Cicada Moving

Chapter 1213: Fighting with roommates

Chapter 1213: Fighting with the same roommates

 One night in January 1941, in the lobby on the first floor of the Northwest Office in Hongyanzui, "Xinhua Newspaper" and the staff of the office were celebrating the third anniversary of the founding of "Xinhua Newspaper", and the scene was full of laughter.

Northwest has always attached great importance to publicity. Only by letting most people know about Northwest and Northwest's political ideas can more people be attracted to join Gueming.

 The "New Hua Bao" is an invisible sword inserted in the heart of the enemy in the northwest.

In the words of someone from the northwest, if we don’t occupy the public opinion position, the enemy will occupy it.

Under the guidance of this idea, the work of "Xinhua Daily" in recent years has been very effective. Using words as a weapon, it has effectively countered various false statements made by the Kuomintang Party, and has received many commendations from superiors.

Looking at the smiling staff, Shuji's eyes showed a hint of worry. The information sent by "Mr. Li" has been sent to the northwest, but the situation in Anhui Province is still not optimistic.

The reasons are: First, the situation between the enemy and ourselves in Anhui Province and its surrounding areas is complex. Our own troops, the Fruit Army, the guerrillas under various banners, the Zhongjiu Army, the Puppet Army, and the Japanese Army are intertwined. The slightest carelessness will trigger a chain reaction. .

 Second, some people are lucky and lack sufficient vigilance against the Kuomintang. Even if they have clear information, they still do not believe that someone would dare to risk the disapproval of the world and do evil to one's own troops.

Three, the recent weather in Anhui Province has been rainy, and our own troops have a large number of non-combat units. The northward movement is very slow. Once attacked, the consequences will be very serious.

Therefore, after receiving the information, he immediately went to the Huangshan official residence and tried to resolve the matter through political means.

But someone swore to him that the government had no plan to encircle and suppress him, and that he would continue to "trust" Northwest.

Just as Shuji was deep in thought, the confidential officer on duty hurried down from upstairs, holding a telegram in his hand, with a look of sorrow and indignation on his face.

Shuji had an ominous premonition, so he took the telegram and read it quickly. The contents above made the old underground man who had never changed his face after the collapse of Mount Tai became furious and cursed shamelessly.

The staff who noticed this scene stopped talking one after another, and the office became extremely silent. The sound of sirens in the distance came faintly from the window, making the atmosphere in the room more solemn.

“Comrades, I have some bad news to tell you.”

 The bookkeeper walked to the middle of the room, holding the telegram in his right hand, with red eyes, looking around and announcing in a deep voice.

“Not long ago, the reactionaries launched a shameless sneak attack on our troops in Anhui Province. The enemy dispatched tens of thousands of people, and the comrades in Anhui Province were fighting fiercely with each other.”

There was an uproar in the hall. The enemy really took action. Everyone was shocked at first, and then angry. A rage of anger grew stronger and stronger in their hearts, and soon reached the edge of explosion.

At this time, the chandelier above the head suddenly went out, and bursts of laughter could be heard behind the heavy blackout curtains. It was obvious that the blackout was also caused by agents of the Fruit Party.

There are many young people on the scene. It is when they are easily impulsive. How can they bear it when encountering such a thing? They immediately want to rush out and argue with the agents.

Shuji realized that this was the enemy's conspiracy and immediately spoke out to stop them. Standing in the darkness, he said something meaningful with an extremely firm tone.

 “Darkness is temporary, light will definitely come!”

 The staff members regained their composure after hearing this. A member of the "Xinhua Newspaper" suggested that the crimes of the reactionaries should be exposed to the world, so that all the people would know what someone had done, and fight back against the Kuomintang through public opinion.

The method was good, but if the party could not let the "Xinhua Newspaper" criticize the government, it would definitely try its best to conceal the facts. The secretary thought for a while and returned to the office to write an article and make some arrangements.

 For example, if important files are sent to the northwest by secret code, burn all the bottom files after sending;

 Or write down the passwords that must be saved on tissue paper so that they can be destroyed at any time;

 Another example is installing a stove on the roof of the building to burn confidential materials such as code books when necessary.

 After doing this, what should we do next? The office must follow the instructions of Northwest. This matter is related to the overall situation and needs to be decided by someone with weight.

At the same time, Dai Chunfeng's proud laughter rang out in the office of the Director of Military Command. As soon as the detailed battle situation in Anhui Province was sent, he called his proud disciples to share his "joy."

 “Shen Zhi! Great joy, great joy!”

Dai Chunfeng waved a telegram in his hand and jumped around the room excitedly, as if there were springs under his feet, and he did not forget to introduce the situation in Anhui Province.

“There were about 9,000 troops directly under the anti-bandit military headquarters. They moved northward under the leadership of many bandit leaders. When they arrived in the **** area of ​​Anhui Province, they were suddenly attacked by about 80,000 people from 7 divisions of the Guo army and were immediately defeated.

I think it won’t be long before the underground party troops will be completely wiped out. This is a great victory, a crucial victory. To be sure, the leader has personally sat in the military headquarters and remotely directed the frontline operations. "

Hearing what Lao Dai said, Zuo Zhong felt heavy in his heart. Even with the information, under the influence of various unfavorable factors, the incident still happened.

He silently hid his disappointment, grief and anger in his heart, and echoed with a smile: "Teacher, our military commander has achieved great success this time, all thanks to your strategic planning and proper command. The students admire him very much."

Dai Chunfeng laughed loudly, raised his right hand and shook it, then sat down on the sofa and began to be modest.

"Don't say that. This is a wonderful commission plan. I just did some trivial work. Don't put a high hat on my teacher, hahahaha." Zuo Zhong smiled awkwardly but politely, My heart said before you say this, could you please put away the little tongue in your mouth?

Just when he was about to send another horse P and get some information, Lao Dai looked serious and spoke again.

"Shen Zhong, now is not the time to be happy. The leader has decided to declare the underground party troops in Anhui Province as rebels in tomorrow's "Central Daily News" in the name of the National Military Council, cancel their designations, and transfer the main military officers to Handed over to court martial.

Various newspapers in the mountain city will also jointly publish news and distribute relevant current reviews. The Press Inspection Office, the Military Police, the Central Military Commission and we will send personnel to the newspaper offices to supervise the layout and printing of newspapers to ensure that public opinion is beneficial to the government. You will read it later. one look. "


Zuo Zhong stood up and gave the order. This task cannot be shied away from and must be readily accepted.

 After saying that, he sat down again, with information about the Press Inspection Agency appearing in his mind. He couldn't help but laugh a little when he recalled how some people in later generations praised the Kuomintang's "freedom of the press."

In the 17th year of the Republic of China, the Kuomintang Party authorities established a news and publicity censorship system, and successively formulated and promulgated the legally binding "Regulations for Guiding Party Newspapers", "Regulations for Guiding General Publications", and "Regulations on Censorship of Publications".

 According to the provisions of these three regulations, all newspapers and periodicals must absolutely abide by the principles and policies of the Communist Party of China, and must submit to the review of the Central Party Committee and local Party Committees.

The promulgation of these three regulations is the beginning of the Kuomintang Party's implementation of the news management system. Its purpose is to eliminate all propaganda that is not conducive to the Kuomintang Party's rule, and marks the initial establishment of the Kuomintang Party's news censorship system.

In the 18th year of the Republic of China, the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of China passed a special "Regulations on the Examination of Printed Materials" based on the above three regulations.

The regulations clearly stipulate that all seven categories of promotional materials, including newspapers and newsletters at home and abroad, must be reviewed by the Central Party Department and the Propaganda Department of Party Departments at all levels.

In the 21st year of the Republic of China, the Kuomintang Party further changed the post-publication censorship system to a pre-publication censorship system, and successively established press censorship offices in important cities such as Shanghai, Jinling, and Jiangcheng, which were staffed by the local party, government, and military. The organization is composed of personnel.

Soon, the government extended this system to books and magazines. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, in view of the "wartime status", the Kuomintang Party legitimately issued a series of wartime news censorship laws.

So, where do those people have the nerve to say that the Communist Party has "freedom of the press"? Is it just because newspapers can publicly scold someone?

 That's because the Party's execution ability at the grassroots level is too impressive. It's not that they don't want to control it, but they can't control it, especially private newspapers located in the concessions, which are beyond the reach of institutions such as the Press Inspection Office.

Thinking in his mind, Zuo Zhong asked Lao Dai how far the news control should go this time, and whether secret surveillance or sanctions should be implemented on sensitive personnel.

The so-called sensitive personnel refer to celebrities who sympathize with the underground party and support cooperation in the fight against Japan. Among them are not only people without party affiliation, but also members of the fruitful party.

Dai Chunfeng was very satisfied with Zuo Zhong's sensitivity in struggle. After thinking about it carefully, he said that he should keep an eye on the newspaper office first and not move, so as not to cause trouble.

 After all, once the incident in Anhui Province breaks out, the whole country's attention will be focused on the mountain city. If the incident gets serious, military reunification will become the target of public criticism.

After hearing this, Zuo Zhong nodded in agreement and asked a question in a low voice: "Teacher, do you really think that news control alone can silence the underground party?"

Dai Chunfeng frowned. He naturally knew it was impossible. This was not the first time that news control had been implemented, but it had worked before. The underground party was by no means so easy to deal with.

Lao Dai glanced at Zuo Zhong and asked in a deep voice: "Shenzhu, if you have anything to say, just say it. You and I, master and disciple, should know that everything should be said without hesitation."

"Okay, teacher." Zuo Zhong replied respectfully: "Students think that supervising editing and printing is not a good job. We must be prepared for news leaks. Let the Press Inspection Office and the Central Unification Committee take the lead in this task. Let's sit down Watch the fight between the mountain and the tiger."

Dai Chunfeng thought about it and had no objection. With the merits of cooperating with the front line, the military commander was enough to deliver a message to the leader, and there was no need to take any more risks.

  It's just a matter of whether the Zhongtong is a tiger or a lost dog.

After thinking about it, Dai Chunfeng mentioned a more important thing: "The person from the Northwest Office went to Huangshan's official residence two days ago, and he actually had all the information about the siege.

 The committee was furious and demanded an internal investigation after the battle. Considering the large number and high level of people attending the meeting, the leader specifically ordered your general.

 Shen Zhong, you have to handle this case carefully. You must dig out all the moles in the underground party to prevent intelligence leaks from happening again.

I heard that on the night of the meeting, some dissidents forced their way into the Northwest Office and finally escaped. They were extremely arrogant. The people of the Central Unification Committee are really a bunch of trash. I think I might as well follow this line to investigate. Check it out. "

 Speaking of this, Lao Dai thought of someone getting angry when giving an order, his expression became serious, and he arranged everything in detail, and Zuo Zhong nodded repeatedly.

The two masters and apprentices discussed in low voices for half an hour. Zuo Zhong left the headquarters with Wu Chunyang and Song Minghao and headed to Minsheng Road, where there are the most newspapers and magazines, to meet with the press inspection office and Central Unification Commissioners.

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