Cicada Moving

Chapter 1220: long distance tracking

Chapter 1220 Long-distance tracking

At the end of January 1941, Baisha Town in Jiangjin County was bustling with people. There was an endless stream of mountain residents and passing tourists, making it very lively.

This small town, 73 kilometers away from the main mountain city, is named after the white sand grains on the nearby river. The town has a long history, with a population inhabiting it as early as the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. After the government moved westward, it became the new site of many schools.

Shancheng Women's Normal School is located here. It is the highest female normal school in the Kuomintang-controlled area. It adopts a four-year academic system, has several majors, and has thousands of students. It is well-known in the academic circles of the Republic of China.

Contrary to its reputation, the buildings of the Women's Normal School are extremely simple. The school buildings are just a few newly built buildings with mud walls in a farmland. They don't even have walls, which greatly facilitates the investigation work in one area.

On a hillside outside Baisha Town, Wu Chunyang, dressed as a local resident, walked into a small courtyard with a basket on her back. From here, she could clearly see the Women's Normal School at the foot of the mountain, and even the girls' dormitory.

In the courtyard, Wu Chunyang put down his backpack and walked to the surveillance personnel. He took the telescope from the other person's hand, looked down the mountain through the surveillance hole on the wall, and asked softly.

 “The target’s current location and whereabouts today.”

“I’m in the leftmost classroom on the second floor of Teaching Building A.”

After answering, the surveillance officer opened the surveillance record: "At 7:15 this morning, the target got up and took a shower. He had verbal communication and physical contact with three people. The names of these three people have been given to the brothers of the Second Division.

At 7:30, the target went to a corner of the garden for morning reading, which lasted half an hour. After he left, investigators lurking in the school as school workers checked and found no suspicious items.

 She went to the dining hall for breakfast from 7:40 to 8:00, had classes from 8:05 to 11:00 noon, and had lunch from 11:05 to 11:35 noon.

From then until 4:30, the target was either resting in the dormitory or attending class. People who had contact with her during this period were handed over to the Second Division for background checks.

By the way, at 1:45 in the afternoon, the target went to the teacher's office and made a phone call. The person on the call was her mother. We have recorded the content of the call, and the analysts are working on it. "

Listening to the report from his subordinates, Wu Chunyang pointed his telescope at a classroom and quickly found Zhong Xiao among more than 20 students.

I have to say that Zhong Xiao’s appearance is very outstanding, even in the normal school where all female students are, she is one of the best.

She is seen in the telescope wearing a plain school uniform, with her long hair in long braids. When she turns her head, she inadvertently reveals a pair of bright eyes. She has fair skin, a tall figure, and is full of vitality.

Wu Chunyang was even more suspicious. With Zhong Xiao's appearance and family background, why would he fall in love with the humble Bian Jichao if he couldn't find any man.

Being able to become a leader and guard, Bian Jichao's appearance and height are not bad, but they are not good either. At most, he is average.

 How a lieutenant officer with an average family background, an average future, and an average appearance could win the favor of a lady from a wealthy family is so strange.

Looking at the smiling Zhong Xiao, Wu Chunyang handed the binoculars to the others and asked a question: "What was the target's reaction after seeing Bian Jichao's note?"

"There was no response. As Comrade Bian Jichao, we sent the note to her. She read it and thanked her without asking about the specific situation." The surveillance officer answered truthfully.

Wu Chunyang lowered his head and thought for a while, then came into the room, put on headphones, and listened to the phone recording.

In the recording, Zhong Xiao asked about the health of his mother and father, and asked about the current situation of his brother and sister. Finally, he said that he would return home tomorrow to celebrate the Lunar New Year with his family.

Even if the New Life Movement advocates celebrating New Year's Day instead of the Lunar New Year, thousands of years of tradition are not easy to eliminate. The Lunar New Year is still one of the most important festivals for the people of the Republic of China, so Zhong Xiao's behavior is normal.

 Putting down his headphones, Wu Chunyang squinted his eyes. Judging from the current investigation results, the target was not suspicious in the school, so could the problem lie outside the school?

If he were an enemy, he would not choose to conduct espionage activities in the school. There is no free time in the school and there are many people, so it is difficult to ensure safety.

After thinking about it again and again, Wu Chunyang picked up the phone and called back to the headquarters, redid the situation to Zuo, and asked for additional manpower. He wanted to follow and monitor Zhong Xiao throughout the entire journey back home.

It is more than 70 kilometers from Baisha Town to downtown Shancheng City. Such a long route passes through many market towns along the way. The operation will inevitably require a large number of manpower and vehicles, which is beyond the authority of his director.

Zuo Zhong did not hesitate. Not only did he agree to his request, but he also sent Gui Youguang's special operations team to cooperate with the operations.

 That night, Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang drove back and forth several times on the main highway between Shancheng and Baisha Town to survey the route and formulate emergency plans.

To be sure, hundreds of agents were ambushed along the way in small groups. Once Zhong Xiao suddenly changed his route, the nearest group could be activated at any time to ensure that he would not lose track of the target.

 Eight o'clock the next morning.

The gate of the Women's Normal School was crowded with people. Female students who were local or closer to home walked out of the school gate one after another, took the roller skates or walked back home, and Zhong Xiao was among them.

Unlike other students, the Zhong family sent a brand-new Buick car to pick them up. After Zhong Xiao got in the car, he took out a camera, leaned out of the window and clicked the shutter around him.

 One of the agents responsible for tracking did not dodge, but naturally avoided the front and only faced the other person with a side face, so as to avoid leaving a frontal photo and at the same time not arouse the target's suspicion.

 Normal schools in the Republic of China provided free food and accommodation. Most of the students were children from ordinary families, but there were also children from rich families. Therefore, it was not conspicuous for the target to carry a camera. It was just why he took the photo at this time. Wu Chunyang looked solemn on the top of the mountain in the distance.

“Chunyang, the little girl is interesting. Are you exploring the path, or have you discovered something (detective personnel)?”

Standing next to Wu Chunyang, Gui Youguang wiped his head and asked, his mouth full of slang and his arrogant face, he looked like a king of the mountain.

Wu Chunyang ignored him and watched the Buick drive eastward. He said to follow him, and after that, he took the little agent down to the highway and got into the car, hanging far behind the Zhong family's car.

 Along the way, the brand-new Buick did not stop for a moment, and Zhong Xiao and the driver in the car did not throw away anything outside the car, and drove straight to the mountain city. After following this for several miles, Wu Chunyang's car turned into a side road and Gui Youguang's car changed to continue following.

Over the next few dozen kilometers, the agents used cars, trucks, and even bicycles on some sections where road conditions were poor and cars were slower to monitor the target's every move.

Not only were there cars following behind, but there were also spies secretly observing at the tea stalls on the roadside and in private houses, with pairs of sharp eyes always keeping an eye on the road.

 There are even special agents driving in front of the Buick, turning or parking after arriving at the predetermined location, and handing over the tracking task to the next wave of operators. The whole process is as smooth as clouds and flowing water.

On the dusty road, the agents constantly made subtle adjustments to their actions based on the situation on the scene. Plans are plans, and there are always various problems at the scene. The agents in the tracking vehicles issued orders to the drivers from time to time.

“It’s three kilometers. This road is too straight. It’s a little conspicuous if you follow it any further. We’ll leave at the next intersection.”

 “Close the distance and don’t follow too far, otherwise it will easily arouse suspicion.”

“There is a fork in the road ahead. Reduce the speed and push the target vehicle behind to prevent the other party from turning suddenly and make it easier for other brothers to follow.”

“150 meters, 3 o’clock direction, passers-by beside the stone are raising their hands, taking photos, and sending out signals to make people stare.”

The driver of the Zhong family knew nothing about this. The highway from Baisha Town to the city is part of the Chengdu-Chongqing Highway. There is a lot of traffic and a lot of people. It is difficult for agents who have undergone strict training to be detected.

At noon, the Buick entered the city and turned left and right to the back alley of a large house covering an area of ​​several acres. There was a middle-aged couple waiting in the alley for a long time.

At the entrance of the alley, on the second floor of a red shop, Wu Chunyang, who had changed his clothes, was leaning against the window, staring at Zhong Xiao, and the files of middle-aged men and women appeared in his mind.

These two people are Zhong Xiao's parents. One is the head of the Zhong family, and the other is the eldest daughter of another wealthy family in the mountain city. Both of them have clear life experiences and clean backgrounds.

 According to the investigation, Father Zhong and Mother Zhong have been active around the mountain city since they were born. They have never disappeared for a long time, and there has never been a break in social relations.

After thinking about it, Wu Chunyang called to his men: "Ask the brothers downstairs to disguise themselves and not to say hello to the local police station. The Zhong family is very well-informed."

“Yes, Virgo, the owner of this red shop is one of our peripheral members and is very reliable.” The little agent added after replying.

The so-called red shop refers to a shop that performs painting on white bodies. The craftsman who paints porcelain is called "red shop guy", and the craft of painting porcelain is called "painting red". There are many such shops in the mountain city. shop.

 The reason why I chose to establish a surveillance point here is firstly because of the background of the store owner, and secondly because the red store has the habit of working at night. There is a saying in the southwest that "the man in the red store sleeps in the ashes all day long if he doesn't have a blanket."

With this layer of cover, it is very important for agents to operate here without arousing suspicion when they come in and out at night.

As Wu Chunyang said, the Zhong family has deep-rooted relationships in the mountain city. The most difficult thing about monitoring the Zhong family is not the technology, but how to avoid the countless pairs of eyes around them.

Don't underestimate a wealthy family that has been involved in the local area for hundreds of years. As long as the agents show a slight flaw, people from the police station or servants of the Zhong family will come to "visit" tomorrow.

Hearing Wu Chunyang's instructions, Gui Youguang, who was watching, patted his short coat nonchalantly and answered with a strong accent from Jingzhen, Gan Province.

"Don't worry, Chunyang, no matter who comes to check, we are all real red shopkeepers, and we have all the identity documents and road information."

Jingzhen was the largest ceramic production center in the Republic of China. There were many Jingzhen people engaged in red painting in various places, so it was perfect for agents to pretend to be Jingzhen people.

Wu Chunyang was still a little worried. He personally checked the IDs, clothing and other details of the personnel at the surveillance point. He did not return to the surveillance window until they were confirmed to be correct.

 Zhong Xiao and his parents had already entered the house through a small door. From this, it can be seen that the Zhong family has strict upbringing. Although the female family members can go out, they can only use the back door when they come back.

As for entering the main door, it seems that a woman from such a big family only has two opportunities in her life, one is when she gets married, and the other is when she becomes the first wife and enters her husband's family.

 But the more such a family is, the more they pay attention to being well-matched. Bian Jichao is not qualified yet, so the suspicion of the Zhong family becomes even greater.

Looking at the slowly closing back door, Wu Chunyang suddenly had an idea and thought of another possibility. He immediately rushed to the phone and called the headquarters.

 At the Juntong Guesthouse, Bian Jichao sat on the edge of the bed with a painful expression, holding a pendant in his hand and muttering Zhong Xiao's name.

Just when he was feeling sorry for himself, the door opened with a bang. Gu Qi and Song Minghao walked into the room together. Before Bian Jichao could speak, he took out a photo and asked loudly.

 “Do you know this person?”

Looking at the unfamiliar male face in the photo, Bian Jichao shook his head in confusion. He had never seen this person before.

Gu Qi and Song Minghao's eyes lit up, and they finally caught the fox's tail. Song Minghao sneered at the stupid Bian Jichao.

“Lieutenant Bian, this is Miss Zhong’s father. Why don’t you even recognize your father-in-law?”


Bian Jichao was shocked and stood up. The pendant fell to the ground and was embedded in the photo in the middle of the pendant. Zhong Xiao, who was dressed in white, had a smile as bright as a flower...

 (6.1, both adults and children are happy. I wish book friends who are about to take the college entrance examination a great future - read after the exam)

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