Cicada Moving

Chapter 123: Rooster crows, dog robbers

Chapter 123 Roosters and Dog Thieves

Tongsuo doesn't know who his parents are or where his home is. He has been following his boss around since he can remember, making a living by stealing. He has been discovered by the victim before. They were lucky enough to run away. Lost.

But good luck will always run out one day. When Tongsuo was grabbed by the wrist at the dock, he knew that he was going to be in trouble this time. The other person's emotionless eyes were like a knife. He had seen such people - those who couldn't kill people. The blinking thief.

After Tongsuo was snatched away, he dreamed of shouting before he died that he would be a good man again eleven years later. However, the other party did not give him this chance. He did not beat or scold him, nor did he kill him. He even entered for the first time. The Chinachem Hotel.

 The boss once said that if they could enter the Chinachem Hotel for a day, no, half a day! They could get enough money for a lifetime, but the soldiers and patrolmen with live ammunition at the door made them sigh. This time he came in with a copper lock.

 But the other party's next move frightened Tongsuo, and several men cleaned him up. Tongsuo knew the quirks of some upper-class celebrities. If this was the case, he might as well die.

After a long and painful wait, the whimsical Tongsuo was led outside a luxurious door. He swallowed, then imitated the appearance of the heroes in the drama, straightened his collar, and paced in. .

As soon as Tongsuo entered, he saw the young man sitting on the sofa. Damn it, it turned out to be this dead man! Tongsuo straightened his back and said in his heart that a scholar can be killed but not humiliated, but I am not afraid of you.

Zuo Zhong was a little confused when he saw this young man. Why did this boy look so generous and willing to die? Could there be a spy threatening him?

It shouldn't be, is there anyone in the Intelligence Department who dares to ignore his orders?

“Hey!” Zuo Zhong kicked the boy who was scratching his neck: “Who are you showing this expression to? Get over here quickly, I’ll see you if I have something good going on.”

Tongsuo took two steps back: "What are you going to do? I'll tell you that I will be a good man again in eleven and a half years. I..."

With a dark face, Zuo Zhong grabbed the boy's collar and lifted him to the sofa. He said condescendingly: "If you want to live or not, you have to be obedient. I need your craftsmanship. As long as it is done, you will benefit."

Tongsuo's originally desperate little mind suddenly came to life. If he wanted to use his skills to do things, this pretty boy would definitely let him steal some lady's things.

He had seen this kind of thing so many times that he immediately patted his chest and said, "Just tell me which house the lady is from. Whether she wants a handkerchief or some clothes, as long as you ask, I, Tongsuo, will definitely do it."

Zuo Zhong's head was full of question marks. What kind of lady or madam was he? He yelled: "Stop talking nonsense to me. I want you to go to Yongshan Trading Company. You don't need to steal anything. Just put something in it."

Tongsuo scratched his head, not letting him steal anything but still giving it away. Could it be that the other party wanted to give a gift to that Yongshan Trading Company? Rich people have many things to do, so they have many tricks to give gifts.

No matter what he was thinking, Zuo Zhong pointed to the small box on the table next to him: "Go and take a look. There are some wooden boxes in the business. You can just touch them and put the contents of the small box in."

 Tongsuo walked to the table and opened the small box excitedly. He thought it was either gold, silver, jewelry, or dollars and pounds, but when he saw what it was, he broke out in a cold sweat.

He turned around and knelt down with a plop: "Master, please spare the little one."

Zuo Zhong was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this thief actually knew these things, and he was more interested in him. This kind of talent was exactly what the Secret Service needed. Thinking of this, his face softened a little, and he smiled and asked Tongsuo to sit down.

 “Do you know what it is? How do you know it?”

“Sir, we raided a train once, and one of the carriages was sealed with a lead seal. We thought there was something valuable inside, but we managed to steal a bunch of things, and even the den was blown up.”

Tongsuo's face was pale. He still remembered the Guandi Temple flying into the sky. If they hadn't been working outside, they would have died. Unfortunately, those old housekeepers didn't know how they blew up that thing. .

Zuo Zhong suddenly realized that illiteracy can kill people. If it is a valuable thing, why would there be no one to **** it? But since this little guy knows this thing, it is easy to explain.

He said with a smile on his face: "Your name is Tongsuo, right? Have you ever heard of the Jin Yiwei of the Ming Dynasty?"

When Tongsuo heard this, his eyebrows immediately danced: "Of course I know. It's said in the play that those thieves who harmed loyal and good people were punished. If I were in the play, I would definitely chop off the heads of those traitors. Sir, ask this do what."

"Oh, it's nothing." Zuo Zhong regained his expressionless expression: "As long as you do this well, not only will you be free, but your elder brothers will also be free. What do you think of this condition?"

Tongsuo was silent. If it weren't for his elder brother, he would have starved to death a long time ago. He has taken care of him these years. If he can save them, it doesn't matter if it is dangerous. Thinking back to the time when Shan Xiongxin destroyed the family and it was difficult to save Qin Qiong, Wang Bodang Protect Li Mi, even today he can sacrifice his life to save his brother.

“I’ll count down to three, or you and your brothers will spend the rest of your life in prison...”

"I promise!"

Zuo Zhong looked at Tongsuo and nodded. He is a big fool who is loyal. This is easy to handle. Although it is a bit immoral, as long as the hostages are in his hands, this little guy has to be obedient.

"The map of Yongshan Trading Company. I will find someone to teach you how to use those things. Let's take action tonight."

After Zuo Zhong finished speaking, he shouted outside: "Wu Chunyang, take this little guy out and teach him a lesson."

Wu Chunyang walked in and took the copper lock away. His task was not easy. He had to teach a layman how to set up dangerous goods within a few hours. This was a test for him.

Zuo Zhong watched them leave, then sat back on the sofa, tapping the armrests with his hands, thinking about the course of action for the night. This time he was not worried about killing the Japanese, but also leaving them unspeakable of their suffering.

I don’t know how long it took, but a man walked into the room and whispered something to Zuo Zhong. It was Gu Qi who had disappeared before.

After listening, Zuo Zhong asked: "Is he sure?" Gu Qi whispered: "Yes, the vehicles of the Marine Special Marine Corps Command will have no mission tomorrow, but there is movement in the Japanese Resident Militia Administrative Committee. The three trucks there and Four cars will be on duty at seven o'clock tomorrow morning."

Zuo Zhong thought for a moment: "I understand, you go back and rest first, we will take action in the evening."

 “Yes, section chief.”

When Gu Qi went out, he happened to see Ling Sanping about to knock on the door. Both of them knew that the other had a mission, so they did not exchange greetings and just nodded to each other as a greeting.

Ling Sanping closed the door and sat on the sofa without seeing anyone else: "You were right. I found out at the hotel bar that the British will change their defense tomorrow morning. The time is seven o'clock in the morning, and those officers are busy hunting for women."

 Zuo Zhong said to himself: "It's seven o'clock again."

The British troops at the Chinachem Hotel changed their defense at seven o'clock, the Japanese vehicles were on duty at seven o'clock, and the concession patrol room went to work at eight o'clock. It took twenty minutes to get from the Administrative Committee of the Resident Militia to Yongshan Trading Company, and less than ten minutes from Yongshan Trading Company to the hotel. .

The Japanese created a window period through the senior management of the concession. There were no patrols in the concession between seven and eight o'clock, and there were no guards in the hotel. They could attack the Chinachem Hotel without any scruples. What a good plan.

Zuo Zhong thought for a while and left the room. Now that he has the time for the Japanese to take action, his plan can be implemented. The key to the mission lies in the thief Tongsuo. I hope this little guy is reliable.

It was early in the morning before we knew it. Zuo Zhong and Tongsuo were in a car. The bright light of Yongshan Trading Company was not far away. It was swaying in the dark due to the wind, which made Tongsuo a little nervous.

Zuo Zhong glanced at him and sighed: "It's still too late for you to regret it. Once you are caught by the people inside, we will not rescue you. Have you thought clearly?"

Tongsuo straightened up his thin body and said, "Once a man has said his word, it's hard to chase him. Just don't forget to let my brother go."

This unlucky kid was brainwashed by the script and drama. Zuo Zhong pointed in the direction of the business without saying a word. At this point, he cannot be tolerated as a woman, and Tongsuo's life path needs to be chosen by himself.

Tongsuo tightened the small bag behind him. It was full of deadly things. If it fell to the ground and exploded, it would be an unjust death. After checking, there was nothing wrong. Tongsuo opened the car door and disappeared into the darkness.

Looking at all this, Wu Chunyang in the driver's seat turned around and said: "Section Chief, what if he fails? Those Japanese will never let him go."

Zuo Zhong looked into the distance and said faintly: "I asked the brothers to prepare themselves. Once they are discovered, they will attack immediately. After teaching him for several hours, do you really regard him as your direct disciple?"

Wu Chunyang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "This little guy is a good seedling. I only taught him once and he remembered everything. No one in the special training class can do this."

Zuo Zhong said disdainfully: "Let's wait and see if he comes back alive. Pay attention and stop talking."

The car became silent, and there were more spies lurking in the invisible darkness. This time, except for a small number of people from the Intelligence Department who came to Shanghai, they were in the hotel, and the rest were lying in ambush nearby, ready to force their way into the car at any time. attack.

 Suddenly, there was a barking of dogs in Yongshan Trading Company. Zuo Zhong raised his eyebrows, where was the dog?

Neither Gu Qi, Song Minghao, nor he noticed that there was a dog there when he observed it in person, and there was no information about dogs in the news from the side. It was really a ghost.

Zuo Zhong took Thomson in his seat, and Wu Chunyang even took out a grenade from his arms. Zuo Zhong's eyelids jumped as he saw that this guy had nothing to do with these things.

Just when Zuo Zhong thought he was going to have a head-on confrontation with the Japanese, the barking of the dogs suddenly stopped. He didn't know what happened, but there seemed to be no movement in the trading house, so he could only continue to wait.

Half an hour later, there was a sudden movement near the car. Zuo Zhong suddenly pulled out his pistol and pointed it at the dark night outside the car. A gray-faced black figure appeared in front of him. It was a copper lock!

"How about it?"

“Put it on the bottom of the box partition, and the time is set, absolutely correct.”

Zuo Zhong looked at the copper lock and nodded with satisfaction.

 There is an extra chapter about work and rest

“I heard that you died of old age due to Shen Su?”

Li Qiwu blinked his eyes and looked at Deputy Director Zheng in front of him with doubts.

Zheng Tingbing waited for a long time, a little impatient, and asked again: "Is it connected?"

Li Qiwu thought for a long time and said with some uncertainty: "Are you really Li's friend?"

Zheng Tingbing was furious when he heard this, and said to his left and right: "You all heard it, this guy is imitating my speech, give me a beating!"

(Cantonese, old age = old friend.)



 (End of this chapter)

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