Cicada Moving

Chapter 1208: All in vain

Chapter 1208 All in vain

  After returning from the ruined "Yushan" magazine, Dai Chunfeng sat in the office of the military command headquarters without saying a word. Li Qiwu, standing opposite, was trembling. He had just learned that his old classmate had laid such a big plan.

Ordinarily, this matter has nothing to do with him, but Dai Chunfeng only told him that there was an informant for the military command within the underground party. Now that the plan has failed and there is a possibility of leaks, who is the biggest suspect? Naturally, he is the one who knows.


Dai Chunfeng slammed the table hard, making a loud noise. Li Qiwu's knees softened, and he knelt down smoothly, and began to defend himself and beg for mercy.

“Secretary, I really haven’t leaked secrets in my humble position. My loyalty to the party and the country is evident, and I will never collude with the rebels!”

Looking at Li Qiwu's half-bald head, Dai Chunfeng's expression was gloomy and uncertain. The Central Commander suddenly appeared at various surveillance points. Someone must have leaked the secret.

 But to say that Li Qiwu was corrupt and perverted the law, Thaksin believed that he could collude with the underground party. Li Qiwu did not have such courage.

 The problem is that he and Li Qiwu are the only ones who know about Mole's existence. If Li Qiwu is fine, the traitor can't be him, right? !

After pondering for a moment, Dai Chunfeng asked Li Qiwu to stand up and speak. He took out the latest situation report from the document box and sighed with a dark face.

"The mole that finally developed has disappeared, and the fat man has gone to his mouth. Wei, the underground party in the mountain city, has also escaped. Even I, the director, was almost beaten to death by those **** from Zhongtong. Xu Enzeng is so abominable! Qi Wu, Tell me, what’s the reason for this?”

Li Qiwu was stumped by this fatal question. If there were any mistakes in his actions, there must be something wrong internally. But if he told the truth, wouldn't he be giving himself eye drops?

After hesitating for a long time, he mustered up the courage to reply: "Director, I'm afraid that the so-called northwest correspondent and radio operator are a trick of the underground party, who want to use false information to identify traitors.

 Just why do they know the existence of the mole and why are they familiar with all the surveillance points? I suggest that all personnel involved in the operation be reviewed and that they cooperate fully. "

To Li Qiwu's surprise, Dai Chunfeng did not get angry when he heard that there was a thief in the house. Instead, he nodded calmly and said in a tone full of emotion.

“There have been spies within us for more than a day or two. The underground party is pervasive. No one except the top leaders in the northwest knows how many spies there are among us. The chairman of the committee has long been worried about this.

Lao Pu's turning from darkness to light was originally the best opportunity. He could help us dig out every dissident hidden in the top leadership of the party and state. But I was too greedy! "

Dai Chunfeng was heartbroken. If he hadn't wanted to follow the clues and expand the results of the war, he would have arrested people long ago. It was a good thing now that the bamboo basket was empty, and his intestines were almost green with regret.

Seeing Lao Dai blaming himself, Li Qiwu quickly took advantage of every opportunity and patted him: "Commander, what are you talking about? Intelligence work is complicated, who can guarantee that he will never make a mistake? Don't think so.

If it weren't for your good leadership, how could our military commander have firmly suppressed the central commander? I still have the same opinion. I will conduct an internal review of all personnel in the bureau, starting with me. Anyone who has an opinion has ulterior motives. "

 Li Qiwu was quite good at telling nice words. He not only praised Dai Chunfeng, but also seized the opportunity to show his innocence.

Dai Chunfeng suddenly raised his head when he heard this, staring at him closely: "It doesn't have to be everyone, just the top executives in the review bureau, Qi Wu, what do you think?"

"Yes, yes, sir, you are right." Li Qiwu, who didn't know why, quickly agreed.

 As for the reasons, the boss’s decision is just an order, there are not so many reasons.

Dai Chunfeng felt a little disappointed with this answer. He stood up and walked around Li Qiwu twice with his hands behind his back, and finally made a decision.

"You don't need to worry about this matter. Just continue to monitor the commercial radio station. When Shen Zhong comes back, I will ask him to hand it over to you. Don't think too much about it. After all, intelligence is not your specialty."

 “Okay, seat.”

What could Li Qiwu do? No matter how unwilling he was, he could only agree with a smile. After chatting with Lao Dai for a few more words, he said goodbye and left. His face was very ugly when he went out.

Dai Chunfeng watched the door slowly close, turned back to his seat, and took out another document bag from the drawer. The cover was marked top secret and four eye-catching characters.

 —“Cicada Catching Plan”

He stroked the document bag, then picked up the phone after a moment and ordered: "Protect Miss Li, if something happens to her, I want your heads!"


In a basement in a mountain city, Lao Pu let out a scream. His right hand, which was tightly tied to a shelf, was shaking and blood was flowing out from his fingertips.

Zuo Zhong threw the **** bamboo stick to the ground and looked at the other person coldly: "Since Mr. Pu has decided to go all the way to the dark side, then I will help you, but the process will be a little painful. Mr. Pu, you have to be prepared!"

"No, I've told you everything I know." Lao Pu lowered his head and said weakly.

“Did you tell me everything?” Zuo Chong, who was behind the mask, was very happy. He bent down and picked up Lao Pu’s hair, saying with a mocking look on his face.

“I’m very curious about what kind of benefits Dai Chunfeng gave you to make you work for the Kuomintang wholeheartedly. It can’t be money.”

After saying that, he suddenly let go of the other party, took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands, sat on the stool and crossed his legs, with an expression that was half-smiling.

Hearing the word "money", Lao Pu shook the shackles on his legs and said with a wry smile: "I know I am bound to die, and no amount of money is meaningful to me."

The smile on Zuo Zhong's face remained unchanged, as if he didn't hear the other party's explanation. He gently rubbed his chin and talked to himself.

“Let me guess, what do the names or positions you mentioned just now represent? Well, my age? My place of origin? Or my occupation? It should all be there.

Once these people disappear or are censored by Northwest, Dai Chunfeng can judge my identity through their movements. The so-called confession is actually a trap. Am I right? "

 Under Lao Pu’s innocent eyes, Zuo Zhong continued his analysis, his voice echoing in the empty basement.

“Although my accent is not strong, as a professional intelligence officer, you can definitely recognize my place of origin. Combined with my actions and previous conversations, you can draw the following conclusions.

 First of all, my voice is very young. I am no more than 30 years old. I am from Zhejiang Province. I have received military training and am familiar with the personnel situation within the military. I am a professional agent.

There are many people in the national intelligence agencies who meet these conditions, but based on past leaks, it can be judged that my status is not low, so the scope of investigation is very small.

Mr. Pu, I'm afraid you already know who I am. Don't deny it. I have read your file. Without this ability, you would have died at the hands of other Fruit Party agents. ” ˆ ˆ Having said this, Zuo Zhong looked at Lao Pu, trying to see something from the other party’s reaction.

 But Lao Pu still looked confused and helpless, refusing to admit Zuo Zhong's guess until he heard the following words.

 “Are you going to die?”

Zuo Zhongqing said something softly, but his voice was not loud, but it suddenly destroyed Lao Pu's psychological defense and shattered his luck.

 “You, what do you mean?”

 After being arrested, Lao Pu was confused for the first time and asked with a frown on his face.

Zuo Zhong waved his finger from side to side in front of his mouth, signaling the other person to shut up, and then gave the fatal blow in a leisurely manner.

"You know exactly what I mean. During the past few days of monitoring, I found that you kept coughing. I thought you had a common disease, but I didn't expect it to be a terminal illness.

This is probably the root of your illness from your last arrest. I don’t understand, the Fruit Party is the main culprit that caused you to be like this now. Why do you want to consider the thief as your father? "

Lao Pu was silent. His body that was trembling slightly a second ago slowly stood up straight. A look of surprise appeared on his unrecognizable face. He tilted his head and looked at Zuo Zhong and let out a light sigh.

“Sure enough, it’s not simple. Pu, can you ask how you found out that I was terminally ill?”

They are all foxes of thousands of years, Zuo Zhong didn't show any concern. He stood up and opened the leather bag that Lao Pu was carrying, took out an item from it and showed it to Lao Pu.

Lao Pu looked annoyed after reading it: "I was negligent. I shouldn't have kept the medicine bottle. It's a pity that I failed to live up to Director Dai's kindness. Qiu Chan really deserves her reputation."

The word "Qiu Chan" came out of the other party's mouth, and many of Zuo Zhong's guesses were confirmed. The main purpose of keeping Lao Pu as a teacher was to find himself, and Shancheng Wei was only a secondary goal.

Although Lao Dai did not know the specific identity of "Qiu Chan", he could guess that he was hiding at the top of the military command or other intelligence agencies, so he only dared to use newcomers from the training class as personnel.

In addition, Lao Pu is the legendary dead place, and Lao Dai has long been prepared for the other party to be caught.

Even if the one who caught Lao Pu was not "Qiu Chan", Lao Pu could use other reasons to lure "Qiu Chan" here, and then use a fake list to pass on the identity information. Even though Zuo Zhong was afraid, he had to admire Teacher Cheap's scheming.

This plan is very confusing. After eliminating the traitors and getting the mole's list, no one would have thought that it was a trap.

As soon as the list is reported, Lao Dai can immediately delineate the general scope of the suspects. By then, it does not matter whether there is evidence or not, just suspicion is enough.

 If you want to take something, you must give it first. Dai Chunfeng understands human nature. He used a traitor who was about to die to send false information. If he failed, the loss would not be big. Anyway, there is a line between Shancheng City and Wei.

But if it succeeds, it can pull out the deepest nails lurking within the Fruit Party. It will be a good deal with huge profits no matter what.

In fact, had Ling Sanping not informed Xixi that the medicines in the target bag might be specific medicines used to treat terminal illnesses, he would have been fooled.

It’s just that a conspiracy is a conspiracy after all, and it cannot be seen in the light. Once the answer to the mystery is revealed, no matter how sophisticated the plan is, it will have no effect.

A traitor who is about to die, and an easily obtained confession, what do they represent when they are connected? It is naturally a trap, and the results of the temptation also proved his guess.

After thinking about this clearly, Zuo Zhong neither admitted nor denied his identity, nor did he ask why Lao Pu knew about Qiu Chan. This kind of old information has a tough mouth, so there is no need to waste time.

He lit a cigarette and said quietly: "Mr. Pu, I told you that I have read your file and you and your wife still have no children.

As the saying goes, there are three unfilial acts, the worst of which is not having an offspring. What’s more, your death is approaching. It seems that Miss Li is the reason for your surrender.

Do you feel that you are about to die and want to leave a root for the old Pu family, so you simply use the blood of your comrades to make a future for your children? Maybe Dai Chunfeng gave you a guarantee.

 But have you ever thought about the children of the comrades you betrayed? What will happen to them? Have they ever felt sorry for you? "

Hearing the word child, Lao Pu's expression changed slightly, but he still didn't speak. He was obviously very concerned about Miss Li and the possible child.

Same, if it weren't for this reason, how could a veteran underground party intelligence officer be instigated to rebel? In this line of work, the most feared thing is that he has weaknesses.

Zuo Zhong noticed something strange about him, took a long drag, threw the cigarette **** to the ground and stamped it out, then picked up a big hammer and walked up to the other person and sneered.

“Don’t worry, there’s always someone to blame. I won’t do anything to her or the child, but I will report the situation to the organization truthfully. What do you think of the future of a traitor’s child?”

 After saying that, Zuo Zhong raised the sledgehammer high and smashed it down hard. Blood spattered on his mask, and the strong smell of blood filled the basement.

 Lao Pu's vision was filled with blood, and he was transported back to the afternoon when he successfully broke out of the reactionary prison. The comrades' smiles were so happy that day.

Do you regret it? Of course you regret it, but it’s too late. Everyone is responsible for their own choices, whether they are good or bad.

In a small courtyard in a mountain city, Ms. Li was looking up at the sky with her child in her arms. Several rows of migratory birds were flying south, when a cold voice sounded next to her.

"Send the child back to the orphanage. The one named Pu is in trouble. You can use it as a bait to attract the target and wait for the next order."

"Yes, sir!"

Accompanied by the child's cries, Miss Li walked into the house. What Lao Pu pursued was in vain in the end. It was really sad, ridiculous and deplorable.

(Some readers are disgusted that I write extras instead of the main text. Sorry, it’s not that I don’t want to write the main text. Some book friends should know that I have never stopped taking medicine. I exercise and recover every day, from 2 kilometers to 5 kilometers now. I have no energy but I have insomnia again, and I wrote the extras when I had insomnia. I wrote whatever came to my mind, just to share it with you. I will try not to write it again in the future. Please hurry up and click on the main text. Thank you!

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