Cicada Moving

Chapter 1203: Lao Pu (Happy May Day)

Chapter 1203 Lao Pu (Happy May Day)

"Lao Peng, the response work of the special correspondent and radio operator is very important. You must be personally responsible for it and must not make any mistakes." Lao Peng took a puff of cigarette and said seriously.

As the first person in charge of the underground party Shancheng Wei, Lao Peng is not involved in specific business. Each task is handled by specialized personnel. For example, intelligence work is overseen by Deputy Secretary Ji Laopu.

 Lao Pu, a native of Lincheng, Guizhou Province, was a veteran member of the Party in the 1920s. He had performed secret missions in the southwest region for a long time and had extremely rich experience in fighting the enemy.

During the Southwest period, he was an intelligence instructor in the Investigation Department of the Political Security Bureau. He had students all over the country and was one of the top intelligence experts in the mountainous city of Weiner.

Hearing Lao Peng's instructions, Lao Pu nodded indifferently: "I understand, the Kuomintang agents are currently staring at the Japanese, ahem, the special correspondents and radio operators will not have any problems, ahem."

This casual attitude made Lao Peng frown, but thinking of the other party's qualifications and injuries, he had to hold back his anger and remind him again.

"Lao Pu, we cannot rely on the enemy's carelessness to place the safety of our organization. The special commissioner who came to the mountain city this time has an important mission, so don't be careless."

"Okay, okay, Lao Peng, I know the seriousness of the matter. Don't be angry, cough." Seeing his anger, Lao Pu finally corrected his attitude, and his coughing became more frequent.

Seeing him like this, Lao Peng put out his cigarette **** and asked with concern: "Is your health okay?"

"It's not bad. The old wounds left when I was arrested were not treated in time these years, so I got sick in the winter." Lao Pu chuckled, and his words seemed to be filled with resentment.

Lao Peng's eyes swept across the other person's face, and a bad premonition suddenly arose in his heart. After a moment of silence, he asked two questions.

"Has anyone asked you about this? What arrangements have you made at Linjiang Gate?"

Hearing this, Lao Pu took out his pocket watch and took a look at it. He took a deep breath to suppress his cough and replied somewhat unhappily.

“I know the party’s secret work discipline. I must not tell my parents, nor my wife and children. I will not reveal the contents of the task to anyone. Lao Peng, you have to believe me.

As we were talking, investigators had already established a surveillance point at Linjiangmen to confirm and eliminate risks in advance until the commissioners arrived safely, at which time guards would **** them to their residences.

I found a small building in the city. Next door was the residence of Deputy Director Yang of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This person had deep connections with the Kuomintang intelligence and police system. It would be safe for the special commissioner to live there. "

 After saying that, he looked at Lao Peng and asked something seemingly casually. This made Lao Peng instantly alert, and his ominous premonition became stronger and stronger.

"Shuji, is the commissioner coming to the mountain city this time to raise supplies? If so, should we notify the secret radio station so that the two sides can find an opportunity to connect so that we can start the next work? What do you think?"

Listening to Lao Pu's words, Lao Peng's heart sank, but on the surface he pretended to be angry, slapped the table, and gave a sharp answer.

“The purpose of the special commissioner’s coming to the mountain city was not disclosed by our superiors, but we were warned a long time ago not to actively contact the secret radio station. We will never say this again in the future. Wasn’t the lesson learned back then not profound enough, Lao Pu!”

He deliberately emphasized the last two words, reminding the other party to abide by discipline. He recalled Lao Pu's past experiences in his mind, and he had a lot of thoughts at the same time.

Many years ago, Lao Pu's intelligence network was destroyed by the Kuomintang, and the cause of the matter was that a comrade's wife mentioned outside that strangers often came to visit her home.

  After receiving the news, the Guo Party Returning Group was astonished to find a treasure. Following this line, it brought a devastating blow to the local organization. Dozens of comrades were arrested, and Lao Pu who went to join them also fell into the hands of the enemy.

But under severe torture, Lao Pu did not reveal any party secrets, and even developed the prison guards into his own, and successfully launched a riot┴and led the unyielding comrades to escape from the prison. The experience can be called a miracle.

So after receiving the news that a traitor had appeared in Wei in Shancheng City, even though Lao Pu met the investigation requirements, Lao Peng did not doubt the other party and just released a piece of false information as a routine.

But now it seems that Lao Pu not only has a problem, but also a big problem. An old intelligence officer should not have asked the question just now.

Lao Peng couldn't help but ask himself, if the other party is really a traitor, when did he start and why did he betray his long-held beliefs?

 In the silence, Lao Pu spoke from the side: "Shu Ji, of course I remember what happened back then. It was an unforgettable memory and a precious experience.

 In the enemy's prison cell, I completed my self-transformation as an underground party member, from an ignorant young man to a firm believer.

The scars left by the enemy on my body are my medals of merit. Lao Peng, please rest assured that the organization will receive the special correspondent and comrade radio operator safely. "

Lao Peng nodded lightly, chatted for a few more words, and then sent Lao Po out of "Zhicheng Company". After watching the other party get on a sliding pole, he turned around and returned to the trading company.

As soon as he entered the house, a young man who revealed his identity as a clerk but was actually a traffic officer from Shancheng City handed over a cryptic note.

"Manager Peng, the 'caravan' has sent back the news. According to your order, Deputy Manager Pu was not notified of this matter."

 Caravan is the code name of the radio station installed in the city by Shancheng City Wei. Because it needs to change locations frequently, communication with City Wei is completed by traffic personnel.

Lao Peng walked into his office with the document and deciphered the content of the seemingly ordinary document. When he saw the translated content, he sighed heavily and his back looked a little desolate.

The thing they were most worried about happened, they lost one more fellow traveler...

 Hours later.

Still in the Liuyi Chun Teahouse, Dai Chunfeng and the mysterious man met again. The two sat in the private room from last time and exchanged information in low voices. "The man named Peng didn't show any abnormality. He just asked me again about the special commissioner. Director Dai, have your people arrived? Cough cough cough~"

Lao Pu, who not long ago kept saying that he would give everything for the party, now personally poured a cup of tea for Dai Chunfeng and coughed more and more frequently.

Looking at the droplets in the air, Dai Chunfeng picked up the cup, hesitated for a moment and then put it back. He glanced sideways at the mole and felt very happy in his heart.

He secretly thought, Xu Enzeng, Xu Enzeng, you have tried so hard to get into the top ranks of the underground party, but I just made a little move and took the No. 2 person in charge of Wei in Shancheng City, the first and second departments. The struggle can be completely over.

The proud Lao Dai squeezed the tea cup tightly and looked at the humble Lao Pu: "Don't worry, I have set up a dragnet at Linjiang Gate. The rebel commissioner cannot escape from Dai's Wuzhishan."

Dai Chunfeng shook his right hand firmly, as if holding the Northwest Commissioner in his palm, showing full confidence.

When Lao Pu heard this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly took out a small piece of paper from his pocket and put it in front of him and said respectfully.

"Director Dai, this is the location and disguised identity of the personnel I sent to Linjiangmen, as well as the residence of the anti-bandit commissioner after they arrived in the mountain city. Please take a look."

 In later generations, there was a term called "convert fanaticism", which refers to the fact that people who are new to a religion are more fanatical and pious than old believers.

The same is true in the struggle of faith. Traitors always hope to capture their original companions more than agents of the Communist Party. The reason is that they urgently need the trust of their enemies and hope that more people will betray them in order to gain psychological security.

Dai Chunfeng did not understand the fanaticism of converts, but he understood the psychology of these traitors. He immediately praised Lao Pu and gave him three items, namely banknotes, keys and bottles without labels.

He pushed all the things to Lao Pu: "Mr. Pu, the party and state will never be stingy with rewards for those who abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side. This is the fund for this month. Please order some.

 The medicines in the bottle are just shipped from the United States a few days ago. They cannot cure your illness, but they can make you feel better. Please accept them.

The treatment I gave you last time as a lieutenant intelligence officer will never change. The military commander will guarantee the prosperity and wealth of your family for three generations, and Dai will guarantee it with his own reputation.

In addition, Miss Li has come to Shancheng. You should keep the key to her residence. When the matter is over, you can get together and talk to each other. "

 When mentioning Miss Li, the smile on Lao Dai's face was very ambiguous. In the past, this kind of smile was often seen on Xu Enzeng's face.

 Lao Pu looked at the banknotes, keys and medicines, and the remaining regret completely disappeared. He was immersed in the pie painted by Dai Chunfeng and couldn't extricate himself. He quickly stood up to express his stance.

 “Willing to serve the party and the country!”

"Okay! But if something unexpected happens, I hope you will act according to the plan. I promise you that I will definitely do it."

Dai Chunfeng held his hands and laughed, then approached Lao Pu and said something intermittently in a low voice. After saying that, he put on his felt hat and walked out of the private room and left the teahouse.

Lao Pu stayed in the private room for another half an hour before secretly returning home. His wife did not know that her husband had become a shameful traitor, so she silently took the briefcase for him.

It is also a requirement of the organization that the couple live together, because a single man or a single woman living alone is too conspicuous, and a man and a woman will be safer, such as the two shadow agency agents in Linjiangmen.

For safety reasons, sometimes the superiors will arrange for two strangers to lurk in enemy-occupied or Kuomintang-controlled areas under the name of husband and wife. This kind of place is called "residence agency".

Looking at his old wife who had not given birth to any children for him, Lao Pu frowned in disgust. Then he thought of the considerate Miss Li, and he felt hot and wanted to see her right away.

Once this thought came to mind, it would never go away. After hesitating for a few seconds, Lao Pu excused himself to be busy and gave his wife a few perfunctory words before turning around and leaving.

However, as an experienced intelligence officer, Lao Pu still maintained basic vigilance. Before going to Miss Li's residence, he wandered around the city for a long time, and finally knocked on the door of a small courtyard.

 “Ouch, Lao Pu, why are you here?”

 “Let me in quickly without being seen.”

Lao Pu squeezed into the yard with all his strength, closed the door with a clang, grabbed the demonic Miss Li and walked into the room.

In a private house on the mountainside in the distance, a small agent from the military's shadow agency put down his binoculars and winked at his companions.

"The boss guessed it right. This guy really can't wait all day long. Miss Li is probably going to have a hard time tonight. It's a pity that such a beautiful woman took advantage of him."

 The little agent's words were full of envy and jealousy, and he seemed to want to replace them with his own body. This is normal. Intelligence officers are also human beings, and they also have joys, sorrows and joys.

The companion ignored the other party, chimed in casually, walked out of the surveillance point, and carefully checked the situation around the yard where the target was, focusing on checking whether there were any suspicious persons.

When he walked past a wood shop, Zuo Zhong’s eyes flashed in the store, and the man’s appearance slowly overlapped with a photo in a certain file.

 Lao Dai, Lao Dai, how many secrets do you know? Even the headquarters staff don’t believe it anymore and only dare to use new faces from the training class.

Zuo Zhong looked deeply towards the direction where Lao Pu disappeared, bent down to pick up the wooden cube from the ground, carried it on his shoulders and walked in the other direction.

 (End of this chapter)

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