of the "Eighth Route" post. After shouting, he made a throat-cutting gesture to Gui Youguang to signal the other party to get ready.

When the "Eighth Route Army" at the bottom of the mountain heard the shouting, they immediately leaned down and pointed their weapons in the direction of the sound. One of them was lying on a sandbag in the machine gun position, looking happy, and replied in the standard Shaanxi Province dialect.

 “Come out and get checked immediately!”

Hearing the other party's reply, Zuo Zhong smacked his lips. The dialect sounded really similar, but he was going out for examination? I'm afraid I'll go out and die.

They are now on the mountain. They have the advantage of the terrain, and they have trees and rocks as cover. When they reach the unprotected foot of the mountain, they are a living target in case of a sneak attack.

He immediately pressed against the bunker and shouted again: "Brothers from the Eighth Route Army, please send someone up the mountain to negotiate and make sure there are no problems. We will go down the mountain immediately. It's not that brothers don't believe you, it's really the Japanese who are cunning."

The caller hesitated for a moment when he heard the words, and nodded to the men beside him. The two "eight-leggers" carrying three-eight large caps on their backs left the bunker and trotted to the hillside.

After walking into the sparse woods, the two men looked around and called softly, but received no response.

The two of them noticed something was wrong and were about to retreat. Suddenly, their mouths were tightly covered by two pairs of big hands, and their hands and feet were tightly hugged. After a few weak flopping sounds, the forest returned to a deathly silence.

“Team leader, you see, he is really Japanese.”

Gui Youguang took off one person's pants, pointed at the crotch cloth the other person was wearing, and reported in a low voice, with murderous intent on his face.

Had they foolishly gone down the mountain just now, even highly trained armed agents would have failed in the face of attacks from so many rifles and machine guns.

Zuo Zhong kicked the unconscious Japanese on the ground and found that the opponent's disguise was very professional, complete with military uniforms and leggings. He glanced in the direction of the outpost and gave a deep order.

“Kill them dead, use their bodies to lay booby traps, take away their spears and ammunition, and go back to the top of the mountain to establish a defense line.”

They carried mostly submachine guns and short guns on this trip, and their ammunition was limited. It was not wise to fight the Japanese at medium and long distances. The distance between the two sides must be shortened.

The top of the mountain not only has a reverse **** as a cover, but can also shoot from a high position, which can offset the enemy's range advantage to the greatest extent.


After receiving the order, the little spies squatted down and neatly broke the heads of the two Japs. They also took out a few grenades and manipulated them. After doing this, everyone quickly returned to the back of the hillside.

 In a depression on the reverse slope, Zuo Zhong held a brief meeting and divided the work for the next battle.

 First of all, Gui Youguang and Wu Chunyang will each lead a group of agents to set up defenses on the left and right sides of the ridgeline to prevent the enemy from outflanking them from both sides. This is a common trick used by the Japanese when their attack encounters obstacles.

At that time in Shanghai and Jinling, the Japanese used this trick to tear apart the Guo army's defense line. A large group dared to chase a regiment, or even a division, with extremely arrogant arrogance.

 Subsequently, he asked Cui Hongyong for his opinion, and the two unanimously decided that the guerrillas would be in charge of the main position and face the enemy's attack head-on.

  After confirming their respective tasks, Zuo Zhong ordered some of the submachine guns, various types of ammunition, and German original M24 grenades he brought to be distributed to the guerrillas to ensure frontal firepower intensity.

 Otherwise, the old-fashioned bolt-action rifles in the opponent's hands may not be able to stop the Japanese. The Japanese on the opposite side have obviously received special training and are definitely not ordinary Japanese army soldiers, so they should not be underestimated.

 “Give me a rifle.”

 After the meeting, Zuo Zhong stretched out his hand toward Gui Youguang. The big bald man immediately threw a 38-meter cap he had just captured. After receiving it, Zuo Zhong pulled the bolt of the gun and handed it to the young guerrilla soldier.

 “Come, use this gun to hit the little devil and avenge your parents.”

 In the envious eyes of his comrades, the little soldier held the brand-new Sanba Gaigai in his arms like a treasure, wrapped his sleeves and wiped the dust on it.

“Team leader, why don’t you take Mr. Chen and the others away first, and we’ll cover you.”

Gui Youguang intervened, and Wu Chunyang and other agents also persuaded them that they could die, but nothing could happen to the deputy director.

Looking at the serious eyes of his men, Zuo Chong had mixed feelings, and a certain plan in his heart was shaken.

 Originally, he was planning to confess his identity to his superiors after arriving at the border station and end the one-way communication, but now this impulse has faded a lot.

By revealing his identity, he is safe, but what about these brothers who share life and death?

After driving away the Japanese, if the superiors issued orders related to Gui Youguang and Wu Chunyang, whether he would obey or disobey is an unanswerable question.

 To obey is to betray your comrades who fight alongside you and take bullets for you.

 Disobedience equals disobedience.

No matter how he is dealt with, he will fall into a dilemma. This is the situation described in the endless hell, where the suffering is uninterrupted, like a burning fire.

Moreover, twenty or thirty years later, a group of teenagers will rush into a certain place shouting slogans, throw and burn the top-secret files inside at will, and hundreds or even thousands of outstanding lurk lists will be leaked.

Whether there was fanning by the Kuomintang intelligence department, no one can tell clearly. The tide of history has drowned too many truths, and the few insiders are also keeping secret about it.

Zuo Zhong did not want to gamble with his life. In the final analysis, he was a mortal, at most a patriotic mortal. He could not be compared with those martyrs who threw their heads and shed their blood. He is not living alone in a vacuum. Countless people will pay for his mistakes and pay the price with their lives, including family members as far away as New Zealand.

There is nothing wrong with one-way communication. That at least leaves room for tact and protects yourself and those who care about you.

Perhaps he has never been a qualified intelligence officer and cannot be truly hard-hearted towards his relatives, friends, and subordinates.

Thinking clearly about where to go in the future, the pressure on Zuo Zhong disappeared and he smiled at the bald head and Wu Chunyang, pretending to be relaxed.

“Okay, the little devil who can hurt me is still in your mother’s womb. Get out of here. Remember to kill a few more Japanese. When we get back to the mountain city, I’ll treat my brothers to a drink.”

Gui Youguang and Wu Chunyang opened their mouths, knowing that they could not persuade the deputy director, so they had to wave and lead their men away. They secretly made up their minds to protect the deputy director no matter what.

 The guerrillas on the side were very surprised. They had never seen a Fruit Party official who was willing to live and die with his subordinates. Today, they had gained some experience.

Cui Hongyong looked away from Zuo Zhong's face, secretly guessing who this team leader Xu was to be so loved by his subordinates.


Several loud noises came from the direction of the hillside, and the booby traps under the two corpses were triggered. It seemed that the enemy knew that their identities were exposed and was preparing to attack.

Everyone cheered up and poked their heads out of the ridgeline. The weapons in their hands were pointed at the dark bottom of the mountain, and their fingers were on the triggers.

Mr. Chen and other members of the consolation group were not idle either. They grabbed stones one by one and squatted in the bunker on the reverse slope, eager to try. Although the stones could not kill anyone, they could not wait for death without doing anything.

Anyway, they only need to throw the rocks to the other side across the mountain. There will be no danger to their lives. Maybe they can hit a few unlucky Japs and relieve some pressure on the soldiers.

 Everyone was preparing to fight desperately. Only Xu Enzeng saw that no one was paying attention to him, so he quietly took two steps back.

This guy decided to run away first when the situation was bad. As the saying goes, it is good to keep the green hills without worrying about having firewood. There is no need to lose his life for irrelevant people.

The scene of a booby trap explosion.

Baga, who had shouted earlier, lay on the ground, looked at the broken leg that fell in front of him, and was still smoking, and cursed Baga secretly, and then gave orders to the left and right in Japanese.

 “Assault, destroy everyone except the target!”

 The possibility of a surprise attack is lost, and there is no need to pretend. It is more concise and less error-prone to issue combat orders in the native language.

 The sound of machine gun fire immediately sounded, and from time to time, tracer bullets hit the rocks on the ridgeline and were bounced away. The ferocious and precise firepower made the guerrillas unable to raise their heads.

Taking this opportunity, the remaining Japanese soldiers jumped up and quickly rushed to the top of the mountain. They did not forget to shoot with the 38 caps in their hands as they marched. They were indeed an elite group.


 “3! 2! 1!”


 Behind the hillside, Zuo Zhong pulled the match cord of the German M24 grenade and counted down calmly. When the count reached 1, he shouted "throw" and threw the grenade to the opposite side with all his strength.

The guerrillas also threw grenades with the same action. When dozens of grenades passed through the tactics, the detonation time was shortened and they flew over the ridgeline, fell to the ground and rolled down the hillside.

A Japanese soldier who was climbing up a mountain felt something kicked under his feet. He couldn't help but lower his head and glanced down. Then he immediately raised his head and let out a shrill wail.


Before the other Japs had time to take action, the grenade exploded violently, and the warning person completely disappeared from the world. A cloud of blood mist scattered by the wind became the only evidence of its existence.

The M24 from the German Arsenal contains 170 grams of high explosives. The explosion of 1 gram of explosives can release about 4184 joules of energy, and one piece is hundreds of thousands of joules.

 After the explosion, a powerful shock wave was generated in the firelight. It carried sharp fragments and blew people and objects within a radius of five meters into pieces, and blasted many large craters into the loose loess ground.

A small tree was blown up in the middle, and the tiny wooden thorns that flew out happened to pierce the eyes of a nearby Japanese soldier. The man screamed and dropped his weapon, covering his face and rolling on the ground.

When the explosions stopped, the first batch of Japanese soldiers who participated in the attack either became "parts" or lay on the spot holding their wounds. Only a few lucky ones ran slowly and did not enter the explosion range.

If it is a general Japanese forces, I am afraid that it is unable to fight again at this time, but this group of devils are extremely tenacious, and the survivors do not care about the injured comrades and hid behind the bunkers to continue shooting.

Utilizing the light of the burning trees, Zuo Zhong stretched out his head and shot an enemy. He turned around and shouted to the guerrillas, and rained down various bullets on the Japanese who still refused to give up.

 In the past, the guerrillas who only fired three bullets per person in battles had never fought such a rich battle. In the spirit of using nothing for nothing, they used the submachine guns given by the Fruit Party to suppress the opponent without sacrificing anyone.

But this is only temporary. The Japanese troops are still pouring into the battlefield in a steady stream. Some sneaky figures also appear on both sides of the ridgeline. The battle is about to reach its climax.

 (I had no intention of confessing my identity from the beginning, it was unrealistic)

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