Cicada Moving

: Extra: Exchange (the left passenger seat wanders in Taixu)

 Extra: Exchange (the left passenger seat is wandering in Taixu)

 “Young body is so beautiful.”

In the luxurious bathroom, a hoarse female voice slowly sounded. His eyes moved up, and a woman appeared in the mirror with exquisite makeup, bright eyes and white teeth.

After saying these inappropriate words, the woman looked at herself in the mirror, pinched the fair and tight skin on her face, and showed a strange smile.

“Ruojin? Ruojin? It’s time to go to the set.”

There was a knock on the door. The speaker's tone was urgent, and he spoke at a fast pace, making him look very anxious.

Is the name of this body Ruojin? The woman was thoughtful, while brushing her teeth, she picked up the mobile phone next to the water table, unlocked the screen with her fingerprint, and then opened the address book, photo album, and social software to quickly browse.

Three minutes later, a woman wearing a knee-length coat with small lapels from the Republic of China walked out of the bathroom. The wide-brim hat on her head and the patent leather shoes on her feet gave her a full retro ladylike atmosphere.

 A middle-aged man or "woman" with orchid fingers saw her, first circled around the woman a few times, and then clapped her hands excitedly.

“Our Ruojin is beautiful, no matter what she wears, she looks good. She is so angry with those little ones...”

"Okay, Tony, let's go, stick to the old rules."

 “A glass of iced Americano, right.”

 “You talk a bit too much today, my agent.”

“Hahaha, you are the same as usual today, no, you are more energetic.”

With the person named Tony chattering endlessly, the two of them went out and walked into the elevator. They went directly from the top floor of the 80th floor to the underground garage. A business car had been waiting for a long time.

As soon as the elevator door opened, the tall driver and bodyguard opened the car door. Another cute girl stood beside the car and cautiously said hello.

 “Sister Ruojin.”


 The woman seemed to be thinking about something, she just whispered back and sat in the left seat of the second row with a neck pillow hanging on it.

With the door closed, the commercial vehicle slowly drove towards the exit of the parking lot. The woman closed her eyes and was concentrating. Tony next to her took out her mobile phone and clicked on something. The cute girl huddled in the third row and whispered to the woman about today's itinerary.

“Sister Ruojin, from nine o’clock in the morning to eleven o’clock in the afternoon today, you have to complete two sets of shots for "The Spy in Harbin". The script is on the small table in front of you.

  You have to finish shooting the remaining three sets of shots from two to five in the afternoon, and participate in the jewelry store activities from seven to nine..."

While the cute girl was talking, the business car drove out of the garage. Sunlight poured into the car through the skylight. The woman remembered the purchase records of sunscreen products in the e-commerce software, quickly put on her sunglasses and controlled the switch to open the sunshade.

 The other three people in the car were not surprised by this scene. Tony continued to fiddle with his mobile phone, and the cute girl continued to report the itinerary.

While passing an intersection, Tony took a cup of coffee from the coffee shop assistant waiting on the roadside, and the car immediately accelerated to merge into the traffic flow and drove onto the Ring Expressway.

Thinking of what the "assistant" had just said, the woman picked up the script. After reading a few lines, her beautiful eyebrows knitted together. What was written in it.

Hibernating the discomfort, she wrote down the lines marked with "Wang Ruojin" and at the same time became familiar with the lines of the actor who would play opposite "himself".

"you go."

 “No, I won’t leave!”

 “You hurry up!”

 “I will never leave.”

Looking at the idiot-like dialogue, the woman, to be precise, "Wang Ruojin" put down the script and pinched the bridge of her nose. If she continued reading, she was really afraid that she would open the window and throw the script out.

The performance of the commercial vehicle was very good, and it was extremely smooth under the control of the driver. It kept passing cars in the right lane, and after driving for more than ten minutes, it entered a ramp with "Film and Television City" written on it.

Leaving the expressway along the ramp, the commercial vehicle arrived at the destination of the trip. When undergoing security inspection at the film and television city, "Wang Ruojin" held her chin and looked outside, and was startled by a group of young people who suddenly appeared outside the vehicle. .

These people looked excited, holding various support items in their hands, and kept shouting something loudly.



The huge sound could be heard clearly even through the double-layer soundproof glass. The security guards who came after hearing the sound quickly separated the crowd hand in hand. The driver seized the opportunity and stepped on the accelerator to drive the commercial vehicle and rushed in. "Ruojin, your popularity is getting higher and higher. There are so many people coming to greet you without spending money to hire people." Tony said proudly.

  Listening to the agent's praise, "Wang Ruojin" smiled politely and gracefully, with the corners of her mouth curved exactly as in the selfies in the photo album on her mobile phone.

 But the cute girl in the back row always felt that her boss was a little strange, but she couldn't figure out what was wrong.

Possibly sensing something, "Wang Ruojin" put away her smile and lowered her head to read the script again until the car stopped in front of a group of Republic of China buildings.

“Oh, my aunt, you are finally here. Everyone has been waiting for you for a long time.”

Before the car stopped, someone rushed to the car and opened the automatic door, complaining and flattering.

“Wang Ruojin” recalled the tone and attitude of chatting with ordinary friends on social software. He nodded coldly and looked past the other person to the shooting scene not far away.

She didn't mind, but Tony couldn't see his artist being "wronged", so he grabbed the visitor aside and handed over the work in the venue to his silly assistant.

 Under the guidance of her assistant, "Wang Ruojin" knew where her exclusive seat, dressing room and rest room were.

At 9:30, the director, whose eyes were on fire after waiting, finally saw the heroine of the play, and immediately angrily yelled Action to everyone!

In the exotic building, "Wang Ruojin" and several men in black kicked the door into a room, and a figure flashed past the window.

Upon seeing this, the men in black immediately drew out their pistols engraved with five-pointed stars and prepared to pursue them. Their hands holding the guns were stretched out straight, and they spoke in Japanese that even the Japanese could not understand.

Running to the window, a few people pulled the triggers and started shooting at the fleeing "underground party members". The fight was extremely lively.

It's strange to say that this "underground party" has obviously run away, but it insists on turning back to exchange fire with the agents. It seems that it doesn't hear the police whistle that is getting closer and closer.


As soon as the cameraman focused his camera on the underground party member with a "resolute look", he heard a female voice. The director who was checking the shooting results in front of the monitor finally couldn't help it anymore, yanked off the monitoring earphones and jumped up.

“Wang Ruojin! Auntie! What on earth are you going to do! One scene was filmed for three whole days, can you be more dedicated?”

  The sudden outburst of the director silenced everyone, no one dared to speak, and the scene fell into a deathly silence.

"Wang Ruojin" was not frightened by the other party. She slowly raised her gun, pointed at the group of actors who seemed to be frozen, and asked doubtfully.

“Director, do you know why this gun is called Type 5┴4? Unless there is a time machine, it would not have appeared in the Republic of China.

Also, the first thing an agent should do when entering a closed room is to search, eliminate dangers and determine whether there are any hidden persons in the room.

As for the pursuit, this is the job of the containment personnel. If they do so, they will die. And why doesn’t the underground party agent run away?

The underground party has discipline. In this case, it is forbidden to fight, and you must evacuate as quickly as possible. Director, can you modify the script? "

 “Change the script?!”

The director asked in disbelief, then jumped higher and started swearing in an extremely angry tone.

“Who do you think you are? You’re still changing the script. You’re a female student from a film and television school who knows a lot about weapons and secret agents. I won’t serve you anymore!”

Throwing the rolled-up script to the ground, the director and the prop master's nephew with yellow hair left without looking back, leaving only the crew members looking at each other.

 “Wang Ruojin” remained calm, picked out a Browning from the prop box, loaded the prop gun with a click, and issued orders to the men in black, underground party actors and staff.

“Change the gun, exit, and come back. After entering the door, divide into two groups on the left and right to control the scene. Pay attention to your feet, your head, the bottom of the bed, and the wardrobe.”

“You, jump out of the window and move toward the road scene. Don’t run. Take off your coat and hat with the help of the notice board.”

“Others, to cooperate with his actions, a group of people will act as spies to interrogate pedestrians and block the intersection.”

From this day on, the entertainment industry has gained a professional "female spy" who has the ultimate detail control in the spy war dramas of the Republic of China and is also a gunfight action director.

In another time and space, an old man hugged a silver-haired old lady on a farm in New Zealand and cried loudly. In the midst of his sobs, he raised his orchid fingers.

(I had a dream at night, and when I woke up, I wrote it as an extra. There is no deep meaning, it’s just fun. I wish everyone a happy May 4th Youth Day, stay young forever, and be a shining person)

  ps: Didn’t everyone see it? This is the left deputy seat Shenyou Taixu exchanging bodies with others ~ becoming sisters with He Yijun (^ω^)

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