Cicada Moving

Chapter 165: Military spirit and people's hearts (please vote)

Chapter 165 The military spirit and the people's heart (please vote)

Shen Dongxin squatted outside Haichao Temple, listening carefully to what was going on inside, feeling a little nervous.

Today is the first time for him and Tongsuo to perform a mission here. They are not familiar with the terrain. This situation is time-consuming and the most dangerous. Tongsuo needs to spend time looking for the target's Zen room, and also needs to avoid the monks in the temple. If he is not careful, he will be killed. will be discovered.

Fortunately, just as the evening class at Haichao'an was about to end, a small bald head appeared on the wall, and Shen Dongxin covered his mouth and let out a few crow calls.

 “Quack, quack.”

Tongsuo listened to the unpleasant signal, pushed hard with both hands, and jumped out of the wall. After landing, he did a beautiful roll and hid behind the bunker, leaving not many traces on the ground or wall.

“How about it, have you found anything about Shen Ku here?”

“No, there are no radios, weapons, or small Japanese-style items.”

Tongsuo and Shen Dongxin looked heavy. They had already searched Zhanjing and Benzhi's Zen rooms and belongings, but found nothing. The same is true now for Shenku. Is the above guess wrong?

Shen Dongxin looked at the time and said, "You go back to Guanyin Temple to rest first. I'll report to Deputy Section Chief Gu to see if we can re-set the target."

It's okay not to say anything. When he said rest, Tongsuo breathed a few breaths and didn't even bother to say anything. He waved his hands and left. Only Shen Dongxin was left in the dark night.

Shen Dongxin took out a pen and paper from his pocket and roughly recorded the actions under the moonlight. Memory will be affected by time. Only writing down as quickly as possible can be the most objective and true record.

But as he wrote, Shen Dongxin's ears twitched. Someone stepped on the alarm he had placed outside the safe area. This is the back hill of Haichao Temple. Few people come here. Could the person coming here be a spy? ?


There was another very slight sound. Shen Dongxin took a deep breath, put the pen in his hand, and silently counted the other person's steps to determine the distance until he confirmed that the distance between the two parties was only five or six meters.

He turned around suddenly, threw the pen out with his right hand, stuffed the paper with the action record into his mouth with his left hand, kicked the ground with his right foot and lifted it up, causing a puff of dust to fly up.

The visitor reacted quickly. He tilted his head to avoid the sharp pen, blocked the dust flying towards his face with his hands, and lowered his voice: "It's me, Zuo Zhong."

Zuo Zhong originally wanted to test Shen Dongxin's reaction, but he almost got poked in the eye. It seemed that the French had average skills in teaching war, but their ability in intelligence training was very strong. The alarm Shen Dongxin had just set was very clever. A dead leaf can expose someone, and this can be included in training materials.

Shen Dongxin, who had paper stuffed in his mouth and was about to fight for his life, almost choked to death when he heard this sentence. He took it several times before spitting out the action record. He said angrily: "It's scary to scare people to death." , if I had a weapon you would be dead right now."

Zuo Zhong pointed to the pen on the ground and retorted with a smile: "You don't think that the Intelligence Department can't even figure out whether you have weapons. Put your high-end pen away. It's expensive. Prepare to evacuate. I have it." I have something to ask you."

The two quickly cleaned up the traces of the fight and restored it to their original state. They left Haichao Temple one after another. After entering the road, a car with no lights on was already waiting here. Zuo Zhong got into the back seat, and Shen Dongxin followed. He also got into the car behind him.

“Deputy Section Chief Gu, thank you for your hard work.” Shen Dongxin saw Gu Qi as soon as he got into the car.

Zuo Chong saw that his good friend was beginning to adapt to the work of the agency, and the corner of his mouth raised slightly, and then asked about their actions tonight: "Did Tongsuo find any suspicious items in Shengu's meditation room?"

Shen Dongxin shook his head and expressed his opinion: "There are no problems with the three suspicious targets. I think we should adjust our investigation ideas."

Zuo Zhong was silent for a while and corrected his statement: "It's not that there are no problems, but that no problems were found. In addition to inspection work, what's more important for me to come here this time is to personally contact the suspicious target."

Many clues exist in the details, and he cannot be sure without seeing them with his own eyes.

Gu Qi drove the car and asked curiously: "Section Chief, which target have you decided to contact first?"

Zuo Zhong looked back at the brightly lit Haichao Temple: "Let's start from there. I will visit this eminent monk early tomorrow morning to see how he is suffering."

On the day of the ceremony, he was deeply impressed by the man's motionlessness in the cold wind.

The car returned to the temporary residence of the spies. This is the property of the Zuo family. It is a single-family house with no neighbors around. The roads are well-connected and you can go anywhere in Putuo Mountain. There are no commanding heights nearby for surveillance, which is very suitable for intelligence operations.

When Zuo Zhong got out of the car, he saw a group of young secret agents greeting him with their heads lowered. It seemed that they knew they were afraid. The secret service's military law was ruthless. It was normal to shoot two of those who wavered in the military's morale.

Zuo Zhong didn't speak after he got out of the car. Instead, he circled around the spies. His move made everyone present get excited. If the section chief got angry, it wouldn't be possible without one or two people dying. , some people begin to feel weak in their legs. Zuo Zhong sneered: "Okay, let's make trouble. Why is no one making trouble now? Didn't it say that Putuo Mountain is too remote? Didn't it say that we want to go back to Ningbo? I'm here. If you want to leave, tell me."

 The agents didn't even dare to fart at this time. Being taken away by the section chief meant they were really "leaving".

Zuo Zhong walked up to them and said sincerely: "Some of you captured Kyoko Hirata with me, some of you captured Ichiro Ishimaru with me, and some of you went to Peking together. You know how I, Zuo, treat you." Bar?"

As soon as these words came out, the agents all shouted to show their loyalty, talking about being righteous and noble, and talking about all kinds of flattery.

Zuo Zhong listened, raised his hand to tell them to stop talking, and then said: "I regard you as brothers, but do you regard me as brother? No need to explain, you are trying to undermine me. The importance of this mission I don’t need to explain **** more, right?

From the chairman of the committee to the deputies, everyone is staring at me. The secret service headquarters also wants me to die without a burial place. The investigation room of the party headquarters even wants to investigate me. I have entrusted my life and property to you. You Is this how you repay me?

I know you are not afraid of sacrifice. This has been proven many times. For example, when you captured Fumio Takeuchi, you followed Wu Chunyang and were the first to rush into Yongfa Salty Goods Store; and you, who was slightly injured when attacking the underground factory in Jiaxing. The Wire, right. "

The person named by Zuo held his chest high and looked excited. Unexpectedly, the section chief even remembered it.

Then Zuo Zhong showed disappointment on his face and shouted angrily: "But you are afraid now. You are not afraid of death but are afraid of hardship. Are you, the elites of the party and state, the same as those trash at the secret service headquarters? If you say so, then I will kill you now Transfer away, let’s all be brothers, let’s get together and have a good time.”

The agents panicked and were transferred out of the Intelligence Section. Where could they find such a good job? In fact, most of the people here just made a few complaints. There were not many people who really wanted to cause trouble. Now they are about to be transferred out. Everyone. Everyone looked at those people.

Zuo Zhong winked at Gu Qi and asked him and the others to take note that the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. It is difficult to lead a large team. Such black sheep without collective spirit must be removed as soon as possible.

The removal of a few people will not affect the combat effectiveness of the Intelligence Section. At the same time, Zuo Zhong has no impression of them in his memory. It seems that they are just a few dawdling, so they must be driven away so as not to affect other people.

 Gu Qi nodded slightly to Zuo Zhong. These people were already on his blacklist. He decided to send them to the North China District as soon as he returned to Jinling to make these ungrateful dogs suffer.

  After cleaning up the military spirit, Zuo Zhong met with the agents one by one. There were always omissions in the action records. For example, expressions and movements were difficult to express in words. He hoped to get some clues from oral descriptions.

After summoning everyone, Zuo Zhong closed his eyes and rested his mind. He had received too much information just now and was a little tired, but he did gain something.

According to the spies, Master Zhanjing, the host of Putuo Zen Temple, is a very arrogant person. His arrogance is not directed at anyone. He will look down on you regardless of whether you have money or not.

Unless Zhanjing can be sincerely convinced in Buddhist principles, this person is definitely not a suitable communication partner. The monks at Putuo Zen Temple are also very afraid of this abbot.

The origin of Fodingshan Temple is the most peculiar. He often goes to the surrounding villages to buy wine and meat to eat. It is said that this will definitely be punished, but the abbot of Fodingshan Temple pretends not to see it. The other people in the temple have a good relationship with him, at least the scene is acceptable.

This person has the greatest reputation among the three suspects. This may be due to the popularity of Monk Jidian. Jigong is from Taizhou, not far from Putuo Mountain. He is also unkempt and does not abide by the rules and precepts. The two are very similar.

There are many legends about this person in Putuo, about helping those in need and outsmarting evil gentry and local tyrants. He is like a low-end version of Jigong. When the agents came into contact with him, they thought he was very kind, but he always liked to run around, making those who followed him very easy. tired.

Finally, there is the Master of Deep Suffering from Haichao Temple. This person lives in a simple way and likes to deal with poor people the most. Although his reputation is not as great as his own, he has a great influence among the people. An eminent monk who focuses on the suffering of the grassroots always makes people laugh. admirable.

The agent saw people begging him for blessings. This man had a very good attitude. Not only was he good in attitude, he even confiscated the prayer fee and even put on an amulet. Is there really such a person who does not ask for anything in return?

It's not that Zuo Zhong is shady. As a spy, he has to consider the worst possible angle. His doubts about Shen Ku are getting heavier and heavier, but he just can't figure it out. If Shen Ku is a spy, what is his mission? , what do you want to gain?

Zuo Zhong shook his head and put these thoughts aside. He could not presume guilt in advance. He would have a close encounter tomorrow to see if this person is really that virtuous.

At this time, Gu Qi knocked on the door and came in. With a smile on his face, he said: "Section Chief, the meals you brought have been heated up. The brothers are waiting for you."

Zuo Zhong rubbed his stomach: "Let's go, I'm really hungry. Don't keep everyone waiting. We can make an exception tonight. You go and prepare some wine. Let's relax with a glass of wine for each person. Let's be lenient and strict."

"Okay, I'll make the arrangements. It's really not a problem to be tight all the time." Gucci nodded.

There are still the last few days of this month. Friends who have tickets can support it. If you don’t have one, it’s okay. On September 12, the author’s birthday, there will be an update for all genuine readers.



 (End of this chapter)

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