Cicada Moving

Chapter 119: Return to Shanghai

 Chapter 119 Return to Shanghai

The platform of Jinling Railway Station is always so crowded and noisy. The white mist emitted by the steam train and the pedestrians coming from the south and the north make this the most complicated place for security in Jinling City.

“Wu Chunyang and Fu Ling, please lead people to check the carriage. Don’t miss the toilet and the roof.”

“Gui Youguang personally protected Principal Zhu, while the others blocked possible shooting angles.”

“Lao Gu, Lao Song, please lead people to guard the passengers. If there is any suspicion, arrest them directly.”

In the morning, Zhu Jiahua and his entourage were picked up from a safe place. The team immediately rushed to the train station. For safety reasons, Zuo Zhong also booked a first-class carriage this time and arranged other people in the ordinary carriages in front and behind.

Seeing Zuo Zhong giving orders, Zhu Jiahua felt that it was too much: "Shen Zhong, isn't this a bit of a mobilization of troops? Is there anyone else who can't kill me? It's better to get in the car quickly."

Zuo Zhong shook his head: "Sir, you have a very close personal relationship with Mr. Sekter. This is the basis for the cooperation between the two countries' militaries. If I were an assassin and wanted to destroy all of this, killing you would be the most economical and simple way." ”

 Zuo Zhong learned some information before departure. Both the Japanese and the underground party knew about their trip to Shanghai. The Jinling underground party even sent a message asking him to find out the specific circumstances of Zhu Jiahua's trip.

This is okay, after all, the underground party never engages in political assassinations, but Ryosuke Hase reported a situation. Japan sent a team to Shanghai. The purpose and personnel were top secret, reminding Fat Tiger to pay attention.

Zuo Zhong felt that the target of this group of people was probably Zhu Jiahua, because the Japanese did not dare to offend the Germans, so killing Zhu Jiahua to warn China and scare off Sekter would be a good way, so we must be more vigilant.

To this end, the intelligence department mobilized all the people, from Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi to ordinary spies, and more than a hundred people came. If Deputy Director Zheng knew about it, he would definitely be furious. This was his plan to go to Peking, not just a few ten people.

Dai Chunfeng didn't have any objections to this. After all, this was a task assigned by the bald man. As long as it could be completed smoothly, Zuo Zhong could have asked him to accompany him, but it was a pity that Zuo Zhong looked down on Lao Dai's mobility.

"Section Chief, there are no problems inside or outside the carriage. I asked Fu Ling to be on guard in the car. Principal Zhu can get on the train." Wu Chunyang hurriedly got off the train and whispered in Zuo Chong's ear.

Zuo Zhong gave an order, and Zhu Jiahua boarded the train under heavy escort. Zuo Zhong, He Yijun and Ling Sanping also followed him into the first-class carriage. The waiters in the car had been asked to leave, and the service work in the carriage was handed over to Zuo Zhong. Following He Yijun, Ling Sanping serves as a personal doctor and is responsible for Zhu Jiahua's health.

Seeing so many people working hard for him, Zhu Jiahua said with emotion: "The Secret Service really deserves its reputation. Such careful arrangements are eye-opening. Shen finally did a good job."

 It turned out that Zhu Jiahua often heard Mr. Xiao Chen talk about the affairs of the Secret Service, and he thought it was an exaggeration. Today, when he met him, he realized why Director Xiao Chen was so afraid of Dai Chunfeng. The group of old fritters in the first department were really incomparable to this group of elites.

Zuo Zhong was not proud at all: "This is just the most basic safety measure. To ensure safety, more needs to be done. If the weather permits, I would prefer that you, sir, take a plane to Shanghai."

  When mentioning airplanes, Zhu Jiahua’s face looked a bit unnatural: “Then I would rather take a train, with a bunch of machines flying in the sky. If something happens, the sky and the sky will not respond, and the earth will become inoperable.”

Zuo Zhong wanted to laugh a little, but he didn’t expect that Zhu Jiahua, a doctor studying abroad, was afraid of airplanes. He quickly agreed: "Sir, you are right. The current airplanes are relatively simple, or they may be better in the future."

While the two were talking, the whistle sounded, and the train slowly drove out of Jinling Station and sped towards Shanghai. Zhu Jiahua stopped talking about the plane and began to discuss with Zuo Zhong the arrangements for arriving in Shanghai.

“Shen Zhong, have you arranged the transportation and the general’s hotel? Yesterday I received a telegram that the general’s passenger ship has arrived at the port city. There must be no mistakes.”

“Sir, please rest assured that the car has been prepared by the East China District of the Secret Service. It is a Mercedes sedan. General Sekter must be very happy to see the car from his hometown thousands of miles away in China.

As for the accommodation, it is arranged in the Chinachem Hotel in the public concession. There is a German-style suite there. Colleagues from the Shanghai Station have already conducted safety inspections there to ensure that there are no dangerous goods. "

Zhu Jiahua nodded with great satisfaction. Zuo Zhong's arrangements were very appropriate. Although it cost a lot, since the government invited General Sekter, he couldn't be too stingy to avoid losing the dignity of the country.

 Zuo Zhong said with emotion that the German suite at the Chinachem Hotel was expensive, not cheap at all compared to the room rate at the Liuguo Hotel. Add in the room for Zhu Jiahua and his entourage, and the daily cost was an astronomical figure.

But what can be done? Baldhead wants to be dignified, Dai Chunfeng wants to be dignified, and Zhu Jiahua wants to be dignified, so they can only sacrifice the people's wealth and support. Anyway, it is not their own money, so the batch is very happy, and everything must be done to the best.

The train was speeding across the plain. Zhu Jiahua looked out the window and suddenly felt a little emotional: "When the news came out that Mr. Wang was plotting to assassinate the regent, I went from Jinmen to Jinling to plot to assassinate the governor of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. It has been twenty-three years now."

Zuo Zhong didn't know why the old gentleman mentioned this. This seemingly gentle man was also a dangerous man who could handle dangerous goods. He even went into battle himself with a knife. He was considered a ruthless man.

Just when Zuo Zhong was scratching his head, he heard Zhu Jiahua sigh: "I thought that with the Republic of China, we could develop industry and commerce, support agriculture, and give our nation a place in the world. It's a pity."

Zuo Zhong couldn't answer this. Lao Zhu was a well-known veteran leftist of the Guo Party. He had fought side by side with the underground party against Beiyang. He was wanted in Guangzhou. If he stayed in Peiping, he would probably be hanged.

Zhu Jiahua can say this because he is a veteran of the Guo Party and has friends all over the top of the party, government and military. If the bald man knew about it, he would at most complain about him. But if Zuo Zhong said such things, he might not be able to see him again. It's sunny.

 Others in the carriage did not dare to say anything. He Yijun did not understand, and Ling Sanping was too lazy to care. However, Zhu Jiahua understood that what he said was inappropriate and turned to chat with Zuo Zhong about his study abroad experience. Only then did Zuo Zhong know that this big shot had actually met Einstein, which gave him a sense of time and space. Zhu Jiahua's information did not contain this content. Maybe the secret agent who collected the information was irrelevant.

Using this as a starting point, Zuo Zhong discussed with Zhu Jiahua the fact that Einstein won the Nobel Prize, and asserted that this was a great scientist who could change human history. He also regretted that he was too young when the other person came to China, otherwise he would have to die. See your face.

Zhu Jiahua did not expect that Zuo Zhong's scientific literacy was not too bad, at least he knew some knowledge of science and engineering. He asked with some curiosity: "Shen Zhong, why didn't you go to college back then? Your family should be able to afford it."

Zuo Zhong’s answer was surprising: “As a student, I am determined to serve the country. I once wanted to apply for Huangpu, but my family did not want me to join the army, so I had to apply for the police academy.”

 The two chatted for a long time. Zhu Jiahua was a little tired due to his age and went to rest. Zuo Zhong began to make arrangements for the actions after arriving in Shanghai. He gathered his men together to assign tasks.

“After arriving at the station, hand over the vehicle to the personnel from the East China District. Wu Chunyang and Fu Ling, please get out of the car and check the vehicle to ensure it is running well and safely, and remove the license plate.”

“After the vehicle inspection was completed, other people covered Principal Zhu to get into the car. This time the cars were all of the same model. We had to make sure that no one saw which car Principal Zhu got into.”

Zuo Zhong continued: "After arriving at the Chinachem Hotel, take the stairs. After checking the interior of the room, let Principal Zhu enter. This period is the most dangerous. Whether Principal Zhu is in the lobby or on the floor, it is the best time for the killer to strike. ”

After speaking, he glanced at Gui Youguang, who pondered for a moment: "It's useless to guard the stairwells at both ends. If there is a killer in the room on the same floor, it will be difficult for us to react unless all the doors are outside." All staff are arranged.”

Zuo Zhong made the decision: "Let's make arrangements. Anyway, we have enough manpower this time. If it doesn't work, we can still ask Shanghai Station and East China District for support. But this is a last resort plan. The sky is high and the emperor is far away. It is difficult to guarantee whether there are people with ulterior motives."

Wu Chunyang suddenly asked: "The concession is not our territory. What should we do if we encounter a patrol? The weapons we carry are not approved by the patrol house. If we are discovered, it will be another trouble."

 Gu Qi interjected: "Don't worry too much about this matter. East China District has a lot of power in the concession. As long as we don't make any big noise, the patrol house will not care about us."

Zuo Zhong listened to everyone's discussion, thought for a while and said: "Don't be timid. When the critical moment comes, I will use both machine guns and grenades. Completing the mission is the first priority."

 “Yes!” Everyone was gearing up, waiting for the assassin to come to their door.

Only Gu Qi was not so optimistic. He pulled Zuo Zhong aside: "Section Chief, isn't there news over there? Can you ask him to give you some accurate information? Waiting and waiting is not the way to go."

"There is no way." Zuo Zhong was also helpless: "That group of people came from Japan. After arriving in Shanghai, they went directly to the Japanese Navy Special Marine Corps Headquarters. He also heard the news from other people."

Gu Qi's face became more serious: "The other party came prepared. It seems that this is an action of the Japanese military."

Zuo Zhong smiled and comforted him: "Don't worry too much, little devil, it's not like we haven't fought before."

While the two were talking, the whistle sounded again, and the train arrived at Shanghai, the largest city in the Far East. Last time Zuo Zhong left here in despair, but this time he came back with so many men, and he felt extremely emotional.

“Get out of the car and hand over the vehicle for inspection, others are on standby!”

“The inspection of the car is completed, **** Mr. Zhu to the car.”

The agents escorted the three men in suits out of the train station. Then the three men got into three cars. The curtains were quickly drawn, and they quickly left the train station under the **** of several trucks and drove towards the concession.

After the convoy left, a beggar in the square walked to a taxi and asked the driver in a low voice: "Second Lieutenant, the Chinese are too careful. I have no chance to get close to the target. Do you want to retreat?"

The second lieutenant in the beggar's mouth was a short man with a sinister face. After listening to the beggar's report, he smashed his fist on the steering wheel: "Baga, retreat immediately and go to the second location to meet up."

Soon, there were fewer people near the Shanghai Railway Station, either passengers or passers-by, but they did not notice that there were many pairs of eyes staring at them quietly, and some people even followed them.

 The writer’s words have extras

At the Jinling Secret Service, Dai Chunfeng finished handling official duties, took a sip of hot tea, and took out a booklet from the drawer. The large word TIME on the cover was particularly conspicuous.

Lao Dai looked at the person on the cover and secretly swore that sooner or later he would be on the cover. Then he opened the inner pages, and the photo on the middle page caught his attention.

"Oh? Douglas-1 aircraft, the crystallization of America's latest technology." Dai Chunfeng slowly read out the content.



 (End of this chapter)

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