Cicada Moving

Chapter 133: Scars (please vote)

Chapter 133 Scars (please vote)

Jin Andong was confused when he heard this, but he answered honestly: "Mr. Zuo, you should know the special nature of intelligence work. Once Renjiu goes on a mission, he will cut off contact with us until the mission is completed."

Zuo Zhong nodded: "I know. What I'm talking about is whether you have been performing tasks for a long time. For example, you originally came back in a month, but one time it took longer. You must tell the truth."

Jin Andong was shocked. What did Zuo Zhong mean by this? Did he suspect that Renjiu was instigated by the Japanese? This is absolutely impossible. The Northeast Intelligence Network is still safe until now.

He said firmly: "Absolutely not, Renjiu will never betray the Goryeo nation."

Zuo Zhong didn't say much and handed him a photo: "Didn't you check the body when you identified the body? This is Jin Renjiu's autopsy photo. He had many old wounds on his body and marks of whipping on his back. , his chest was hit with a blunt object, and a piece of flesh and blood was missing from his thigh.

These are standard signs of torture. I can’t think of anyone other than the Japanese who would do this. There are some things you can’t accept, but I only believe in the evidence. Combining all the intelligence, Jin Renjiu should have surrendered after being captured and could not endure the torture. "

Jin Andong took the photo with trembling hands and looked at the numerous scars on his son's body. How could this happen? No wonder Renjiu never let anyone enter his room. No wonder Xia Tian was also neatly dressed. But when did all this happen?

After fighting the Japanese for so long, Jin Andong was not a fool. Seeing the tragic images in the photos, he naturally had some doubts. He began to recall the missions Jin Renjiu had performed, and soon thought of something suspicious. .

Jin Andong opened his mouth and said: "At the beginning of this year, I sent him to Tianjin to contact a Korean businessman. This person was closely related to the top brass of the Kwantung Army. We decided to instigate this person. This was the longest mission he had ever performed, lasting three months. There was no contact during this period.”

Zuo Zhong did not expect that their hands were quite long, and asked curiously: "How are you going to instigate that businessman to rebel? Since he has a good relationship with the Kwantung Army, he must have no national consciousness. Am I right?"

Jin Andong nodded: "Yes, but we have a secret that is enough to kill him. He and some people from the Japanese Kwantung Army smuggled ginseng and other precious medicinal materials to you, so..."

Zuo Zhong was in disbelief: "So you use this to threaten? Have you ever thought about where you would go to report him? To the Japanese or to the National Government. Are you not afraid that he doesn't care at all?"

The Korean people are too naive. Ever since there was a country, smuggling has been banned repeatedly. Why? Because the profits are too great. Such huge profits naturally form a stable network of relationships that will not be easily destroy.

Jin Andong said in surprise: "As long as this matter is exposed, the Kwantung Army will definitely kill him and silence him, or at least cancel cooperation with him. For such a money-hungry guy, this will be more uncomfortable than killing him. He can only choose to cooperate."

Zuo Zhong asked a soul question: "Have you not considered that he doesn't care at all?"

Jin Andong was a little unconvinced: "This was a joint decision after the organization discussed it, and it also took into account all kinds of intelligence. It was by no means arbitrary. At that time, Renjiu successfully completed the task. I still don't believe that he would rebel. Those intelligence personnel are still there." ”

Zuo Zhong sighed: "The Japanese are short of money, and we are short of high-end medicinal materials. Do you know how many dignitaries are involved in this business? There must be a reason why that businessman can be the middleman. He is not afraid of your threats.

As for you saying that Jin Renjiu successfully completed the mission, that is because the Japanese want to take a long-term view to catch big fish. Is it because since the mission, you have received a lot of intelligence, but it is of little value. "

Jin Andong was finally no longer so confident, because Zuo Zhong's inference was correct. The lines that Jin Injiu was responsible for had been very active recently and passed a lot of messy information to the Koryo Restoration Organization, but the value was very low.

He had not reacted before, but now after being reminded by Zuo Zhong, he realized the problem. His most valued son Jin Injiu might have betrayed him and the Koryo Restoration Organization. This might make Jin Andong feel heartbroken.

Zuo Zhong looked at him and said calmly: "Don't feel so sad. Your son should have persisted for a long time, otherwise there wouldn't be so many scars on his body, and he should have used his own surrender to exchange for your life. You have a filial piety." son."

 Jin Andong raised his head, tears streaming down his face: "Mr. Zuo, what do you mean?"

Zuo Zhong became a little impatient: "You don't think that the Japanese can't really find you, do you? This is Jiaxing, which is less than a hundred kilometers away from Shanghai. It is not the United States or the United Kingdom. They have locked you in with the intelligence power of the Japanese." Location is easy.”

Jin Andong cried even harder. Zuo Zhong stood up and walked around the room, thinking about a question. If Jin Renjiu rebelled, would the woman he went to see be a Japanese spy? Or would the Japanese kill Jin Renjiu? ?

If he is a Japanese and finally breaks into the top management of the Goryeo Restoration Organization, what he has to do is not to kill but to protect. Intelligence channels are a precious and unreplicable resource. Kim In-goo was definitely not killed by a Japanese. The murderer was someone else. .

Is it possible that the person who met Jin In-jiu was indeed a Japanese spy. The two successfully connected and exchanged information. After they separated, someone else killed Jin In-jiu. But what was the purpose of the murderer?

Glancing at Jin Andong who was crying and convulsing, Zuo Zhong wondered if this had something to do with the Koryo Restoration Organization. If a Korean found out about Jin Injiu's anomaly, for the purpose of protecting the reputation of the organization and Jin Andong, secretly killing Jin Injiu would be the best option. Good choice. The son of a leader of a restoration organization became a traitor. It was too demoralizing.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhong patted Jin Andong on the shoulder: "Mr. Jin, now is not the time to cry. Whoever Jin Renjiu went to Tianjin knows who your son has the best relationship with in the restoration organization."

Jin Andong was a little broken now, and he answered whatever Zuo Zhong asked: "This is top secret. The top management of the organization knows about the businessman, but they don't know who is actually carrying out the task.

Renjiu is not familiar with the people in the organization because he is not proficient in Korean. Many people in the organization think that he is already Chinese. "

 Zuo Zhong understood that Jin Renjiu did not have any prestige in the restoration organization and was just a simple tool. There was little hope of internal investigation. He still had to find the woman who was suspected of being a spy.

but not but how the investigation in the restaurant and bookstore went.

If you can catch a rabbit and fish out this woman, half of the case will be solved, and there will be no need to pay attention to the other half. The Japanese spy killed Jin Injiu inhumanely. What a perfect and reasonable reason. Zuo Zhong is not the biological father of the Korean people. Finding the real murderer has nothing to do with him. It is interesting enough to help them find the danger hidden around them, and everyone can accept this result.

Zuo Zhong handed the roster to Jin Andong: "Mr. Jin, please keep today's conversation confidential. We will not target your intelligence personnel. Now please mark the intelligence channels that Jin Renjiu has contacted. These people can give up. "

 It is cruel to let an old man who has suffered so much do this, but a good person cannot be a good agent. When necessary, he can be a moral model or a hard-hearted bad guy.

After a while, Zuo Zhong took the roster and left. Jin Andong, who was a little arrogant before, bowed and said goodbye when Zuo Zhong left. Song Minghao didn't dare to ask anything about what happened between the two.

When Zuo Zhong left Jin's house, he saw Mrs. Jin and Fu Ling basking in the sun in the yard. Mrs. Jin was sitting on a stone bench and humming an unknown ditty, which sounded like a Korean children's song.

 “A poor man.” Zuo Zhong said to himself.

Fu Ling walked up to him and whispered: "Section Chief, I think Mrs. Jin's mental state is not very good. She cried all night last night holding a baby's clothes. I tried to persuade her several times to no avail."

Zuo Zhong sighed: "The pain of losing a child is not easy to get over. You have to prevent her from committing suicide, otherwise it will cause trouble again and again. If you really can't bear it, ask the East China District to dispatch some female spies."

Fu Ling looked back at Mrs. Jin: "Okay, there are several female spies in the East China District who are from special training classes. I will apply to the person in charge here. Section Chief, do you have any clues?"

Zuo Zhong shook his head: "We don't have any clues yet, so I'll have to work hard for you these days. I'll leave first."

 After finishing speaking, Zuo Zhong walked out of the door. He Yijun was standing by the car waiting for him. The two got into the car one after another. Zuo Zhong said to the driver: "Go to the police station."

The car was speeding on the road, and Zuo Zhong began to think. The key to catching the woman who was suspected of being a Japanese spy lay in the two words Jin Renjiu said when he answered the phone: It turns out it's you, so let's meet at the same place.

Zuo Zhong always felt that there was something wrong here. He frowned and thought hard. He didn't even know that the car had arrived at the police station. The driver had to look at He Yijun cautiously.

He Yijun knew that he was thinking, so she motioned to the driver to get out of the car first. She sat in the car with Zuo Zhong. They sat there for more than an hour, until Zuo Zhong's feet were numb from the cold.

“Yijun, why didn’t you call me?”

He Yijun smiled and said: "It's okay, Brother Zuo, did you think of something?"

Zuo Zhong helped her open the car door: "I thought of some strange places, but I just can't think of anything strange. I can't rush this matter."

As they talked, the two walked into the director's office and found Ling Sanping and Tongsuo drinking tea here. The stove was burning brightly and there were a few sweet potatoes on it. It was really unreasonable.

Zuo Zhong knocked Tongsuo on the head: "Didn't I ask you to see something? Why did you come here to eat roasted sweet potatoes? Did you find someone to read your book to you? This matter is very important."

Tongsuo twisted his neck: "Isn't it just a corpse soaked in water? It's not like I've never seen it before. What you gave me was a Buddhist scripture. What's so good about it? It makes me dizzy."

 “Just listen to me, no nonsense.”

After Zuo Zhong finished speaking, he looked at Ling Sanping who looked calm: "Is what he said true? Did he really not vomit?"

Ling Sanping was expressionless: "I did go and see them. I didn't vomit. I heard that I saw a lot of them when I was escaping."

It turned out to be like this. Zuo Zhong sat down by the stove to make a fire and snatched the two largest sweet potatoes. He and He Yijun ate them one by one. Their bodies felt warm. Zuo Zhong started thinking again in his mind, which he couldn't understand before. things.

Tongsuo saw that two of the sweet potatoes he had worked so hard for were taken away, and they were still the two biggest ones. He muttered: "If you want to eat, go find it yourself. What's the point of taking mine? Where are you two going?" Why come back? It’s like being reincarnated as a starving ghost.”

 Where did you go?


Zuo Zhong felt like he was struck by lightning. He finally knew what was wrong with Jin Renjiu's two sentences. He should have thought of such a simple truth long ago.

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 (End of this chapter)

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