Cicada Moving

Chapter 1178: a truly good man

 Chapter 1178 A truly good person

  September 1940.

The mountain city under the setting sun has faded away from the hustle and bustle of the day, and has become a bit more peaceful and peaceful.

In the afterglow of the sunset, several cars were passing through the city at high speed. Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi were sitting in the back seat of one of them, talking quietly.

“Vice-in-Chief, a telegram came from the Second War Zone Commander’s Office today.”

"Oh? Mr. Yan...what do you want to do, sir?"

“The underground party had a great victory. One regiment killed the captain of the Japanese Sakata Regiment. The Second War Zone wants us to send people to investigate.”

 Gu Qi read the contents of the telegram. Zuo Zhong next to him was stunned for a moment, then his expression became a little angry and he replied angrily.

“Isn’t this reasonable? It’s just that a Japanese army captain died. What’s the big deal? There won’t be any deaths any day now.

If we have to send people to investigate every time a Japanese officer dies, it will not be enough to expand the military commander's establishment ten times.

 Tell the Second War Zone to stop looking for trouble and collect more intelligence on the Japanese army when they can. What a bunch of rubbish! "

Hearing Zuo Zhong’s scolding, Gu Qi nodded in agreement. The second war zone was indeed a bit trouble-free. A regiment leader was dead and it was not worthy of in-depth investigation.

 Everything can happen on the battlefield. Compared with expensive technical weapons, human life is the cheapest.

“Okay, Vice-President, I will send a message tomorrow to reprimand you.” Gu Qi replied after thinking about it.

Zuo Zhong's mind flashed with "fire".jpg and many other things that were difficult to reconcile. His tone slowed down and he issued another order.

“Tell them that the Japanese advancing team is extremely harmful, and orders all departments in the Second Theater Zone to strengthen their vigilance to prevent small groups of Japanese troops from raiding military command structures at all levels.

The rebels also need to be reminded that it is their business to listen or not, but if something happens to them, they will definitely accuse us of not doing a good job.

In addition, rebel groups must be strictly prohibited from absorbing bandits. I do not believe that these people will abandon evil and follow good. I will kill those who deserve to be killed and arrest those who deserve to be arrested.

This is also a way to cut off the rebels' ability to expand their strength. In just a few years, the size of the Red Heads has expanded several times. The committee is very worried about this. We must try our best to limit the expansion rate of troops in the northwest. "

Hearing this, Gu Qi didn't notice anything wrong, and responded respectfully, saying yes, saying that he would strengthen supervision of the implementation of the second theater.

"Yea, very good."

Zuo Zhong nodded and said, and then asked a question with a smile: "Old Gu, how do you feel after becoming the deputy director?"

At this time, half a month has passed since Gu Qi became the deputy director. During this half month, the other party has only done one thing, and that is to become familiar with all aspects of the bureau.

 After all, Gu Qi was originally the director of the department and did not have the authority to access higher-level confidential matters. If he wants to do a good job in the future, this process is indispensable.

Hearing Zuo Zhong’s words, Gu Qi was silent for a few seconds, and then smiled bitterly.

“Deputy Chairman, the situation is not very good. The intelligence work in the occupied areas has yielded very little results, and the intelligence stations within the national government are mostly dawdling. This will cause big trouble.”

 “Well, keep talking.”

Zuo Zhong was noncommittal. He knew the following situation, but so what if he knew it.

The frontline armies are losing consecutive battles. Can a group of these agents turn things around? It's impossible.

Whether it is military or intelligence, they all serve the overall situation, and who decides the overall situation?

 In the final analysis, the root of the problem lies with the micro-management experts and the noble officials of the Fruit Party. These people remain unchanged and expecting changes at the lower levels is tantamount to wishful thinking.

 Furthermore, from the period of the Secret Service to the present, although the strength of the military commander has increased and his business has become larger, various problems have also increased.

 The organization is bloated, overstaffed, and discipline is lax. What happened to the secret service headquarters will naturally happen to the military commander again.

Gu Qi also knew this, but some words were hard to say directly, so he organized his language a little and expressed his opinions tactfully.

“I believe that personnel adjustments can be made to intelligence stations in various places, just like what was done during the reconstruction of Jinling and Shanghai Stations, with two strategies of transferring out and transferring in.

Only by breaking down the personnel structure below and enhancing the voice of the headquarters can the next step of work be carried out, otherwise the rectifications will only remain superficial. "

Zuo Zhong laughed and was very satisfied with Gu Qi's answer. To be able to say these words, the other party was considered a semi-qualified deputy director.

He sighed with emotion: "Old Gu, I originally wanted to remind you, but I didn't expect you to see the problem yourself, so just do as you say. The bureau and I will fully support you.

  Remember, when we are the director or deputy director, we are like the daughter-in-law at home, with various mothers-in-law taking care of our heads. We have less power and less pressure.

 At the level of deputy director, your role changes. From daughter-in-law to mother-in-law, you have greater power and greater pressure. You must adapt to this change as soon as possible.

To be more specific, don’t worry about small things, just take care of the general direction, and don’t have to do everything personally. The government does not give them so much military pay as a free meal. "

Zuo Zhong planned to give Gu Qi a final reminder. He would never say these words again. We are all deputy directors. It would be inappropriate to remind him too much.

“Thank you, Vice-President. I will keep your teachings in mind.”

Gu Qi is not a ungrateful person. He understands that the deputy director and the deputy director are different, so he immediately uses the art of language to show his loyalty.

 “Hahaha, Lao Gu, we are all comrades separated by fate, it’s over, it’s over.”

Zuo Zhong pointed at him and said with a "helpless" look on his face, his eyebrows slightly raised, "It's comfortable to talk to smart people, and it makes sense."

While talking, the motorcade slowly stopped at the entrance of a luxurious restaurant, and Wu Chunyang and others got out of the car.

Not long after, the officers of the Military Unification Office and the Second Office all stood outside Zuo Zhong’s special car. Gui Youguang reached out to open the door and quickly scanned the nearby commanding heights.

“Deputy Director Zuo is here. Please forgive me for not being too far away to welcome you.”

As soon as Zuo Zhong's feet touched the ground, Bai Wenzhi walked quickly from the door of the hotel, saying polite words, with an extremely exaggerated expression, and an acquaintance followed behind him.

 Hey, how did these two people get involved?

Zuo Zhong saw that this acquaintance was doubtful, so he shook hands with Bai Wenzhi calmly and said hello reservedly.

“Old Bai, you’re too polite.” Following Bai Wenzhi was Xu Weiming, the deputy director of the Personnel Department of the Shancheng Party Department, the liaison between Zuo Zhong and the underground party, codenamed Lao K.

Bai Wenzhi's posture was very low, and even when he said this, his old face was wrinkled. After saying this, he was ready to introduce Xu Weiming's identity to Zuo Zhong.

“Deputy Director Zuo, this is”

“No introduction is needed, I know Deputy Director Xu.”

Zuo Zhong cut off his words and turned around to ask Gu Qi: "Lao Gu, Deputy Director Xu and we have known each other for a long time, right?"

“Yes, we have dealt with Deputy Director Xu when we were in Jinling and Changcheng before.” Gu Qi replied with a smile.

Bai Wenzhi's smile became even brighter. It's good to be an acquaintance. It's an acquaintance. Some things can be discussed easily.

He turned around and bowed his hands with the surrounding agents, then raised his hand to invite Zuo Zhong: "Deputy Director Zuo, please come in quickly. The food is ready. Director Shen Dongxinshen and Section Chief Meng Ting and Meng from Zhongtong have just come in."

 Good guy! What a great guy!

The lurking personnel from the Central Command, the Military Command, and the Party Headquarters have all arrived today.

Zuo Zhong mentally gave Lao Bai a thumbs up, and at the same time wanted to ask him, how did you do it?

Is this the legendary talent of teaming up? My teammates must be moles?

Bai Wenzhi didn't know that he was only one step away from "colluding with the rebel bandits", so he walked ahead with a smile on his face and led the way, leading the military commanders to a private room.

 “Dongxin, Section Chief Meng, long time no see.”

Zuo Zhong waved to Shen Dongxin and Meng Ting after entering the door. The three of them exchanged a few words and sat down respectively. The rest also sat down according to their official ranks, and then a plate of delicacies from the mountains and seas was brought up.

Looking at the dishes on the table that were rarely seen even in peacetime, Zuo Zhong frowned slightly and glanced sideways at Bai Wenzhi.

“Old Bai, it’s so tight ahead. It’s not good for us to be tight here. Besides, there’s no need for comrades to be so vulgar.”

Bai Wenzhixin said, "Why are you pretending to be Mr. Qingtian? You haven't collected enough of my local specialties."

However, he could only think about this in his mind. He would never dare to say it out loud, so he could only explain it with a shy face.

“Deputy Director Zuo is fair and honest, everyone knows it. How dare Mr. Bai slander your name? Don’t worry, Deputy Director Xu and I used personal money for this meal.”

Whether this is true or not, there is a reason anyway.

Zuo Zhongxin was satisfied and picked up a piece of the protected animal of later generations, put it into his mouth and chewed it twice. His frown slowly relaxed, his eyes lit up and he exclaimed.

 “Yeah~~Not bad, it tastes quite delicious. Let’s all eat it.”

After inviting everyone to have a taste of the delicious food that started three years ago, Zuo Zhong wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, turned to look at Bai Wenzhi who nodded and bowed, and asked unhurriedly.

“Old Bai, why did you and Deputy Director Xu think of inviting us to dinner? You must have something to do, right?


The implication is that what cannot be done cannot be done. Just a table of food is just a test for cadres. Which cadre cannot withstand such a test is very disrespectful.

 As the old saying goes, I don’t have to accept it, but you can’t not send it. If you don’t send it, you’re breaking the rules.

 Shen Dongxin and Meng Ting also stopped their chopsticks and looked at Bai Wenzhi and Xu Weiming, wanting to hear what the other party was going to do.

Bai Wenzhi laughed twice, knowing that it was useless to lie in front of these gang of secret agents. He smacked his lips and told the purpose of today's treat.

“As you know, the radio control in Shancheng has become more and more strict recently. Deputy Director Xu and I have collaborated on a small business that requires the use of radio stations.

 As for me, I hope you can be kind enough to issue a commercial radio certificate for us. Afterwards, Deputy Director Xu and I will give you a generous gift to show our appreciation. "

Zuo Zhong took a deep look at Xu Weiming who was smiling apologetically next to him, thought for a while, winked at Shen Dongxin, and spoke in an official tone.

“Well, it is said that you rarely open your mouth, Lao Bai, so Zuo should agree, but dissidents and spies have been rampant recently, and commercial radio stations have proven to be very sensitive, so it is not easy to issue them casually.”

Hai asked anxiously. At his level, it is too low-level to rely on corruption and bribery to make money. If you really want to make a fortune, you still have to start a separate business.

Now that the radio regulations of the Central Government and the Military Commandery are so strict, the radio stations cannot be used, and he loses a lot of money every day. How can he not be anxious about this?

He was about to say something when he saw Zuo Zhong raise his hand, so he had to shut his mouth obediently and listen to the other person continue speaking.


Zuo Zhong paused for a moment and laughed: "We are old friends after all. I will give you an idea. Whether you listen to it or not is up to you."

"Say it." Bai Wenzhi quickly poured him a glass of wine and listened with his ears straightened up.

“Well, the commercial radio station proved that not only we can approve it, but also Li Qiwu, the chief secretary of the Military Command, and Xu Enzeng, the deputy director of the Central Command.”

Zuo Zhong took a sip of wine and spoke slowly, passing the looming blame on Xu Enzeng and Li Qiwu. The main one was a dead Taoist friend but a poor Taoist.

He was very sure that the so-called business was a disguise for Lao K to hide his identity and obtain supplies. The radio station was also a tool used to communicate with himself and his superiors, so Lao Bai's request must be agreed to.

  If something goes wrong, the issuer of the commercial radio certificate will definitely be jointly and severally liable. At least one cannot escape the blame for lax supervision.

Taken all things considered, it is better to let Lao Bai follow the path of Xu Enzeng and Li Qiwu.

In any case, these two guys have the same blame on their heads. They don’t have to worry about too many debts, and they don’t feel itchy when they have too many lice.

Especially Li Qiwu, whose close confidant Qiu Buting was involved in espionage, and the other party "confessed" that Li Qiwu was involved in the leak. Shangfeng was furious when he learned about it.

If Li Qiwu hadn't spent all his money on everything and fed the investigators, he might have been reunited with Qiu Buting in prison.

 And when Lao Bai and the others come to visit him, they will definitely pay him a lot of tribute such as local specialties. This can be regarded as helping Li Qiwu, who is about to go bankrupt, to regain his health and prevent him from living on the street.

 Hey, I am such a good person!

Zuo Zhong drank the wine in one gulp and secretly praised himself, but he was so proud that he didn't know that a huge black pot was flying from Shanghai.

 (The deputy seat on the left is fair and honest)

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