Cicada Moving

Chapter 1176: Surprised or not? Surprised or not?

Chapter 1176: Surprised or not? Surprised or not?

 “Are you surprised? Are you surprised??”

Back to the military command headquarters ten hours before the blockade was lifted, Zuo Zhong looked at the stunned Qiu Buting and asked this question softly.

 Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang on the side sneered. This was the first time they saw such a smart mole. Do they really think that the first and second places are vegetarians?

Qiu Buting was a little confused at the moment. What was going on? He was sure that the hiding place he found for the Japanese was very hidden. Why was the Japanese lieutenant colonel who led the team still caught?

He told the Japanese spies all the information, including the general blockade scope of the military command after the incident, possible response strategies, etc.

You can be caught like this, aren't the Japanese too useless? The Japanese locust army is invincible.

“Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, have you heard everything?”

Zuo Zhong spoke again, and the person he was questioning was changed from Qiu Buting to the Japanese Lieutenant Colonel. The other person had been standing outside the door for a long time and should have heard the previous conversation.

The scarred man’s hands were tied behind his back. Hearing this, he cocked his neck and looked at Qiu Buting. His eyes were full of anger, and he wanted to bite this despicable Republican to death.

He stared with a pair of blood-red eyes, his expression was twisted and ferocious, and he struggled to issue threats.

"Baga. How dare you deceive the empire? Have you forgotten how you knelt in front of me and begged? You bastard, the empire will not let you go."

Seeing the scar-faced man's reaction, everyone in the room understood clearly that there was not a single word of truth in Qiu's mouth, and it was all lies.

 Everything about falling into a trap, being forced to betray a brother, or repenting is all false.

  When the hospital spy was successfully captured a few hours ago, the deputy director asserted: Regardless of whether professional soldiers are just or not, the most intolerable thing is betrayal. Now it turns out that this is indeed the case.

They don’t need an interrogation at all. They can pry open the mouths of the Japanese through dog-eating dogs and figure out the truth behind the case and the real role Qiu Buting played in the case.

 The scar-faced man knew what his fate would be. Thinking that he would not survive and that he would not be able to make Qiu Buting comfortable, he immediately shouted loudly.

“This **** took the initiative to contact the empire’s intelligence agency in Changcheng and provided the information and keys to the safe house. He also said that you were printing counterfeit banknotes.

 After meeting in Shancheng, he knelt in front of me and begged me to believe him, hoping to seek a position in the new government in the future. Despicable guy, I will kill you. "

As soon as he said this, Qiu Buting slumped to the ground like a deflated rubber ball, his eyes dull and muttering to himself.

 “I just want to be a master, what’s wrong with that?”

"What's wrong?"

Zuo Zhong asked back, walked slowly in front of him, slammed a document on the other person's face, and asked coldly: "Then what's their fault?"

The sharp corner of the page scratched Qiu Buting's forehead, creating an ugly wound, and a few drops of blood fell on the floor.

The breeze blowing from the window stirred the documents, and the files of the spies who died in the safe houses and surveillance points were turned over page by page. The black "died in battle" seal stamped on the documents was like a huge stone, crushing the people and making it hard to breathe. gas.

Qiu Buting ignored the blood dripping from his forehead and simply smashed the jar. He looked up at Zuo Zhong and sneered, his tone full of ridicule and disdain.

“You, Deputy Director Zuo, are very lucky. You were born into a wealthy family and never had to worry about making a living. Also, you live in the same hometown as the Chairman and later became a bureau student. Naturally, you don’t have to worry about your future.

 Where's Qiu? The most valuable thing in my house is the old cow that can't even pull the wooden plow. People like you can never understand the pain of little people like us, no! "

Perhaps because he knew that time was running out, Qiu Buting spoke more and more vigorously. With a hoarse roar, he pointed at the Gucci people around him and confessed the reason why he surrendered to the enemy.

“I consider myself to be quite capable, but after working in the bureau for so many years, I have gained nothing. I can only follow Li Qiwu like a dog.

 Look at them again, they are either division chiefs or deputy division chiefs. Is it really because of their ability? Isn’t it because they are students from the same hometown as you, who are appointed to the bureau?

 Why, I don’t accept it, I can be patriotic, I can live and die for you, deputy director, and obey your words, I just need a chance to stand up! "

After saying that, Qiu Buting pointed to the documents on the ground, gritted his teeth, and shouted in a posture of "I can't help but take my fate."

"I really want to make progress, and I will sacrifice everything for this. If the death of those people can make Qiu a master, then it will be a well-deserved death."

 When I become the director or deputy director, I am confident that I will not do worse than them. For the sake of the country, the sacrifice of some people is a necessary price. "

  Listening to his shameless words, not to mention Gu Qi and others, even the scar-faced man almost laughed out of anger. Are you worthy of being compared with Zuo Zhong?

Although China and Japan are enemies, the scar-faced man has to admit that Zuo Zhong is a dangerous opponent, and a respectable opponent. He is by no means an incompetent guy who came to power by virtue of his background.

If the opponent is really so easy to deal with, the internal strife between the military commander and the government can kill Zuo Zhong without the empire taking action.

The reality is that whether it was Tang Zong and Zheng Tingbing a few years ago, or Zhongtong and Xu Enzeng now, they have all been reorganized by Zuo Zheng and have lost their temper.

 So, where does Qiu Buting have the nerve to say such a thing?

 No matter how hard you try, the frog at the bottom of the well is still the frog at the bottom of the well. You can only see the square inches above your head, and you can’t clearly see how much you weigh.

Zuo Zhong did not laugh at Qiu Buting. He had seen too many people like Qiu Buting in later generations. To sum it up in two sentences, his heart is as high as the sky and his life is as thin as paper.

He asked casually: "Revealing the whereabouts of the Nanyang Consolation Mission to the Japanese was a sign of surrender, and concealing my identity was to leave a way out. Am I right?"

 The so-called surrender is also an attempt to use Japanese spies to gain my trust and climb up the ladder. I have to say that you are a bit brave, even the Japanese and I dare to take advantage of you.

 When I was in the northwest, I was very puzzled as to why the enemy knew the route of the consolation group but not my identity. This didn’t make sense.

 It wasn’t until something happened in the safe house that I figured out that maybe I had become a part of someone’s plan, and that I was more valuable only if I lived.

The words Gui Youguang said before arresting the hospital spy exposed your disguise and little thoughts. Haha, patriotic, the only one you love is yourself. "

Gui Youguang was stunned, but immediately showed a proud expression, even though he didn't know what the deputy director said.

"A person does things just for fame and profit. If the devil doesn't betray me, it means that the other party does not want profit."

Zuo Zhong repeated what Gui Youguang said before capturing the hospital spy, and then sneered.

“Let me tell you, the machine was too clever in its calculations, and it cost you your life. You thought your design was perfect, but in fact it was full of mistakes.”

Even a bald man can see the problem, but it’s full of mistakes and omissions. There’s nothing wrong with that.

 The smile on Gui Youguang's face slowly disappeared. Why didn't he feel like the deputy was complimenting someone? Or was he overthinking it?

Zuo Zhong was too lazy to talk nonsense to Qiu Buting. It was useless no matter how much he talked to such a greedy person. He directly asked the question he was most concerned about. "You are from the inspector's office. I don't need to emphasize the military rules to you. Let's be honest. Does Li Qiwu know your identity as a mole? Did he reveal the bureau's intelligence to you?"

 Qiu Buting doesn't need Zuo Zhong to greet him personally. What he cares about is Li Qiwu. This Wang Ba Dan has become more and more high-profile recently. If you don't give him some color, how can he put someone's face?

Hearing the words Li Qiwu, Qiu Buting seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, and his spirits immediately lifted, and he thought silently in his heart: Director Li will protect me.

This sentence started out as an affirmative sentence, quickly turned into a question, and finally turned into a desperate and desolate negative sentence.

Having followed Li Qiwu for several years, Qiu Buting is very aware of his selfishness and ruthlessness. He knows that he is a mole, and the one who wants him dead the most is Li Qiwu. Will he protect him? That is impossible.

Thinking of the grievances he had suffered at Li Qiwu's side over the years, and of his meritorious deeds, Qiu Buting secretly said sorry to Director Li, raised his hand and shouted.

 “I want to report!”

 It’s done.

Zuo Zhong was not surprised that Qiu Buting would drag Li Qiwu into the water. These two people are essentially the same kind of people. They may have some ability, but they have no virtue or morality.

In their eyes, colleagues, friends, and even relatives can be sold. The only difference is the price. As long as the price is enough, my mother and I can sell it.

“Okay, take him down, interrogate him carefully, and give a solid confession. Don’t let people say that I am avenging someone’s public and private revenge.”

Zuo Zhong gave Gu Qi an order, and deliberately emphasized the words "down to earth" and "revenge privately". Even if he couldn't bring down Li Qiwu this time, he would still suffer a big loss.

Gu Qi understood and waved to the agents to take Qiu Buting and the scar-faced man away. Professional interrogators would be responsible for the following work.


The file on the ground was blown by the wind and turned to one of the pages. In the upper right corner of the file was a photo of Xiao Ayako with a smile.

This smile is so bright and vivid, as if he is happy about the capture of moles and Japanese spies.

Zuo Zhong bent down to pick up the file, and walked out of the office in silence for a long time. Gu Qi and others followed behind, and everyone came to the lobby on the first floor without saying a word.

The north wall of the hall is inlaid with a piece of pure white marble, with hundreds of golden stars scattered all over it. Each one represents a military intelligence officer who sacrificed his life for the nation and the country.

 The latest 11 added are the agents who died in this case. Some of them are fathers, some are sons, some are brothers, and some are daughters.

When death comes, these people with different identities make the same choice to sacrifice their lives to fight for a glimmer of life for the suffering nation.


Zuo Zhong straightened his collar, shouted the command in a deep voice, raised his right hand and saluted.

Gu Qi and others, as well as the passing spies, stopped to stand at attention and saluted solemnly. The atmosphere in the hall was solemn and extremely quiet.

Just at this time, the sky cleared up, and a ray of golden sunlight shone in from the gate. Hundreds of stars reflected the hazy light and fell on everyone's faces.

 A few days later.

In a hidden cave more than 200 kilometers away from the mountain city, Zuo Zhong, accompanied by Gu Qi and Wu Chunyang, listened to the introduction of the person in charge of the printing factory while walking.

“Deputy Chairman, Director Wu, Director Gu...Deputy Director, the current daily printing press of the factory has reached 200,000 yen, and it can be increased further in the future.”

Amidst the rumbling sound of the machine, the person in charge loudly reported that not far away, sheets of large-format Japanese yen were conveyed by the impression roller and entered the next process flow.

 Gu Qi, who had just received the appointment letter from the government the day before, listened attentively and kept nodding. He was obviously very satisfied with the work of the printing factory.

 This is his first official duty after taking up the post of deputy director, so he naturally takes it very seriously.

In the personnel struggle with Li Qiwu for the position of deputy director, Gu Qi had the last laugh. There was no other way. Who let the spy out of the inspection room?

Wu Chunyang also looked curiously at the cut banknotes and the piles of finished products in the corner of the cave, quietly calculating how much funding to apply for next year.

“Okay, how is the research on the new goods going?” Zuo Zhong praised the person in charge and then asked.

“The composition of ink and paper still needs to be perfected, and the engraving has entered the final stage. This is the engraving room. Master Li’s painting skills are superb, and the copying of the pattern can be completed in up to half a year.”

As the person in charge said, he led the three people outside a room and opened the door gently. Inside, a middle-aged man in his forties was holding a magnifying glass and drawing with his head down.

On the wall opposite this person, there are multiple sheets of semi-finished products in US dollars and pounds sterling. It is self-evident what the new goods are.

The gold content of the Japanese yen is too low. In terms of purchasing power and liquidity, it must be the currency of an old imperialist country.

 Once the US dollars and pounds are successfully printed, the military commander will no longer have to worry about funding.

 If you don’t have money, just print.

Looking at the attentive Master Li, Zuo Zhong thought of a certain character in later movies. He couldn't help but suspect that he had met an "acquaintance" again, and immediately whispered a few words to Gu Qi.

For talents with special skills such as middle-aged people, supervision and loyalty review must be strengthened. Engraving plates must not be allowed to flow into society, let alone Washington and London know that the government is printing money for them.

"Hurry up and try printing a batch. If it doesn't work, I will solve the ink and paper problems."

After saying this, Zuo Zhong continued to inspect other workshops and took back the 100,000 yen reward.

This is not a lie. It has the same ink formula and the same paper as the original Japanese yen, and the pattern is more than 99% similar. How can it be called a counterfeit banknote.

 At best...wild yen.

 Yes, wild yen!

It's like artificially cultivated flowers and flowers in the wild. Although the growing environment is different, you can't say that the flowers in the wild are fake. There is no such reason.

Just when Zuo was visiting the printing factory again, a grand dinner party was about to begin thousands of miles away on the banks of Huangpu River in Shanghai.

The host of the dinner, the Chief of the Hase Agency of the Empire of Japan, the Adjutant of the China Committee, and the Intelligence Flower of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ryosuke Hase stood outside the Chinachem Hotel to greet guests from all walks of life.

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