Cicada Moving

Chapter 1210: Brothers are fighting again

Chapter 1210 Brothers are fighting again

  January 1941.

  The joyful atmosphere of New Year's Day has not completely disappeared, but the atmosphere in the mountain town suddenly became tense.

The garrison headquarters frequently mobilized troops to patrol the city. Guarded military police and spies could be seen everywhere on the streets, making the people panic-stricken.

In the afternoon, Zuo Zhong followed Dai Chunfeng to Huangshan's official residence to attend an urgent military meeting. Several days had passed since the Lao Pu case.

In the past few days, Zuo Zhong and Li Qiwu had a good "intimate relationship" and got a lot of money to buy their lives. Northwest was able to buy more medicines, radio stations, and weapons. Li Qiwu also did a good thing.

 Walking into the conference room with a smile, Zuo Zhong was surprised to find that the participants were either commanders-in-chief of each war zone or heads of central departments. The meeting level was very high.

It's really strange. Generally speaking, meetings with many people are not important, and important meetings with not many people. What happened today? Zuo Zhong was a little curious.

A few minutes later, someone entered the venue under the protection of guards. Everyone stood up to greet him. At the same time, the door of the venue slowly closed, and security guards with live ammunition stood at the door to guard.

Various situations have led to a lot of speculation from everyone. What happened? Is it because the Japanese are going to attack the mountain city?

“Teacher, what is the topic of this meeting?” Zuo Zhong asked Dai Chunfeng curiously.

 The old and comfortable Dai Chunfeng waved his hands and said nothing. He obviously knew something. Zuo Zhong curled his lips secretly and raised his head to look at someone.

At this time, the opening process of the meeting was completed, and the participants took their seats one after another. Someone also sat down on the main seat. After looking around the venue for a week, he said with a strong accent from Zhejiang Province.

“Everyone, it has been more than three years since the war started. In the past three years, countless generals have been buried in Semaq, which has led to the current good situation. However, some people ignore the future of the country and wantonly provoke conflicts between the central and local governments. Their intentions are to be punished!”

Someone's voice suddenly became louder, like an castrated eunuch's. The sharp scolding made all the officers tremble, and they quickly sat down to wait for instructions.

Seeing that the scene was quiet, someone felt satisfied with his "prestige", and then glanced at the area where the intelligence department was located.

 Zhu Liuxian, Xu Enzeng, and Dai Chunfeng immediately puffed up their chests. Zuo Zhong also showed a serious expression, looked at him with reverence, and sent an invisible horse P.

Seeing that the little fellow was so knowledgeable, someone nodded slightly and spoke excitedly again: "I think you know who I'm talking about. Yes, they are those lawless bandits!"

Angry saliva painted a rainbow in the sun. The commanders and commanders in the front row fully displayed their spirit of self-reliance and stood straight and motionless.

Zuo Zhong was glad that he was only a small character. He endured the discomfort and continued to listen to someone's ravings. At the same time, he was secretly annoyed at how he had forgotten that thing! An extremely angry and regretful tragedy is about to happen.

He forgot about this because he had been in this era for too long, many memories were getting blurry, and the mobile phone given by the garbage system could not access the Internet.

Furthermore, even if he remembers it, how can he give a warning without evidence? The underground party will definitely verify it from other channels after receiving the information. How will he answer it then?

Could it be that I came from later generations? Then the northwest will definitely think that "Qiu Chan" is crazy or the enemy is spreading false information.

 Besides, the Northwest has actually been wary of the Fruit Party for a long time. What is about to happen is too complicated and cannot be explained clearly in a sentence or two, so we will ignore it for now.

Therefore, the safest way is to write down the contents of this meeting and send it all to Northwest after the meeting. Zuo Zhong silently took out his mobile phone and pressed the recording button, recording someone's "jade voice".

On the stage, someone was still vomiting: "Out of solidarity, I gave the other party one last chance. In October last year, Director He and Vice Director Bai sent a telegram to the northwest, urging the rebels to stop friction and gave ultimatum.

For the sake of the overall situation of the Anti-Japanese War, the government hopes that all the underground party troops in the Yangtze River Basin will move to the north of the Yellow River within a month, merge with the underground party troops in North China and shrink them to 100,000 people, responsible for resisting the Japanese army in North China.

But what did the central government gain in exchange for its concession and tolerance? It resulted in repeated pushbacks and disobedience. Although the other party agreed to move north, it kept using various excuses and refused to move until this month. .

Banditry has become so rampant that it has to be dealt with. I have decided to launch a devastating attack when the troops in the northwest are transferred to restore the authority of the government and restore the majesty of the government. What do you think? "

 This was a question, and there was only one answer. The people present did not hesitate. Everyone, including Zuo Zhong, stood up and shouted slogans.

“We will obey the orders of the leader (principal) (Captain Wei)!”

Zuo Zhong, relying on his youth and good health, shouted particularly loudly, which caused Xu Enzeng's ears to hurt.

On one side of the podium, a female stenographer sat in the corner. The pen in her hand kept dancing on the manuscript paper, writing down the contents of the meeting one by one.

Someone pressed his hands with great satisfaction and issued specific combat orders. Under the current situation of the powerful enemy, he once again did the trick of making enemies happy and relatives painful.

“The encirclement and suppression plan will be launched on the 4th, and the Third War Zone will be responsible for its implementation. It will be located in the southern part of Anhui Province. All ministries must fully cooperate.

 Juntong and Zhongtong are doing their best to collect the movements of underground party troops along the Yangtze River and update the information every hour. Li Xian, Chunfeng, are there any questions? "

Dai Chunfeng and Zhu Liuxian secretly complained that it was very difficult to find out information in the underground party-controlled areas. If ten people went out and one came back, it was considered a victory.

Moreover, the information needs to be corrected every hour, which will inevitably require the investment of a large number of people, and the action time is so hasty, the losses will definitely be considerable.

 But with so many people watching, the two had no choice but to bite the bullet and promise that the military commander and the central commander would send the most elite agents to carry out the mission, without answering someone's question directly.

“I want a positive answer, can you complete my task?”

Someone was unhappy, and questioned two of his subordinates with a sullen face, in an unfriendly tone.

“Yes, I promise to complete the task.”

Dai Chunfeng and Zhu Liu saw that they could not get away with it, so they puffed up their chests and replied loudly, "Isn't it just a guarantee? If you really fail, you can just ask the leader for mercy. They are familiar with this life."

Zuo Zhong and Xu Enzeng, who were in charge of military and central military affairs, shrank their heads and hid behind their own bureau chiefs. The two sworn enemies looked at each other knowingly, then snorted at the same time and turned to look the other way.

"That's it. I want to inform you that this combat plan is top secret. If it is leaked, it will be severely punished." After someone said this, he left a group of generals and ministers with different ideas and strode out of the venue, smiling slightly. The operational experts are ready to personally command the battle. May the brothers on the front line wish themselves well.

 “Oh, what a troubled time it has been.”

An old lieutenant general muttered in a low voice that he couldn't understand why someone would deal with the underground party at this time. He couldn't figure it out. He really couldn't figure it out.

When the others heard this, they quickened their pace and ran out. The other person was a good friend of the leader and a life-changing hero. They were not afraid of violating taboos by saying this, but they were not.

The female stenographer glanced at the audience, picked up her stenographic notebook and Kunbao, walked out of the door, and went to the archives of the official residence to make a handover.

There are a series of strict procedures for the handover of confidential documents, including registration, inspection, stamping, signing, and filing. Every step must be taken. If there is a problem, it will cause trouble, and no one dares to be careless.

After all the formalities were completed, the female stenographer was searched by the female guards. After confirming that no confidential documents had been brought out, she was released from the official residence.

At the gate of the official residence, a black car passed by him. Looking at the other person's figure, Zuo Chong smiled and closed the curtains of the car window.

Dai Chunfeng, who was sitting next to Zuo Zhong, turned his head and said with a serious face: "Shen Zhong, when you go back, inform Anhui Province to activate all the informants in the underground party's territory and pay close attention to the movements of those people."

“Okay, teacher, there are many old brothers from Ji’exiang era in the senior management of Anhui Province. They have strong professional abilities and will definitely be able to complete the task.” Zuo Zhong said with confidence.

Lao Dai was noncommittal. Red Head was really so easy to deal with. He was wiped out when he was in the southwest. Shen was still too young, and the principal was too hasty.

According to his idea, the underground party should be targeted slowly, using money, beauty, and high-ranking officials and generous salaries to instigate unsteady elements among them, and then use the energy of the military command to help these people climb up, instead of rushing to activate them.

For example, if Lao Pu is promoted to the next level as Deputy Secretary Wei of Shancheng City, he will be a powerful prince. However, the other party is terminally ill and his use value is greatly reduced.

The more Dai Chunfeng thought about it, the more annoyed he became, and he became more determined to "occupy the magpie's nest." When the underground party was full of his people, Lao Dai sneered twice.

Zuo Zhong looked at Teacher Biandi and frowned and sneered for a while. He couldn't help but wonder if the teacher had been stimulated in the official residence and was mentally a little abnormal. He quickly moved his **** to the side.

Just as the two of them were performing the filial piety of a master and a disciple, the female stenographer who left the official residence walked around the vegetable market with a Kun bag on her arm, and walked into a dilapidated residential area carrying several bundles of vegetables tied with hemp rope.

As the stenographer of the highest-level meeting of the Fruit Party, a woman in exquisite clothes should not appear in a place where sewage flows and beggars are everywhere.

But the female stenographer walked around the piles of **** and arrived at the door of a small courtyard. She took out her key and opened the door and walked in.

 The sound of a child crying could be faintly heard from the main room in the courtyard. Perhaps he heard the sound of the door, and then a man's voice rang out from inside the house.

 “Anna, are you back?”

The speaker walked out of the main room. He looked quite handsome and well-dressed, but he was pale and coughing constantly, and he had a faint smell of Chinese medicine.

 “Well, Lao Pan, the price of vegetables has increased again today.”

 The woman closed the door, complained, and tapped her chin twice to indicate that the area behind her was clean.

 A few minutes later, there were whispers in the dark and humid room. The man clenched his fists and spoke angrily while coughing.

“What on earth is someone going to do? The Japanese are still invading our land, but he is thinking of dealing with us! Anna, we must report to our superiors immediately.”

The woman tucked the child in the bed, her face filled with maternal glory. She coughed slightly and said something with a worried look.

“Lao Pan, Shancheng City Wei suddenly evacuated a few days ago, and we were also disconnected. Since Lao Jiao was arrested by the Central Military Commission for transporting documents (verse 1084), we have only this communication channel left. How can we give an early warning now?”

 The woman and the man were Joanna and Pan Mingzhi who were lurking at the top of the Fruit Party. Now that they had the information, how to report it became the biggest problem before them.

 After thinking for a while, Pan Mingzhi analyzed calmly: "We must send the news out before the enemy takes action. Ordinary methods are too late.

There is only one way now, and that is to go to the northwest office. The office has a radio station that goes directly to my hometown. Four days is enough.

 Anna, wait for me at home. I will go out after dark. If everything goes well, I will be back before dawn. If I do not come back, you can take the children and retreat immediately. "

Joanna was silent. There were spies everywhere around the office. Sending a letter was tantamount to falling into a trap, but this information was related to the lives of tens of thousands of comrades.

 Finally, she raised her head and nodded to Pan Mingzhi with a smile. They were not only a couple who shared weal and woe, but also life-long companions who shared the same beliefs.

If Pan Mingzhi unfortunately dies, she will continue the other party's unfinished tasks. Sometimes death is not the end, but a new beginning.

 At sunset, Joanna held her child and leaned on Pan Mingzhi's shoulder. The family of three stood under the low eaves, enjoying the warmth that belonged to them.

 Office of the Deputy Director of Military Command.

Zuo Zhong quickly pressed the send button and sent the Anhui Province encirclement and suppression plan directly to Northwest China. This violated the communication process, but the matter was urgent, so he didn't care too much.

 In other parts of the mountain city, several pieces of information were also sent to the northwest through various channels, and one of the pieces of information was sent even before someone ended the meeting.

 Among the underground workers who delivered the letters, some were descendants of respected dignitaries, and some were officers and officials with a bright future. They had different identities, but they fought side by side under the same flag.

Fame and wealth are certainly attractive, but there are some things that fame and wealth can never buy, such as the patriotic heart that saves the country and the nation from danger.

① Haodian, that is, the message sent on the 19th. This method of using single words to represent the message sent on a certain day is called rhyme generation.

  (End of this chapter)

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