Cicada Moving

Chapter 1193: Ozawa's performance

 Chapter 1193 Ozawa’s performance

Ozawagawa moved away from the Sugar Trading Company on the grounds that it would facilitate business, but when they smelled the strong perfume on his body, the clerk and other Japanese businessmen all showed knowing smiles.

  Understand~ I understand so much.

 After all, two men live together. If one wants to have some fun and the other is next door, it is really inconvenient.

Amid everyone’s good-natured laughter, Ozawa picked up his luggage and left, but he would still go back to the trading company once a day to check on the situation—and report to Zuo Zhong by the way.

I have to say that no one who can get into Etajima is a fool. With Zuo Zhong’s guidance these days, Ozawa also has his own ideas on how to carry out intelligence activities.

 Wicks Street.

This place is less than one kilometer from Pearl Harbor and less than two kilometers from Hickam Air Base. It is the preferred residence of many U.S. Navy officers on Oahu.

The concentration of power naturally attracted a group of businessmen. This principle is not only known to people in the Republic of China.

So a Japanese businessman moved into Weeks Street without arousing anyone's suspicion.

From then on, American soldiers and policemen on patrol could see each other running along the streets every morning, with natural expressions, never looking around, and looking very normal.

On this day, Nathan Hal stood in front of the window holding a glass and looked at Ozawa running past, took a sip of milk and asked his subordinates.

 “What do our friends do every day?”

"Making money and women, this **** guy has a really comfortable life." His subordinates looked envious and jealous.

Looking at Ozawa who was gradually running away, Nathan Hal smiled, finished the bread in his hand in a few mouthfuls, turned around and said to his subordinates again.

“Although he looked like an ordinary person, the identity of the resident of Wicks Street was important and the person had to be re-screened.

I heard that the lieutenant colonel next door is holding a party and has invited me. The time is tonight, right? "

The subordinate shrugged his shoulders and nodded again, knowing that his boss was becoming suspicious again, but there were not even 100 but 80 foreigners living on Weeks Street. He didn't understand why the other party insisted on getting along with the Japanese.

He couldn't help but maliciously speculate whether the Japanese had snatched Mr. Hal's girlfriend, which was why Hal kept watching the Japanese's movements.

Nathan Hal didn't know that he already had a green hat on his head. After hearing his subordinate's answer, he thought about it for a moment, pointed at the back at the end of the street and said something.

“Reply to Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, I will go to the appointment on time, and I will also bring a new friend there, and then tell Mr. Lieutenant Colonel that I hope they can share some military-related news during the party.

 Now, you go and notify the Japanese outside. As a neighbor, I invite him to the party. Remember, observe every move this guy makes after learning the news, including who he meets and the content of the conversation. Do you understand? "

"Yes, Sir." The man saluted and ran out.

 A test against Ozawa began.

 When operating in hostile countries, intelligence personnel will encounter various unknown risks, and responding to them randomly is an ability that every intelligence personnel must possess.

Ozawakawa, who was about to undergo the test, was panting and running slowly, his legs were shaking slightly, and his arms were swinging erratically.

He fulfilled the orders of "Nanjia" to the letter, and would exercise in the house for a while before collecting intelligence every time to eliminate traces of his military training.

While running, Ozawa kept scanning the mailbox on the side of the road, trying his best to remember the name on it and making preliminary comparisons with the information obtained from various channels.

“Johnny Berry, Captain of the Mahan-class destroyer USS John Shaw.”

“Fred Calgar, second officer of the Brooklyn-class light cruiser USS Helena.”

“Kyle Borean, the eponymous ship management damage manager of the Nevada-class battleship.”

The names of many officers of the Pacific Fleet quickly emerged in Ozawakawa's mind. Compared with those majestic warships, these talents are the real heritage of the Pacific Fleet.

After all, with the industrial strength of the United States, it only takes a year or two at most for a warship to be designed, built, and launched.

On the contrary, it can take as short as ten years, as long as twenty years, or even longer from the time an officer is born until he is able to control the steel giant at sea.

 Without the maritime veterans in these key positions, no matter how many American warships there are, they are just targets floating on the sea. The Japanese Naval Command knows this very well.

"please wait."

Just as Ozawa was memorizing the information, a voice came from behind him. He resisted the urge to run away quickly and slowly turned around to look at the caller.

 A few minutes later, the visitor explained his purpose and left slowly, leaving behind an "excited" Ozawa.

After he walked more than ten meters, Ozawa continued to run, but a chill arose in his heart. Why would Americans invite him to the party?

 Has it been exposed?    Should we notify Nanjia to evacuate?

 Various thoughts flashed through his mind. Ozawa told himself over and over again to calm down. He recalled his recent behavior from beginning to end to make sure there were no loopholes left. He realized that the Americans were probably testing.

 Can’t move!

 Don’t contact Nanjia in a hurry!

Ozawa understood that someone must be secretly monitoring him now. If he contacted Nan Jia immediately, he would not only prove his guilty conscience, but also implicate Nan Jia. Thinking of this, he kept a smile on his face and ran towards his residence.

 In the distance, two ONI agents put their binoculars into their pockets and followed Ozawa on foot, silently cursing their immediate boss for his meddlesomeness.

But soon they had no intention of scolding Nathan Hal. Ozawa finished his exercise, changed his clothes and went out. First he went to several sugar cane fields, then met several partners, and turned around the entire Oahu island. all over.

At a temperature close to 30 degrees, the agents had to avoid being discovered by the target while also enduring the high temperature. The short-sleeved shirts got wet and dry, and dried and wet again. The process was miserable.

At sunset, Ozawa, who had been running all day, slowly returned to the Sugar Trading Company. Unfortunately, he did not see Nanjia. He was so anxious that he had to leave a secret message for the clerk to convey, and returned to Weeks Street as usual.

Across the street, Zuo Zhong in the coffee shop put down his cup, glanced at a passerby who seemed to be buying something, took out his money and stood up to follow him.


The well-dressed Ozawa was holding a bottle of high-end red wine, straightening his bow tie on the porch of an American-style villa, and raised his hand to knock on the door.

As soon as the knock on the door rang, the black housekeeper opened the door and invited him into the house. The owner of the villa immediately came up to him with a smile, extended his right hand to him, and introduced himself.

When he heard that the other party was a logistics officer at the Pearl Harbor base, Ozawa's eyes flashed with a hint of greed unique to businessmen. He bowed deeply and said hello to the owner of the villa in accented English.

The owner of the villa did not look down on Ozawa because of his skin color. First, it was because of the bonus from the rich, and second, it was the instructions of the ONI agent.

So the two walked into the living room where music was playing, talking and laughing, and saw more US military officers. Everyone was sitting or standing around the sofa, and several couples of men and women were hugging each other and dancing.

 The most fashionable swing music is playing on the gramophone in the corner, and paired with the sparkling silver tableware, it shows the revelry of American society in the 1940s. Just two words - authentic~

In the crowd, Nathan Hal raised his glass and took a sip of whiskey. He quietly looked at Ozawa, who looked restrained but tried to integrate into the conversation, with a playful expression.

“The situation in Europe is tense and DC (Washington) will send observers to the UK in the hope that they will not encounter Kraut bombers.”

An aircraft carrier aviation commander kept talking about the news from the mainland. Several officers around him nodded slightly, obviously they had also heard about it.

After listening to this, the other person glanced at Ozawa who was shrinking his head, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and talked about the war in the Republic of China. In his words, he felt shameful about what the Japanese army did in Jinling, and asked Ozawa how he viewed this matter.

Ozawa's face turned red and he didn't know how to answer. What the Army Red Deer had done had spread all over the world, but he was a Navy man. Faced with the provocation from the Americans, he could only take a big sip of wine to hide his embarrassment.

The owner of the villa looked at each other and Nathan Hall, stepped forward to stop his colleague from continuing to embarrass Ozawa, and introduced in detail the various orders placed by the Japanese on the east and west coasts.

The meaning is obvious, they must maintain a certain degree of respect for the "gold master".

The United States, which is still trying to shake off the impact of the Great Depression, needs Japanese people, and the families and friends of Pacific Fleet officers and soldiers at home need Japanese people.

The expressions of the people present were complicated. As soldiers, they did not like the Japanese who had no bottom line, but as American soldiers, they had to obey the interests of the country.

 “Son of a politician!”

The officer who just mocked Ozawa cursed in a low voice. After speaking, he raised his glass high and said something in a sarcastic tone.

 “Thank you Tokyo.”

 “Thank you Tokyo.”

Everyone raised their glasses and repeated the same thing.

 The sound of laughter and music continues. The people of the Republic of China thousands of miles away are just a small episode in the chat, but their interests are eternal.

Such a heavy topic was obviously not suitable to continue, so the owner of the villa took the initiative to chat about the internal news of the Pacific Fleet.

Even though the others didn’t understand why they were saying such sensitive things in front of a Japanese person, they still joined in.

Nathan Hal was hiding in the dark, his eyes staring closely at Ozawa. If the other party revealed even the slightest bit of curiosity, he would spend the night in a naval prison tonight.

But when Ozawa heard the American officers talking about the military, he immediately looked bored. He stretched his head to look at the business group in the corner, and walked over quickly without stopping for a second. His words and actions were very consistent with the performance of a philistine businessman. .

Nathan Hal was a little disappointed, but he was immediately relieved. If the Japanese businessmen on Oahu were all Japanese spies, then the United States would be in danger. So that's fine, let's enjoy a nice bar.

Melodious music floated from the window, and the lights on Weeks Street were brightly lit in the dark night. Among the trees dozens of meters away, Zuo Zhong slowly took a few steps back and left quietly.

 (End of this chapter)

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