Cicada Moving

: Extra: Assassination of Taozi (2)

 Extra: Assassination of Daozi (2)

 The murder scene.

 A corpse gave off strange reflections under the bright light, the blood on the light brown floor had solidified, and the strong smell of blood filled everyone's nostrils.

Around the body, forensics staff used dust fixative to circle multiple footprints, and warning signs were placed next to each footprint to prevent subsequent entrants from stepping on important evidence.

 There were all experienced criminal investigators present. Based on the size and depth of the footprints, it was immediately apparent that four people had been present at the scene.

Excluding the deceased's own footprints, there were at least three murderers. However, the other party did not leave any fingerprints, so he must have been wearing gloves.



Fang Yuejin, a middle-aged man and the leader of the criminal investigation detachment of a branch in Shanghai, looked around the murder scene, turned to the criminal police officer in charge of taking the photos, and then looked at another person.

 “When was the crime reported, and the identity of the reporter?”

The other party did not hesitate and answered immediately: "At 9:15 pm, the person who reported the case was a colleague of the deceased who was opposite the door. The two of them usually had a close relationship.

The deceased made an appointment with the other party to watch a football match at home tonight. The reporter knocked on the door for a long time but no one answered. He also saw a light through the crack in the door. He noticed something was wrong and called the police.

 The police station in the jurisdiction received an order from the 110 command post and dispatched police. Two policemen discovered the body at 9:47. The other police did not enter the scene and reported directly according to the murder procedure.

We received a notification at 9:51 and took over the scene at 10:20. Forensic doctors and forensic technicians entered the investigation one after another. The witnesses were two neighbors of the deceased. "

Fang Yuejin did not walk around the scene at will. Instead, he walked along the passage opened by the forensic doctor Wu and walked to the body. He circled around the deceased and asked his subordinates again.

 “Victim situation.”

“Ma Jinshui, male, 29 years old, from Western Province, single, occupation is the network administrator of Breakpoint Group.”

 “Time of death.”

“Forensic doctor Wu gave the time of death as 7:55 to 8:10 pm.”

As an old criminal investigator, Fang Yuejin has witnessed countless murder cases, but today's scene always gave him a strange feeling.

The deceased was tied behind his back on a chair by the murderer, with a piece of cloth stuffed in his mouth. The index and middle fingers of his right hand had marks cut by sharp objects, and his face had multiple scars left by blunt objects.

 In addition to large blood stains and excrement on the ground, it can be seen that Ma Jinshui suffered inhuman torture during his lifetime, to the point of becoming incontinent.

This method of torture is very uncommon. Even in drug-related cases, drug dealers rarely use such complex methods to kill people. Those drug rats are not so professional!

 Yes, that’s professional!

When he first entered, Fang Yuejin noticed that the door lock was intact, there were no signs of struggle in the house, and even the shoes taken off by the deceased were placed where they should be.

Ma Jinshui is an adult male with normal intelligence. He will not open the door to strangers at will, and he will not surrender when faced with an attack.

Various clues indicate that the murderer may have entered the scene through technical unlocking and took control of the deceased in a very short period of time. The deceased had no time to make other actions.

This kind of murderer who is proficient in torture, unlocking, and fighting will definitely need a long period of accumulation and practice.

 As far as Fang Yuejin can remember, there have been no similar cases in Shanghai or even across the country in recent years, which is very contradictory.

Furthermore, with the rapid development of cameras and modern criminal investigation technology, vicious cases are basically solved as soon as they are discovered, and there is no room for murderers to "grow" in the country.

 Is the murderer a foreigner?

Then what is the other party’s purpose?

Fang Yuejin was silent for a moment, then raised his head and asked: "The sound insulation of this kind of residential building is very poor. Have the neighbors heard any unusual noises?"

 “No.” The criminal police officer responsible for the preliminary interview smiled bitterly.

This answer makes the case even more confusing. The deceased did not call for help. The reason may be that his mouth was blocked. How could he answer the murderer's question?

Fang Yuejin glanced at the bedroom, kitchen and bathroom with the door open. Various items had not been turned over. Obviously, what the murderer wanted was not at the scene.

 Silent torture, or torture that does not require dialogue.

 A picture appeared in Fang Yuejin's mind. The murderer asked questions in a low voice, and the deceased responded by nodding and shaking his head.

It seems that the question raised by the murderer is very simple, has an inherent logical relationship, and does not require complicated communication.

 For example, whether the deceased knew something or something, and whether the description of something or something was correct, etc. Fang Yuejin noticed that the laptop power light on the coffee table in the living room kept beating, and his eyes flashed slightly, ready to go and take a look.

At this time, a criminal policeman walked into the door with his mobile phone, clicked on a piece of video surveillance and handed it over. Judging from the perspective, it was taken by the security probe located opposite the door of the building.

During the surveillance, three suspicious persons with their heads lowered walked into the building together. The time displayed in the upper right corner of the screen was 7:37 pm.

Through the height of the advertising stickers on the wall, it can be analyzed that the height of the three people is about 1.6 meters. Their gender, age, weight, and facial features cannot be determined for the time being.

 Fang Yuejin pressed the fast forward button, and the time came to 7:57 pm. The three suspicious persons bowed their heads and left, then disappeared from the screen.

“Detachment leader, a total of 27 people entered and exited the building before and after the death of the deceased. After screening the residents and household registration information, only these three people could not be identified.” The criminal policeman holding the mobile phone reported.

The whereabouts were mysterious and he appeared at the time of the crime, and the number of people matched the number of footprints, so Fang Yue gave a decisive order.

“Leave it to the map reconnaissance department to conduct gait recognition and trace the opponent’s whereabouts.”

 Modern criminal investigation technology is advancing rapidly. Let alone lowering your head, even if you change your face, as long as the other party appears in the surveillance network, you will be discovered and marked.


The police officer ordered him to leave. Fang Yuejin avoided the footprint warning signs and came to the coffee table. He reached out and opened the laptop screen.

As the system started up, the screen lit up, and a desktop with only a few icons appeared in front of him. One of the programs called "Breakpoint Group OA" aroused Fang Yuejin's interest.

The OA system is an enterprise's internal office system. If there is any value to Ma Jinshui, it is the network password of the Breakpoint Group in the other party's hands.

 Breakpoint Group is a large company and a listed company. Is there anyone who wants to obtain certain information or do something through the OA system?

Thinking of silent torture, Fang Yuejin suddenly double-clicked the OA system icon, and a login interface with an account and password popped up. It was indeed like this!

“Contact Breakpoint Group and ask them to check the network background and see the usage of Ma Jinshui’s account, focusing on the time period when the crime occurred!”

Fang Yuejin gave another order. He seemed to know what the murderer's purpose was. All he needed now was evidence.

At the same time, he also increased his vigilance. This gang of murderers only killed people to silence them. They were by no means ordinary criminals. They must have other cases on their backs, and they were serious ones.

 H city.

 In an old residential area to be demolished, a small building built in the 1980s stands in the dark, just like other surrounding buildings, bleak and silent.

 But behind the thick wall was a different scene. A group of plainclothes men sat around the fire and silently arranged their weapons. Browning 1911, MP40, and M24 grenades were placed on the ground.

Although these weapons are antiques that can be put on museum display, in places where guns are strictly prohibited, they are still out-and-out killer weapons.


 Suddenly, there were several slight noises coming from outside the house.

The plainclothes men who were sorting their weapons quickly put out the bonfire, grabbed their weapons and occupied key positions. They listened to the movement outside and loaded their guns lightly.

After making sure that his men were ready for battle, Wu Chunyang walked to the window covered with a thick quilt, lifted a corner of the quilt and looked outside.

 Under the pale moonlight, the two figures were getting closer and closer. Through the glassless window, one could still vaguely hear their conversation.

 “Brother, are there really good things in the old building?”

“Of course, we are going to distribute it. We will open the door later and you can go in first.”


In the building where he couldn't see his fingers, Wu Chunyang slowly put down the quilt, pressed his body against the wall, and held a dagger in his hand.

 Under the same night sky.

A Japanese business car with a Shanghai license plate was speeding on the highway, and an old song from the Republic of China decades ago was playing on the radio.

In the car, the driver gripped the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles turned white. His peripheral vision kept peeking at the fat old man in his fifties next to him, who was slapping his legs to the music.

Behind the two people, three sturdy men sandwiched a pair of frightened mother and daughter. A sign flashing past the car window read "H City, 150 kilometers".

 ps: Extra updates are not fixed, it depends on whether there is time.

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