Cicada Moving

Chapter 156: Party Headquarters Investigation Office

Chapter 156 Party Headquarters Investigation Room

How to find out the flaw in the other party's heart? Zuo Zhong thought for a long time, collected the information and walked out of the study. He needed to change his mind, otherwise his mind would be filled with Amitabha and he would not be able to think at all.

Turning around, Zuo Zhong came to a familiar place. In his memory, he often played here when he was a child. The shiny paint and the sculptures exuding the scent of wood made him linger. Now it is a little old, but the cleaning is still good. Calculating it was clean, he walked in slowly and turned on the light.

A statue of a bodhisattva with a compassionate face stood in the middle of the house. The altar and futon were full of traces of time. Zuo Zhong knelt on the futon with his hands clasped together and prayed devoutly. He added another stick of incense to the incense burner and stood there thinking about something. What.

I don’t know how long it took, but the sound of footsteps outside woke Zuo Zhong out of his memories. He turned around and saw that it was his grandfather Zuo Xuechen.

Zuo Xuechen couldn't sleep tonight, so he went out for a walk, and saw the lights on in the Buddhist hall where his late wife loved to go when she was still alive. When he came in, he saw Zuo Zhong in a daze here, thinking that his late wife's favorite was this grandson, his face showed Feeling emotion and sadness.

 “Miss your grandmother?”

“Yes, Grandpa, I still think of the scene when I was playing here when I was a child.”

Zuo Xuechen looked at his grandson's embarrassed look and laughed: "You were so naughty back then that you almost pushed the Bodhisattva down, but you made your grandmother very angry. Now more than ten years have passed in a flash."

 Smiling, Zuo Xuechen stroked the wooden fish and rosary beads placed on the table, which were left by Zuo Chong's grandmother. It seemed that time had stopped here, and slowly, his eyes turned red.

Upon seeing this, Zuo Zhong knew that he was missing his deceased grandmother, and hurriedly walked over to help him: "Grandpa, please go back and rest, and take care of your health. Our whole family will go to see grandma together during the Spring Festival."

Zuo Xuechen pinched his hand, his face returned to calm, and he nodded: "Okay, remember to go to the temple to pray for your grandmother. I hope she will bless our family and home in heaven."

Zuo Jian nodded and said, "Then I will accompany my mother to the temple tomorrow. My grandson remembers that when his grandmother was alive, her favorite place to go was the Tiantong Temple outside the city. She said that the master there was profound in Buddhism."

“That’s right, don’t forget to add some money for the sesame oil to the temple. I don’t believe this. Besides, I have to go to Beilun with your father tomorrow to see it, so I won’t go.” Zuo Xuechen sighed.

After sending the depressed Zuo Xuechen back to his room, Zuo Zhong reported it to his mother, Mei Huizhen. Mei Huizhen was naturally filled with joy. She was also a not-so-devout Buddhist believer.

But when they set off early the next morning, Zuo Zhong discovered that the whole family was out. Zuo Jun and Zuo Duo were playing around with the car using non-standard grappling movements, and his mother helped his father sort out his clothes.

“Father, aren’t you and your grandfather going to Beilun today? How come you have time to accompany us to Tiantong Temple?” Zuo Zhong looked puzzled. He knew that now was the critical moment for the Beilun Port plan.

Zuo Shanwen said with a smile: "Your grandfather has decided, you can go to the port anytime."

Zuo Zhong didn't say anything. He guessed that his grandfather missed his grandmother. He might have stayed up all night last night. When Zuo Xuechen walked out of the house with a tired look on his face, he was even more sure of his thoughts.

Zuo Zhong hurriedly walked over to support him and whispered comfort: "Grandpa, you'd better stay at home and rest more. We can go."

“Okay, let’s go as a family, otherwise if we go down and see her, we’ll blame me again.” Zuo Xuechen muttered and got into the car directly. "

The three members of Zuo Zhong's family looked at each other and reluctantly got into their cars. Then seven or eight cars filed out of the back door. Naturally, so many cars were not for show, but because this time out, all the personnel from the intelligence department staying at Zuo's house were gathered. And out.

The current situation is very complicated. The party investigation office, the Japanese, and even the Zhejiang Caogang gang all have reasons to attack Zuo Zhong. Unknowingly, Section Chief Zuo has reached the stage where he has enemies all over the world.

The convoy drove towards the foothills of Taibai Mountain in the east of Ningbo. The common people looked at this magnificent convoy with an expression of envy. The life of the rich was comfortable, but they still had to live. After they were envious, they went to work on what they were doing. matter.

However, a few people among the crowd of onlookers quietly got into a car and followed Zuo's motorcade from inside the city to outside the city, and then from outside the city to the wilderness. Their tracking actions were very professional and skillful. Unfortunately, It's of no use.

There were only a few cars on the road, and the extra one was very conspicuous. This kind of clumsy tracking would definitely not be hidden from the Intelligence Section. Gui Youguang checked the direction and looked behind him with the rearview mirror: "Section Chief, the tail is still there. , do you want to interfere?"

Zuo Zhong tilted his head slightly and noticed that there seemed to be a lot of people in the vehicle behind him. He thought for a moment: "No need to interfere, just send a signal for everyone to stop and see who they are and what they want to do."

Interference and tracking are too professional. If the other party is an intelligence officer, they will find out at a glance that there is something wrong with these "guards" of the Zuo family. The counterattack should be simple and crude, so as to be real enough.

Gui Youguang nodded, stretched his left hand out of the car window, and patted the car door three times. The agents driving in front and behind noticed the signal and slowed down the car slowly. The convoy finally stopped on the side of the road.

The armed agents got out of the car and stood behind the engine, loaded the Thomson lightly, and looked coldly at the approaching car. If the other party acted aggressively, they would not hesitate to shoot.

“Sister Yijun, have you arrived at Tiantong Temple?” Zuo Duo was sleepy, she had just fallen asleep in the car.

"It's okay, you can continue to sleep." He Yijun pressed Zuo Duo's head down, put his right hand on the pistol, and whispered to Mei Huizhen: "Auntie, if something happens later, you can hide behind me."

Zuo Xuechen and Zuo Shanwen were also nervous in the car. The agents in the car didn't know how to deal with it, so they had to look at Ling Sanping who was accompanying them. After all, he was a stock-level cadre and could be considered a commander. Ling Sanping rolled his eyes and said, "Look what I'm doing. Don't open the window or get out of the car. Who knows if the other party has an ambush. We should stay the same to cope with all changes. We have many people and they are afraid of us."

Just as he said, the car panicked after the Zuofu convoy stopped, but now it was too conspicuous to stop or turn around, so I hesitated and had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue driving.

Zhou Wenshan, director of the Ningbo Party Headquarters Investigation Office, had a dark face and scolded the driver: "TMD, please stay away. The Smiling Tiger must have spotted you now. Go back and see how I deal with you."

The driver looked at the people of the Secret Service who were waiting in front of him. He almost cried out of fear, regardless of the threat from his director: "Director, let's turn around. I heard that the people of the Secret Service are very cruel."

Zhou Wenshan gave him a slap on the head: "The road is facing the sky, everyone goes to one side. As long as we don't cause trouble, they can do anything to us. You can drive directly over later. Don't stop and don't look around."

 “Yes, Director.” The investigation room agents in the car replied tremblingly.

As the two cars approached slowly, Zhou Wenshan forced himself to remain calm and looked in front of the windshield without squinting. However, when he passed a car, he still saw a smiling man.

A bald man stood on the roadside, looking at him with white teeth exposed. Zhou Wenshan even heard the other person's sneer, which made his heart beat fast, and he coughed twice and turned his head.

 Seeing that the car was about to overtake the Zuo family's motorcade, Zhou Wenshan and his men breathed a sigh of relief. There were many forked roads ahead, and it would be safe to drive into any intersection. It was really blessed by God.

But before they could laugh, a car suddenly rushed out from the front of Zuo's motorcade and blocked the road ahead. Zhou Wenshan's eyesight was very good, and the Thomson in the other car's car scared him out of his mind.

 He shouted: "Reverse quickly! Turn around!"

But after waiting for a long time, Zhou Wenshan found that the driver did not listen to his order and stopped the car instead. This made him furious. When he looked back, he found that the back road was also blocked by cars.

Zhou Wenshan's face suddenly turned pale. This was originally a country road, and the traffic was crowded. Now that they were blocked by people, they could not escape. They just hoped that the Secret Service would be gentler later.

He straightened his collar and said to his already unconscious subordinates: "Don't lose the face of our Party Headquarters Investigation Office. The worst we can do is get a beating. Keep your heads up!"

These words were strong, but his trembling hands betrayed him. Who in the intelligence system didn't know the name of the Secret Service? Everyone has a life on their hands. It was like the reincarnation of an evil star.

Zhou Wenshan became more and more frightened as he thought about it, until he heard a voice outside the car: "Do you want to get out of the car yourself, or let me pull you out? Be very careful, my submachine gun doesn't recognize people."

The expression on Zhou Wenshan's face was very wonderful. He suppressed his fear and smiled. He slowly turned around and saw the bald man from before. The Thomson in his hand was pointing at his head.

"Brothers, don't shoot. You are from the Secret Service. You are one of our own. I am Zhou Wenshan, director of the Party Investigation Office. Don't be impulsive. If we die, you will be in trouble." Zhou Wenshan said threateningly.

 Gui Youguang touched his bald head and said: "You are Zhou Wenshan. You losers have the nerve to talk about your own people. I will give you a chance to honestly explain why you are following our section chief."

Zhou Wenshan kept his mouth shut. He absolutely couldn't say it. If he did, he would die. He was betting that the Intelligence Department wouldn't take action. After all, killing a colleague was not a trivial matter. There were so many people here that it was impossible to keep it secret.

He laughed dryly and said: "Brother, I am here to perform official duties. I accidentally bumped into you. I'm really sorry."

Gui Youguang chuckled and said, "Your most important business today is to receive this beating from me."

He clenched his big fist and decided to teach this **** a lesson, but before he could do anything, Zuo Zhong's voice came from the car behind him.

“Forget it, let them go, let them go back and tell Xu Enzeng, I will take over this matter from Zuo Zhong, let him use whatever moves he has.”

“Yes, section chief.” Gui Youguang replied respectfully.

He looked at Zhou Wenshan with a sinister look: "You heard it, go back and tell your master, our Intelligence Department has taken over his trick, so get out of here."

The cars blocking the road from the Intelligence Section moved back. Zhou Wenshan’s driver turned the steering wheel with trembling hands, finally turned his head, and ran towards Ningbo City, flying in the dust.

Gui Youguang got on the car and patted the roof of the car to signal the convoy to move forward. He turned around and asked, "Section Chief, let's just forget about this? There is no one nearby. What a great opportunity. The person was buried and the car was pushed into the ravine. There is no car and no people. Even if Xu Enzeng knows that it was us, there is no evidence. Do you want me to lead someone to catch up and deal with it now? "

Zuo Zhong put the pistol back into his waist and shook his head: "It's not yet time, don't forget our mission. The Chairman is very concerned about this matter. Drive carefully. We will talk about this later."

 (End of this chapter)

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