Cicada Moving

Chapter 161: Master's virtue

Chapter 161 Master’s Virtue

Zuo Zhong thought about it and decided to list this person as one of the key suspects first. If it turns out to be a misunderstanding, then of course it would be good. If not, he must have a deeper purpose.

Master Hongwu talked for more than an hour at the altar. He stopped temporarily because he felt tired. The young novice monks presented him with water, melons and fruits. The people below also took the opportunity to move around, and Zuo Zhong quietly walked away.

Walking to the side door of the main hall, Zuo Zhong looked around and found no one nearby, so he walked in. As soon as he entered, he asked Gucci: "How was the photo taken? Film is not cheap."

 Gu Qi glanced at his subordinates who were taking pictures and reported: "No problem, we have photographed all these dozen subjects, and there are three special ones."

Zuo Zhong did not expect that Gu Qi also noticed the abnormality of these three people, and waved his hand: "Don't tell me, let me guess, it's Zhan Jing, Ben Zhi and Shen Ku."

Gu Qi knew that they would not be able to hide it from Zuo Zhong, and expressed admiration: "Yes, their reaction is very strange. Section Chief, you are indeed very discerning."

Zuo Zhong ignored the flattery and warned: "Next, focus on the deep suffering of Haichao'an. If this person is a spy, he is a big fish. Maybe we can find more things behind him."

Gu Qi knew the meaning of these words. Relying on his deep position, he was able to get acquainted with the royal relatives in Ningbo and easily obtain important information. However, he did not do so. Could such an abnormal behavior be to hide something? For example, a mission that is more important than intelligence.

 He agreed with Zuo Zhong's judgment and made a suggestion: "Yes, section chief, I know the humble position. Should I ask the brothers who are left behind in Putuo Mountain to pay more attention to this person, and let him go elsewhere as appropriate."

 Put all your efforts on one goal now? Zuo Zhong felt that it was too early. Before he had firm evidence, these dozen people were all suspected, so he must not be careless.

He looked outside and found that Master Hongwu was starting to lecture again, and said, "No, these dozen or so people will be under surveillance. Let the three of us put a few more people there. I'll leave first."

Zuo Zhong walked back to the crowd. Zuo Xuechen put down his tea cup and glanced at him. Since the last time he prayed, his grandson has become more and more mysterious. He doesn't know what he said to Master Hongwu.

Thinking of Zuo Zhong’s occupation, Zuo Xuechen thought it was better not to ask and returned his gaze to the altar.

By the time Master Hongwu finished speaking, it was already noon. The fire-headed monk from Tiantong Temple came out with a load of steaming steamed buns and cabbage soup, as well as stacks of coarse porcelain bowls. This was lunch prepared for the devotees present. , everyone was already hungry and gathered around.

Of course, some discerning families don’t bother to compete for these clear soups. For example, the Zuo family brought an insulated food box filled with meals from the most famous vegetarian restaurant in Ningbo City.

Zuo Zhong was eating while observing suspicious targets. The masters also ate steamed buns and vegetable soup. They did not have high requirements for food, and they ate simple meals with relish.

 Only one monk looked at the vegetarian food on Zuo's table with burning eyes. He seemed to be dissatisfied with the food provided by Tiantong Temple. Zuo Zhong frowned. It was me. Why is this master so strange?

He was vulgar when he first listened to the scriptures, and now he looks greedy for food and drink. But looking at the people around him, it seems that he has been used to him like this for a long time. Could it be that this person is still a living Jigong?

What’s even more interesting is that the information shows that he actually spent some time in Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou. After traveling among the people, he entered Putuo Fodingshan Temple and gradually became a prominent Buddhist monk.

Zuo Zhong found it interesting, but he did not remove this person from the suspicious list. His behavior was not just a disguise. There were many ways to lurk, some were serious, and some were wild.

Just as he was thinking about it, the young novice monk next to Master Hongwu avoided the crowd, came to Zuo Zhong, clasped his hands, and whispered: "Donor Zuo, the host invites you to ask me something, please come with me."

It seems that the old monk is also worried. I wonder how he will behave today. Seeing that everyone is eating, Zuo Zhong quietly leaves with the little novice.

Master Hongwu was resting in the monk's room. When he saw Zuo Zhong, he asked the young novice to leave first and asked, "Donor Zuo, have you found that person?"

Considering that people were going to such great lengths to help him, Zuo Zhong revealed a little bit: "Not yet, there are some suspicious objects. By the way, do you know Master Benzhi?" You are here, just in time to listen to Master Hongwu the opinion of.

Master Hongwu turned his rosary and said uncertainly: "He is an eminent monk from Fodingshan Temple. I have met him several times in the past. He is very knowledgeable about Buddhism. I often gain something from talking to him, that's all."

He knew Benji, a rather strange Buddhist disciple. When he was giving a lecture, he also noticed how lazy he was, but this was normal. Everyone had their own understanding of Buddhist scriptures, and sometimes they didn't care or even objected.

Left Point nodded: "Master, please keep it a secret. The ceremony can be ended on time. We will think of other ways. I will send someone to inform you when we have the result."

Master Hongwu’s face remained as usual, and he recited the Buddha’s name: “I hope that donor Zuo can find that person as soon as possible to eliminate harm to the country and eliminate a hidden danger for our Buddhist sect.”

Once the news comes out that Buddhist disciples are Japanese spies, it will inevitably have a negative impact on Buddhism. It will be beneficial to all parties to handle the matter in a low-key manner.

Is this Master Hongwu’s obsession? Zuo Zhong heard this and said with a smile: "This matter is highly confidential. Even if the target is confirmed, we will pay attention to the method when arresting and interrogating, and we will never cause trouble to everyone." You all know, don’t worry.” “Amitabha, thank you so much, Master Zuo,” Master Hongwu said and closed his eyes.

Zuo Zhong knew that the old monk was about to see off his guests, so he bowed lightly and turned to leave. However, when he walked to the threshold, Master Hongwu behind him said something.

“I hope that the donor Zuo will put the country and the nation first in the future, do less killing, and never do anything that pleases relatives and enemies. If necessary in the future, Tiantong Temple will welcome you at any time.”

Zuo Zhong raised his right hand and waved it, and walked out of the door without stopping. The old monk had his own persistence, and Zuo Zhong also had his own. The methods were different, but the two paths lead to the same goal.

Until evening, the Dharma meeting ended successfully, and the believers left with satisfaction. Only Buddhist disciples and some renovation workers were left in Tiantong Temple, and the copper lock came to the well again.

His eyes were red. He had been smoked by the information department last night. What was even more hateful was that not only the lights in the meditation room were like this, but even the toilet was like this.

"Zuo Zhong, who lacks great virtue, Wang Ba" Tongsuo looked around alertly, fearing that the spies would hear him.

Afraid of what might happen, a figure slowly walked out from the corner. The worker walked to Tongsuo again and started fetching water. He said: "Keep an eye on these three people. Zhanjing of Putuo Zen Temple, Ben of Fodingshan Temple." However, Haichaoan’s Shen Ku, their things have to be checked.”

Tongsuo muttered: "I know, you ask Shen Dongxin to cooperate with me, and he can still succeed."

Stealing things is a technical job, or a division of labor, and no mistakes can be made in any link. Tongsuo and Shen Dongxin cooperated very well, and they were afraid that a new person would bring trouble to him.

The worker didn't say anything. He tapped his finger on the edge of the well to indicate that he had received it, and then slowly disappeared into the darkness. Tongsuo was shocked to see that these people were too shady.

Back in the monk's room, Tongsuo prepared toiletries for the old abbot without squinting, ignoring the three suspicious objects around him. He was self-aware that what he was good at was stealing, not surveillance.

But things did not go as he expected. Master Zhanjing of Putuo Zen Temple suddenly said: "What do you think of the sutras taught by Master Hongwu?"

The only ones around him were Ben Zhi and Shen Ku. Apparently Zhan Jing was asking these two people, and Tong Suo could only keep busy while keeping his ears open.

Master Benzhi of Fodingshan Temple took off his monk's clothes and kicked off his shoes. Suddenly an indescribable smell spread out. He almost fainted from the copper lock. With the added oil lamp, the monk's room was no longer a place for people to stay. .

He frowned deeply and glanced at me, fanned the air in front of his nose with his monk's robe, and said in a deep voice: "It's a great harvest. Master Hongwu is indeed a famous monk in the southern country. I don't know what Master Zhanjing's insights are."

Zhan Jing's face turned pale due to the smoke, but as an eminent monk, he couldn't curse. He took a breath through his mouth and said with difficulty: "I don't agree with Hong Wu's idea. It sounds a bit deviant."

They were stunned for a moment. This statement was a bit rude. They were still in Tiantong Temple. They would be embarrassed if someone heard them. They shouted to the young novice: "Evil Neng, go to the door and watch."

Bronze Suo bowed respectfully and slowly exited the monk's room, standing at the door. The voices in the room were clearly audible. Some of the monks in Putuo Mountain agreed with Hongwu's idea, some opposed Hongwu's idea, and some didn't care.

Tongsuo listened with a trace of ridicule on his face. These masters seemed to be no different from the martial arts masters in the world. They were always unconvinced by their peers. Today he also listened to the scriptures and felt very good.

At this time, the stench maker only shouted: "Don't let me sleep anymore. If you are not convinced, why don't you debate the scriptures with Master Hongwu today? Why are you pretending to be a great monk here now?"

Tongsuo laughed out loud and quickly covered his mouth. The tempers of these masters were not as good as in front of outsiders, especially Zhan Jing of Putuo Zen Temple. It was said that he liked to teach young novices the most.

There was suddenly no sound in the Zen room. Finally, the old abbot of Guanyin Temple said: "Go to rest early and leave early tomorrow morning to go back to Mount Putuo. Otherwise, you will not be able to catch the passenger ship. Come in."

Tongsuo obediently returned to the Zen room, and was staggered by the complex chemical substances. He immediately opened the door without caring about his superiority and inferiority. The cold wind blew in and dissipated the smell.

Originally, he thought he was going to be scolded, but Tongsuo clearly noticed that the old host's frown slowly relaxed, Master Zhanjing let out a long breath, Master Shenku smiled, and only Ben wrapped himself tightly in the quilt.

Grandpa passed away yesterday, so I send them regularly. I will take the time to type on my mobile phone, and the updates will not be interrupted.

When our ancestors pass away one by one, we know that our youth has passed; when our parents have gray hair, we know that we are no longer young;



 (End of this chapter)

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