Cicada Moving

Chapter 1149: report

Chapter 1149 Report

Hours after Zuo Zhong sent Cui Hongyong away, Luo Yongying came to Vice Minister Li's office and reported the results of the surveillance on "Team Leader Xu." After speaking, she lowered her head and asked carefully.

“Chief, am I exposed?”

 Vice Minister Li smiled and shook his head, asked her to sit down and talk, then he leaned on the old official hat chair and lit a hand-rolled cigarette.

“Ronald, you have to understand one thing. Zuo Zhong is the de facto number two figure in the Guo Party’s intelligence system. He has been in the industry for a long time and has rich experience in grassroots intelligence work.

Due to confidentiality reasons, I cannot tell you the missions he performed, but the Japanese suffered a lot at his hands, and it can even be said that they were completely defeated.

The current intelligence agents of Juntong have basically worked under him. He also took the lead in revising and reorganizing the training materials currently used by Juntong. He is also excellent in intelligence theory.

 Compared with such a spy who has both experience and understanding of theory, there is indeed a gap between you and most comrades in the Ministry of Social Affairs, and we must face up to this gap. "

After blowing the ashes, Vice Minister Li solemnly introduced Zuo Zhong’s situation. Just as Zuo Zhong guessed, the underground party already knew his identity, but it was just because of the face of the consolation group that it was not revealed.

Luo Yongying knew that Zuo Zhong was the deputy director of the military command, and also knew that Zuo Zhong had a high position in the Kuomintang intelligence system, but he did not know that the other party was so difficult to deal with, and his expression suddenly darkened.

Perhaps sensing her loss, Deputy Minister Li suddenly raised his voice: "But we have our strengths. The hundreds of thousands of people in the border area are our best assistants. No matter how cunning the agents are, they can't escape their eyes." ear.

Didn’t the bald man next to Zuo Zhong throw you away? Don’t be afraid. Let’s mobilize the surrounding people to restore the trajectory of this person’s actions tonight bit by bit and pull out the fox’s tail! "

"Yes! Chief." Luo Yongying regained his fighting spirit and replied loudly.

 Relying on the masses of the people is the magic weapon for the underground party to develop and grow despite being pursued and intercepted by the Kuomintang party. This is not only true in the military, but also in intelligence work.

With countless people, they will have clairvoyance and ears, and every move of the enemy will be exposed.

 Luo Yongying was excited and thought of the drunk Cui Hongyong, and quickly reported the matter. The other person was the instructor of the Shanxi South Guerrilla Detachment. If he defected, it would have a very bad impact.

Especially at a time when the national government is frequently creating frictions and crazily squeezing the living space of border areas, Cui Hongyong's accident is likely to have a chain reaction, and the good situation of Jin Province's anti-Japanese war will be ruined.

Vice Minister Li naturally knew the seriousness of the matter. After hearing this, he put out the cigarette **** vigorously, got up and put on his military uniform and came to the window. He looked out the window in silence for a while and then turned around.

"It's going to rain and the mother is going to get married. Everyone has to pay the price for their choice, but I believe Comrade Cui Hongyong will report the matter to the Ministry of Social Affairs. By the way, he joined the organization after the Lugouqiao Incident. Intellectual youth, right?"

 “Yes, Deputy Minister.”

Without thinking, Luo Yongying dictated Cui Hongyong’s file: “He is from Beiping and joined the party’s peripheral organization while he was in the university. Local comrades spoke highly of him. He became a party member at the end of 1937 and went to the Taihang Mountain headquarters.

The headquarters security department conducted a strict review and concluded that there were no problems. After emergency training, Cui Hongyong was sent to the Shanxi South Guerrilla Detachment as an instructor. His superiors commented that he was brave in combat and had a firm stance. "

Vice Minister Li pulled the clothes on his shoulders, with a thoughtful look in his eyes. He was a standard new political cadre with a high degree of education and a background in student movements. He devoted his life to the Japanese after they invaded China.

 The headquarters sent him to the guerrillas mainly for training and to increase grassroots work experience. As long as such a person does not make big mistakes, he will definitely assume greater responsibilities in the future.

 No matter from any aspect, it is impossible for Cui Hongyong to betray the organization, but why did he agree to the invitation from the government? Didn't he know that this matter could easily cause misunderstandings.


There was a sudden voice outside the door. Luo Yongying glanced at Deputy Minister Li who was thinking. She could tell that the owner of the voice was Cui Hongyong they just talked about.

The chief was right. The other party did not hide the meeting with Zuo Zhong. It seemed that the other party was indeed a staunch comrade. Luo Yongying couldn't help but feel ashamed of his suspicion.

 Working in the Ministry of Social Affairs, I often deal with reactionaries and spies. It is easy to develop a "bad" habit. I feel suspicious of everyone I see, including my own people.

In addition, Southwest and a certain period of time have caused many comrades to have a very bad impression of them. Except for necessary work contacts, there is basically no private communication. It can be said that they are avoided. The staff of the Ministry of Social Affairs are very helpless for this. Very aggrieved too.

While Luo Yongying was thinking, Vice Minister Li, who was standing by the window, squinted his eyes, walked behind his desk, sat down, and said loudly, "Come in."

Hearing the sound, Cui Hongyong walked into the room, saluted, and said in a sonorous voice: "Instructor of the Southern Shanxi Guerrilla Detachment, Cui Hongyong is here to report."

 Although he smelled of alcohol, his speech was fluent and his eyes were clear. He was obviously not drunk. This was completely different from his behavior when he and Zuo Zhong were drinking. It was completely unlike the way he needed help to return to his residence before.

Vice Minister Li looked at the other party and asked kindly: "Well, Comrade Cui Hongyong, is there anything important that comes to my place so late?" Hearing this question, Cui Hongyong did not answer, but turned to Luo Yongying. He glanced at it, as if he didn't want to report in the presence of a third party.

“Haha, it doesn’t matter, Comrade Ronaldinho can be trusted.” Vice Minister Li waved his hand, telling him not to worry.

Cui Hongyong did not hesitate anymore and told the story of how he was invited to drink with the government officials in detail. He did not even hide the fact that a party agent had promised a high-ranking official a generous salary to encourage rebellion.

“The specific situation is like this, chief. The reason why I agreed to the invitation of the secret agent is to see what tricks the other party is going to play, and to get some benefits by the way. Not to mention, I got a few boxes of cans.”

Cui Hongyong explained why he went to the appointment. When he talked about canned beef, he grinned and scratched his head in embarrassment.

“Hahaha, that’s great. We need as many sugar-coated bullets as there are, but I’m afraid Mr. Chairman won’t be willing to part with them.”

Vice Minister Li laughed loudly after hearing this, which was regarded as a compliment to the other party for eating the sugar coating and hitting the cannonball back.

Materials are in short supply in the border area now, and canned beef is very expensive. If he knew that having a meal with an agent would be such a benefit, he would have treated Deputy Director Zuo to a drink long ago.

According to the increase given by Zuo Zhong, a hundred boxes would not be too much for him, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Social Affairs, so that the sick and wounded in the station and the headquarters hospital would not have to worry about nutrition. Vice Minister Li secretly said it was a pity.

On the other side, Cui Hongyong relaxed a lot when he learned that his superiors did not doubt him. Then he straightened his expression and reported the second matter.

"Chief, at the end of the drink, I was afraid that I would say something I shouldn't have said, so I pretended to be drunk and lay on the table. Unexpectedly, my agent named Xu came back from outside, and the two of them talked about something at the door."

 “Oh? What’s the matter.”

Deputy Minister Li was a little curious and a little doubtful. It was incredible that Zuo Zhong, such an experienced agent, did not notice that Cui Hongyong was pretending to be drunk.

Cui Hongyong also knew that this matter was weird, and he also knew the serious consequences of his words. He gritted his teeth and finally plucked up the courage to speak slowly.

"The person named Xu asked the secret agent to monitor a person. The agent originally thought that the person was a Japanese spy, but the person named Xu said that the person was a member of the Guo Party and a sleeper agent planted by the Guo Party in the border area."

“Who!” Vice Minister Li stood up, feeling both surprised and confused.

It is an irrefutable fact that the Kuomintang Party has planted many spies in the border areas. With the help of comrades on the secret front, the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Security Department have also arrested many, but those are just small players, and the real big fish are still floating on the surface. Down.

He has long known from special channels that Dai Chunfeng, Zhu Liuxian, Er Chen, and even Zuo Zhong each have a group of extremely confidential intelligence personnel. These people use perfect false identities or even real identities to enter the border area and implement deep lurking plans.

Before receiving the activation order, they were no different from ordinary border area staff. They were active and conscientious in their work, had progressive thoughts and high awareness, and could not be distinguished from their daily performance.

 Now that he heard the clues about these spies, Vice Minister Li was not surprised. However, this matter was leaked from Zuo Zhong, which sounded a bit...

 Cui Hongyong, who was on the opposite side, looked at Vice Minister Li, whose expression changed slightly, and said the name one word at a time: "Zhu Wenlin."

Immediately afterwards, he added: "It was Officer Zhu who had a conflict with the person named Xu at the rescue site and almost triggered a confrontation. Chief, could this be a rift between Team Leader Xu and his intention to retaliate against Officer Zhu?

Also, I suspect that the other person’s surname is not Xu at all. On the day when the Japanese air raided the guest house, there was an obvious pause when Xu Enzeng called this person’s name. Please be careful when organizing an investigation.

The Kuomintang agents have always been cunning and scheming. I am more willing to trust my comrades than them. The incident in the southwest is still before us, and our cause can no longer withstand such losses. "

Cui Hong's tone was sincere, and he was not at all happy about the credit he was about to receive. Instead, he repeatedly reminded his superiors not to fall into the spies' tricks, which shows that he is dedicated to serving the public good.

Vice Minister Li was a little surprised. Most people would never think so much when encountering this kind of thing. This instructor Cui is very good.

After thinking about it, he asked Cui Hongyong if he had heard any other information, such as specific evidence, passwords for Zhu Wenlin to contact his superiors, etc.

Cui Hongyong shook his head and said that the agent later went to the middle of the yard and that he could not eavesdrop, but he also promised that he would continue to inquire before leaving the station.

“Okay, thank you for your hard work. We will handle this matter properly. Thank you Comrade Cui for your truthful report.”

 After talking about the matter, everything that should be understood was understood. Vice Minister Li did not dampen Cui Hongyong's enthusiasm. He stretched out his hand to shake his hand, and then sent him to the door together with Luo Yongying.

Looking at the disappearing figure, the old agent who once lurked beside Xu Enzeng and obtained countless top-secret information stood there with a rare solemn look on his face.

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