Cicada Moving

Chapter 1145: Meet the old

Chapter 1145: Encountering old friends

“On the day of the air attack, the Japanese First Army did make some changes. The garrison brigades and independent brigades in several counties on the banks of the Yellow River entered a state of mobilization, but they were quickly cancelled.”

Vice Minister Li called Zuo Zhong out of the symposium, briefed him on the latest situation of the Japanese army in Shanxi Province, and then asked a question with slightly squinted eyes.

"Team Leader Xu, do you already have a suspect? If so, I hope you can be honest and let's dig out this person as soon as possible."

When they met a few days ago, Zuo Zhong asked him to investigate whether there were any signs of Japanese troops mobilizing around the border area. Vice Minister Li believed that the matter was probably related to the Japanese spies who led the bombing, so he asked this question.

 “Well, don’t be in a hurry, don’t be in a hurry.”

Zuo Zhong did not answer directly, but joked: "Lao Li, your discipline is so strict. If you invite us to participate in the investigation, you won't make any mistakes."

 This is a bit strange today. Since the two parties completely split in the 16th year of the Republic of China, the underground party attaches great importance to intelligence work and regards it as the lifeline of the organization.

Even after reaching a consensus on a joint war of resistance, the border area has never reported the daily work of its subordinate intelligence organizations to Shancheng. Now the other party is acting uncharacteristically, which is really puzzling.

Facing his question, Vice Minister Li showed a faint smile: "Team Leader Xu, the border region government is an anti-Japanese democratic regime affiliated with the national government. It is naturally obliged to cooperate with the work of the central government. Where can we start from making mistakes?

I heard that the military commander under Jun Weihui has done a lot of research on counter-espionage and has cracked down many Japanese espionage organizations. As the head of the attendant's office, Team Leader Xu must have a lot of experience in this regard. We want to learn from it. "

Vice Minister Li's words were soft but hard at the same time. He raised Zuo Zhong calmly and had only one meaning in his words.

 We all admit that we are subordinates of the government, and we are also asking for guidance. You can't just do nothing.

Zuo Chongqian laughed twice and joined the investigation "reluctantly", then returned to the symposium and called Gui Youguang, Wu Chunyang and Xu Enzeng to follow Vice Minister Li.

If bringing Gui Youguang and Wu Chunyang is needed for work, bringing Xu Enzeng is purely to drag people into trouble, otherwise this guy will definitely confuse right and wrong when he returns to the mountain city.

The premise is that he can really come back alive

They walked for dozens of minutes and arrived at a village not far from the station. After twists and turns, Vice Minister Li stopped outside a small courtyard.

From time to time, Eighth Route Army soldiers walked in and out of the courtyard gate and saw people from the government appearing here. Many of them looked wary and puzzled, and the atmosphere seemed a bit awkward.

Zuo Zhong pretended not to notice, and walked into the yard with Deputy Minister Li with a smile. He quickly glanced around and found that there were only a dozen cave dwellings inside. There were a few signs nailed to the door of the cave dwellings, which read "three games per game". Words like Section, Second Bureau and Second Section.

 “Lao Li, as the master, don’t you want to introduce me?”

His chin raised towards the sign, wanting to ask what department this and the second round were, Xu Enzeng on the side also pricked up his ears.

The Ministry of Social Affairs is a special agency, and its organizational structure and members are top secret. The Central Command and the Military Command have long wanted to find out. Unfortunately, intelligence personnel have "martyrdomed" batch after batch. The intelligence has not been collected, and the pensions have not been paid. few.

Of course, Vice Minister Li knew the purpose of "Team Leader Xu", but considering that it was a period of joint anti-Japanese war, his superiors had already made a decision on this, and immediately briefly introduced the composition of the Ministry of Social Affairs.

The Ministry of Social Affairs has 5 bureaus and 2 departments. The first bureau is in charge of organization and personnel, the second bureau is in charge of intelligence, the third bureau is in charge of counterintelligence, the fourth bureau is in charge of intelligence analysis, the fifth bureau is in charge of agent training, there is also a security department and an execution department, and their subordinates are Several departments.

The courtyard in front of us is just an external office location for the First Bureau, the Second Bureau, and the Third Bureau. The Fourth Bureau, the Fifth Bureau, the Security Department, and the Execution Department have other locations. As for where they are, Vice Minister Li did not mention a word.

Zuo Zhong nodded slightly. The structure of the Ministry of Social Affairs is still very complete. It should refer to the composition of the Red Russian intelligence agency and draw on the practical work experience of the Southwest Political Security Bureau.

  After standing in the yard and chatting for a while, a few people walked into the office with three bureaus and one section. According to Deputy Minister Li’s introduction, this section is mainly responsible for the work against Japanese spies.

 “Deputy Minister.”

The Eighth Route Army soldiers in the office stood up and saluted one after another, and they did not forget to cover the documents on the table while talking. This shows that they have a strong sense of confidentiality. Even if their immediate boss comes, they still strictly abide by the discipline.

  Not to mention the central unification, even the military unification cannot achieve this, because the hierarchy within the party is very strict, and the so-called discipline is ranked below the rules of the officialdom.

 But among several staff members, Zuo Zhong saw an acquaintance. Now his identity was really exposed, so he had no choice but to say hello.

 “Miss Luo, long time no see.”

Luo Yongying, who followed Zuo Jun from the Japanese-occupied area to the mountain city and then from the mountain city to the border area two years ago, was stunned when he saw him, nodded with a smile, and said nothing.

Zuo Zhong was filled with emotion. In just a short time, the once impulsive and lively female student had grown into a qualified intelligence officer.

He also noticed that Vice Minister Li's eyes turned to him and Luo Yongying, and he did not ask how they met. Maybe he knew it already, or maybe the occasion was wrong.

Based on Zuo Zhong’s understanding of the underground party, the former is more likely. The intelligence agency’s background review is no joke, and interpersonal relationships are the top priority of the review.

For example, newcomers to the military must write down their family members, classmates, friends, and even all the people they have come into contact with in writing before joining. The censorship of the underground party will only become stricter.

Standing next to him, Gui Youguang and Wu Chunyang secretly complained. Luo Yongying had also seen them in the mountain city, and the two parties had dinner together. The other party must know their true identities.

The big bald man silently tensed his muscles and quietly moved to a favorable position. He decided that something was wrong and immediately took the hostages and covered the deputy seat to escape. Xu Enzeng was ecstatic that the man surnamed Zuo actually had a personal relationship with the rebel bandit, but his face darkened immediately. There were many Guo Party officials who knew the underground party, especially those elders who came from the Great Separation era. There were not many underground party members. Friends.

With different thoughts, everyone sat down at a few simple tables. Vice Minister Li put his right hand on the table and spoke softly.

“Team Leader Xu, for some reasons, I cannot hand over the investigation data to you for direct inspection. Since you know Comrade Xiao Luo, let her introduce the situation.”

 After saying that, he signaled Luo Yongying to start reporting. He took out a pen and paper and prepared to record it seriously.

 “Yes, Deputy Minister.”

Luo Yongying responded, opened the file and said loudly: "After receiving the order from superiors, the comrades of the garrison station immediately conducted a detailed inspection within a two-kilometer radius of the guest house, and no suspicious items were found.

The searchers only found a few signs of severe burning on a hill. Considering that there are no buildings here, it is likely that the enemy is using air strikes or timing devices to destroy radio guidance equipment. "

There is nothing wrong with this inference. Air raids are all purposeful. There is no reason for a bare hill to be a target unless there are important clues on it. The people present remained silent and continued to listen to the report.

Luo Yongying paused for a few seconds, and then the crisp soft voice sounded again: "Subsequently, we conducted a preliminary investigation of the team escorting the condolences group, involving a total of 643 people, including local comrades from the combat troops, the enemy's Ministry of Industry and Yanchang County.

 The focus is on those who came to the station for the first time and had the opportunity to act alone or go out after arriving at the station. According to our analysis, the enemy should have obtained guidance equipment from the outside during this time period by joining forces with accomplices.

The possibility of carrying the device with you is very small. There are two reasons. First, it is easy to be exposed. Second, we consulted relevant experts. Radio guidance technology is in its infancy, and its weight and volume must be large, making it difficult to hide.

 However, after arriving at the camp, the troops rested and recuperated. Many people left the camp and were unable to prove their whereabouts. Only 134 people could be completely ruled out as suspects, and the remaining 509 people needed further investigation. The workload was huge. "

At the end of the report, Luo Yongying closed the case file, raised his head and straightened his chest, looked straight ahead and waited for orders. He had an indescribable heroic demeanor.

Vice Minister Li put down his pen and raised his hand to ask her to sit down. He turned to look at Zuo Zhong and others: "Team Leader Xu, those Japanese prisoners tried to commit suicide many times after they regained consciousness. They have a very tough attitude.

 Our discipline does not allow torture to extract confessions, so there is little hope of finding Japanese spies in this way. This is probably the case. If you have any ideas, please feel free to speak out.

 Before the war even started, the Japanese intelligence network was repeatedly destroyed by you. It shows that you have methods. We must learn from you in dealing with Japanese spies. "

study? maybe.

The underground party is indeed good at absorbing the strengths of its enemies, but if this is the case, holding a symposium is enough. Why invite them to the Ministry of Social Affairs?

Zuo Zhong guessed the other party's true intention and said modestly: "Mr. Li is too complimentary. Everyone can learn from each other. Xu felt that Comrade Luo's analysis was very accurate. It is indeed impossible for Japanese spies to carry radio navigation equipment with them."

There is no problem with the screening process, but there is one thing. If the spy is hidden in the army, his status should not be too low, otherwise the movement will be very inconvenient. Your department has strict discipline, and it is not that easy for ordinary soldiers to leave the camp. ?

Even if the other party is a local employee, it is not good to leave the work station without permission often. Once or twice is fine, but more times will inevitably arouse suspicion. This is also our experience in solving Japanese espionage cases in the past. The three of you should also tell us. "

 After saying a few words, he called on Gui Youguang, Wu Chunyang and Xu Enzeng to speak. This matter was very sensitive and he could not speak alone.

Gui Youguang shook his head first, and Xu Enzeng also kept his mouth shut. One of them was that he really had no idea, and the other was that he didn't want to be associated with the underground party.

Wu Chunyang noticed the awkwardness and raised his hand: "Another point is that the Japanese people's living habits are different from ours. Living together for a long time will inevitably reveal flaws, and it is impossible for Japanese spies not to think of it.

Miss Luo, can you ask the people around the suspect to find a breakthrough from this aspect? If there is no result in the end, you can focus the investigation on those who are single and have separate dormitories.

The most important thing is that the radio guidance equipment has a battery. The spy's contact person needs to charge it from time to time to ensure that the battery is sufficient. Check how many places in the border area have power supply. If you check them one by one, you may find something.

Furthermore, why didn’t the contact directly use the equipment to guide the bombing? I think the other party either doesn’t know the location of your party’s key organs, or they don’t know how to use the equipment without training, or both.

Therefore, the following two inferences can be drawn. First, although this person lives in the garrison, he is not eligible to enter the core area. Second, this person should not have disappeared for a long time, but has records of entering and leaving the border area.

The reason why I say this is because the training of Japanese intelligence agencies takes a few months at least. This connector is likely to be a simple transportation tool, and the task is to transport the equipment in. "


Gui Youguang and Xu Enzeng, who are fishing, agree that counter-espionage is actually about looking for anomalies. Spies are always human, and humans have weaknesses and cannot leak any traces.

Vice Minister Li looked at Wu Chunyang and thought that the military command was indeed well-deserved. After chatting for more than ten minutes, he stood up and sent Zuo Zhong and the four people away. When he reached the courtyard gate, his footsteps paused slightly.

“Team Leader Xu, the secondary screening of these 509 people has been completed. I would like you and a few of them to come over and meet the screened people in person and provide some opinions.”

 “Okay, please do as you wish.”

Zuo Zhong agreed wholeheartedly, stretched out his hand to shake hands with the other person, and agreed happily, but with more and more questions in his mind, he returned to his temporary residence without saying a word.

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