Cicada Moving

Chapter 131: go deep

 Chapter 131 in depth

Zuo Zhong’s eyes widened: “No? Is there drowning fluid and silt in the respiratory tract? This is an important characteristic of drowning. What about the toxicology results?”

Tongsuo, who was eavesdropping on the side, understood why the fat man had such a big reaction. It turned out that someone had drowned. Thinking of eating so much fish and meat just now, he snickered. It was useless, I didn’t care.

Ling Sanping shook his head: "He was indeed drowned. There was drowning fluid in the respiratory tract, but there was no sediment. The toxicology test could only be done partially. The body was not well preserved and no fatal poison was found."

Zuo Zhong frowned. The absence of fatal poison meant that Jin Renjiu was not poisoned and his body was thrown into the lake. But what was the characteristic of drowning?

He had previously observed that Jin Renjiu’s fingernails were very clean, and now there was no sediment in his respiratory tract. This was not consistent with the characteristics of drowning, but strangely, the other characteristics were consistent. What happened?

 Drowning is not drowning?

Zuo Zhong couldn't figure it out and glanced at the lazy Ling Sanping: "What did you mean when you just said there were no visible fresh wounds?"

Ling Sanping clapped his hands: "I knew you would find out. Gui Youguang took some photos. You can take a look at them after they are developed. You will find very interesting discoveries. Once that's done, I'll leave the rest to you."

Yu Xingle looked at Zuo Zhong with envy. He didn't lack the operational talents to kill people in East China, but he lacked all kinds of professional talents. Even the forensic doctors were self-taught. The forensic doctors in the Intelligence Department had something special, and they found out so many situations in one afternoon.

If he also had a professional forensic doctor, he might be able to solve the case without anyone from Jinling Headquarters coming. After thinking about it, Yu Xingle smiled and said, "Chief Zuo, who is this doctor?"

Zuo Zhong didn't know what he was up to, so he quickly said: "This is Ling Sanping, the director of the Medical Clinic of the Information Department. Lao Yu, don't even think about poaching my people. Even everyone in the office has heard of this guy."

Yu Xingle smiled dryly and said: "How can I poach Section Chief Zuo? It's just that there is really a lack of professional talents here. Can you please ask Dr. Ling to simply train a group of forensic doctors for us? Please be careful."

Zuo Zhong was silent after listening. This is not Yu Xingle’s problem alone. Nowadays, all regional stations are short of professional talents. Wei Daming, the telecommunications talent Dai Chunfeng mentioned last time, has already arrived in Jinling.

 The Kasayama Company, which is used to research telecommunications technology, has also begun operations. Although there will be no results in the near future, it has finally begun the first step. Compared with telecommunications, there are fewer forensic and physical evidence talents.

After thinking for a while, Zuo Zhong said: "Let's do this. When I return to Jinling, I will report to the director immediately. Dr. Ling will host a forensic training class. During this time, you can recruit some young people with basic knowledge."

Yu Xingle clapped his hands: "Okay, it's a deal, then I'll prepare as soon as possible. Thank you, Section Chief Zuo."

Zuo Zhong waved his hand: "Hey, it's all for work. You're welcome. Let's get back to the case. Many people don't know the background of Mr. Jin Andong. Lao Yu, please introduce the situation to them."

Yu Xingle nodded: "Jin Andong is the leader of the Korean Restoration Organization. I won't introduce his life. It has nothing to do with the case. He did a big thing in Shanghai last year. You should have heard of it."

Except for Gu Qi, everyone else fell into memories. Many people thought of something in Shanghai and last year. The incident was indeed a big deal, and there were continuous follow-up reports in the newspapers of the Republic of China at that time.

I didn’t expect that old man Jin Andong to be so brave and did things that many people wanted to do but didn’t dare to do. No wonder Jinling paid so much attention to him and sent so many people to protect his safety.

Song Minghao rubbed his forehead: "But it doesn't look like the Japanese did it. If they find traces of Jin Andong, they should kill Jin Andong. Even if they kill Jin Renjiu, they don't have to be so sneaky."

Wu Chunyang also agreed with him: "Yes, if I were a Japanese, I would definitely kill Jin Andong publicly as a warning and revenge. Then would Jin Renjiu's death be related to his mission?"

Zuo Zhong listened to everyone's discussion, lit a cigarette and took a puff: "Jin Andong said that nothing happened to the intelligence agents under Jin Renjiu. This situation has not been confirmed yet, and this possibility cannot be ruled out."

This old guy Jin Andong is very cunning, which can be seen from the fact that he deceived Yu Xingle. If he said from the beginning that Jin Renjiu was a Korean intelligence agent, the bald man might not agree to his request to pursue.

They were discussing here. Tongsuo's head felt dizzy and he muttered: "Are you killing someone? It must be for love, money or revenge."

Zuo Zhong smiled and pointed at him: "This little guy is right. No matter who killed Jin Renjiu, it was only for these three reasons. The property on his body was not lost, so it can be ruled out that others killed him for money.

Deputy Section Chief Gu and Wu Chunyang investigated and found out that the person who called that day was a woman, so the possibility of love-vengeance murder was very high. Considering Jin Renjiu's thin suit, their meeting place was limited. "

Yu Xingle seemed to understand: "You mean they will choose to meet in a warm and private place?"

Zuo Zhong affirmed: "That's what I mean, and it won't be too far from the Jin family. Now I give the order!"

“Yes!” Everyone stood up, including Yu Xingle. Even Tongsuo subconsciously straightened his body.

“District Chief Yu, please cooperate with Deputy Chief Gu to check all restaurants and bookstores within one kilometer of the Jin family, and identify Jin Renjiu’s photos to them. Not only the store owners, but also the regular customers will be asked.”

“Yes.” Yu Xingle and Gu Qi puffed up their chests.

“Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang went around Nanhu Lake to interview fishermen and households. They mainly investigated whether they saw or heard anything unusual before and after the incident. They must not miss a single household. Ask the director to cooperate with you on this matter.”

“Yes.” Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang also raised their chests.

Zuo Zhong was sitting there giving orders, feeling a little proud. This scene reminded him of a certain micro-manipulation expert, so he raised his hands and pressed down: "Everyone, sit down, you will have to work hard next."

 Everyone sat down with cheers. Song Minghao scratched his head and scratched his head anxiously: "Section Chief, what should I do?"

Zuo Zhong had already thought about it: "You go to Jin Andong's house and stay. This old guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp. You have to keep a close eye on him. You must not let him cause anything, such as taking revenge on his own."

Although Song Minghao is not good at writing or martial arts, he is good at observing people's words and emotions. Using him to guard Jin Andong can be regarded as making the best use of his talents. Zuo Zhong always feels that Jin Andong will not be obedient and must be paid close attention to.

Song Minghao said proudly: "Don't worry, section chief, I promise to complete the task."

Just when everyone was about to leave the meeting, Zuo Zhong suddenly said: "Ling Sanping, you are responsible for watching over this guy Tongsuo. Tomorrow he will go to the morgue to see him. Since he is a talent, he must be trained more."

Everyone chuckled, and Yu Xingle looked at the child in surprise. He originally thought he was someone's family member from the Intelligence Department, but he didn't expect it to be a student led by Zuo Zhong. What's so special about this child?

Not only was he confused, but others were also confused. Although Tongsuo helped them complete the mission in Shanghai, it was said that he could be sent to the Hangzhou special training class for training or given to others for instruction. Why did Zuo Zhong let him go? Be around.

But Zuo Zhong didn’t say anything, and they didn’t dare to ask. They only guessed that Zuo Zhong had something planned. The meeting ended, and the intelligence section began to take action early the next morning. The police, under the command of the special agents, knocked on each store and took out Jin Renjiu's photo for identification.

The wind in Jiaxing was a little noisy, and Gu Qi's face hurt from the blow, but he still dutifully supervised the platoon operations. The leather shoes on his feet seemed to be fake, and the cold air continued to seep into his legs.

This is the sixth restaurant they asked about. The boss looked at it carefully with his glasses and shook his head. However, the agents were reluctant and asked the waiter to come over to identify it, but he also shook his head.

Seeing that the agents returned without success again, Gu Qi rubbed his ears and stamped his feet, which were numb from the cold. Finally, he felt blood welling up from the soles of his feet. He thought to himself, what the hell, why is it colder than Jinling.


A car parked next to him, and Yu Xingle was in the car. Seeing Gucci's appearance, he quickly threw a coat out of the car: "Put it on quickly, the temperature here is not low in winter, but it is really cold."

When Gu Qi saw the coat, it was as if he had seen his own mother. His eyes were shining as he took it and put it on his body. He breathed a sigh of relief: "District Chief Yu, I can't imagine how cold it is in the Northeast. You said the Japanese What are you trying to figure out?”

Yu Xingle smiled, took out a metal wine bottle from his arms, took a sip, and then handed it to Gu Qi: "You have never been to the Northeast. It is dry and cold there, there are fire pits in the house, and there is heating in big cities, so it is very comfortable."

Gu Qi didn't care about discipline anymore. He picked up the wine bottle and took a big sip. Then he felt a line of fire running from his stomach to his throat: "Shutan! District Chief Yu, I have to ask you something. Can you allocate some coats?"

As the chief steward of the Information Department, Gu Qi knew that many people did not bring thick clothes for this trip. Now they are walking in the cold wind. If they do not keep warm, they will probably fall ill in less than two days, and then they will be in trouble.

Yu Xingle patted the steering wheel: "Don't worry, Brother Shen Zhong has thought of this a long time ago. I just went to the garrison outside the city and borrowed two to three hundred coats. I'll send you one first, and the others will come later." arrive."

Gucci felt much warmer now: "That's good, but it's a pity that I have nothing now. What do you think?"

Yu Xingle got out of the car: "I went to look when I came back, and no one had seen Jin Renjiu. This is very normal. His identity is very sensitive. Except when he goes to the Northeast to contact intelligence agents, this guy rarely goes out."

Gu Qi looked at the agent walking to another store and frowned. Would anyone notice an occasional customer like Jin Renjiu?

Yu Xingle patted the dust on his body with his gloves, feeling uncertain. Jin Renjiu grew up in China, so he couldn't tell the difference from his appearance and accent. If a foreigner like Jin Andong comes to the restaurant, the boss will definitely be impressed.

After thinking about it, Gu Qi's expression turned firm: "Let's do some platooning first and see the results. I think the section chief will be able to find a solution."

Of course Zuo Zhong knew how difficult it was to find out. He read Jin Renjiu's information several times, put the autopsy photos taken by Gui Youguang on the table, closed his eyes and recalled something.

 After a while, Zuo Zhong opened his eyes and looked at one of the photos with bright eyes, an idea flashed in his mind.

 There is a 500-word extra, "This Life 2", about Zuo Zhong.


“You are committing a crime!”

“I asked you your name!”

“You! Ah!”

The drunkard held a steel bar in his hand, inserted it into the leg of a tied middle-aged man, and pulled it out expressionlessly.


"Wu Qing'an, my name is Wu Qing'an, and I am the president of Qing'an Group. As long as you let me go, I can give you money, really!"

The drunk man didn't say anything, and opened another cut on the middle-aged man's leg. Blood flowed out from the wound.

"Ah! You madman! Why are you asking me? What on earth are you going to do? Please, I can really give you money."

“September 1993, do you remember?”

Listening to the drunkard’s questions, Wu Qingan closed his mouth and looked at the drunkard carefully, showing an expression of disbelief.

"It's you! It's really a misunderstanding, everything is a misunderstanding, I can't say it! If we say it, we will all die."

“Then you just wait to die.”


The drunk man was suddenly woken up by someone, and his partner Lao Gu looked at him seriously: "Drink too much again? How many times? What should I do?"

The drunk man rubbed his eyes and opened the curtains. The sunlight outside was a bit dazzling. He couldn't help but block it with his hands and cursed: "MD, I had a nightmare, it's quite real."

Lao Gu said angrily: "It's really just a dream, Zuo Zhong, I'll give you one last chance."

Zuo Zhong suddenly turned around, his eyes a little more arrogant than before, and pointed in the direction of the door: "Buy me some wontons."

Lao Gu was furious, picked up his bag and slammed the door and went out. After a long time, a voice came from a distance: "Do you want coriander?"

Zuo Zhong smiled (to be continued)



 (End of this chapter)

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