Cicada Moving

Chapter 1152: Suppress bandits

Chapter 1152: Suppressing Bandits

Zuo Zhong listened to Director Xiao’s introduction, looked at the soil work diagram painted on the blackboard in the cave, and asked casually.

"Mr. Xiao, do the private soldiers of your army also need to learn such advanced skills? Isn't it a waste of time? During wartime, it would be better to let the commanders at all levels command or have specialized engineering troops to carry out the excavation."

In the Guo army, except for a small number of elite troops, most of the troops have no relevant training at all, because to understand the soil work drawings, you must have a certain level of literacy.

Director Xiao shook his head, obviously disapproving of this statement, and then talked about the technical and tactical requirements of the Eighth Route Army for ordinary soldiers, which was very detailed.

“Mr. Xu, our soldiers must not only learn various individual combat actions, but also learn to use terrain and features to move under enemy fire and conduct simple measurements.

 It is also necessary to master the four major techniques. The first three include shooting, bombing and assassination. The fourth is soil engineering, and it is not just simple digging trenches.

Their courses include methods of destroying and passing barbed wire fences, deer villages, and outer trenches, methods of destroying railways and highways, methods of constructing various trenches, and methods of operating under enemy fire.

The enemy has planes and cannons, but we don’t. The enemy has sharpshooters trained with thousands of rounds of bullets, but we don’t either. To defeat the enemy, we must first protect ourselves. "

These remarks horrified the Fruit Party agents present. Every soldier trained according to this training method is a qualified grassroots officer, at least more reliable than the squad platoon leaders of the motley crew of the Fruit Army.

Perhaps he wanted to warn the government, or to show his strength, Director Xiao did not wait for everyone to recover from the shock, and spoke again.

“The above is only the first phase of training. The second phase of training includes night education and liaison education to help soldiers improve their survival and combat capabilities.

 Night education is conducted once a week, focusing on practicing marches, attacks, ambushes, sabotage tactics, night communications, vigilance, and reconnaissance operations.

There is no fixed time for communication education. The principle is that it should be no less than 10 times a year. The purpose is to ensure that students understand more than ten simple communication methods and can use them in actual combat. "

This is training ordinary soldiers?

Xu Enzeng swallowed when he heard this. The teaching corps back then was just like that. What did the underground party want to do? Is it to imitate the Germans and train soldiers into low-level officers so that they can expand the army on a large scale at any time?

This terrifying inference suddenly flashed through his mind. Thinking of the hundreds of thousands or millions of strictly trained border troops sweeping across the Central Plains in the future, he felt his legs become weak and blurted out a question.

“Sir Xiao, is there a third stage in your army’s training?”

Zuo Zhong glanced at Xu Enzeng and secretly thought that this guy was finally smart. Then he looked at Director Xiao seriously, waiting for the other party's answer.

 “There is no third stage.”

Director Xiao replied calmly, paused for a few seconds and then gave everyone a critical hit: "But professional and technical arms have special corresponding training. Please follow me."

As he spoke, he walked ahead and came to the outside of another cave dwelling. Inside was a group of Eighth Route Army soldiers who were maintaining light and heavy machine guns and grenade launchers. Facing the curious condolences group and the ashen-faced government officials, he began to explain in detail.

“After the first and second stages of basic training, soldiers who enter the combat unit will be reassigned according to their expertise, such as machine gunners and grenade launchers.

 In terms of professional skills, a soldier must understand the weapon in his hand, the principles of shooting, troubleshooting, and parts disassembly.

 At the tactical level, position selection and transfer, firepower construction, target range measurement below 800 meters, and cooperation with other arms are also compulsory subjects for them.

These are the training contents for the grassroots soldiers of our army. As for the artillery, reconnaissance troops, and communications troops, they are not trained here because they involve confidentiality. Please forgive me. "

Although Director Xiao did not say it, everyone knows that the training intensity of these three arms will only be higher and will not be lower than that of infantry, machine gunners, and grenade launchers, especially artillery. This is the decisive factor in the outcome of the war. .

Since the underground party did not want to talk, the condolences group would naturally not force anyone to do anything. Mr. Chen and others happily walked around the camp again to inspect the daily training of the Eighth Route Army officers.

 Compared with ordinary soldiers, the training requirements and difficulty of border officers have increased by more than one level, and the content covers many aspects of military and political affairs.

 Ideological learning.

 A summary of experiences in campaigns, tactics, and battles.

 Organize job training.

 Small-scale confrontation drills.

 Research on new military technologies at home and abroad.

It can be said that although the material conditions in the border area are very poor, almost everything else is advanced. Zuo Zhong also saw the legendary aircraft carrier information in the reading room.

A set of educational posters hangs in a simple and small cave dwelling. In the upper left corner are pictures of naval battleships and shore guns, in the upper middle are submarines, in the upper right corner are various artillery pieces, in the lower left corner are aircraft carriers, and in the lower middle are anti-aircraft weapons and Fighter plane, in the lower right corner is poison gas science.

Zuo Zhong approached and observed carefully, confirming that the submarine on the poster was an early model of the Holland submarine produced by the British. The national military agency had also done research on this type of submarine, so it was impossible for him to admit it.

The difference is that the government only has one unclear photo, but the underground party also has a longitudinal profile of the boat, how to use periscopes, and an introduction to torpedo weapons.

He really wanted to ask, who is the regular army? The picture of the aircraft carrier is even more exaggerated. It is the most powerful Lexington-class armored aircraft carrier in the United States. How did the underground party obtain such a photo that is considered a military secret?

Are all U.S. Naval Intelligence agents blind?

 Zuo Zhong looked at the poster without saying a word, looking at the small things to see the big things. He did not forget to study the world's most advanced naval weapons in a ravine far away from the coastline. This shows that the underground party attaches great importance to science and technology.

In comparison, what are most officers of the Guo Army doing? Smuggling, dancing, smoking dirt, making money, and having **** with women. The Guo Party is really hopeless.

Not only Zuo Zhong thought so, Gui Youguang, Wu Chunyang, and Xu Enzeng who saw this scene were also silent. As senior intelligence officers of the government, they knew all about some dirty things in the army.

 While everyone was feeling emotional, the visit came to an end. Director Xiao brought the condolences group to the canteen and invited everyone to take a seat with a smile.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Xu, please finish your meal before leaving. However, the conditions of the army are limited, so please don't dislike it."

 “Sir Xiao, you’re welcome.”

Mr. Chen waved his hand and sat down at a large round table. On the table were a large basin of rice, two plates of green wild vegetables and a plate of boiled radish and meat.

 It was said to be boiled meat, but it was actually just a few pieces of pig offal. The smell was very strange, but Director Xiao and Deputy Minister Li ate it very well.

Zuo Zhong picked up a few pieces of vegetables and put them into his mouth and chewed them. How should I put it, the taste was just like that. The salt content was enough to meet the needs of strenuous exercise and to supplement various nutrients needed by the human body.

Paired with millet and wild vegetables with clear grains, it has a unique flavor in the mouth. Looking at Xu Enzeng who is immersed in cooking, you can tell that this meal is not difficult to swallow.

After dinner, everyone drank some kind of "tea" roasted from leaves and sat there chatting for a while. Zuo Zhong took a sip of the bitter tea and discussed something in a low voice with Director Xiao.

“Mr. Xiao, Xu has a heartfelt request.”

 “Oh? Mr. Xu, please speak.”

"Has your army conducted any small-scale military operations recently? We would like to take a look at the front line. Is it convenient?"

Zuo Zhong said the request slowly, looking at Director Xiao and Deputy Minister Li. The last rescue operation ended too quickly, and he wanted to observe the Eighth Route Army's battle up close.

Director Xiao's face remained as usual and he said generously: "Of course, it may not be convenient to fight the Japanese, but there are a large number of bandits active in the border area and they have engaged in sabotage activities many times, which has caused us a lot of trouble.

 Superiors required the left-behind office to eliminate bandits as soon as possible and stabilize people's lives. Those bandits who have become traitors, traitors and pro-Japanese faction must be completely eliminated. The purge operation started two years ago and has not yet ended.

Our biggest enemy is not the bandits, but the terrain. The Loess Plateau has been beaten by wind and rain, forming rugged plateaus, ridges, and ravines. When the wind blows, the dust flies so high that it is difficult to open your eyes.

Therefore, the casualties of the suppression force have been very high. So far, hundreds of people have been killed. There will be a battle in a few days, and the target is the bandit Fang Laoliu. Mr. Xu and you can go along and observe. "

Deputy Minister Li chuckled to himself on the sidelines. There were two types of bandits in the border area. One was the "professional bandits" who simply robbed homes and houses, and the other was the "political bandits" who were related to the Fruit Party.

Professional bandits are easy to eliminate, but political bandits are very troublesome to deal with. These people are often both bandits and military officers.

They have repeatedly undermined the stability of the border areas, attacked and killed cadres and civilians, blown up and burned important facilities, and a small number of them even colluded with the Japanese army and have become standard traitors.

 Among them, the political bandit with the largest number of followers, the most brutal methods, and the closest relationship with the Japanese was Fang Laoliu from Qingjian County.

The other party is the "guerrilla commander" of the Second War Zone, but this commander does not fight the Japanese, but only seeks trouble for the Eighth Route Army. His hands are full of blood and debts, and his crimes are countless.

The border area protested many times, and the second war area either kicked the ball off, or it was a misunderstanding, and they must be disciplined when they go back. As a result, it didn't take long for the other party to come back again and act more and more aggressively.

Once the crackdown in the border area is a little bigger, the fruit party will say that the underground party is causing friction. They have been bothering this person for a long time, but they have no way to cure it.

Today Zuo Zhong took the initiative to participate in the actual battle, obviously wanting to find out the combat effectiveness of the troops. Lao Xiao threw Fang Laoliu out at the right time, which was a clever move.

Presumably the dignified Deputy Director Zuo would not care about the life and death of a bandit. Some people in the Second War Zone did not dare and could not take the opportunity to cause trouble. After all, the P unit was not clean and could not withstand the investigation of the military commander.

“No problem, everything will be done as Mr. Xiao said.”

Sure enough, Zuo Zhong responded with a wave of his hand. Of course he knew who Fang Laoliu was, and he even knew who was behind him.

This kind of scum will die when he dies. For a bandit to devote himself to the cause of the party and the country, that is a blessing earned in eight lifetimes, and no one else can ask for it.

If those military leaders dare to talk nonsense, they really think that the political training offices sent by the military commander to each war zone are vegetarians. Zhu Wenlin will criticize them, but he will not do so.

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